Is SCH as kino as people say it is?

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no, but astrologian is

Hahaha dear god no
Who the fuck told you that hahahaha

don't fall for this shit mmo

SCH players need to be thankful that the limit break charges faster with no dupes or the meta would be AST/AST

SCH isn't kino, it's just OP

It is kino, ignore those fags. They're likely just salty white mages, mad cause there favorite class isn't meta.
SCH is easily the best healer, and in my opinion, the ONLY acceptable healer for a male character to play.

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SCH is one of the easiest jobs in the game, but if you like healing it's pretty fun. It's very simple to do good DPS and heal with them because their tools are strong as hell.

They say that to trick people to play healer

No. MNK is the most ludokino job.

Only if you play a girl toon
Male healers look gay af

If you don't like healing and just want to dps with shorter queue times then sure.

SCHs are chad military tacticians with hot fairy assistants though

>it's boring and you don't have to do anything but play bankrupt smn so it's """kino""" and anyone who disagrees with me plays

>asmongoloid/analvoreposter making threads because no one will give him (you)s

Not wanting to be gay is the gayest thing a person can do

These are your healers for the night, say something nice about them!

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Kanye is a relatively good leader compared to the other nations.

She's literally just a mouthpiece for the Elementals.

>onahole for the Elementals

I said relatively.

>durr hurr SCH sucks amrite WHM and AST bros??
Found the WHM brainlet retard

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I wonder what her white magic panties smells like haha

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threadly reminder that
and you have no right to expect one to do the role he's been wrongly given

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>someone actually took the time to draw this
This rivalry is getting interesting...

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It's just broken due to its whiny playerbase. Don't fall for the meme.

You've been visiting him around Eorzea, right?

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SCH actually has higher rDPS contribution than AST between their personal DPS, Chain Stratagem and Fey Wind while also offloading more GCD heals from both healers due to the abundance of oGCD heals and the fairy.

Sure, if you want to be a retarded pretend DPS

Why does Yea Forums think FFXIV has so many bad players, especially ones at the current level cap? Why is it that so many players can't grasp basic mechanics and do enough DPS, even if they're played through all current expansions? Why is telling somebody they're not playing well (when they should be by that point) a bannable offense?

I saw him at ok'zundu when I was there ferrying a nublet friend to aether currents.

>Why does Yea Forums think FFXIV has so many bad players
Because bad player doesn't get punish, next question

The game doesn't teach you shit if you buy a boost, not to mention people in duty finder would rather skip phases for certain content than actually learn to do them

The game never requires players to improve, which has cultivated a culture in the playerbase that despises being held to a standard, which in turn makes Yoshi-P more and more unwilling to try and challenge players out of fear of scaring them off. Binding Coil should have been required main story as was originally planned because then we wouldn't have this problem.

What would be a sufficient punishment for bad play?

>Binding Coil should have been required main story as was originally planned because then we wouldn't have this problem.
If the extra primals were the side content and coils were mandatory I think the update msq would be way less bloated

Public shame, that's why SE need in-game ACT.. Otherwise healers would afk and dps would watch netflix without any problems


Fuck off retard.

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Literally why bother. He's a clown world posting troll searching for Yous.

>the best tank in the game isn't a tank
How do you figure?

>laughs at you with over a hundred thousand health
I bet your a HPlet warrior.

I don't expect any tank in this game to actually tank cause they're all retards that think they're DPS, not just Warrior

>The one job that can get well past 100k hp isn’t a tank

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>high HP = tank

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That's fine, most WAR's I meet in raids and trials can't tank to save their lives
can't do good tank dps either

Damn right high hp is a tank no point in having high hp if you’re not a tank, unless you’re one of them bad layers that get hit by aoes.

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>doing Praetorium
>finish cutscenes several seconds before most of the party
I am concerned, concerned about potatoes

Although actually it turns out I do have this game on SSD which I never really was convinced accomplished much generally until now.

he's just saying WAR players can't do their jobs, he's not far off the mark

Yes, shields allow you to carry retards and style on the other healers

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Asmongold is playing FFXIV?

>play the game on basic bitch drive for all of ARR
>swap to SSD in the middle of HW
>the fucking difference
I had no fucking idea, I always thought it would be a small improvement, I can't believe I suffered through all of those fucking load screens before

>Have SSD
>Take 1 mins to turn on PC
>Can't for the life of me figure it out what's wrong
It's new i swear

It was until they ruined it in SB

1.0 THM is the most kino. Nothing in this shell of an MMO compares.

>recently realized that I don't have ff14 installed on my SSD
Thanks for reminding me, I know what I'm doing during maintenance

I hope SCH gets to summon both fairies at once in shadowbringers. I know it wouldn't make sense but it sounds super fun.

Whm would be great if lillies did not exist

>doing zodiac relic quest
>need those HQ crafted items
>cost 229k on my server
>remember world visit is a thing now
>travel/shop around
>found it for 88k

SCH will be changed to function as it does in PvP with the fairy needing to be worked up to. Please look forward to it

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All the "[DEGENERATE WORLD] WILL INFEST THE REST OF THE DATA CENTER" memers were fucking retards, I had the time of my life snapping up a Kirin's Osode for 500k off of a no-name world.

>crit adlo the group
>useless because fuckers get knocked out of Sephirot's arena anyway

Cutscenes have slightly different lengths depending on your language settings.

I like white mage, but I don't hate SCH
It just feels like the actual "healing" is done by an ai. But I haven't really leveled too far in it, so maybe does SCH get more proactive in healing the higher your level?
Plus WHM has Alkalurops, and I really like Alkalurops.

It's kino for afk healing expert roulette. For actual content just learn AST.

>Public shame
Are you living in 10 years ago
Public shame has no effect on anyone with a functioning brain nowadays
Like, what are people going to do? Cyberbully me? Spam my pm with mean words?
Lmao get a thicker skin you fucking spineless nerd

Alkalurops is the best WHM weapon but don't talk about it user. We don't need every shitter glamouring it.

The HP isn't for tanking there flapjack, it's to let the WAR not have to dodge circles and keep his DPS up.

Many men...many many many, many men...wish nerfs upon me. Hydelean I don't try no more, don't look to the sky no more, have mercy on me...

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I will not play this game again till PLD is the best tank once again. Early Stormblood was great, then they wanted me to be as bored as I was playing Heavensward as PLD

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>tfw satisfied immediately by a maple/elm cane and haven't glamoured anything else since

Tanks need positionals while in dps stance just to give them something to do. Off tanking is so fucking boring.

PLD is still best tank in terms of actual utility, WAR and DRKs can but weep at the sheer suite of abilities we've got.

>Have an external SSD I was using for something else
>Try putting FFXIV on it
>Runs like shit

Good to see that even with SSDs, playing off an external drive is still shit

I just saw a black mage in 400 gear repeatedly cast flare from umbral ice 3

Reminder that severely unoptimal play at cap in instanced content is a justifiable report for griefing and can lead to shitters being suspended

Single-target? Otherwise it's about the best option you've got for four+-target AoE after expending two Umbral Hearts on free Fire IIs

Do you people even know what kino means


Pretty sure knockbacks don't happen if you don't take damage from them, right? idk about Sephirot specifically.

>12 million exp to level 71
>random babby mobs that will drop enough experience to level you 10 times in ARR

>google how to play MNK
>like 50 different guides for tornado kick plus multiple spreadsheets
So which is the correct one?

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>numbers go up

the hell are you going on about, are you leveling on overworld mobs?

>Off tanking is so fucking boring.
Hell yeah it is and with shirk you don't even have to think anymore

I want my big dick damage back.

really PLD is the worst for offtanking, you can't even spend that fuckin guage on anything.

It legitimately feels bad when you're leveling and see it's TEN FUCKING MILLION exp to the next level, perhaps more because those numbers are ultimately meaningless with the way almost everything scales anyways.

>It feels bad even though I know that it isn't bad

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The truth lies in the heart of battle.

am i supposed to pick the gil pouches from msq
the gear is most often worse than what i have

Look man this entire game is NUMBERS GO UP

Unless you really need a gear upgrade, yeah.

>The best OT is the worst OT
What is intervention?

Life is about numbers going up.

Pretty much whatever The Balance has

Just be yourself, dude. No one is going to invite you to relevant content anyway.

Find the most finicky unfun one. That's probably it.

not worst at OTing, worst for being fucking boring while doing it.

I will unironically defend blue mage’s current implementation in xiv

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I'm like 70% of the way through Heavensward and I have no idea what people in these threads are talking about most of the time. How I even gear up once I hit 70? I'll probably hold off on going full autism until I do all of the Stormblood stuff, but still.

I unironically wish death on you

Tornado kick rotation is such dogshit to play that it isn't even worth it. It's not fun and feels slow as fuck. Instead I recommend a FUN way to play the job, such as what I do.

The idea is simple. A crit is worth more to a MNK than the damage it provides, due to chakra generation. Because of this you should stack the everliving fuck out of skillspeed until you reach a 1.8s GCD while putting the remaining stats into crit. This changes the rotation in such a way that makes us only use dragon kick/twin snakes every 3rd GCD rotation instead of every other one, vastly increasing the amount of bootshines we get over a fight (bootshine is FREE CRITS)

We also use perfect balance on CD (but never with internal release, at least until the end) and pump as many bootshines into it as possible. You don't want to use internal release with it because the crit rating isn't as effective when we are critting 100% of the time during it as opposed to the increase outside of it to crits that aren't 100%. Playing this way is both super fast, satisfying, and doesn't feel like ass. You'll be the chakra GOD and will generally improve your skills overall with how fast you'll be going and reacting to things (which is what MNK is all about)

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>How I even gear up once I hit 70?
Mendacity tokens from dailies and Journals.

You haven't felt pain if you're not a SMN trying to get Garuda to use Contagion.

It plays as blue mage should, with spells learned from monsters. It acquires spells as blue mage should, by interacting with monsters. I personally think it did a good bit to improve the community through PF spell farming.

It isn’t perfect, of course. Far too underpowered.

>level 61 AST
>still can't remember which cards do what

>It plays as blue mage should, with spells learned from monsters. It acquires spells as blue mage should, by interacting with monsters
And those things could have still been implemented without making it limited. Making it limited does nothing except give Yoshida all the excuse he needs to cut any corners he wants.
>I personally think it did a good bit to improve the community through PF spell farming.
What an exciting two days.

This reminds me how much I hate the expacs and stat scaling resets that come with them.

Okay but how does your idea actually hold up in actual gameplay? Have you tested it?

Some mechanics ignore it

>think running around doing BLU stuff might be fun
>remember you need to level up before you can do shit
>no roulettes or PotD
>FATEs are dead since roulettes and deep dungeon
>only suffering now

I like the idea of collecting spells but PFs died in a week after release. And farming ARR trials for 0.00000001% spell drop chance is retarded.

Balance good
Arrow good
Spear good

You can literally get BLU to level 50 in an hour using open world enemies.

>A solo job that can't solo dungeon
Based retard mouth breather

This isn't 3.0 anymore, monk was viable throughout the entirety of SB thanks to brotherhood

Where can I get an Alpha plush ?

Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to it. I've been playing that way since Sigmascape released, as you don't really have the stats to do so otherwise. I just want GL4 or something that makes Tornado Kick free during its buff to prevent this aids from being played.

Absolutely fine and competitive (orange parses) in ex trials and savage. It's really fun, especially when you get the extra GCDs in before you have to do mechanics you would otherwise miss.


You have special icons above the card that tells you what do they do in both normal and simple mode.
It was viable but why bother taking it when you can get NIN.

FATEs give shit exp for BLU. You have to grind regular monsters.

>Absolutely fine and competitive (orange parses) in ex trials and savage. It's really fun, especially when you get the extra GCDs in before you have to do mechanics you would otherwise miss.
Sounds neat then.

>And those things could have still been implemented without making it limited
It would be absolutely impossible to balance in a game like XIV. SE would have to use BLU with access to every learnable skill in the game as the baseline to be about on par with the other jobs and completely axed basically anything unique that could be used to potentially circumvent fight mechanics. BLU would be either downright worthless and a completely wasted slot if you hadn't gotten your full skillset yet, or just about on the same level as everything else when you did. It would be ridiculously unsatisfying to play, putting in hundreds of hours to learn some abilities that will just barley make you as capable as the normal jobs is the opposite of a fun time.

Run around S.Than using the job switch exp exploit for about an hour. Congrats, you are now lv50 BLU.

Damn nice

Are using parser and cactbot cheating?

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>job switch exp exploit
I'm new and lazy, what is this?

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I've enjoyed playing it a lot. Having fun playing the game is more important to me than minmaxxing, especially when no content in the game (even ultimate) requires you to do so. If you're good at the game you'll do good numbers and pull more than your weight anyways.

They are cheating. Just like voice chat, looking up guides on the internet, and everything else the game doesn't let you do inside the game.

You're an idiot, which isn't surprising if you're defending BLU.
>putting in hundreds of hours to learn some abilities
Not an issue if they don't attach RNG to learning spells. That was only ever a thing in XI and not something needed in XIV.
>SE would have to use BLU with access to every learnable skill in the game as the baseline to be about on par with the other jobs
Okay? How is that an issue?
>completely axed basically anything unique that could be used to potentially circumvent fight mechanics
Oh no, how will you live without Sticky Tongue? You can still have unique spells like Self-Destruct and White Wind if you actually use your brain for a moment and balance them with party content in mind instead of shitting out something unbalanced because you don't care.
>BLU would be either downright worthless and a completely wasted slot if you hadn't gotten your full skillset yet, or just about on the same level as everything else when you did.
So exactly like every other job? And before you respond with
I point you to their job quests that already require you to go find certain spells before accepting them. Just use that system so that you have to go hunt spells yourself before doing your quests. In that sense, the quests serve the same purpose of getting you your skills, but still give you the satisfaction of finding them yourself.
That's something they can already do with every other job in the game. Why is that not acceptable for BLU?

We don't deserve these devs

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>unironically defending BLU
just because you enjoy the taste of Yoshi's cock doesn't mean everyone else does, BLU is shit, died in 2 weeks and if the devs had any fucking creativity, could have presented a new spin on BLU to fit the current paradigm.
put it this way, people said RDM would be impossible to create and balance in this game, yet they did and people really liked it.

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Lying hacks? Yeah we deserve better

I enjoy BLU and I'm excited to see what they do with the carnival in the future. I get it not being something everyone is interested in, though. That's fine.

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>making headgear actually display correctly
wow, amazing

The worst part is that BLU is the job that changes the most throughout the series. They're always wildly different from the last incarnation. But this is the one that Yoshi's autism refused to even slightly consider changing.

If you kill a mob in 1 hit you will never be treated as if you're in combat, meaning you can then quickly switch to BLU between when the enemy dies and before experience is gained, giving you way higher exp than intended. The devs are already aware of the exploit and said that it's not punishable, but they'd prefer if you didn't use it.

Doing something that you should have done doesn't make me think higher of you. Should I thank/praise a car dealership for giving tires with the purchase of a car?

>Never use chocobo because it's useless as fuck
>Use exploit
>max in 1 day

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>BLU changes throughout the series
>the devs REALLY wanted FFV BLU for some reason
I seriously don't get why people like limited jobs, true to their name, they are jobs that can't do the vast majority of content, nor can they even do multiple solo content, like Squadron or PotD
billing it as a solo job was an odd choice considering literally every other combat job can do solo content better

I'd say it's more like thanking a car dealership for including a windshield.

they have no plans to fix this until after shadowbringers

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>made more head pieces equippable by the new races
I'd be more impressed if all headpieces were

I don't own a car, is it fun?

>Not an issue if they don't attach RNG to learning spells.
RNG is only an extreme issue on the mandatory dungeon-boss abilities like Mind Blast and primal abilities, drop-rate is high enough that you'll generally get what you want otherwise unless your luck's shit.
>That was only ever a thing in XI and not something needed in XIV.
This game circlejerks XI and has since 1.0, do you think they're going to stop now? What makes you think they wouldn't theme BLU after XI's version when almost all the ARR jobs are patterned after XI's version in one way or another? Even SAM lifts most of its skill names from XI, like Meikyo Shisui.
>Okay? How is that an issue?
BLU being balanced around having all of its potential skills means it's going to feel like absolute shit to play and level, even moreso than it already does with 1000 Needles being your main attack up until ~lv. 45.
>You can still have unique spells like Self-Destruct and White Wind if you actually use your brain for a moment and balance them with party content in mind instead of shitting out something unbalanced because you don't care.
Suicide tools will never be balanced for a raid environment. White Wind is gonna have a hell of an effect no matter what, being a wide-radius heal.
>So exactly like every other job?
>I point you to their job quests that already require you to go find certain spells before accepting them.
Their current job quests are meant to force you to go explore certain pieces of content and bumble around in ARR's overworld. Applying your system to the ARR spellbook you're going to be forced to either run raids or Masked Carnivale in full (High Voltage is obtained from a Binding Coils enemy), grind Hard/EX primals, and complete several dungeons to have access to endgame in the name of having all your skills.
>Why is that not acceptable for BLU?
Tanks, DPS, and healers have basic skillsets that allow for dungeon completion as holdovers from their class, even skipping. BLU does not.

The fun of driving changes based on how well people where you live can drive too.

explain to me why a job designed for solo content can't actually obtain all its spells solo is a good idea.

Its the best healer, thats for sure.

>tank anxiety hits in

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lmao just have your level 70 friends carry you through dungeons repeatedly for a single spell.
it's fucking shit is what it is, the primal ones I never even got because it was too much cancer even for me.

>explain to me why a job designed for solo content
You're assuming automatically that Yoshida's not lying, which is rarely ever the case

>RNG is only an extreme issue on the mandatory dungeon-boss abilities like Mind Blast and primal abilities, drop-rate is high enough that you'll generally get what you want otherwise unless your luck's shit.
It shouldn't be an issue at all, but Yoshida himself said that the difficulty of getting spells is a reason he made it limited. Because it wouldn't be fair if you grinded out a spell and it was equally as useful as a BLM one. It's fucking insanity when he was the one that gave it RNG in the first place.
>This game circlejerks XI and has since 1.0, do you think they're going to stop now?
BLU only circlejerks XI in the spell RNG though.
>BLU being balanced around having all of its potential skills means it's going to feel like absolute shit to play and level
It would literally be no different from any other job you god damn idiot.
>Suicide tools will never be balanced for a raid environment.
It could be, you just have no imagination.
>White Wind is gonna have a hell of an effect no matter what, being a wide-radius heal.
Again, you're an idiot. Make White Wind heal 1/3rd of your max HP and/or give it a cooldown. Whoa, really hard to balance there champ! Crazy!
>Applying your system to the ARR spellbook you're going to be forced to either run raids or Masked Carnivale in full (High Voltage is obtained from a Binding Coils enemy), grind Hard/EX primals, and complete several dungeons to have access to endgame in the name of having all your skills.
None of which is any different from doing a job quest. And again, you don't have to grind if you remove RNG from the equation.
>Tanks, DPS, and healers have basic skillsets that allow for dungeon completion as holdovers from their class, even skipping. BLU does not.
Remove RNG and they will naturally acquire a skillset. You can also make use of the totem system.

>getting them in the state that literally every other race in the game is at is worthy of praise
Just goes to show how low the standards of this community are.

>not thanking the devs

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wow, doing literally the bare minimum their job requires in a game that charges full price for expansions and a monthly fee how amazing

Should we also congratulate the guys who put the DVD's into the boxes we paid for?

until they let me play the game for free your damn right I'm going to give them shit on anything I don't like since I am paying for a product.

Anyone have an updated SAM infographic? I know the job is easy but I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

SMN is the only fun DPS in the game.

You got a recommended gear set for that? Im super tempted to give it a shot

I bet you guys also don't clap for the bus driver or for the airplane pilots when you arrive safely.

just checked out the thread, holy fuck, what is with these people?
when au ra were added, they could wear all headgear fine, but when the devs make 2 races and can only get a 1/3rd of them to fit on them its worthy of praise?
maybe the devs shouldn't have overreached themselves, now we get not one but two races who can't actually display pieces of headgear
said threads are calling anyone who thinks the devs aren't gods gift to us are entitled brats, like we should be thankful they stretched their workload out so poorly

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I think HW had less budget didn't it? But we got the Au Ra and they were able to wear everything just fine.

>clapping for bus drivers
what the fuck is this shit?


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male vierafags are the most entitled people on the OF though.

>when au ra were added, they could wear all headgear fine,
>have to fix head gear from ARR+HW

>but when the devs make 2 races
>have to fix head gear from ARR+HW+SB+ShB
I wonder why does it take more time... Hmmmmmmmm...

SB gear is just recolored HW gear though

>not just crafting them yourself

Yeah you sure showed them.

nice meme.

Actual explanation, what is actually happening is that the problem lies in the core of the EXP system and is impossible to fix in a minor or even major patch because its a huge deal, for this reason it was pushed back to ShB launch. From what they said its a huge legitimate fuck up from the dev team and as such they wont take actions against players, because the exploit is actually "legal", the system is working as intended.

Also, as personal experience, when you work in a development team for anything, part of your plan is leaving some weeks before deadline free in order to fix unexpected shit, which is the case over here. Having a tight schedule with the upcoming expansion, the most logical move would be to address the issue on the fix-my-shit-up weeks instead of pushing back the current schedule, because other areas depend on this time as well. It probably was a difficult decision to leave it for later (as BLU underperformed in part due to the exploit) but it was the only way, for once I felt bad for these nips.

>didnt get world first in any ultimates

PLD would be the best.

>SkS/Crit MNK
That does sound fun as fuck. So you just completely ignore Tornado Kick entirely while still keeping everything else on CD?

>like we should be thankful they stretched their workload out so poorly
It really is poor planning.
>At every fanfest Yoshi jokes about they are barely getting anything done on time, music and trailers are often finished just a day or so before they're shown off
>with even bigger gaps between fanfests than ever before
>While they fixed the glasses problem they didn't yet fix the rest of the headgear
>benchmark delayed
>combat changes only first being detailed a month before release
Really seems like their development schedule is falling off the wagon with Shadowbringers.

They're damned if they do and damned if they don't, you have these Yea Forums threads alone that are full of armchair-developer porchmonkeys that will cry lazy if the game doesn't drastically change with every content-patch/expac, then if something does change they wheel around to crying there were cut corners. Hell, during the night hours when Yea Forums's userbase in general shifts over, suddenly if you're not spending most of the thread complaining about the game you're a bootlicker. I wouldn't listen to any of you fuckers if my life depended on it; where XIV is concerned Yoshida's team is actually fairly decent about seeing the "general playerbase" in terms of acting on complaints, instead of listening to Tigole equivalents that won't ever be satisfied no matter what path is taken.

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while they're a bunch of faggots I can understand why the outrage happened, yoshi and co really didn't help with the way they like to act mysterious about shit, and the team had previously added genders to roes and highlanders and claimed they wouldn't do single gender shit again back in 2.0, so people just assumed they wouldn't do 1.0 style single gender races and got hype for something that wasn't coming because yoshi was being mysterious instead of just coming out and saying it.

>combat changes only first being detailed a month before release
That part is normal though

>It could be, you just have no imagination.
"you're right, but i want to retain my high-ground"

>he thinks world first setups are the absolute meta
Thats not how it works you know, go be a parsing whore somewhere else

>world first set ups
>parse whore

unironically you would take a WAR if you were a loser parser who can't get fast kills.

Crystal isn't that ba-

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>Yoshida's team is actually fairly decent about seeing the "general playerbase" in terms of acting on complaints, instead of listening to Tigole equivalents that won't ever be satisfied
I agree. I'm not really shitting on the devs for what they're doing, I'm mostly shitting on the people that are sucking their dicks for doing what should be standard.

That's clearly a Faerie screenshot user

Sounds like you don't have an argument. Here, let me lay out an easy Self-Destruct use in actual content.
Math out a proper potency so that using it will deal roughly the same amount of damage you would have been dealing without rez weakness for the next minute. Or maybe slightly less damage so it's more likely to be a dps loss. Basically, you're trading weakness for the next minute for that damage upfront. It then becomes a utility tool for pushing phases or wiping out adds.

Here's another possibility. Don't have it kill you, have it drop you to 1 HP or give you rez weakness without actually killing you.

my only real complaint is that they spread their workload too thin with adding two drastically different races
I'm not going to say the team as a whole is lazy or they don't deserve any kind of kudos, but from what we see right now, they bit off more than they can chew and need to make compromises
also most people complain because a lot of discussion can be had through that, its not always negative, not to mention we currently have very little to talk about
once the benchmark and new skill video comes out, discussion will be more constructive once again, aside from the faggots calling everyone trannies every other post
adding two new races is commendable, but the devs have stretched themselves thin and it shows

Its a sastasha roulette episode

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>adding two new races
Lets be honest, they're adding one race total.

>At every fanfest Yoshi jokes about they are barely getting anything done on time, music and trailers are often finished just a day or so before they're shown of
Thats normal in development and just art in general you know. You are never done with tweaks.
>with even bigger gaps between fanfests than ever before
They said ShB will be their biggest expansion so far
>While they fixed the glasses problem they didn't yet fix the rest of the headgear
They didnt fix anything, they gifted us the glasses. The new races were never supposed to use headgear of any kind so its not something that was wrong, it is how it is. Even like that they went out of their way to give the community a gift, I know you dont give a shit about it but thats what happened, really.
>benchmark delayed
This is legit worrying
>combat changes only first being detailed a month before release
It has always been like this, welcome to your first expansion release.

>Everyone in the party is well above 15

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>they gifted us the glasses

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Is the benchmark for Shadowbringers supposed to come out this month?

ShB gonna be shit isn't it, i don't really like all these red flags

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if i were interested in arguing with you i'd be doing that and not calling you a faggot for throwing out a cop-out as if it were a rebuttal

its been delayed

>The new races were never supposed to use headgear of any kind so its not something that was wrong, it is how it is.
No, it's wrong.

>they gifted us the glasses
How does Yoshi's cock taste?

If there are no more delays, yes.

Finally someone that gets it, the glasses were never suppose to be a thing alongside the helmets. You better thank the devs because they went out of their way to compromise their vision for Viera and Hrothgar.

At least it wasn't AV.

The only real red flag I've gotten about it has been the abrupt ending of Stormblood leading to it, otherwise this is really about as rocky a start as Heavensward and Stormblood had.

All signs pointing to yes. At least the story can't be worse than SB.

It's pretty good, I'll scooch over so you can try some. You don't know what you're missing out on.

there's no redflag, stupid hw nostalgiafag
shb is going to be the best patch and you're gonna love it

That's what I've been saying ever since the Hrothgar reveal. People were asspained about no male Viera but this allowed them to do equivalent work of adding just one new race while being able to market it as two new races.

I accept your concession.

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Its alright, in my opinion a little more hygiene wouldnt hurt.

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Pretty much take any piece of i400 gear that has SkS as its highest stat, even if it has det or whatever on it. You don't need a Eureka weapon with SkS on it, but it helps a ton and you could probably get another crit focused piece if you do.

Pretty much, just avoid PB/IR overlap and don't use PB with RoF.

>They said ShB will be their biggest expansion so far
I'll believe it when I see it. This dev team has severe problems when trying to do too much. It leaves everything feeling half baked.

I was on perhaps the worst world of darkness roulette I've ever had today. People dying to fucking everything. Doom, the instant death where one guy's tethered and you gotta run out of it, flares, etc. Cerberus was a motherfucking shitshow. Like 4 people went into the stomach, nobody was killing or tanking adds. Cerberus got up to 8 stacks. I used healer LB3 to revive people and we still wiped. Thank god cloud of darkness was just mostly kill the adds, although we nearly did wipe since nobody stood in the meteors. What. the fuck. Is wrong with people?

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Nobody knows. Traditionally, they're out at the end of April and it was delayed with no specified date.

you don't deserve to live if you are not doing DPS

>playing a male character

Casting flare while you're in umbral ice makes it hit like a wet noodle since it won't benefit from the astral fire buff

>PLD the best

Can you stop acting like a retard? You’re going to attract more of them.

They're barely more different than Au Ra genders, the problem is their tools and workflow for gear fitting are shit. Yoshida dropped whatever number for all the gear in the game having to be manually adjusted but that's retarded when so much gear is a variation of another that fits the same. I bet some poor dev is actually copy pasting the animation data for 40 generic tank cuirass with the same base geometry instead of it being shared.

Hey some of them are straight, theyre played by girls.

Oh, I misunderstood what you meant, casting Flare while still in Umbral Ice. My bad

How do people play this shit without buying a level skip pass? It's so fucking boring and is so fucking back loaded that there is literally nothing to enjoy about the game until you reach end game and doing that alone take a shit ton of hours/days/weeks. It would be fine if the story was fully voiced but nope. Constant reading, then travel here, then read some more, then travel there and read some fucking more. And the worst part about all of this is when you actually get to fight the combat is boring as fuck too. Nothing feels like it has any impact.

The only good about this game are the social aspect. GGs if you're a loner. You have going to wanna commit suicide if you play though this game solo. And guess what, that's what you'll be doing 99% of the time because you have to read, travel, and more reading. Every now and then you get to go into party dungeons and they feel like LIFE compared to everything else you do in this game.

I couldn't do it. I feel like I wasted my time and my money with this shit.

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>I feel like I wasted my time and my money with this shit.
You absolutely did. XIV is not an MMO, it's a sub based always online single player JRPG with a cash shop, with the occasional coop element.

Go back to Wow you refugee

classic toxic mindset from the dmc community

Vermilion scourge >= meteor > megaflare

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>there is literally nothing to enjoy about the game until you reach end game
You have to go back.

Correct, but Vermilion Scourge's effect could stand to be less obnoxious


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SMN LB3 feels like a wet noodle. And I hate that it's called Teraflare when the visual is clearly Megaflare.

>It leaves everything feeling half baked.
you can see it with Kugane. Its big, but pretty empty and you cant enter most buildings compared to other cities. Same with Ala Ghirri and even Doman Enclave

classic btfo tranny mindset

Did the job change live letter happen yet?

i'm gonna bite
>is so fucking back loaded
xiv is almost 9 years old
>literally nothing to enjoy about the game until you reach end game
so literally every mmo, especially older ones like xiv? fucking RETARD
and that's not even the case for xiv at all, there's so much shit to do but you wouldn't know because you actually didn't play nor pay for it, at most you're just a free trial retard
se should remove free trial so drooling baboons like this stop spawning

No, it's on the 23rd.

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no. it's on the 24th

I love that meteor/scourge are big dick spells that come with CAN’T SEE SHIT CAP’N baked in

>that one fag that always complains when casters pull lb instead of melee

nah it's on the 25th

I cannot get enough of casting Meteor from a lore standpoint, Black Mages get to cast the spell that fucking rebooted the game as their LB3

The duality of man

>obviously a megaflare
>Koji: nah fuck that is teraflare

It is on the 26th, bro.


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I really fucking wish everyone would stop wearing the Zidane pants as jeans.

gas yourself

can anyone stop Koji the madman?

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you would be right in ARR, but level 50 isn't endgame and there's a shit ton of content at both levels 50 and 60, 20 and 10 levels before the endgame, respectively

Bringing down Dalamud wasn't a Meteor spell though. It was just called Project Meteor.

Speedreader here
The like one sideplot point I was interested in about the aether starting to thin everywhere just got completely forgotten when all the scions started folding? Or did I miss something?

>I really fucking wish everyone would stop wearing the jeans as jeans.

blame SE for adding them

>the spell that fucking rebooted the game
Dalamud wasn't a spell, you lorelet

It's not forgotten, just on the sidelines for now. In fact, it's been on the sidelines since right before the bloody banquet. A researcher you were escorting around was talking about how the aether has been slowly thinning since the Battle of Silvertear Skies 15 years ago.

Didnt shattoto cause one calamity by casting meteor

toxic and a bigot, as expected from vergil posters...

I don't know or give a shit about all MMOs. This is my first mmo and it's so bad I don't know why anyone would spend thousands of hours playing this bullshit. Like,

The Combat - Boring af. Nothing has any impact. You can't even move has the time when you use skills. What the fuck type of gameplay design is this? Not to mention there's no dodge or block button. The fucking enemies just stand in front of you and you stand in front of them using shitty animated attacks.

The Questing - It doesn't feel like an adventure at all. It just telling you to go here then go there GO EVERYWHERE! AND MAKE SURE YOU READ EVERYTHING!! And the naming of things is... sometimes good but mostly it's fucking terrible.

I bought it to see why it was so popular and this will be the last time I ever touch a MMO. This genre is for retard.

No, she was bored and dragged down a meteor and then made the Stardust Rod out of it. That's also not the same Meteor spell you use in LB3. The LB version is actually just condensing all the heavy aether released throughout the fight and dropping it on the enemy, rather than pulling a meteor out of space.

>it's a "scion jacket/suspenders with jeans and thick rimmed glasses on a short haired au ra/miqo'te" episode

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Hey maybe instead of wasting that time making hats for FotM races they could devote their time to adding back an extra dungeon per patch or making the open world actually useful?

She was bored and cast Meteor for fun, used the resulting debris to make Stardust Rods and other chunks of that meteor are why crafters have Dark Matter. There's at least two or three different things that call themselves Meteor (Project Meteor, the Allagan spell Meteor, Shatotto's Meteor which may or may not be the same thing, the LB3 Meteor) and the differences are largely semantic since the point to all of them is to drop something huge, heavy, and on fire out of the sky.

He cannot be stopped. Can't find the pic but there's one of the moogleguard thief telling you never should have come here in the EX Moogle fight.


The Meteor spell that Nael van Darnus was really pushy about using to bring down Dalamud was, though

Cool, go and stay go

That wasn't a spell. Nael pulled down Dalamud using the Lunar Transmitter.

a tranny that plays MMOs, wants everyone to know that his life sucks before he kills himself, as expected from a tranny mmo player

>anyone but fem lala or male elezen wearing glasses
Absolutely disgusting

The early Mhachi found out that a meteor was heading their way. In order to save Mhach and probably the world, Shattoto created black magic. Even then, it didn't destroy the meteor, it just disrupted its trajectory enough to miss the planet.

Can I wear the boots at least?

I don't think it's said if that was the same Stardust Rod meteor and the story just got mixed up over the years, but that is something I thought about.

>Tank never leaves tank stance, even with 0 extra medals
>Healer can't even keep someone with 2 stacks of light medal alive
Feast is just dipshit teammate roulette.

Does anyone else in the story ever acknowledge that godbert and julyan are basically gods in hyur form

Not in the main story, though Hildibrand doesn't feature in MSQ at all and Godbert only very rarely as a Syndicate member (and typically as the Gold Saucer's proprietor) anyways

>defiance until 54 or when insecure
>deliverance from 54 to 80+
is this correct

how is the feast anyways? never done it. is it fun?

His goldsmithing trade is also canon. The hildibrand adventures stuff doesn't apply though.

battle of silvertear skies summoned the warrior of light as a primal of hydaelyn. At the end of the game's life, we need to sacrifice ourselves to give back all the aether we gathered to rebirth a new world

Oh it's loads of fun. Healers that never die, DPS that use wet noodles for weapons, and tanks with nerfed cc.

>complaining about story in an RPG

the state of zoomers

You stance dance.
There is absolutely no situation where the WAR shouldn't pull the boss and be in Defiance at the time, you simply don't lost anything for it and the extra Enmity is immensily valuable. Outside of your opener it depends on the fight and your group. There's still many phases and circumstances where you want to stay in Defiance if your group isn't going for speedkills.

I like it when my teammates aren't at the bottom of the skill floor trying to lick it, but this late in the season its a lot of that.

We don't need to be a primal. Midgardsormr reveals that he had given up his physical form and melded into the Lifestream so Hydaelyn could call him back out when needed, which she did that day. The Warrior of Light could be the same. It's even pondered once if the Echo's resistance to death prevents Echo-users from actually truly joining the Lifestream after death and that's how the Echo always reappears as a Calamity approaches.

>It's even pondered once if the Echo's resistance to death prevents Echo-users from actually truly joining the Lifestream after death and that's how the Echo always reappears as a Calamity approaches.
I predict the Warriors of Darkness not being dead and actually being very pissed back on the First because of that

I rarely leave it if I don’t trust the healers, and I never trust healers.

I'll be extremely disappointed if we don't see Arbert again.

Never played an MMO before but have always been intrigued by them. Is this the one to try at this point? I already like Final Fantasy.

The 1st is going to need defenders once its saved. WoL can't always go back and forth, so maybe they're called back by the end of ShB or some of the Scions stay behind with Minifilia

I just hope they are gone bro. Don't really want to deal with their whiny asses.

Yeah, XIV is designed exactly for people like you.

well, whichever the case may be one common motif of final fantasy is sacrifice--and it would be far more poignant for the player character to be the one instead of a designated npc. Game from then on would be a revisiting of memories in some dream world that will never change (since expansions are no longer coming)

>I already like Final Fantasy

Then it's a good choice. FFXIV is arguably the healthiest MMO on the market atm.

Reunite the shards. Bring the pieces back together again. Make it whole.

No way, I'm thrilled that Balmung is gone.

So wanting to be gay is less gay than not wanting to be gay?

Now you guys only have yourselves to blame when you attract all the shitters.

Now you've only got Faerie, Gilgamesh and Cactuar to contend with if you're on Aether, or Ultros and Excalibur if you're on Primal.

Using a parser isn't cheating by any stretch. Using a trigger to learn the fight is a great idea. Once you know the fight well, you should disable your triggers or else they become crutches you rely on. This is my problem with trigger-dependent players, they don't bother learning the fight so they just wipe the group and say "sorry bro my trigger didn't fire" as if that's a valid excuse, it's fucking aggravating. I dropped out of voice due to a disconnect in UCOB last night and got through two whole Nael and add phases without triggers OR callouts because I know the damn mechanics.

I hate triggerfags so goddamn much

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With the new expansion coming out in a bit less than 2 months now would be the perfect time to get into it.
You should be just about caught up with the story and will be on a level playing field with the rest of the playerbase when Shadowbringers launches.

And yeah, if you like FF you will probably enjoy this game. It's a gigantic love letter to the series. Personally I don't really care for FF as a whole and feel like it almost focuses too much on that, but it's a very solid MMO outside of the blatant fanservice as well so I'm still having lots of fun.

But what if i'm on Leviathan?

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God I can't wait to slut my Viera butt.

Abuse the superior economies of other worlds by world-visiting to their market-boards, then abandoning them. Slowly it will dawn on you that all worlds have shitters and there is not a safe data center. Goblin and Zalera full of brainlets, here on Crystal. Goblin players are like dumb puppies, Zalera players need a tub of helmet polish

what did this asshole even want really? for us to say "go fuck yourself" whenever someone asked for help?

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>like X
>Everything that X have like blizt or cool summon got cucked
I hate this

>what did this asshole even want really?

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10 sucks.

He wanted you to prioritize yourself. Stop being selfless and just do what YOU want instead.

I hope its Faerie

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You sucks

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Fray and Myste are both just exaggerations of portions of the WoL's psyche, with Fray more directly being a Jungian shadow and flavored by being the remnants of the soul-crystal's previous owner hence Fray knows conjury to help you tank in your intro instance, even though you couldn't have possibly known Fray knew a bit of conjury. Fray in particular wants you to consider yourself first and foremost, but exaggerated to the point of being destructive towards everyone else around him. He settles down into a proper "darkside" after you slap him down.

>1.8 gcd

How?! I could only get to 2.16 gcd even with stacking sks on my mix of Genesis, Yama, and elemental gear/weapon.

Help a brother out that wants to fun this game.

That's a cute bird, does it have minion?

Fists of Wind and a pocket-AST giving you Enhanced Arrows


not only will they be back, they'll be Trusts. They aren't going to let 5 convenient warriors of light go that easy

It's not forgotten it just isn't advancing until the expansion releases. Part of all this talk about another potential calamity on the horizon is referencing the thinning of the aether and the last time that happened was in the days before Dalamud descended. It's just a big cliffhanger plot point right now.

>mfw NTR the healer of darkness and watch warrior of darkness cry

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>everyone mocks WHM
>SE/yoshi finally answer their prayers
>buffed to the MOON
>all those people who ignored it, never leveled it left out in the cold
I gonna happen. Mark my optimistic words...

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damn NTR posters

too bad that despite having all of that, it's still worse than AST's heart of the cards

It’s crazy how far ahead you can get from the group with an SSD

Only Albert. No one give a shit about the other 4 and they would be repeating jobs since Y'shtola is a BLM and loli Minfilia will probably be a WHM.

I wish they included Onymoji like they had originally planned. They could have taken the THM concept and reworked it into it.

If I have my own house, is it worth it to garden still, or is it a waste of time now?

In FFXI. In this game, no not really. Its been reduced to a lowest common denominator shield healer.

>crystal players

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Nah, the Hildibrand stuff is almost non-canon as far as the MSQ in concerned. Godbert has appeared once or twice but the only things about him that are acknowledged are his wealth, syndicate seat, him owning the Gold Saucer and his goldsmithing prowess. Nothing else ever really comes up and Julyan is never mentioned outside of the Hildibrand stuff as far as I know.

Within the Hildibrand storyline that stuff is more well known though. Or at least people learn quickly.
>Cyr learning to back away when Godbert takes his pants off

I actually like it too

gardening is always worth it. It prints money and makes the house pay for itself over time.

Gardening is still profitable if you can be sure to log in every day to water your plants. Don't expect a to make a ton but it's basically free money if you're actively playing.

Which server is the bara server?

1.8s GCD while GL3 is active, ya dingus.

>have attention span of an elderly so never avoid circles/cones immediately
>always manage to avoid them at the last second
>get hit anyway because shit ping

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damn i really hope you're joking same way i half read your gay post and threw lazy bait, the dmc and vergil community truly is toxic and spergy

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>Not cheesing it with class change shenanigans
If you’re really desperate go get missile/tail screw/bad breath and start one shorting most things

god damn it I love yshtola


There's no reason they can't repeat jobs. You should look at a list of FFXI's Trusts some time.

Nah man, he’s your stalwart heal buddy. I never leave him behind.

>Thinking 14s trusts will be anything like 11s

I'm honestly surprised they didn't since onmyoji are kinda' broad in terms of magical abilities across their depictions, and the whole point of Othard is the far east arriving at similar magical conclusions as the rest of the world in their own forms like ninjutsu for aetherial manipulation. It's really weird that Geomancers are just their answer to conjurers/white mages and onmyoji are their answer to thaumaturges/black mages.

At a certain point you can’t one shot shit with 1000 needles and the grind becomes a chore. I didn’t feel that bad abusing it, especially with the fucking grind from primal spells.

>thinking they won't be because you need something to complain about

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Geomancers and Onmyoji are a bit more complex than that. Geomancers are a weird mix of all our current healer jobs but then have their own culture and specialties on top of that. Onmyoji are also thaumaturges, plus arcanists, plus void mages. And apparently they do fucked up human experiments.

Of course they're gonna repeat jobs. They can't sell you a statue that comes with a trust if its not repeating a job they've already covered. There's way more characters that could be trusts than there are jobs.

Will there be any good reason for trusts to exist lorewise?


>They can't sell you a statue that comes with a trust if its not repeating a job they've already covered.
Fuck me. I didn't consider that but it's absolutely going to fucking happen.

AV isn’t that bad, unless you have a tank that’s using caster gear because he doesn’t understand how glamours work.

Anybody currently traveling with you or that you could conceivably ask for help could be a trust. Heavensward could have used Estinien, Ysayle, and Alphinaud as trust characters, for example.

So what sort of small things are you expecting to be in the 4.58 patch?

In FFXI the lore explanation was that it was a type of magic that created a clone using the memories of your bond with that person. We'll have to see for XIV. The SMN questline revealed that you can make an egi of a person but it requires an Allagan supercomputer to run the arcanima calculations.

what do you get this mount from?

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Well, in FFXI they're memories of people who've had a great impact on your life brought forth to help you fight, not the actual people themselves. Its really only one step away from the warrior of light somehow miraculously finding 3/7/23 more adventurers to go on wacky hijinx with at a moments notice

Which means that any and all Trusts are not safe from death.

Heaven on High


>it was a type of magic that created a clone using the memories of your bond with that person.
If there weren't doujins using this logic, I'd be very disappointed.

I fucking love that summoning magic is based on math. Don't know why, it just adds a layer of awesome

I hope they remove the weekly cap on Genesis

It adds to the cool factor when you look into real life magic and realize how intertwined it is with mathematics and geometry. Look into Pythagoras's ideas of sacred math.

I actually liked this. The lore also made it so that even enemies could become trusts or characters at different points in their life.
>Summoning all the ark angels as your party
Might not be the most meta team but it sure was fun.

Trusts are just going to be glorified Command Missions let's face it. They can't be assed to come up with something unique and fun for once.

What is the best theme in stormblood and why it lakshmi’s

Who cares, being able to do current-content squadron missions with your favorite NPCs sounds good in my book

I don't expect it to be any more than this but it will be recognizable characters instead of the literally whos that make up squadrons. If its anything beyond this I'll be surprised.

gilgamesh is the lala server

Think I'll be able to dress them? My adventurer squad has already been subjected to my weird fetish, and now I hope I can force it on other NPCs

A few world transfer fixes. More Eureka nerfs. Maybe a random pvp nerf/buff since a lot of people have been doing it lately.

They won't. They didn't remove it on Poetics in the final ARR patch or Scripture in HW.

Pay up, goy.

Hydatos nerfs is about the only thing I expect since its the only eureka zone that hasn't received any to my knowledge.

Prob'ly not but I could see them adding trust customization to later patches or expacs

Hadn't heard about the class change shit, kind of don't care anymore anyways. I guess I should do it before they fix it but I'm also trying to catch up a lot of regular leveling, including needing to finally get some stuff to 60 so I can get the Garo cheevo and not need to carry the gear around until the end of time.

why is everyone who plays this game so fucking gay and full of drama?


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Even without cheesing it you can level BLU from 1 to 50 in a day without any trouble.

>why is everyone who plays games so fucking gay

people keep saying this and I just assume you cunts choose shit servers on purpose. I've never come across trannies or drama on tonberry

Class-change exploit with BLU is basically you kill something as a max-level job, change to BLU before the EXP actually registers, and BLU gets a free kill added to their EXP bar. This works for all jobs, actually, but BLU is the only one where it actually does anything because overworld EXP ain't shit for any other jobs.

I could do a lot of things but wanting to is another. I'm someone without a relic about Zenith or a single non-combat class over level 13.

well i did starter and its kinda hard to know exactly what fucking server is full of what.
i chose marlboro because fuck those monsters
>first freedom company i join
>automatically some shit head posting paragraphs defending THY lady about some retarded shit
>asked if they knew eachother irl or something because it sounded like some very personal beef

The blowing all my rested EXP in 5 minutes part of this is not so cool.

"you are the only constant" applies to drama as well

>They can't be assed to come up with something unique and fun for once.

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quit with that retarded bullshit. i literally just joined a freedom company and i get greeted with that bullshit as a new player. its an extreme turn off.
enjoy dress up and home decorating because the game is full of faggots.
dont bother replying because i'm outta this thread.

pic related is you

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But I want to save people and go on adventures.

It will be back to full way before ShB launches. You do already have everything at 70 right?

Yeah, that was the point of the quest. Fray accepts that being a hero is who you are and where you find fulfillment and happiness.

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>Average wait time 5 minutes

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That's not going to stop me from dropping a passive-aggressive "Nice Job!" every time I lose in feast.

>alphascape shaft 42
>alphascape shaft 25
>alphascape shaft 31
>alphascape shaft 55

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>queuing as a dps
pipe down damage monkey and wait like a good boy

I'm at 34 minutes, this content isn't that fucking old.

>queue Frontlines Roulette
>literally do not have an Alliance B when the circle disappears

Great fucking game SE really

I'm having fun with pvp in this game
What datacenter, I can tank for you

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It's also the middle of the night on a Sunday.



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Go to bed, worst coast.

my god is this game fucking boring shit.

Do you feel in charge healslut?

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how do we fix off-tanking

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nuh ahh

SB is pretty much the only time I've ever only had DPS at ilvl requirement for a significant length of time, usually tank is my MSQ class.

That's because Frontlines is actually a lot of fun. Feast is full of cheaters and RW is garbage.

Shatter is bad, though.

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We give the off-tank oriented jobs a more comprehensive set of abilities to DPS with while remaining interesting to play and able to tank, see PLD's current hackneyed-but-trying Holy Spirit

Shatter sucks, no one wants to kill people, cowards, seize is much better.

What does that have to do with SE's shitty matchmaking?

Rival Wings is fun. Frontlines is RNG garbo except for Secure.

give tanks more buttons to push, being an OT sucks, you play like a dps with 70% less buttons
which makes all the people who suck at it that much more annoying and no one ever wants to MT when they queue as a tank

i cant have fun doing pvp on a melee job

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Make fights where the off-tank has to do things.

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Immortal Flames? more like Immortal Shames lol

Stop OTing in shitty content. An OT in this game is just the tank that didnt pull, you should be tank swapping constantly to make use of both tank CD's instead of just one.

>Shatter is bad, though.

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It is literally Affliction Warlock.

>he still gets tank anxiety
>he doesn't know the secret

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>get in
>wiping on first adds

>Rival Wings is fun.

tank anxiety is a fucking meme, tanking is the easiest role, what kind of retard are you?

I fell for it resubbed and all. I don't know what I was thinking this game is not an MMO and the people that play this game are all trannies. Im serious I see a lot of "women" on this game. But thats impossible, women don't play video games. So this is a tranny game and they are insufferable. But that aside, noone really talks in chat or anything, it feels like a single player game almost. I dont know why they dont just go single player turn based or something and have it have sub optimal online esq shit like dark souls integrated like system or xenoblade X's/dragons dogma. I dont know, this game seems subpar for an "MMO" but as a game it ain't all bad. Just not what really anyone who wants a decent MMO is looking for.

>Enjoying a mode determined more by RNG than fucking Seize
>Enjoying playing 'practice your nerfed PvE rotations on ice'

This is the biggest telltale sign you are a filthy casual and need to neck yourself immediately.

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trying way too hard bringing up trannies every other sentence

How the fuck do I make the spell name not appear beside the damage? I enjoy this game but the HUD/Ui is so cancerous @ default settings

The women are the catboys with the occasional gay mixed in

What is the best looking katana, and why is it the Gordian Katana?

Make a permanent cover so you take damage for the MT the entire time, and you can toggle it off in case the retard decides to stand in an aoe to kill you.

Women love mmo's though. They can play dress up and attention whore just like real life.

maybe if youre so far on the spectrum there's no hope for you.

Better than trying to fight people with XIV's cancerous PvP combat where 1 healer invalidates the damage of an entire team. Piloting the robots is fun.

I really like the dead hive katana, goes well with my vath glamour

You can't. There's only 4 options for flying text in this game: Big, Huge, Enormous, or Off.

Someone explain potd to me. Is it faster to do 1-20 or 1-50?

>too much of a brainlet to manage an RNG of FOUR
The only thing shit DPS like you are good for is hitting ice.


the real secret is to just not give a fuck unless your doing high end content. who gives a shit if you fuck up during some shitty roulette dungeon. what they gonna do? nothing. that, and 90% of players are too nice or too meek to even say anything.

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>Piloting the robots is fun.
>Guys, how about we make a PVP mode where we don't use any of our PVP skills
>Yea, instead, everyone gets into robots and by everyone I mean only 3 people
>This is a great idea. Everyone loves a mode where only a few people get to have fun while everyone is bored off their ass

They really do need to do something about the fucking healers in PVP, their survivability is just way too fucking ridiculous.

I feel like dating a woman who plays MMORPGs is 10 or 20 different red flags though

potd is just press attack button for 10 hours and level decently fast. Went from 30 to 50 in around 2 days.

DPS stance causes all damage taken from the front to critically hit at reduced percentage.
Reduce overall Tank HP, increase overall resistances. Have actual mitigation oriented GCDs rather than unga bunga oGCDs.

Stock mythrite uchigatana, Kagehide/Ghost Barque/Flame Captain, Susano's katana, Kanesada or bust

51-60 is the floor you should be spamming for leveling progress, doing it up to level 50 is advised

Genji, Creator

>shit connection due to BRAZIL
>need perfect reflexes to counter the bad ping

>push back
Do you faggets just sit there poorly spamming your 5th grade level PVP rotations and hope healers die?

me too friend, me too. it hurts

And do you think I'm not using every goddamn CC I can shit out against these faggots? Healers absolutely require at least two people to kill minimum unless you have an LB stocked.

>install cactbot
>never fuck up anything

Do people unironically think the Noctis outfit looks good?

I use the glove on my BLM galmour. The /bstance makes your character tug on the wrist of the glove exactly. But yeah the rest of it is a hot mess

Doesn't matter if they speedhack.

If it's feast you have more than one person available to coordinate, if it's frontlines then you holding them there for an extended period of time is still beneficial since it means they aren't helping their group with heals. If it's wolves den platform duels then I dunno, kill yourself I guess why would you even be doing that.

If they were wearing the survival shirt/pants anyways then Noctis' set is a straight upgrade

>Just cheat lmao

Everyone's doing it.
Smoke it.

Call me old fashioned, I'll just stick to actually learning the fights, there hasn't been an actually strict one since PEPSIMAN AND THE RAPE CASTLE anyways

>I'm bad so I need to use third party software to help me
>but its okay, everyone else does it too
do you need help wiping your own ass?

Why shouldn't a healer be killable 1v1? Healers can easily kill DPS 1v1 just by spamming their shit tier stone spell.

There's plenty of other stuff to do to help your team. If you don't like picking up ceruleum go stop the other team from picking up ceruleum, then you can have all the epic frag compilation kills you want. Unless the player you're trying to kill is a healer or has a healer with them, of course.

No, they really don't. If a DPS could kill a healer 1v1 then what's the fucking point of even having a healer you dipshit.

Who is the best NPC and why is it Momodi

>one mostly human race with one expansions worth of stuff
>Two, nonhuman and semihuman, races with three expansions worth of stuff.
You're right. This is completely unacceptable.

I don't "need" it for mechanics, but seeing exactly when you move allow you to be greedy.

Miounne is equally good but doesn't have the sheer story relevance, same as Limsa's equivalent

To help people recover and keep them fighting longer or get them back in the fight faster. Not keep them alive through the focused burst of 4 people.

Because the team doesn't have as many healers? The DPS outnumber them by quite a bit and have better LBs. If the healer can't out heal one DPS how is he supposed to have any chance against multiple?

I think the devs are lazy faggots that should have just increased the character creator before they released new races but.
Heavensward only had ARR + It's own stuff to include in there.
SHB has literally ARR HW AND SB stuff including it's own shit to fit on the new races.
They're completely seperate.

>0.5 + 0.5 = 2 races
>3 expansions worth of stuff
wtf are you talking about?

>To help people recover and keep them fighting longer
Except you can't outheal a single DPS so every game becomes a Hotline Miama-esque instant death rapefest where the best strategy is "We have more ranged"

expansions worth of stuff
He means that there's more shit they have to adjust for the new races now than there was for HW

>3 expansions worth of stuff
ARR, HW, SB, and ShB items have to fit them.

Shadowbringers isnt on Green Man Gaming and I'm a bit reluctant to buy the expansion on the squeenix store. GMG tends to have the xpacs for around 15% cheaper as they did with SB and HW back in the day.

Has anyone bought their ShB key on other websites?

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By having his team there to protect him.

It's fine to outheal a single DPS, temporarily. Eventually you should run out of MP and cooldowns. An XIV healer can keep going indefinitely. If healing wasn't so retarded there wouldn't be a need for burst to be so overwhelming either. Robots in Rival Wings can't be healed at all but they can still last a long time and get a lot done if their team is supporting them.

SE stopped giving other stores the option to preorder the game since the way preorder codes were handled was such a massive shitshow in SB.
If you want to buy it on GMG you will have to wait until the game is actually out for real.

defend this xivfags

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Oh, I see. All they have to do for hrothgar though is modify roe equipment to fit the waist/hunch/head so that saves a lot of work.

You have no idea what you're talking about. If healing weren't so high because damage wasn't so high we'd be in the exact same situation. You shouldn't be able to queue as DPS and action hero your way through every encounter mashing buttons like a retard until the guy falls over, having to coordinate to kill healers is the only decent part of PVP and the second the healer drops their group dies.

you get what you deserve

shatter is asscancer, seize or fuck off

>seize is better than shatter
they are both rng bullshit
>tfw won in shatter earlier by completely avoiding the other teams with no healers and only 7 dudes

I like murdering people and shatter doesn't allow because everyone is a fucking pussy

You don't think it's fucking stupid that one guy carries the entire team just by virtue of his role? That a single healer is worth multiple of anyone else? In Feast you could get the world's best tank, world's best melee and world's best ranged and if you put them together with a shit healer, they couldn't even beat a mediocre team. If healers are going to be just plain worth more than others, then the only reason everyone doesn't play healer is because there are game modes where you have to hit static NPC enemies that don't get healed.

Frankly, healing as a dedicated role shouldn't even exist in PvP games period. The only way to make them worth playing is to make them disgustingly overpowered like in XIV to the point where the entire combat system revolves around them.

>Don't make call outs in feast as melee: Get called a shitter.
>Make call outs in feast as melee: Ranged doesn't line up burst and I get blamed

What the fuck does a SAM do?

play drg

Must be some backwater EU server.

>Haha why do we need healers for this content? Roles are stupid.

No, I don't think it's stupid that the Healers/Tanks are the most important in a fucking holy trinity MMO. It sounds like you just have a problem with current MMO design in general, which is totally subjective and you're entitled to your opinion but really i'm not sure how this can come as a surprise to you.

Weird as they have it up for EU though.

I'm tempted to switch to ranged in feast, but I still want to pretend that I'll ever get the 1000 win melee title.
Guess I'll just "Nice Job!" my way to never leaving Silver.

I play on EU Chaos and NA Aether, Chaos PvP is way fucking more active than Aether's

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Confirmed to never happen, kill yourself already, coward.

The holy trinity paradigm is based on PvE encounter design against scripted bosses that don't heal themselves. I think most people would also think its bullshit if after every 20 second burst phase, the boss casted one spell that healed themselves back to full, and just kept doing that until enrage.

the biggest EU server, Ragnarok

literally do not care because XIV pvp is nothing but a joke mode slapped together just so the game technically has pvp for the complete autists that it's a dealbreaker for.

He never asked for this.

At 7am
Cool story bro

Yes, this is a PVE game. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you that PVP is a side attraction and is balanced around killing the opposing healer but at least now you know!

Question, it says that I can get 14000 HP as a SAM but even with the HP up thing I can at max get 13500.
Did they nerf SAM's HP or something?

You're playing a race with lower Vit.

Then why did you even talk about PVE when we were clearly discussing PVP you fucking retard

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Really? how fucking gay. So Au ra is just naturally more tanky?

Because it's Holy trinity PVP? Is that actually difficult for you to understand? Are you okay user? Maybe you should try something more freeform like ESO if you don't want to feel less important than Healers.

Where did you read that? melee have 13k health

If I remember right Xaela and one of the Roegadyn tribes share the highest Vit stat.
Lalafell Dunesfolk have the lowest.

I'm like 99 percent sure racial bonuses don't mean shit in PVP

He's fuckin with you 13k is base melee

They do apply, feel free to take a buddy of a different race to the wolves' den and switch to the same class to try it out.

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I went ahead and preordered from Amazon with their credit card, since also in the same boat for GMG. I figure if it pops up for the usual 20-25% off before launch, I'll end up cancelling the Amazon order (which already gave me a preorder code for the earrings and early ShB play) and swap over to the digital CE for ShB like I wanted to do in the first place.

He's talking about HP values in actual game modes not dumbass duel pier shit

Does this function in a way which would let you level a DoH via combat xp?

how do i even play dark knight? i just boosted it because im a lazy fuck and it's a fuckload more interesting that pld or war but im having a hard time grasping the 'meta' for it, it might be because my healer hud and hotkeys are limiting myself, as i've rebound q,e,r,t,f,g,z,x,c,v and all of their ctrl,alt, and shift varients for abilities and shuffled my hud into prime healer positions for watching hp and keeping track of boss cast times but that can't be the only reason...

DoH don't gain exp from combat even if you somehow managed to kill something with it, so no.
It's really only useful for BLU since they get drastically increased exp from open world mobs.

Wait I'm a retard, ignore me.

Christ. The point of augmenting yourself is to get cool sleek muscly robot arms not fucking robo-skeltal arms and legs.

you can get queues in wow pvp 24/7
this shit is dead

Not really. BLU has a huge multipler to killing enemies, other classes do not. Besides, DOH cannot gain combat exp.

Nah, you really don't.
I play arena pretty regularly.