Why was this game judged so fucking harshly? It was a perfectly fine shooter the multiplayer was GOAT.
Why was this game judged so fucking harshly? It was a perfectly fine shooter the multiplayer was GOAT
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It was a brown n bloom generic FPS game during the time when the brown n bloom era was at its end
If it came out today it would be praised
Fuck no
People want modern day shooters.
The multiplayer had a multitude of special forces classes,a focus on team play, and hero shooter like abilities
It was ahead of its time
It had pooland in ot
Name a more kino trailer
>Why was this game judged so fucking harshly? It was a perfectly fine shooter
It came out at a time when people were already getting sick of Cowadooty series and really weren't looking for another game that's exactly like Cowadooty without a single original idea anywhere in it.
It had plenty of innovations did you even play it?
>the multiplayer was GOAT.
>It was ahead of its time
when modern military shooters were extremely generic
i was really looking forward to the sequels: battle combatant and strike warrior, but they never came out.
Look at this roster way better than the soi infected shit hole that is Rainbow 6 siege design.
It will never not be funny how the Russian and Polish one are nervously looking at each other
I always loved that GROM and Spetsnaz are staring each other down
What the fuck is OGA
>It had plenty of innovations
No it didn't. It was as textbook a Modern Warfare ripoff as you could possibly get.
Its one of the most boring FPS games I have ever played, I couldnt bare to finish it with how fucking bland it was
>Multiplayer was GOAT
If it's anything like the original, it was fucking trash. Also, it's nothing like the original Medal of Honor games, fuck off zoomer.
I was really hyped for the spinoff Medal of Honor: Fightbattler, but even that was canceled.
"Other Government Agency" AKA CIA Merc shit
you're thinking of the first game, that's the one that holds up like milk
warfighter is more standard set piece driven MW2 knockoff, so that means it has atleast some energy, despite being predictable
The unlockable door breaching animations in MoH: Warfighter are the most pointless unlockable thing I remember seeing in a videogame. They have no gameplay effect, all they do is change the default door-opening animation, often making it longer. They were so comprehensively unnecessary that they really drew my attention and got me thinking. Why were the breaching sequences in the game in the first place? Because Call of Duty had them. They are always the same, time slows down and you shoot three or four easily shot people on the other side. They add nothing to the game. There are several long driving sequences in the game where you seemingly can't fail even if you crash into every wall in the map (and you probably will, because driving controls in first person shooters are terrible without exception). These sequences are effectively semi-interactive cutscenes. Why are they in the game? Because Call of Duty had driving sequences. Everything is in this game because Call of Duty had it first, and MoH: Warfighter's design process was to ape it mindlessly.
You guys think the MOH brand name is poison or do you think it could still work?
I am seriously convinced none of you faggots even touched this game
No one has thus why it sold poorly
>or do you think it could still work?
maybe if it refocused on other wars besides modern day shit
I did and I thought breaching would be different but it wasn't
Remember when they had to bundle this with a remaster of Frontlines for this game to even sell?
Would have to bring giant innovations to be worth it for people to abandon CoD or Battlefield. Don't see that happening especially since it would be retarded for EA to compete against themselves. MoH had it's chance, it could've been sci fi while battlefield stayed modern but they fucked it all up.
Too bad Frontline was trash too.
MoH 2010 was fun as fuck
I want another one. Tired of the bullshit that's in Battlefield 4.
>Tired of the bullshit that's in Battlefield 4.
fuck you 4 was fun
The series would have to go to some other era, WW2 is still worn out.
I would love MoH Korea or Vietnam
I want another modern warfare style shooter.
>phrases that would have been seen as sarcasm in 2010
I know it's strange. Back than I actually thought there was too many of them.
If they stopped trying to copy other shooters, hired very good writers and just tried to tell a compelling story (or at least one that normies will think is compelling), Medal of Honor could easily find a niche in the market as a primarily single-player story-driven FPS. I'd steer clear of the monetization practices of Activision and EA, and avoid whatever settings that CoD and Battlefield are using in their newest releases. Avoid tacking on useless features just because CoD or Battlefield had them, unless it made sense for the game being made. Try and be as authentic and real as possible to set the series apart from CoD's scifi and Battlefield's historical revisionism.
The only thing BF4 has over the rest of the series is sheer volume content, otherwise it's pretty mediocre
Worst taste ITT
shittin on noobs in the little birds was goat
jtf2 will forever be a meme tier ctu
>jtf2 will forever be a meme tier ctu
don't they have the longest sniper kill?
3 out of the 5 and only ever lost one guy while deployed overseas. Also believed to have curb stomped an injun uprising, though only speculation.
ultra cringe
none of those claims have ever been confirmed by a credible source
i.e. someone who isnt a fuckign leaf and doesnt have to benefit from lying about their shit tier CTU's exploits just to not appear pathetic
No, I still play BF4 - I just got done playing it about an hour ago. There's shit I hate in here, such as how slow the bullets shoot, some of these guns on semi-auto recoil a bit too much (they're not jumping all over the place when I'm at the range), rockets are pretty slow - I've seen how fast those things go in those contractor vs muslim insurgent videos. Teleporting out of vehicles, annoying assholes swapping seats (attack heli didn't get me with hydra rockets, so he swapped seats and gunnered me while I reloading the Igla), every vehicle user uses thermal and your mines will show up. I have to find new and creative places to throw down those M2 Slams, and some asshole blueberry will go around blowing them up. Vehicles regenerate health like they're sentient organisms and they regenerate infinite ammo while blueberries will not for the fucking life of them throw down ammo crates. The blueberries are dumb, for fuck sake - use the fucking Igla, if two or three of them would use it, there wouldn't be a guy going 140 - 2 on the other team. Just, general shit like that.