World of Final Fantasy

Did this game get the appreciation it deserved?

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thread dies with one reply

It did not. Unfortunately all of SE's marketing went to the other game that came out a month later.

NO! I refuse to accept it.

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Typical SE. Main characters were annoying, and the humor was way off the mark.

The game is easy as fuck

Nightmare difficulty helps a bit with that.

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i'd hit that

You'll have to get past her brother first.

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i'm fine just watching them go at it

>voiced by Burch

Lower case G?

i bought it and know nothing about it, will start after i finish monster hunter, is it good? is it like a classic ff or more like a pokemon with ff monsters?

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It wasn't that good honestly, it was very very slow, the overworld/areas were kinda weak, the combat was okay but most of the options and trees and such weren't really adding depth unfortunately.
It was an okay game, did the dlc that came out a while ago make it any better?
It was a decent game but it really shows how long they've not paid attention to turn based stuff or non like, 3d real scale open worldish area design, it'd be much better in a few iterations if they kept doing similar games and got better at it again

FFXV being a month after WoFF overshadowed WoFF and the Maxima edition was released with little fanfare.

Which is a shame because it's a fun and charming game. It also probably has the most SOUL of any FF game in the past few years

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The latter. Your Mirages determine your abilities, spells, and passives. There's a stack system which theoretically let you get multiple turns in exchange for being a glass cannon but instead everything is balanced around being fully stacked and whenever you're unstacked you get one-shot.

WoFF is 10/10 in my opinion

It's turned based and similar to XIII-2. A light hearted adventure.

For a budget game designed for a younger audience to get them into FF I thought it did quite well. The Maxima edition gives you a few new bosses and a couple dungeons to complete which was nice. Can't remember if the Nightmare difficulty was apart of that or a part of a patch.

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>is it like a classic ff or more like a pokemon with ff monsters?

Pokemon + FF

>yfw you realise the twins share a bed

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that's not a problem though, cuz pheonix downs hit all friendly targets, so you get to spam powerful damage items from 5-6 characters a turn

The problem is that you start at the bottom of the turn list again, you deal horrible damage, and you would be better off stacked so there's no real point. You're just wasting Phoenix Downs/Pinions for no real reason. The only use I can even think of is to topple someone but the problem is that you immediately run into anything that you actually need to topple has AoE attacks killing your entire party.

That's not feasible against someone like the end or post game bosses.

you guys don't understand

damage items are super broken for most of the game. you will deal much more damage unstacked. it's not fun and it shits on the mirage catching premise of the game, but it's effective.

Gil doesn't exactly grow on trees in this game and the best item only deals like 2000 I think it was at a point where you're hitting 6k+ per hit and even more with Bahamut. It's simply not worth it in any way.

it is. the speedrun route uses items almost exclusively. look it up if you don't believe me. 2000 * 6 * weakness = 24k per turn. an amount you can barely reach lategame with two stacks because of the 9999 damage limit.

nice breasts

Nice testicles.

But a speedrun can afford to throw away money if they keep winning every fight. A regular player doesn't know weaknesses without Libra on the enemy, a regular player is going to fight everything, a regular player is going to capture everything, a regular player would need to essentially buy dozens of each and every elemental bomb. Does the speedrun even do the postgame stuff let alone try capturing the Mirages rather than kill them? Because I find it hard to believe they capture any of the reskins in the postgame dungeons using bombs.

There's no 9999 damage limit. My crit hits have reached 14k before.

of course not. the speedrun completes the game as quickly as possible, which is why looking at it is a good way to find whatever strategy is most powerful for least time investment.

you are completely correct that it isn't fun in a casual playthrough, but I already acknowledged that

my bad

thinking about playing this once i finished up ff13-2 before playing lightning returns. should i, user?

Yeah you should give it a go. How badly do you want to see the end of the Lightning saga?

Fair enough, but you're still going to run into a problem later on where your team gets wiped unless you have someone ready to rez them due to AoE attacks, and if you're rezzing the guys would need to expend lots of potions or waste X-Potions to heal you as you're doing it since you can't heal. I'm not saying your method doesn't work, I'm just saying practically and realistically outside of a speedrun sense it's not really worth it since the risk is so high and the cost is so high on top of that. Hell, Bahamut can get you anywhere from 16k to 50k damage, and this isn't even counting builds like the Baby Tonberry/Tonberry/Tonberry King crit build which has ridiculous speed and crits with knife every single hit or various other setups using Ramuh/Shiva/Ifrit for disgustingly high damage in very quick succession.

You forgot the absolute brokenness that is Behemonster and his revenge attack.

i've been playing the 13 shit off and on this past year. i feel like as long as i finish lightning returns sometime this year, i'm good. so, maybe a 5.5/10 on the scale of my desire to finish

Honestly the only part of the game I can't stand are the god awful Kingdom Hearts faggottry human designs and stupid Funko Pop-esque chibis.

Please just force Nomura to make monsters instead of his Disney-fueled autism.

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I hope it gets another shot. The game is miles better paying homage to the franchise than Dissidia NT

LR keeps the general sort of gameplay that XIII and XIII-2 had. So if you haven't tired of it yet, then I guess you could just smash it out to see how it ends. It has a time gimmick similar to Majora's Mask, but it doesn't go as fast and you can easily abuse it enough so it's not a factor.


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imagine the fucking

Oh I do.

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Personally, I can't stand Tama's dialogue.

Tama is the-cute and innocent. How could you hate her?

Because it get the-annoying when it's said almost the-twice in every sentence.

You hardly notice it after awhile. And you can always switch to the JP voices.

I know, but even then I have to read the subtitles.

Well yeah that's the whole point of playing in Japanese.

god the forced mini games in this are fucking shit

Yeah I don't think they thought them through. Probably made them in a day.

Cute God.

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