May 2019

I am forgotten...

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Looks like it's still living rent free in your head OP

>no story dlcs
>one of the most shitty onlines that have ever existed

What did you expected, faggot.


you wish, I'm still playing it.

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I’m about to fire it up in a little bit.
You lose.


Blame Rockshit for hyping up multiplayer and loading it with microtransactions

Everytime this motherfucker talks in my game is gold. How can anyone betray him? Fucking rats.

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Blame RockStar for wasting development time on online...when it makes you want to go offline.

Was just playing this for the firs ttime through today after 4 or 5 months, whatever it's been. Quit and saved when I was about to go out hunting with a kang.

The online model is pants-on-head retarded.
>periodically nerf the payout on whatever activity players are grinding the most to encourage them to buy gold
>except they have to grind anyway because gold is worthless unless you meet the level requirement to buy the thing you want
It's like Rockstar isn't content with taking your money, they want to waste your time as well.

Fucking the Assassins Creed Origin, even single player are awful with the microshekel bullshit. They want extra money for armor, extra money for a candle, extra money for..when does it end? It's going to be the end of vidya.
I'm holding out for "Cyberpunk," and if that sucks I'm done with all Vidya for good.

Cyberpunk is going to be a blowout.

Am I foolish to expect zombie DLC?


In a good sense or you mean it's going to be terrible? I know th ePole creative director quit list month over "Creative difference," which makes me wonder if it's not going to be some variation of a "we wuz.." with trannies and rest of the NWO globalhomoutopia agenda everywhere.

The gameplay trailer reviled what looked like 2007 era FPS combat and it wasn't graphically impressive in the least. CDPR is known for having shit RP elements so it's not going to be carried by that, and they're also know to graphically downgrade heavily and STILL not have an optimized game. At the very best it's going to be a linear shooter with RP elements a la mass effect

That's what happens to movies. You watch them talk about them for a week and forget it.

t. Micah rat boy

Second biggest launch of any entertainment product ever
Most GOTYs ever received by any title in history
Outscored every other game released in the past several years
Better than any exclusive released on any system including PC

Cope faggots

thanks mate. Why not just give me a loaded shotgun and a bottle of whisky? Unfortunately I agree with you. Why they had to make it a FPS, I'll never understand. I was hopeful after they got around the "we wuz kangz.." element by letting you build your own character so the kangz could not screech. But from all I've seen so far and by the number of people who have quit, have to agree with you...

Do you think Ciri will make a cameo, since at the end of Witcher 3 she mentions time traveling and coming cross what sounds like the "cyberpunk" universe?

all that and they still can't get anyone to play it. weird

it will be discussed again as an epic exclusive

Was anyone nice to Arthur? All I remember was that Arthur was cool to almost everyone but Micah in the gang even though he would throw in a complain or two, and then fucking Charles shittalked Arthur at the end.

No PC no care

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Yea Forums isn’t indicative of the universe you sad little man

This hugbox isn’t your reality


>Cope faggots
I'm only..~4% into the game thus far, and I'd really like to say I love it but...just not there. What I'd REALLY like to see would be a COD-MW III remastered where you get to blow up paris and chase people through the streets, but I would bet you everything I own (that is, all my tendies) that we'll never see a remaster MW: 3 since Paris now actually looks pretty much as it did when it was destroyed in the game...

>Yea Forums isn’t indicative of the universe you sad little man
>This hugbox isn’t your reality

And judging by the way you space your posts it sure as hell isn't somewhere you post often, is it fucko?

What was the Yea Forums consensus on Arthur Morgan as a character?

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I hope at least a DLC gets released even though my hopes are not high but the single player was really nice anyway.
Online is for cucks, nobody cares.

busta, straight busta

There's Dutch threads every other day. BOI

I'm actually replaying it now for missed cheevos and I wanted to find the comfiest part of the game. Its Chapter 2, do John missions until A Fisher of Men to unlock fishing, also leave Micah in jail. Currently I have the entire map unlocked and I'm working on Legendary hunting.

Mostly by Rockstar. The stranger missions still aren't working, and forcing players to join groups for storyline missions that permanently alter your character was just a bad idea all around.

Finished it yesterday, fucking loved it.
I want another prequel when Dutch and Hosea were younger.

If you don't want to "officially" have tuberculosis you can even play up until before they rob the Saint Denis bank.
After that Arthur gets to Guarma and then after the little vacation he will go to the Doctor in Saint Denis and be diagnosed with TB. From then on you will be JUSTed and your cores will be shit for the rest of the game.

As long as you keep reminding me it exist then I'm going to continue remembering it favorably. What else is there really to say about it? The only games that are consistently talked about are multiplayer, RPG's, or mobile games.

When RDR2 was revealed and I saw who you play as I was really worried because he looked like some bland random faggot but goddamnit Arthur was such a good and likeable character.

How the fuck did Arthur catch tuberculoisis when everyone else was fine? They smoked like a fucking chimney all of them.

He got it from Mr. Downes when he beat him up and he coughed his blood on Arthur.
TB is not lung cancer.

Never played this, but tuber can be cured. Shit writing.

not in 1899 you retarded faggot

and with good reason

eat shit rockstar, eat shit for creating a pussy ass game with pussy logic for what are basically pussies

>auto aims you from behind because i GPS'ed your location onto my mini map
>implying thats not obnoxious at all

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still waiting for Mexico dlc

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Lovable retard

If only there was more character exposition

Look at how shit those textures are

What did you think of Detroit's North?

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You mean that meme game with hollywood actors facescanned into the game?