What western games are you looking forward to?
I'm only interested in CTR Nitro Fueled, Cuphead DLC/Expansion and Medievil.
What western games are you looking forward to?
I'm only interested in CTR Nitro Fueled, Cuphead DLC/Expansion and Medievil.
Sonic Team Racing
im not looking forward to any games, they all suck ASS
Not western
Yes it is.
Unironically cyberpunk.
Sumo Digital is developing it? Ehhh, might be good
Medieval, besides that nothing. Even all the new RPGs are just fucking FPS skyrim clones. Fuck the Wh*toid west they dont care about making anything other than shooty shooty grab and looty.
Sumo Digital has been developing racing games for Sega since Outrun. They developed all the Sonic and Sega All Star Racing games
Is that pic supposed to sell me on the western games?
Who is this semen demon
Jesus, western gaming is dead
Cyberpunk, but that doesn't really count since Slavs aren't really western. So nothing. Maybe Arkane's new game if they don't fall for the multiplayer meme.
Absolutely none I think. They all look abysmal and don't make me feel anything.
I honestly don't know.
Goddamn, you non whites can't even into english.
Cuphead DLC.
what a disgusting looking woman reminds me of my cousin
She's my wife, back off bucko.
scandanavian youtube/twitch girl - ValkyrieAurora
Doom Eternal and maybe VTM:BL2. I am hoping they’ll be good but I’m still skeptical that they will. Every other game I’m looking forward to is either Polish or Japanese. Western gaming sucks these days.
Woah.... Logos......