Nintendo opens new store in Israel

Nintendo opens new store in Israel.

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why was the thread closed?

Are jews even allowed to browse Yea Forums?

>not open for further replies

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*gets blown up by a barrage of rockets from gaza later*

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anti semitic much

holy based

Yes, there's tons of Israeli posters on /pol/

based resetera? It's always nice to find common ground with each other.

I was born and raised under a rock, why does everyone get their panties in a twist over israel?

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I wonder what would happen if someone were to report Neogaf to the ADL?

Do they even have time to play video games? I imagine they have to worry about being bombed or set on fire in their sleep or getting run over by a vehicle on a daily basis. I’d be too scared to sit down and play a game.

Nobody here will give a shit about the switch, they will only care about emulating Pokémon red on their phones and play fifa all day on ps4

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Go to a board with region flags to find out

the dirty israeli like nintendo so much?? gonna tell the palestinians to take it out

>are they going to bulldoze an already existing sony store

that's literally all it is
people hate israel because it's the rightful homeland of the jews, despite what palestine (fake country made of israeli land stolen by sandniggers btw) and the american left will tell you

>posting a screenshot from trannyera
why the fuck is this not a perma ban?

>resetera hates jews more than /pol/
Who turned the world upside down?

quit being ironically jewish

They do. They even have anime conventions and shit. I used to follow this cute Zelda cosplayer from Israel. Pic related.

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oh no, you misunderstand. they don't hate "jews", they hate "zionists" and "colonizers" (code for jews)
you and i, we see right through them

Jews are THE oppressed group of all time and there is absolutely NO questioning this under any circumstances. Everything they say is the absolute truth and we must never let ourselves doubt them.

holy shit even a broken clock is right twice a day I guess

Fake "red-pilled" brainlet spotted.

Imagine that tomorrow, the UN decreed that your country's capital is now the legal property of Islam and Islamists started slowly gnawing away more and more of your country's lands from the capital by forcing "settlement colonies" further and further out of their borders. That's what Israel is doing to Palestine.

>Jews are THE oppressed group of all time
No, that would be white people.

gun loli

This is why Israel is a lost cause, literally nobody likes them. No ideology, no race, no nationality. And how could they when jews consider themselves the sole children of god destined to rule over all other subhumans

>resetera hates israel because they love arabs
right idea for the wrong reasons
>trump loves israel because he hates arabs
wrong idea for the right reasons

the real answer is nuking the middle east at large

"palestine" isn't real
you niggers stole land from the jews and then claimed it as your own
they're trying to take it back
and you call it "justice"
kill yourself

do you actually hate jews are are you just in it for the memes?

But Jews are white* :^)
*when it suits them

What the fuck I love Israel now? Wait...

>resetera wants the jewish state of Israel destroyed
isnt that the same as the holocaust? what's wrong with libs?

Here's your tldr about jewland, ottoman ruled this place and then britbongs killed them all and then ww2 happened killed nazis that tried to cross the ocean around here and then ww2 ended and the ussr voted with other countries to give the place to the jews and then the six day war broke out where 4 neighboring countries fought against a barely functional military and some UK tanks and weapons leftover and they all fucked off from here and just begun to bitch about everything possible related to Israel

No, that would be gamers. Literally the most oppressed group of people of all time.

Attached: GAMERS RISE UP.webm (300x400, 2.39M)

>strong right wing government that boldly defends its people
>tough border security, all illegal immigrants are deported or detained
>defies the UN, the closest entity to a one world government
>strong military culture, all citizens must serve in the IDF
>has one every single one of its wars despite being surrounded and outnumbered by enemies
>its very existence defies the 1000 year Islamic dominion of the middle east

you hate them because you're jealous

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>the real answer is nuking the middle east at large
This. We just need to cut our losses and start over.

Why would I be jealous of a doomed nation?

cute, her face is all fucked
. you need help

Wtf I love Resetera now

everybody's supposed to feel bad for Muslims now

Also has a big beautiful wall while mutts have to settle for fencing and slats.

Well... You see....

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I hate them because they steal my tax money

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i hate Jews
i love Israeli Jews

What did that clown even do?

I hate muslims and kikes, any reasonable person feels the same.

Nintendo should bring a store to Mexico

After Mario Odyssey, it's obvious that Nintendo loves Mexico

Having said that, fuck Jews

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Harucon is aids i would only go if aoi yuki would have come here

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The Jews agreed to the UN's partition resolution. The issue is the UN never enforced it and allowed wars to break out from it.

The whole thing is a joke and "Palestinians" have no one to blame by themselves and the rest of the arab nations.

100% in it for the memes
i unironically support jews because it makes libs mad

Why do Americans worship Israel again?

>What did that clown even do?
He said the word...

jealous in what way?

It's 4D chess. Secretly, he hates the kikes.

i just don't get why the left cannot link the jews being bad in israel to them being bad everywhere.

No matter how obvious the facts with how much jews meddle with american politics even going so far as to have anti israel boycot laws IN america they still refuse to acknowledge that the same kikery they hate against palestine is being done in their own country to themselves.

Do you guys know that is more love for the palestinian cock than hate for the jews in this case right?

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You're a retard then, and probably a teenager considering this mindset you admit to having. Or even worse, a kike yourself.

22 and white but nice try, nigger

I just don’t understand how resetera can talk about “pinkwashing” when being gay is illegal in Palestine. How can you even defend that if you supposedly support LBGT?

if you are for palestine then you are against israel, and jews as a whole
simple as that

Lol faggot

So a mental teenager at 22, pathetic. Any white man that loves Jews is a traitor and should be beaten to death.

i share the aussie kebab removalist's views
conniving diaspora shits can eat a dick, but i have no beef with a Jew who wants a strong homeland for himself, not fuck up the homeland of others


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How dare you threaten the President

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>are they going to bulldoze over another existing Snoy store?
top fucking kek

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Well it's a nice fantasy to have, what you speak of, but the reality is the Jewish homeland requires them to fuck the west, and they'd do so regardless. The existence of Israel is after all the big reason why the muslims have a beef with the west, and muslims are happily used by the kike system to destroy us.

>fuck this stupid wall
>my feet hurt
>at least the jews wont kill me now
>i want to go home to ivanka and eat cheeseburgers with her

>your country
that's where this comparison's wrong, Palestine was never a country
before the Jews and the Brits, it was occupied by Turks for centuries and that's not being sold as genocide, no matter how cruel the Turks were

why the fuck would i care who they like? they gave a good laff and that is all matters. they could literally be getting double penned by two muslims and it wouldnt change my opinion that his post was hilarious. stop being a dumb faggot.
i dislike a lot of jews but some are ok. my real problem is with chinks. god damn insects the lot of them.

>Everyone hates them

And yet, Israel still exists. Keep seething, Ahmed.

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>ur a muzzie!!
Typical neocon kikery, you filthy traitor. I'm the one who made the post itt that said I hate muslims and kikes equally. You think like a child and make political decisions based on 'epic owning of the libs with meme warfare'. Embarrassing.

they don't need a reason besides us existing
there was never a peaceful co-existence with islam

Guys listen I have a radical idea. What if we, and hear me out on this. What if we, just stayed the fuck out of Islam and Judisms business and just let them fuck each other up whilst we sit back and watch with popcorn and rad 3D glasses.

you are aware that the jews believe israel must be destroyed for their endtime prophecy to come true?

It will happen, most likely planned by their own leaders.

Of course, but before mass immigration (facilitated by kikes), muslims were at an arm's distance.

that doesn't work because the jews are pushing the muslims into europe and the jews living in europe are mass migrating to israel.

Well in my case I'm not for either side, both sides are so shit that I hope someday they nuke both of them but if you're having a good laugh that's ok by me, you can laugh at want you want so I'm sorry for that one.

Perfect synergy with the entire onions ecosystem.

you're a stormfag who is not welcome here

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Then we push them back into the ring like a lumberjack match.

Since when is s_o_y wordfiltered?

Love for Palestine implies hate for Israel, you literally cannot love both unless youre some sort of tourist who only likes to look at pretty pictures from afar



This is what Nintendo fans in Israel looks like

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>says the neocon 2016 transplant
Also your fear mongering about the dead website called stormfront shows how jew'd you are, you dipshit teenager.


like a year and a half ago

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fuck off newfag

I want Palestinians to slaughter jews. Where can I donate?

Knew it from the title that it would devolve into politics. OP we all know your intentions.

>Favorite Mario Party character
they know

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>the one common ground everyone has is their hatred for jews
Feels good man

kill yourself newfag stormnigger ifunny /pol/tard

Fucking based. Nintendo are /ourguys/ and the most based video game company that exists.

Fuck resetera, the radical left and anti-semites!

>ywnh a qt nitendo fan kazhar milkers gf
why live

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Why are Jewish women so perfect, bros?

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>15 million Jews worldwide
>1.8 billion Muslims
>Be a Jewish country surrounded by Muslim countries
>Muslim countries firing rockets indescriminantly into your country on a daily basis
>UN condemns literally everything you do to protect the Muslim dindus
>Despite all this, be the only prosperous country with a functioning government in the region

Israel is literally based and no amount of Le happy merchant posting can make me think otherwise

As I’ve had it explained, the main reason the US is allied with Israel is because Christians believe that the “winning team” in the end days is the one who sides with Israel. Everyone else is going to be devoured by Balrogs, and those locust things from The Mist.


The fucking likes are all over the place here telling lies and undermining discussions. It’s no wonder they have been kicked out of so many countries.

Based, fuck Jews and fuck Isreal

Israel literally sets up jews around the world to come back to Israel and find a gf. They do these "Birthright Israel" trips. I'm trying to convince my friend to go cause he's an awkward Russian jew, maybe he can find love there. It's a free trip.

Also imagine, all jews around the world have a built in second chance, if they fuck up life enough where they are, they can restart and instantly just go to Israel for that second chance.

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Thinking Islam is better than judaism

eye of Satan

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this is what you said
>says the neocon 2016 transplant
>Also your fear mongering about the dead website called stormfront shows how jew'd you are, you dipshit teenager.
oh what's that? you say MY replies are full of anger and lack of substance?
surely you must have some sembelence of self awareness.... or... probably not

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I think they’re nepotistic and generally schemish but think the same nepotism makes anything super large scale that they are purported to try to do impossible
I also think just your average day job Jew is just a regular fellow with a bad perm
So memes I guess

All the hot Israelis are like 90%+ slavic.

Pic related is the average Jewish female without much European admixture.

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I don't want peace in the middle east I want world peace, also switch version of the free shop would be nice or just the 3ds one to come back.

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Well if you're a Jew, it doesn't matter at that point, might as well swallow the jew pill, take your trip and get a Jewish gf to make sure you're indoctrinated with the full Israeli Zionist plan

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