Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock

>Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock

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Metal Gear Solid 1 is the best MGS.

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I don't give a shit about difficulty settings.
I'll play on what I think is fun, you can play on what you think is fun.

Video games are for enjoyment, not stroking epeen

>Bioshock is a garbage series
>Metal Gear Solid V is the best Metal Gear game
>Persona 4 Golden is better than Persona 5
>Paying real money for digital content was one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming
>Sony is on a path to irrelevancy by supporting censorship

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The vast majority of G rank content is just inflated numbers and endgame super monsters that can cleave off most of your health in single hits aren't fun at all

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>Paying real money for digital content was one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming
This isn't an unpopular opinion.

All the Soulsborne games are good
All the Doom games are good
Nioh is one of the best games released this decade
God Hand has the best hand-to-hand combat system ever created for a videogame
Visual novels aren't videogames and they should be banned from Yea Forums
PC is the best gaming platform but it's understandable why people prefer consoles
Valkyrie Drive > Senran Kagura
Prey 2017 is the best System Shock clone and the true System Shock 3

Not an unpopular opinion at all, bioshock 2 is kino.

that's not unpopular

the best G fights are the monsters that change drastically compared to their LR/HR versions to become crazy without stupid HP bloat or aoe nukes like a lot of recent games have done, shit like G G. Baggi is a great fight because of this

>Sony is on a path to irrelevancy by supporting censorship
False. As long as they have AAA spectacle games like Spiderman, God of War, Horizon, The Last of Us, etc. and FIFA they'll be the dominant platform.
They could rid of all japanese games on their library and it won't affect their position in the market.

Metal Gear Solid 2 is the best mgs

Yukari is the best Persona 3 girl and people only dislike her because she acts like an actual real girl.

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>Star Wars The Force Unleashed has better story writing than Last Jedi and it would've made for a far more interesting lore expansion than what we currently have.

unpopular? maybe. true? absolutely.

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that's not unpopular at all, pretty much anything in the EU including the games has better writing than the new trilogy

WipEOut is better than F-Zero.

I'd argue that Force Unleashed 2 even has better writing.

>Re 2 remake doesn't deserve the masterpiece title
>forgotten a month after release.

I'm disappointed this game wasn't more popular because I want more big sister art.

the non dlc bosses in bloodborne were too fucking easy

All of the Sly Cooper games are good.
Musou spinoffs are more fun than the main games.

i see you're a man of culture as well.

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FU2 was the exact game I had in mind.

But you're right. Bioshock 2 is an amazing game overall.

kh3 is the best in the series after crit

Vice City is the best GTA
Sons of Liberty is the best MGS
Oblivion is the best Elder Scrolls
Super Metroid is the best Metroid
Yoshi's Island is the best Mario

>Vice City
>Super Metroid
I don't think those are unpopular.

none of these are unpopular

>Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock
that's not unpopular, taht is just the truth.

tumblr is cancer but I respect the oldfag fujos who don't care about politics and just wanna see hot guys doing hot shit

kh3 was fun

mgsv was fun

san andreas is the best gta game

user, everything has literally a better story than Last Jedi.

It is, though. Story's slightly weaker than 1 but gameplay is markedly better so it averages out to be superior.

Dark Souls 2 is the best souls game.

>Vice City is the best GTA
not unpopular but fasle, at least gameplaywise.
but ice City has the ebst setting and the ebst story of all the GTA, that's true, that's why a VC remake with the gamepaly of modern GTA will be the best GTA ever.

games are for fun, but you're still a fucking casual pleb

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Firewatch is a good game. The ending is Kino.

SA had the best gameplay, imo, while Vice City had the best setting and story like you said. What are the chances GTA VI will be set in Vice City now that they've already done Liberty City and Los Santos?

Big Sisters are top tier. I can never get enough.



Days of Ruin is the best Advance Wars game by a nearly incalculable margin and absolutely should have been the direction the series went if it hadn't died on the spot.

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isn't the rumor GTA 6 gonna go back to vice city?

>SA had the best gameplay
Debatable, i think 4 had the ebst gamepaly of all GTA, but it lack in content, while SA has the best and most content of all the GTA with a still rough gamepaly.
Put SA content with VC setting in GTA4 gameplay, and we get the perfect GTA.

FFX-2 and Lighting Returns have the best gameplay therefore they are the best Final Fantasy games because Gameplay > All else

Nier Automata is not overrated.

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>What are the chances GTA VI will be set in Vice City
>isn't the rumor GTA 6 gonna go back to vice city?

Onestly, even if GTA6 will be on Vice City, it will be set in contemporary days, ruining the whole feel of the 80s VC setting.

>Resident Evil 4 is good but REvelations 1, The Evil Within and Dead Space are all better
>Bayonetta 2 in on average a better game than Bayonetta 1 despite its lower skill ceiling
>Megaman X6 is alright on replays, and better than X5 ever was when you know what you're doing
>Megaman 2 is very overrated outside of its OST and Megaman 9 is just 2 if it actually was as good as most people say it is
>Fatal Frame 5 is just as good as Fatal Frame 2, the former having the best combat despite dodgy pacing and the latter having the best pacing despite dodgy combat
>Demon's Souls has the best design of any Souls game aside from maybe Bloodborne's DLC

I didn't think of that. You're probably right. ;_;

Dexter did well being set in Miami in the 00s though

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Resident Evil 4 was boring
The early Need for Speed games were the best racing games
Spyro was more fun than Crash Bandicoot

the only thing that made bioshock good was the twist
without the second game is just kind of there

This but unironically

Junko Enoshima is a well written character

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The Banjo games really aren't that amazing, it was the explorable 3d environments that weren't common at the time which was what made it stand out not the sluggish movement and platforming. Now there are 3D platformers that excel at both aspects so there really isn't a reason to revive Banjo unless there were plans to really overhaul the series, Yooka Laylee is evident of this and how lackluster the games really were

>Metal Gear has and always will be trash
>All Souls games and similar games are boring
>TES has always been mediocre but each one has been objectively better than the last
>A game doesn't have to be difficult to be fun
>FF hasn't been good for decades and was never anything special
>A game is absolutely worthless if it doesn't have fun gameplay
>Amazing gameplay can makeup for any other shortcomings a game has
>VNs are not games
>DLC is never inherently bad and is actually good in many cases
>Couch multiplayer>single player>multiplayer with friends>literal real life garbage>massive online communities
>frog and wojack posters have no legitimate opinons and should be permabanned
>smashfags are fucking cancer

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Is it possible for an unpopular opinion to be correct?

Yooka-Laylee is more representative of Tooie than Kazooie. I still prefer the compact size and pacing of Kazooie to not only most modern explorable environments but also the larger, more interconnected stylings of Tooie, and even then Tooie's still better than YL's "take these already arguably too large worlds and make them EVEN BIGGER" approach. YL isn't as good as those games were in the first place but it's not a blatant rehash either so whatever.

>North Korea is Best Korea

Eternia is the best Tales of game
The Spyro game are pretty boring
Sol has the weakest character themes in GG.
SFV is actually a perfectly fine game after AE
FFII on NES is the only bad mainline Final Fantasy game.
Persona didn't need Demons as enemies or negations. Every other SMT game already has demons as enemies. The shadows made Persona feel like it had an identity separate from SMT.

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Zelda 2 is a great game, people just fucking suck at it.

I liked Yooka-Laylee.

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>>A game is absolutely worthless if it doesn't have fun gameplay
>>Amazing gameplay can makeup for any other shortcomings a game has

Fucking this. It's a travesty that this is an unpopular opinion in 2019.

You mean Twin Snakes.
The entire planet can suck my dick on this subject.

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I wish Nintendo would give that formula a second chance.

Quake ruined the game industry by giving the edgy dudebro culture a place in the industry and by reducing videogames to some stupid k/d ratio.

Pokemon X/Y are good

Hard fucking agree. Zelda II still has the best magic system and most satisfying degree of challenge in the series to date, plus it was the first entry to have towns. Shit's crazy how underappreciated is these days. Also the best dungeon theme, but that's just the icing on an already nice cake.

palace theme is the best song in the series period.

>>A game is absolutely worthless if it doesn't have fun gameplay
This is not necessarily true.
>>Amazing gameplay can makeup for any other shortcomings a game has
This is.

Fallout: New Vegas is the most boring fucking ass game ever.

Serious Sam 2 is the best in it's series
Wolfenstein 2009 is the best in it's series
AVP 2 is kinda meh, hasn't aged well
Scum's Wish is a top tier romance anime

Dead space has a strong first half but the second half is takes a dive in quality.

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Okami sucks dick. I was expecting at least an okay game with a neat art style, and I couldn't even get that. People don't actually like the game; they're just hipsters that want something to like that no one's ever heard of.

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>Crackdown 3 is the best game Microsoft has put out in years
>Pokemon X/Y were actually good
>FF2 is easily in the top 3 FF games
>Nier Automata is one of the most overrated games on the past 10 years and only gets praise because "muh robot ass"

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Isabelle is easily the worst Animal Crossing character, Wild World is the best game.

most people that like this game only played through it once years ago. i tried playing it again recently and wondered why i ever liked it in the first place.

>Spiderman, God of War, Horizon, The Last of Us
All trash, but you're not wrong about FIFA

>This is not necessarily true.
Explain then please.

Gran Turismo 4 is a decent game but its concept of "the history of the automobile and racing" falls flat on it's face because half the car list is bloated with 80s-2000s weebmobiles while omitting many key cars throughout history and the series has suffered for it ever since

It's not fun when it's too easy. If winning is guaranteed from the start, you're not really playing a game at all

>Sony is on a path to irrelevancy by supporting censorship
The average consumer who is only playing Fortnite, CoD, God of War, FIFA, or Spider-Man will most likely never experience censorship because it only affects weeb games

>People don't actually like the game; they're just hipsters that want something to like that no one's ever heard of.
It's one of the most highly-acclaimed games from its time and has rereleases on pretty much everything; it's not obscure.

I like GT Sport, but after playing stuff like Forza 4/6 it's really jarring to have a game with so few cars

Doom and Quake are vastly overrated

Not that user, but New Vegas is an absolutely good game that I would argue has atrocious gameplay, but everything else makes up for it

Bioshock 2 would have benefited from not having the tacked-on multiplayer

That's not an opinion, just a 100% fact

I haven't played a Forza game so I can't comment but the nearly 1200 cars in GT6 was way too much. Even if you leave the premiums and semis it's still like 400 cars which i think is about the right amount for a game like that.

at least it was outsourced

I didn't play GT6 since my PS3 was lost while I was moving years ago but i heard it wasn't even as good as 5

Bioshock 2 had multiplayer? I didn't even notice.

I actually really enjoyed bioshock 2, and 1. 3 was hot garbage though, it took me a lot to play it.

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It suffered from being GT5 3.0 with a downgraded single player.

The media sucks the dick of rockstar so hard that when one of their games is coming out I can’t trust any of the prerelease reviews. They all trip over “THE DETAIL” and “THE CONTROVERSIAL STORY/CONTENT” but I don’t care. Is it good? Is it fun? What is the game? Is it a game or just a fucking tech demo prequel?
RDR1 is a far better game than RDR2. RDR2 wanted to be an open ended cowboy survival game but railroads you through missions, it should’ve tried giving you more options. Maybe this isn’t unpopular by itself, but this has basically been a trend since San Andreas. Every one of their games gets lazier and lazier but they cover it up under layers and layers of “detail.” The coverup for RDR2 resulted in massive crunch time development that caused at least a little backlash. I feel like their next game won’t be able to hide anymore, and I hope they get the wake up call.
Tldr fuck rockstar

bioshock 2 multiplayer was kinda fun in it's own way, when it worked.

Pokemon X was great and HGSS is sorta overrated.

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>There will never be another F-Zero because it simply lacks the audience appeal of almost any other Nintendo franchise
>FE should have stayed dead
>HG/SS are massively overrated because not only does it have the same barren post-game but also has the same wonky EXP scaling the remakes all have

Life is Strange is the best game made. Accessible for everyone, unique playthrough for everyone.

if HGSS didn't have the pokemon follow you I think it'd be ranked a lot more appropriately.

Fallout 4 is a great game

AFPS games are boring as fuck to git gud at and are the main reason why they die and will never, EVER make a comeback

Retro FPS-fags are some of the biggest brainlets in vidya and some of the easiest people to trigger. Worse than SJWs.

Terraria is only fun if A) you like Metroidvanias and B) if you don't mind mid to late game grind


Subnautica is an absolute chore to play and loses all sense of fear once you realize how easy it is to run away from everything. Reaper Leviathans still gave me the chills no matter what stage I was at.

Current TF2 is fucking dead and dogshit. I say this as someone who considered it in my top 5 games of all time and favorite multiplayer game at 1 point. Anyone that still plays it today has a varying degree of autism and if you spent any money on it since the 2016 MYM update your opinions are invalid

Halo 3 and MW1-Black Ops 1 were better than TF2 upon it's initial release. Wasn't until 2011-2014 that TF2 became something amazing

How can you say something so wrong in every way?

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>FE should have stayed dead
I really fucking hate it, but I agree. It’s a Frankenstein’s monster that’s been resurrected because of the light dating sim elements in the support convo system.
To all you faggots posting Camilla threads, I just wanna say Three Houses looks like a really bad game and that’s even ignoring the shoehorned high school anime plot. But let’s start there.
>The main theme is a pop song
>Dude date your students dude
>Art style not by Kozaki, instead it’s someone who did an idle loli anime. It sucks and everyone looks crazy for no fucking reason.
>Training your units isn’t done through gameplay, instead handled through an obvious ripoff of Persona’s social link/confidant system.
>Cheeky nice touch: the school bell is the FE theme

Okay now the actual game part.

>Graphics look like upscaled wii textures
>Weird formations system that is likely going to break the game somehow (there’s always something game breaking because they can’t balance for shit)
>Story likely lacking any moral grey area that the series has mostly been known for. Expect more cartoon villains.

Ranting now but you get the picture. FE should be dead, and this isn’t FE. This is something else being billed as FE for cash.

Gen 2 is the worst gen and hgss are bad remakes

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agreed. shame the story is complete shit.

Hagane is overrated.

I disagree but only in the sense that gen 2 is the worst gen that's still playable. D/P's molasses speed everything and S/M's beyond Skyward Sword tier handholding are nigh unbearable. At least with G/S I can finish the game.

That opinion is popular here but unpopular in real life, at least in my experience. I have no idea why a majority of people I know like Infinite so much

same with borderlands 2

Japanese people don't give a single shit about the stories or writing in their games, and it shows. So far all the "masterpieces" of Japanese gaming I've played have had writing comparable to a mediocre seasonal anime. This wouldn't be a problem if Japanese games weren't so heavy on cutscenes and dialogue.
"Gameplay" is a meaningless generalization and one of the most retarded words to come out of the video game industry. People need to be more specific when they talk about game mechanics.
"You are not actually the chosen one" is a retarded concept for a video game story, and there's a reason it's not as popular as some people on this site want it to be.
When it comes to PC gaming, there is functionally no difference between buying a game on disk and buying it through digital distribution.
Quake 1 is a better singleplayer game than Doom 1. Arcane Dimensions is better than any Doom mod I've ever played.
Anybody who fell for the No Man's Sky hype got exactly what they deserved. It was blatantly obvious from the first trailer that the game couldn't live up to its marketing.
New Vegas doesn't fix any of the problems that made Fallout 3 a bad game.
There's nothing wrong with walking simulators as long as they're free.
There's nothing wrong with paid mods as long as they're total conversions that can stand alone as their own game.
Console wars are viral marketing and anyone who participates in them is an unpaid shill.
Dead Space 2 > Dead Space 1

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Pretty sensible post.

I seem to meet a lot of people who just don't like the style of games that Bioshock and Prey are. Which sucks because I love games like that. Deus Ex, System Shock, all that good shit.

Fortnite is a good game.

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I played it because people told me it's like Zelda. I couldn't even finish the game, it just didn't grab me.

Sonic Adventure 2 is worse in literally every goddamn way from Adventure 1. I have no idea how they managed to make every gameplay style feel way worse but they did.

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>Paying real money for digital content was one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming
literally what you're doing when buying a game

>unpopular o-(pi)-nions
>Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock
That's not unpopular, you ought to talk to more people mate.

you can't resell digitally distributed games
corporations can take those games away from you at any time for any reason they want
you do not own digitally distributed games

I think he means digital downloads a.k.a. Steam, GOG, et al.

SA2 still had good Sonic-style levels and removed Big/Amy levels from the picture. Granted, it also added mech levels which are not only worse than Gamma's stages but also fucked Tails in the process so eh.

Mega Drive is my favorite console.

The dragon age series isn't bad

Borderlands is a good game that uses its extremely basic concepts to good effect, and it's the only good game in its series, and the last good thing Gearbox ever made or ever will make again.

i thought people at least liked the first game and only hated the second.

the majority of Yea Forums seem to hate the whole series

Dragon Quest III-VII are all better than VIII