Hey Yea Forums I'm going out to Gabestop for a while, can you watch my Lilith doll for me?

Hey Yea Forums I'm going out to Gabestop for a while, can you watch my Lilith doll for me?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice doll, but they belts look to be odd to screw with.

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You're not going anywhere.

Why must you torture me like this? I hate living in Canada

Alright Yea Forums I'm selling this loser user's Lilith doll so I can buy a Morrigan who's the first bidder?

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Holy crapple theres more?

How long does it take for a human to slip this far down the rabbit hole

Heres your controller bro
your dick is your joystick
pun intended

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I wonder how hard customs would laugh if they open my package and see this

Real question is, would they creampie it and then send it to you?
I mean thats worse than it being seized, she got violated.

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What good's a Kaguya Luna doll if you can't throat fuck it?


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what the fuck is wrong with you people

How the fuck do you clean something like this? I had a fleshlight once and despite rinsing it out thoroughly and padding it with baby poweder on occassion, the outside turned all kinds of fucked.
Can't even begin to imagine the hassle a doll would be. What about their mouths, can you take that out too?

>my first day on Yea Forums!
you're so cute


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Don't act like these threads are the norm you arrogant cocksleave.

I know, the guy asked a simple favour and this is how people act.

It's got tits, you're fine.

You don't actually have these dolls do you?

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I like this.
Is there a photo of her complete body?

There is nothing more pure than the love between a man and his sex doll, you cannot prove this wrong.

Someone tell me what these are so I can get one

I wish I did.

I want one of these for decoration, not to fuck it. Where do I buy a non sex one?

>You already broke your other tenga? What are you using these things 5 times a day?

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Its just a masturbation aid, like a dildo.
No biggie

arent tengas limited use anyways?

2A doll

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How do you clean it?

with his tongue of course

>you will never fuck another user's doll while he watches

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I want one. :(

>Doll cucking
user STOP

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I want a doll to dress up in bondage gear and do shibari ties with

Getting cucked out of your own sex doll must be the most humiliating act of all time.

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Dressing up a doll and taking cute pictures is probably the most correct way to own a doll

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Read that as "Dressing up as a doll while your doll takes pictures of you" for a moment there.

I've never really wanted a doll before, but this thread triggered some repressed shit I guess. Are they hard and plastic or do they got some spooky fake skin that makes them soft? They seem like they'd be awkward for sexing either way since they don't move
android waifus when

Well some dolls do take pictures of you.

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Why so many belts? What is this, Kingdom Hearts?

this is my fetish except I prefer when they're locked by the hands

>None of the dolls are robot like or monster like
Just give me a monster girl doll.

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Tell me Yea Forums, do you think shes cute because of the ears? We are all honest dolls here.

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I prefer human ears, not gonna lie.

This is what I worry about, I own a farm, I have a dog and a cat. So theres pet hair, dust, ect. I feel like the skin of the doll would be covered with shit in no time. Its like unless you live in a clean room with absolutely no animals in your house the dolls gonna look fucking rough in 24 hours I have a fleshlight I have to keep in its original bag and rarely use it because the clean up is insane, from body hairs getting on it, to dust, to fibers from the bed or my clothes its literally not worth taking out, and god knows if youre not careful with it when you try to remove them you pull off a little of the outer covering each time.

She's cute even with or without the ears.
But pretty much this:

Cute dolls doing cute things GO

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From what I read, you are not supposed to use the mouth, some of them have detachable slots for the vagina, and is easier to use a condom.

Based Wiimote gun

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>, you are not supposed to use the mouth
Yes but you can use them in most instances. I think its recommended when the doll is broke or near the end of it's life. Besides you can always just buy another head.

Im talking about the actual skin of the doll itself like arms, face, legs and such.


Choose one.

Gonna need to know if theres more dude

I don't know, I'm sure they though about that, /r9k/ and Yea Forums have threads about dolls.

Yea Forumsdolls are a bit in the grey area though. They look like children.

Do you have an uncensored pick? I want to see how it looks like.

God bless Japan

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A dolls butt really is one of it's best asset.

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How do the feet look on these things? Are they good or just kind of half-assed

Even better

dolls are extremely fucking creepy and i hope none of you actually own them
just get a fucking fig


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Figs are useless and gay

this and making fun/silly poses and scenes

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>when your doll can cook better than you

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>when your doll can clean better than you

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>when your doll can fight better than you

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>when your doll can play violin better than you

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Pretty sure dolls are for girls.

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>using a condom on a doll that can’t even get pregnant
jesus fucking christ

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Hey, our daddy site in Japan is posting doll nudes. Ban this sick filth!

>when your doll can brush her teeth better than you

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Eggs are supposed to be one use only

You can use them like 5 times if you are not super hung though

>when your doll has better taste in movies than you

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>when your doll is a deeper philosopher than you

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>paying that much money to jack off one time

>when your doll beats you in vidya

geez user why are (You) so fucking useless!?

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This is fucking with my head
Did you get a tiny and accurate ds4 or are these dolls life size?

>That bottle of lube

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