Super Smash Bros Google Leak Update

I made google leak, it is fake. I have no affliation with Nintendo. You idiots fall for things so easily.

I made pic related too, it was a long plan. Someone on PapaGenos's server found it or something and I was happy it paid off.

Fuck you all.

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A Days Gone thread died for this...


K :)

t. MarioTehPlumber

oh cool, then post proof of you paying for the google ads so the threads can stop happening
you do have proof, right?

Dope man, I heard the Grinch was gonna be in the game too!

What's his fucking problem?

what happened to him buying Rosalina amiibos in bulk?

how much did it cost to buy nintendo ad space? Did they verify your identity?

Who said I used my real identity? That would be stupid.

Prove it nigger

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>You idiots fall for things so easily.
Literally nobody fell for it though. Everyone thought it was retarded. You failed.

Oh look, it's a falseflagging Erdrickfag trying to make the most credible leak of our era look fake by claiming credit for it. Nice try.
Tick tock.

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"Update from the discord... apparently the adds are being changed but not being taken down.. according to the duck guy this is huge in favor of the google theory because that could mean Nintendo is altering the adverts. If they were fake they would be removed completely. It's looking good for Google theory at the moment.."
It's becoming increasingly more true.

Tell that to PapaGenos discord, right now.

The only credible leaks came from Best Buy, Im not gonna believe shit from random threads anymore

And you're naive if you think that we're gonna fall for your attempt to make this look fake.

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grinch 2.0

>ESRB 2.0

No amiibo for you, just this disappointment.

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How is he gonna grab ledges with a broken arm?

I don't care about some literal children on discord. Nobody here bought it. You. Failed.


Simple, he stabs the ledge.

Grab items?

Manus's hand pops out of a portal like in the game
Or puppy Sif carries it around in his mouth

He stabs it.