How would you make a one punch man game?

How would you make a one punch man game?

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by not making it because opm is shit

you don't

You play as King

we just had this thread the other day

You have to dodge attacks to fill some kind of energy meter, when its full you splash him on the walls or something

Pretty sure a musou is the only way to do it properly and i hate musou games. Saitama is just way too strong for a game to be challenging.

Shit taste

Without Saitama.

The show is only good without him around.

yeah true i meant all anime is shit
have sex

Action game like DMC and MGR where you play as either Mumen Rider or Genos. During the game, you'll have a meter and when it's fully charged you can call in Saitama to one shot a group of enemies, but that meter is disabled during boss fights.

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Okay so you have a punching mechanic in the game, right? And you make it so everything dies in one hit. I'm going to call it "single-impact lad"

Yea im thinking a musou with hordes of enemies...

See City of Heroes.

Churazy game as Genos where if you fuck up Saitama comes in and does the job for you.

tatsumaki is the main character, and the goal of the game is to romance fubuki

Nah, Mumen Rider.
Make it a batman clone with a bicycle instead of the batmobile.

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I want all yuri faggots to kill themselves

>3D modeled abs
Source me now

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who is this ab bunny?

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You start out as a random guy and your goal is to become a hero and climb the ranks

the golden smurf is the artist
read the manga bruh

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What's this from?

This would be hilarious.

ironic weeb trash

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Playing as Genos
If you weren’t and you played as Saitama it would basically be a reskin of one piece pirate warriors because there’s just a lot of enemies with low health but it feels like your doing something because of how many there are

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first person vr captain mizuki breeding simulator

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A fighting game where Saitama is a joke character who can't be hurt and is locked in ranked.

>they have been consistently toning down her muscles and will continue to do so until she's just another typical inoffensive rail thin animu girl with goofy hair

Make it a game that isnt about combat but is just about doing the incredibly mundane errands saitama does on a daily basis. Then put in a 1% chance per day for an enemy to spawn to challenge you which you then kill in one hit.

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Its gotta be this. After character creation you start the game as a C rank loser and have to move up. Demon level monsters spring up and you have to help citizens while not dying or just run away like a pussy until you're strong enough to take the. Saitama and the S rank heroes show up randomly to nuke monsters you cant take in over the top anime fashion.

Obviously there has to be some overarching plot but fuck you I'm not a writer.

Murata’s latest goddess.

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>captain mizuki
Wow looks like im catching up on OPM manga again! holy shit famalamadingdongs .w.

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Make a musou game. Saitama will kill everything in one punch, which won't be fun at all but hey people want that. You'll be able to play as Tatsumaki, Bang, Genos, and a lot more to actually have fun and a challenge with.

i want to play as a monster

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Never read/watched OPM, what's the best way to get into it for a pleb?

but Genos is purely a jobber, it should be more like you fight as him until you get to the boss, when you "beat" the boss a cutscene shows you getting btfo and for Saitama to step in and do his thing.

Has Genos every NOT jobbed?

I just watched it but now I’m reading the manga it doesn’t really change the way you experience it but the mangas you can probably get through faster

His wins are off screen.

You create your own hero and rise through the ranks of the hero association.
You only unlock saitama through beating the game. Afterwards you get the newgame+ option where you can play as saitama and just plow through the whole game again in a matter of minutes for shits and giggles.

She has a crush for Mumen Rider

Read the manga.

>You play as a new Hero in the HA, starting from C to S.
>Life sim where you play as Saitama from his first day of training until the last.

You play as Garou and have to beat the heroes, basically like No More Heroes

this might work since he can get upgrades and become stronger in the game, saitama would only be a side character and you could play him in 1 or 2 missions where nothing does any damage to him and he one shots everything

What's with the shrunken head and retarded face

You play as anyone but Saitama in a game similar to Majora's Mask or Dead Rising, in that the game takes place over a set amount of time with a lot of events scheduled to take place in various locations, and your involvement is dependent on being there in time.

But rather than the cutoff point for events being the moon crashing, it's simply Saitama wandering across the event/boss/whatever and effortlessly and quickly demolishing it.

Make a game-exclusive plot where Saitama can no longer kill enemies in One Punch and is weakened by a mysterious power.


So the most boring way to make a video game about it, good job.

>Has Genos ever NOT jobbed?
First episode of season 2

Its just the anime but done with the original production house

depression bar, when it gets maxed out you just give up on life and spend the rest of your days making hot pot and playing shitty video games

depression bar lowers when you manage to prolong a fight despite being able to vaporize everything in one hit

by making it about sonic and genos

Don't even go with an Action-game theme to it.

have it be more like an adventure game where the goals are incredibly mundane, like just getting to the store for a sale or trying to swat a bug. Make his everyday simple shit the game, and then when enemies show up to get in the way? That's when you get the comically timed prompt to just one-punch them and carry on your day.

The idea of it just being a life simulator where the fights are rendered almost entirely pointless for the comedic effect sounds interesting to me.

then if you really want to troll the audience, have the game start with that dream where he's legit fighting and then have him wake up mid fight. And then never come back to it.

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At least you still get to play as Saitama, and by the end of the game you can kill everything in One Punch again.

Make a prequel where you train as Saitama and slowly lose your hair.

It’s a Slice if Life game where, very occasionally, you encounter some hero bullshit and beat it in one punch.
But you basically just live out a slice of life sum of being Saitama

You are the one cool Hero Asociation old man, who is in charge of the Operation for the preparation for the end of the world or whatever he called it when he contacted the S Class.
You have all the heroes under your command, and monsters are attacking the A-Z cities. So you need to deploy the heroes in each city according to the threat levels. Each hero has its own charachteristics along with their Hero class and prepare for the big attacks.
Im imagining either some rts stuff or something like Into the Breach, Idk.

he's a gag character
keeping the gag is essential to the character
stop trying to cheat

you know those segments between missions in No More Heroes? where you do chores? do that here too
also instead of a health meter, you have a bored meter

Meme VN where at at any screen and at any point in dialogue you can punch, completely obliterating whatever is ahead and shifting into a meme ending unless it's at the appropriate time to continue further into the route, there would be many routes.

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make 90% of the game consist of stuff like shopping for groceries, picking up your costume from the cleaners, vacuuming your apartment, et cetera

Tatsumaki dating sim

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I like you

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Without him its just generic hero's and villains fighting for no reason

Its part satire. You totally missed the point. You are an idiot.

she looks too good for a midget.