Only four more days bros, who's hyped for the next game of Yea Forums favorite bobcat? The Woolies Strikes Back was unironically better than Sonic Forces, can't wait for this one.
Bubsy: Paws on Fire!
what could possibly go wrong?
Bubsy is still a thing? How the fuck did that happen?
>Bubsy's still alive
>meanwhile most of my favorite franchises are still dead and buried
name them
don't you know? ironically enjoying things is hip right now. soon every game will be purposefully made to be the absolute worst thing on planet earth and millions of people will play them and call them masterpieces. ironically, of course.
somebody get ullillia on the phone pronto
the world is once again in need of his services
>Advance Wars
The first Bubsy game is an underrated gem
Only the first one though
Space Channel 5.
Monster Rancher
>Jak and Daxter
>Ape Escape
>Sly Cooper
Seriously, fuck yourself nuSony.
It was a second rate Sonic knockoff and thirdrate Mario knockoff AT BEST. It made waves in /vr/ mainly due to nosalgia. This makes no sense whatsoever.
That was 2012, grandpa. The hipsters left Brooklyn years ago.
Twisted Metal
Given it was a shoestring budget game with high system requirements by a fly-by-night publisher.
Black Forest Games, a small german company that did somewhat well with reviving the Giana Sisters with a kickstater, tried to repeat the formula after a series of shitty titles. The best they could get was the rights to Bubsy, which the two first games were somewhat well received in some euro countries due to the fucked up distribution rights that make obscure shit into classics
Isn't this one literally a Bit Trip Runner reskinned with Bubsy?
>your favorite franchise didn't even became a franchise
I think it has always been a decent platformer. Even back in the SNES days. I remember playing it quite a bit as a kid.
The only decent Bubsy game is Fractured Furry Tales, and literally no one played it back in the day because it was a Atari Jaguar exclusive.
in market as oversatured as it was in the platformer genre, Bubsy was playable at best. You could find any other decent platformer like Aero the Acrobat, Gex the Gecko, The Addams Family or Go Go ackman in the Discount Bin
Shit like Bubsy and Oscar faill into the "empty sonic" category, great art, terrible empty scenarios wheree you run until you hint into a oversized hitbox or fall into a poorly placed hole and then do it all over again until you memorize all the random shit
When's Bubsy kart?
>Fast and Fuurrrrrrious
>The Addams Family
My nigga
Problaby the next game after this one.
I thought 2 was good.
Meanwhile Jazz Jackrabbit is rotting in his grave.
I remenber reading that the director of Accolade almost lost several employees from the company by pushing Bubsy and the cartoon pilot that went nowhere. The dev team made voodoo dolls of the character and nailed him to the walls, they also made a lot of guru and smut art in despise of him
Jazz Jackrabbit at least went out on top. Halloween Harry/Alien Carnage got a trash sequel and promptly died.
Fuck CliffyB the cuck wearing shit wearer.
considering surpassing sonic forces is a laughably low bar to meet, the makers of this game shouldnt be that proud of it.
It just ain't right
>another bubsy game for this generation
They deserve it. This generation is nothing but trash, so its fitting that Bubsy is getting games.
Bubsy represents the current generation of videogames well: creatively bankrupt, but somehow still alive although it deserved to die.