ITT: post an image, get a video game recommendation

ITT: post an image, get a video game recommendation

Attached: IMG_7661.jpg (470x262, 35K)

Final Fantasy XII

Attached: 1557625305473.jpg (500x350, 37K)

Max Payne 3

Attached: Dutch soldier carrying two Uzis.jpg (2879x3804, 2.13M)

Full Spectrum Warrior

Attached: 1556791029286.jpg (847x740, 183K)

Binding Of Issac

Kek. This for real?

DaS2 also based

Attached: 1553618996107.png (900x958, 34K)

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 112K)

Attached: LODSEMONE.jpg (200x243, 25K)

Spec ops: The Line


Attached: 1552527413996.png (640x635, 558K)

second life

Attached: DujlqhMWsAA9fpy.jpg (604x395, 38K)

Any korean mmo

Life is Strange

Attached: 1439858195805.jpg (301x367, 25K)

cruel, but valid

Attached: LEWD CONDUCT.png (1494x847, 1.29M)

Attached: 1543885950790.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)


Attached: 9k.png (184x274, 110K)

Attached: 1515301136117.jpg (567x800, 273K)

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Attached: Anime woman spaceship.jpg (853x480, 60K)

mortal kombat 11

Attached: a big game.jpg (470x706, 50K)

Sniper Elite

Attached: Brians Externally.gif (400x500, 465K)


I like South Park, and I've enjoyed TSOT so far. Heard The Fractured But Whole was better though.

Killing Floor

Attached: 1531183199928.jpg (229x343, 27K)

Attached: Sardanapalus.jpg (1200x943, 395K)