Mesoamerican Souls game fucking when?
Mesoamerican Souls game fucking when?
I'd genuinely like to see that. But would it be a Soulsborne or something like Sekiro?
Buy a plane ticket to mexico and scream "fuck the cartels!" at the top of your lungs
Mesoamerica looked fucking stupid, jungles are the most boring fucking setting, and I hope you never get what you want.
Also weren't those things made out of stone?
How the fuck is it burning?
>would it be a soulsborne or a soulsborne
I think it'd probably be a soulsborne, but hey, there's always that slim chance, right?
There's a Mesoamerican God of War game.
Just because Sekiro was made by From does not make it a Soulsborne.
>Just because Sekiro was made by From does not make it a Soulsborne.
The cultural aesthetics of Gothic/Medieval Europe are far more versatile, intricate and hold much more potential than jungle spics. Places like Anor Londo or Cathedral Ward are fantastical, grandiose fantasy but they have very clear real world cultural draws and they heavily resemble the aesthetic they're drawn from to the point where they fit right in.
You couldn't do that with jungle spics, because to make their cultural aesthetic grandiose, fantastical and interesting you'd have to change so much of it that it wouldn't fit with the original aesthetic or culture at all because the original style was so simplistic, uninspired and limited in scope that barely any interesting iterations or evolutions design wise could be made.
Now fuck off, beaner.
What are you trying to say? Be a big boy and use your words.
>Just because Sekiro was made by From does not make it a Soulsborne.
cuz its ur mom, feggit
Well alright then.
I'd imagine closer to Soulsborne but Sekiro showed they could change things up while still being in a similar sub-genre, so I'd prefer something fresh and different from both. Sekiro did raw sword exchanges because bong bong hoy honour so you'd need to find the equivalent.
My embarrassingly low knowledge of history tells me it would be something about expendability. Weapons break fast, dudes die fast. You aren't one guy, you're a group of warriors that shed blood for the blood god. Enough blood spilled brings your dudes back. So almost a mix of Sekiro's death system with Bloodborne's attack to heal system.
>souls meme
Fuck off, not every action RPG needs to be a soulsbourne
>Aztec Dark Souls right as the Spaniards are showing up
Good, bloody time.
Are Armored Core games now Souls games?
Based Marlow Briggs
>Yea Forums has been begging for an all black cast game celebrating their culture and heritage for at least a year now
>Japanese developer wouldn't cave if we hit it from that angle
You're right but he specifically asked for it to be soulsbourne so everything is daijoubu
Just because you can jump now does not make it unique.
With Hernan Cortes as the final boss
Reminder that Mesoamérica ruins exists in FF7 World
>Steals the power of the blood gods and becomes a fucked up man-dragon-snake thing with that same hat and muskets for claws
>Screams and hisses with a thick accent about the glory of Spain
>Breaths fire in Portuguese
Into it
Big Nig and the Mask of Death is kino and thanks to you I'm going to replay it tomorrow. Thanks user.
Was this that one arcade light gun game? Or the FMV one?
>no African survival horror game where you are a tribal hunter being stalked by lions in tall grass
>Main character: An spanish Conquistador
>Mobs are a bunch of zombie looking Indians
>Main bosses are ancient Inca or Aztec Deities
I'm sold
Nothing works happen since they don't speak English.
This is just making me realize how much the fear of seeming racist limits using black nation culture as inspiration. We have so much Japanese and European shit but nothing with blacks.
I'm not up and up on history. Did the Jamaicans ever do anything really cool? I know the Muslims were basically viking pirates for hundreds of years. Were the mesopotamians black? They were right? Give me a Rune Factory style game where in I personally discover agriculture.
>you will never advance through the ranks by taking slaves
*ting ting ting*
>Get a unique setting for once
>Still want to be a knight looking dude with a broadsword
Fuck you you're playing as a high melanin individual and hitting the invading white devil with those obsidian paddle things. Then you're sacrificing the survivors to your heathen blood god.
No, it really does. They'll know your a stinky, smelly gringo and saw your head off on the side of the motorway.
>Did the Jamaicans ever do anything really cool?
No, and really neither did sub saharan africans.
All of human history and the best they've got is the Zulu.
How cool are their weapons and armor?
>you play the game up until 2/3 of the game, just doing normal aztec/mayan shit and killing aztec monsters and general jungle shit
>spaniards come in
>different vibes as you fight your way though spanish settlements
would bee güd
literally never. and if there it will be indie pixelshit. welcome to modern gaming.
Will it allow me to fight mayan gods and play mesoamerican ballgames?
If its a souls-like game i'm playing as a badass conquistador, slaying the natives while riding my horse through the rainforests.
Literally everyone and his mother used the macahuitl. There were also some bows, spears (tepoztopilli) and clubs. Armor design is pretty cool.
It would have interesting, far-reaching implications. While Sekiro's Japan represents the best of Japanese culture, Mesouls would project the consequences of an invaded culture without fully developing. The Spanish presence would have to be obligatory, in my opinion.
>my surface level knowledge of mesoamericans just from cultural osmosis is really shallow and one note so mesoamerican culture and civilization was really shallow and one note
It's a God of War style action game
Holy shit, based
Mesoamerica isn't just jungles, but also but temperate valleys and hills, arid highlands, tropical and subtropical coasts and lowlands, deserts, cooler mountain ranges, etc.
>You couldn't do that with jungle spics...because the original style was so simplistic, uninspired and limited in scope
You have zero actual idea of what Mesoamerican architectural or art motifs were like, or their urban design, clothing, attire; and just Mesoamerican aeshetics in general.
See pic. Obviously different civilizations in the regions had their own aeshetically quirks, but pic related is a typical "Aztec" nieghboorhood/urban street. Larger palaces and temple complexes obviously existed in this style. It's fairly similar to the sorts of archtectural styles you see in Bronze age Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Mediterranean, though cities tended to have smaller, denser cores but then more spread out suburbs gradually radiating out and getting less dense with more natural spaces incorporated into both the large ceremonial structures in cores and then between the more spread out suburbs. Clothing was also compex, fine cotton tunics, mantles, blouses with embroidedry, fine featherwork, etc; it wasn't naked tribespeople, be it Azec or Maya or Mixtec or Purepecha etc, even if specifics varied
Fun game but it's only Mesoamerica insomuch as mortal kombat is japanese
Nah, the Macuahuitl is a common weapon but it's not universal. I posted a bit about weapons and armor earlier today in another thread before it 404'd here
I also posted much of this same info but with some missing/extra stuff months back on /k/ here
ah it's the spammer
Is it just a single autist making these mesoamerica threads to just dump a bunch of tl;dr shit?
Nice fucking society you have there, where you have to footslog fucking everything because you have no pack animals worth a shit
Conquistador stuff would be nice but it's not needed, Meso-stuff, especially Aztec alone is already a ripe fit
Beyond the obvious of stuff like sacrifice, blood rituals, ancient ruins, crazy skeleton/snake gods, etc; there's the underlying cultural/religous elements that cause it: Nahua/Aztec cosmology was all about something called teotl, which was a sort of supernatural energy which was thought to make up everything in the world, and was thought to show itself in nature by dualist concepts and the cyclical nature of reality and existence; like life and death: Living things consume and kill others to live themselves, the world itself had been created and destroyed 5 times, with the gods giving up their own effort, blood, and lives to make the new world, etc
Sacrifice itself was giving up life to sustain the overall life of the cosmos by feeding the sun, but both death of reality was inevitable, even the gods would fall to impossibly ancient and powerful cosmic forces (Huitzilopotchli, the current incarnation of the sun, fighting off Tziitizmime, skeletal futa demons with rattlesnakes for penises, who were symbolic of the stars seen during the night sky and eclipses).That sort of nihilistic idea that all things, including life, was fleeting and would eventually erode and give way to new life is also pretty key, a lot of their art and poetry, has to do with reminding you beauty of nature and life but also it's fragility and fleetingness, see pic
The ruinous themes of the Souls games already fits perfectly into this framework: the world is past it's time, the 5th age is ending, and you have this contrast between gorgeous city-scapes with gardens like and the destroyed, corrupted ruins of them with crazy ass monsters and demons running around, cults desperately trying to stave off the inevitable by taking sacrifice to the extreme, etc, while you, instead of saving the world, are fulfilling rte natural cycle by ending it so it can start anew.
Based aztecfag.
I was hoping a thread like this so i could ask you for reccs on books about prehispanic mesoamerican culture. I can read spanish too.
It's hilarious how proto-beaner threads are a dog whistle for him to come out of his cuckshed.
yes, he creates this threads so he can post the same images and cut/paste posts
looks like a pokemon town my guy
Right after we get Pirate Souls, dork.
I think you gotta go for a mix of shit, the Mayans with their highways and insane numerology shit, the Aztecs with their constant warring and sacrifices, random ass tribals being subjugated under the empires, etc.
Could be good, but jungle levels usually suck
Nah, trust me if I were actually making the threads regularly just to post stuff I'd never leave my computer due to how much time it'd take up. I legit said "motherfucker" out loud when I saw this one because I was just about to go to bed, but I feel like I have a responsbility to correct misinfo. I just browse Yea Forums and post in random vidya threads like anybody else, I just happen to post in these threads when I see them.
>you have to footslog fucking everything because you have no pack animals
well yeah, but that's part of what makes them interesting, how they were able to develop, thrive, and basically hit early classical anitquity level complexity despite their limitations; and it's fascinating to see how both that, their isolation, and geographic conditions led to them prioiritzing different technologies, behind ahead in some areas and behind in others: Military complexity somewhat suffered, being limited to a more bronze age-state, due to no calvary and the loigistical limitations; and poliical systems had to be more hands off as a result. Metal tools and weapons were hampered by that and also the climate (I can clarify if you want); but on the other hand, the lack of large domesticated mammals meant cleaner cities and more complex sanitaiton systems, the greater reliance on crops meant more advanced botaanical science, etc.
I will also note that if you want more depictions of Mesoamerican clothing, armor, etc, to check out Kamazotz on deviantart/twitter, he specialises in that sort of thing. Paul guinan's aztec empire is also a good resources, as is Nosuku-K';s chibi art for the Aztec's. There's also obviously books focused on the topic and you can consult actual spanish/mesoamerican manuscripts
Also here's a Maya/toltec version of the Aztec clothing/armor pic I posted in the other posts I linked in
Why a Mesoamerican souls game?
Why not just a Mesoamerican game?
Why not an American developed Mesoamerican game?
I don't understand why you would ask for representation from a Japanese game company rather than something closer to home where there may be more interest. I live in Europe and I have seen basically no relevant media on the topic, and given how insular Japan is, I would imagine it's much the same there.
Western fantasy is pretty universal, this is not.
Says Jacob Waterson as he lives in his stagnant West Virginia lakeside trailer park home.
It's a good thing you will never step foot in Belize to bask in the beauty.
It's a little more than just jungle if you're looking at the source material. When I went there, there were beaches pretty close to a lot of the temples and many of them are in sort of in grass areas as well. I'd also imagine that the game would open up into the underworld about half of the way through the game, and there would be a lot of neat inspiration there.
Also, tribal girls are always interesting.
Most of all the cool shit done by the Africans was architectural shit like the Great Zimbabwe and the tombs in Ethiopia
What a awesome post.
It's really hard to identify if this is some pasta or if user just failed geography really hard at school.
I want Mel Gibson to produce and direct it.
check out the art drive, mega, and the plebbit post I link to in ; if you read spanish then there's probably a ton more shit you have access to I'm not even aware of, as well, so many sources, papers, books, etc are only in spanish, which sucks because i'm not a spic and can only read english
I hint at this above but there's not really random tribes in the region: pretty much all of Mesoamerica outside of western mexico was based around urban states and kingdoms by 200AD or so, see pic Obviously there were smaller towns and rural villages like in europe or asia, but these were still sendtary communities, just further out between the larger cities and not as big themselves
I wouldn't mind, specific areas inspired by other parts of the regions and other civilizations, but for a Souls game Aztec themes are just too ripe a fit to not be the main theme. Aztecs are made out to be bloodier then they really were (nobody talks about their sick gardens/botanical science, autistic obesssion with hygine, or philosophy for example, I talk more about the philosophy/poetry stuff and how it ties into sacrifice I hinted at in here
Check out the other links I link to above, and actually read that image with Aztec poetry.
also have more Aztec cityscapes, this being a comfy view down a canal in their captial. Note the presence of trees, earth, soil, etc.
Reminder that Aztecs had better hygiene than Europeans and Americans
Hopefully never
The only time beaners should appear is when they get conquered like the savages they are
For a game that's like 5 bucks it's better than it has any right to be.
>correct misinfo
You just glorify a bunch of jungle savages and try to pretend that mass human sacrifice wasn't all that bad after all. Fuck off, Juan.
Well I mean, yeah? Do you consider King's Field or Metal Wolf Chaos a Soulsborne game? What about the ACE series they co-developed with Banpresto?
you dumb cunt never post again
>Did the Jamaicans ever do anything really cool?
No and most Jamaicans today say they kinda wish the British would take thems back.
>Mesouls would project the consequences of an invaded culture without fully developing.
The spanish never would've pulled it off it it weren't for disease.
Holy fuck jus imagine. Kinda like bloodborne but instead with shamans, bloodsacrifices, gods, and fucked up jungles. Huge pyramides and eldorado towns.
This shit would make the ultimate Bloodborne 2. Trick weapons made out of vines and bones, and a plot about blood sacrifices to the Old Ones.
>image board
>use your words big boy lmao
The resurrection mechanic, healing mechanic, looting mechanic, central "home base", style of storytelling, frequent references to Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and Miyazaki as director all make it a Soulsborne. It's not just because From is developing.
>mfw imagining some aztec temple/crypt being Sen's Fortress on steroids
Gimme that
I mean...he's not wrong. This is also a board for discussion.
You motherfuckers forgetting about Mansa Musa. West African king, the guy was so rich that when he gave out gold to the poor on his pilgrimage to Mecca, he nearly crashed the economy in Egypt.
Here are some facts about Aztecs
Aztecs were the first to introduce chocolate to the Europeans.
Tlaloc was an Aztec water god who was worshiped as a giver of life and sustenance but was also feared for his ability to send hail, thunder and lightning
It was Westerners who came up with the name Aztec. They probably took it from one of the original places that the Aztec people lived called Aztlan. Aztlan was an area in the Northern part of Mexico. However, the Aztec people referred to themselves as Tenochca or Mexica.
Most Aztec gods had two faces and two sides (bad and good) to their personalities.
The stones that the Aztec people used to construct their temples weighed about 44 tons.
The Aztec solar calendar had 365 days based on the sun’s movements. The Aztec people divided the year into 18 months of 20 days each (360 days), leaving an additional 5 days at the end of every year. The last 5 days were considered particularly unlucky.
The main food source of Aztec was a type of corn known as maize. The Aztec people also ate vegetables, chocolate, chili peppers, squash, tortillas, avocados, meat, tamales and tomatoes.
Many types of money were in daily use. Cacao beans were used to make small purchases and cotton cloths were used to make bigger purchases.
Aztec males were allowed to practice polygamy; however, there were particular stringent rules governing these relationships. The first wife the man took was the one he went through wedding ceremonies with and was considered his principal wife. However, the other wives were recognized in the official records.
I don't glorify shit, user. I post facts or at least my understanding of what's most accurate. When I find out new info that makes what I previously posted wrong, I change my posts: If you read that first /his/ desuarchive link I made in , you'll see an user points out a flaw I made in my math estimating human sacrifice totals, I admitted my mistake, and in all future posts I've made estimating the amount of people sacrificed i've used corrected math
Likewise, I am currently reading some papers which contradict my understanding of city population totals, which suggests most cities were only half as populated as I originally suspected: IE the average city having around 8k to 10k people, not 15k to 20k, and moderately large cities being more like 20k to 30k rather then 40k to 50k. If that turns out to be true, I'll modify the figures I give accordingly
I honestly, truly give a shit about accuracy. I cannot stand historical revisionism or SJW shit. Most of the stuff I post about "glorying" them is shit the conquistadors themselves say. For example, here is cortes describing Tlaxcala, a moderately large but not huge city
>The city is indeed so great and marvellous that... the little.. I.. recount is... incredible. It is much larger than Granada and much better fortified. Its houses are as fine and its inhabitants far more numerous.... Its provisions and food are likewise very superior... There are gold, silver and precious stones, and jewellers' shops selling other ornaments made of feathers, as well arranged as in any market in the world. There is earthenware of many kinds and excellent quality, as fine as any in Spain. Wood, charcoal, medicinal and sweet smelling herbs are sold in large quantities. There are booths for washing your hair and barbers to shave you: there are also public baths. Finally, good order and an efficient police system are maintained among them, and they behave as people of sense and reason
see above
You're the first person I've seen to consider Sekiro a Soulslike.
Never you taco munching fuck
>panther people