just started this and finished the first two levels
they were pretty hard and the combat is really shitty
but when does it really get good, Yea Forums?
Just started this and finished the first two levels
this bait is false, thief's combat is actually very good as far as first person melee games go. the swords are all real collideable objects ingame which means you and enemies can block attacks with your own attacks.
I suggest you repeat the first mission until you can 100% non-detection non-violent it, otherwise you're clearly not ready to proceed.
when you play on expert and acquire 10 more IQ points
im gonna schoot up a school
but the retarded floor at the end of the first level always cause them to spot me
you're supposed to ring the gong to mask the sound of your tap shoes hitting the tile.
It's good right from the start, only really shits the bed in the last three missions, and the bonus missions are of varying quality
but the catacumb level is already bad an confusing
Uhmmmm you're playing it wrong honey.
>can't handle bonehoard
yep, user got filtered
It's a stealth game. You aren't supposed to be fighting people. Play on master difficulty, the way the game is made, the level's actually open up more areas the higher your difficulty. It adds more objectives for you to complete. Also you are not allowed to harm innocents on master. So you are forced to avoid all combat except with beasts.
The game wasn't made for Expert difficulty. If it was, they wouldn't spend so much time making lethal tools.
Confusing because you get lost? So was I on my first playthrough, but you learn to navigate using the map and the compass and eventually master the levels.
Thief was made long before on-screen floating objective markers were a thing
Down in the Bonehoard is the best level in the entire series. It's also a fucking massive plebfilter. If you don't like it, you wont be able to handle the rest of this game. Better quit here or git gud.
Play on master, learn to avoid all combat. Actually start using all your equipment like rope and moss arrows and water arrows and shit.
Except the game was actually mad for expert. Expert is the canon run of the game. When you lower the difficulty, the only thing that happens is objectives are removed, and the game literally removes parts of the level, locks of doors, guards and entire areas so you don't have to deal with them. You are LITERALLY playing a dumbed down gimped version of the game when you lower the difficulty. And the only lethal weapon is the sword, and the purpose of the sword is to kill beasts like burricks, zombies and spiders, and defend yourself from haunts if they attack you. You are not meant to kill human guards with them.
>increase difficulty
>it adds more objectives
Why isn't that the norm?
Also stop being an elitist nigger you elitist nigger.
have you guys ever heard of 'goofing around'?
provide citations or fuck off
nice bait
I think it's kinda pointless. Why would you play on easy or medium and get a level half the size. There is no point but to play on anything but expert.
You are playing the first stealth game ever made retard. You want to goof around, play something else. Or play on easy if you want to fuck around with guards and kill them. But know you are getting a gimped level.
The game was made for all the difficulties because different difficulties significantly change the level and mission objectives. The lethal tools are there because before it was Thief it was going to be a fantasy warrior/mage/thief simulator called Dark Camelot. The magic part was never made, the combat part was barely started but the stealth worked so well that they scrapped the entire game and made a thief game instead.
The story is formed around the fact that Garrett didn't kill anyone though. In the third game someone is trying to make a case for Garrett being a murderer and the only victims he can list are the genocidal final bosses of the first two games.
>You are playing the first stealth game ever made retard. You want to goof around, play something else.
what kind of wannabe tryhard logic is this? you're acting like playing the game the way you want is some kind of sacrilege just because the 'proper' way to play is to be as stealthy as possible.
but you cant not get spotted at some points of the game
like when you open a door and theres a guard sitting right infront of it just waiting for you to open it then spots you
this literally happened to me a couple of times today
provide citations or fuck off
the combat is fully functional
>Why would you play on easy or medium and get a level half the size. There is no point but to play on anything but expert.
Bonehoard is a satisfying scavenger hunt for tons of loot on Normal difficulty. It becomes a risky artifact raid on Expert because the total value of loot stays the same but the two treasures in the extra dungeons take a larger chunk of the total.
>it was going to be a fantasy warrior/mage/thief simulator called Dark Camelot.
tfw dark messiah could have been made in 1998
Sure you can goof around but don't judge a game on an aspect you're supposed to be avoiding.
Also don't do that on your first play. You're going to ruin the game for yourself.
Metal Gear Solid might be a bit more your speed, OP.
There's a parry mechanic and parrying interrupts the target's attack animation in a way that allows them to immediately begin another animation without giving you any chance of re-initiating the parry. So no, the combat is not fully functional. Essential gameplay features that the player should be able to use are broken, and essential AI features that the player should be wary of are broken and too easily exploited. In other words you can't rely on the deliberately designed combat gameplay, and the inadvertently implemented flaws are much more reliable.
Unless of course you're only talking about archery, which does in fact work perfectly well and is completely balanced in favor of neither the player nor ranged enemies.
This. Garret canonically is not a killer. By killing guards you are breaking canon. Expert mode has no killing as an objective, and expert mode is canon.
Are you for real. A citation? I've played the game, you haven't.
Sword = For killing beasts and defending yourself from haunts, and for cutting tapestries and destroying other obstacles in levels
Blackjack = Knocking out gaurds
Regular arrow = Kill beasts from a distance and can push buttons/levers and make distraction noises
Noise arrows = even more noisy distractions, can pull multiple guards to it
Moss Arrow = So you can sneak over floor quitly
Gas Arrow = To knock out guards
Fire Arrow = For certain puzzles and to kill certain supernatural beasts, to destroy camera's, to relight torches
Water arrow = For putting out lights and fires and to clean up bloodstains
Rope Arrow = For climbing
Vine Arrow = Same but for different surface types
You can still get caught and fuck around with guards, just knock them out, but don't kill them.
nice "citations"
fuck off
Oh my lord.
literal, actual autism
what are explosive mines for
The one with autism is the retard asking for citations that a stealth game is a stealth game and not a sword fighting simulator.
>there are people who unironically still think TMA is better than T:G
I've played Thief on every difficulty for the past 15+ years. Here is your citation, you're a taffer.
>actually discussing video games is autism
its a stealth game, not a supreme ghost game retard
provide a source that the game was meant to be played on expert or fuck off
>Garret canonically is not a killer. By killing guards you are breaking canon.
>You can still get caught and fuck around with guards, just knock them out, but don't kill them.
nigger you're the one getting mad at people disagreeing with you.
That's a map from Doom. Why don't you pull a screenshot from DROMED of Bonehoard or the Sword and put it on there.
The Metal Age is the best stealth game of all time.
that's not a citation, that's masturbation
fuck off
Not him but likely the same as swords and arrows. Killing non-humans that patrol or chase you into them.
Gold is harder, which is better.
>im autistic and simply cannot deal with people doing things i see as incorrect
imagine being a human robot haha
run away and hide
I bought the game and haven't played it yet. Do i need to be experienced in combat in later levels or is the entire game beatable by stealth?
>f-fuck off!
honestly if you want to enjoy the game and have it not become tedious, just attempt stealth and work with the problems you find yourself in. stealth games become really boring when you 'ghost' a mission after an hour of savescumming.
still no sources lmao your headcanon is pathetic
There aren't any headcannons in thief.
For setting traps for beasts. But there are so few explosive mines found in the game anyways. I mean you could use the mines, the sword or your regular arrows for humans too. But you are being a shitter doing it. And you will get an immediate fail if you play on expert difficulty and kill a guard. And expert difficulty is confirmed canon by the sequels.
Also T2 introduces the much more useful gas mines so you can set traps for regular guards too. I also forgot but I think moss arrows can be used on regular guards to tie them up and sort of stun them, same for flashbangs but that is just a regular stun.
>and the combat is really shitty
Watch out, we have a real taffer here.
The fact that the sequels confirm that expert is canon. Stop being a triggered little bitch asking for fucking citations and play the game properly or just fuck off. You are so new you stick out like a sore thumb.
Am I a casual if I bonk every npc I see?
You're a casual or being a phoneposter.
where's your source bitch?
thief 2 also show garrett murdering people in the intro cutscene
fuck off
>i'm not an autistic superfan, honest! its not like i've been waiting years to post my le funny karras edits of popular memes!
>combat was really shitty
gee i wonder why? its almost likr its a game about stealth and thievery and not combat. noob.
I can immediately think of one part. There's a level where Expert is the only difficulty that gives you the objective of finding information necessary to beat the villain. On normal Garrett never finds out what the villain is planning and the final part of the game makes no sense.
knocking everyone out then looting the building sort of removes the challenge from the game.
I'd admit that the details of the T2 levels are more polished than those in T:G, but
>no supernatural elements
>all levels have human enemies, i.e. Hammerites, i.e. boring Mechanists
>no off-kilter masterpiece levels like The Sword or Return to the Cathedral
T2 is a great game, but is only slightly behind in quality as T:G. But like I said, it's a matter of taste.
If you disliked the supernatural elements, you're a pleb.
what am i supposed to cope with?
are you just choosing random Yea Forums-approved combacks from a list because you don't know how to talk to humans?
Retard its in the fucking name.
Thief not Assassin.
Go play Styx if you want a good stealth game where you can be a super sneaky assassin.
But even then the game still rewards you for ghosting.
Everyone did that on their first playthrough. I don't think there's any shame in it as long as you do it stealthily. Knocking out everyone lets you explore the level at your leisure, and knowing the levels lets you better utilize stealthier tactics. So you can get better at playing the game in a difficult way by at first playing the game in an easier way.
thieves kill people all the time, like in the intros
I've told you multiple times that the sequels confirm that expert difficulty is canon you fucking retard. Garret steals things, or finds out certain info about characters on expert that he doesn't steal or find out on easy or normal (because those areas are out of bounds and locked away on normal) but he has those items or info in later games, or even later in the first game. It's also a plot point that Garret has never killed a man in the third game.
Thief: The Dark Project is over 20 years old. How does this make you feel?
lol reaching hard and using a game by a different dev to try and prove a point and STILL no sources
fuck off
Man nigga u mad!
lmao now hes talking about metroid
Garrett is an egomaniac. He thinks that murder is for amateurs and he wants to pat himself in the back by making things more difficult for himself.
The intro cutscene is not a part of the story, it's a stylized demo. You want a source. Play Thief Deadly Shadows where Garret never having killed a man before is a plot point.
>it's a newfag zoomer enters a thread with an aged fanbase who've played the game inside out for 20 years and know all the lore and tries to lecture them on what their game is about
Fuck off kiddo.
why are you letting canon get in the way of experiencing new ways to play a game?
Sad that so few devs learned it's lessons.
>the combat is really shitty
>he doesn't like kino sword duels
Pleb detected
>play this game made for consoles after the devs of thief 1 and 2 went under
is thiaf canon too? rofl
Well I'm not. It's an immersive sim. You're free to do as you wish. That's kinda the point of the genre. -Which includes having the liberty of getting a game over screen after killing someone if you do it on the wrong difficulty.
>immersive sim.
It's canon and it's on PC and it's a great game.
Because expert is the best and most fun way to play.
>I want my levels cut down to half the size just so I can knock some guards with my sword
You have shit taste. Theif isn't about combat. It's about exploring fuckhueg labyrinthine levels, and stealthing around. The combat isn't even fun.
>being open-minded about gameplay makes me a zoomer
Canon just like Thiaf then.
Thiaf is non canon. Just fucking play the games. Deadly Shadows is a perfect end to the trilogy. Thiaf is just this random unrelated shit, it's not even the same setting, it's a complete reboot. You don't know what you are talking about and you are making as ass out of yourself zoomer.
Thief 1 later levels do the same thing. You find shit out about constantine only on expert, the ending makes no sense if you don't play on expert.
I played it when it was new, it will never be a LGS game and it sucks.
>Immersion is bad
Shame you feel that way. While the graphics aren't great, Thief has some of the best ambient sounds.
That's a reboot and a bad one.
>when does it really get good
Never. Thief is fucking boring. I would bet you $1000 I'm more fucking stealthy than the fat retard you play as, and I'm a fat retard.
Long words, huh? I'll hy-phe-nate it for you then.
Im-mer-sive sim. Don't for-get to breathe when you're done thin-king.
oh shit you're like 50 years old aren't you? only boomers have banter like that.
>Thief is fucking boring.
>I'm a fat retard.
The only correct thing in your post.
Combat is OK but you're not meant to be sword fighting all the guards, you're going to have a bad time.
>Combat is OK but you're not meant to be sword fighting all the guards, you're going to have a bad time.
Did you miss this post that shows the complete opposite?
>you can use water arrows to clean up blood
Well shit, I never knew that.
>There's a parry mechanic and parrying interrupts the target's attack animation in a way that allows them to immediately begin another animation without giving you any chance of re-initiating the parry. So no, the combat is not fully functional.
Completely false, as seen in:
where the player parries multiple times in a row
>Essential gameplay features that the player should be able to use are broken, and essential AI features that the player should be wary of are broken and too easily exploited.
Such as?
I'd imagine looking at a map of The Sword is like seeing the deadlights.
Why the fuck did Thief never get the mainstream attention it deserved, Yea Forumsros?
because stealth games are a niche genre
Why do the Metal Gear games sell millions of units, then? Hell, MGS1 and TDP released in the same year.
because they were console games
>Why do the Metal Gear games sell millions of units, then? Hell, MGS1 and TDP released in the same year.
>majority of gamee consists of unavoidable combat setpieces, boss fights and cutscenes
>stealth game
If it's not a stealth game, what is it?
An action game with stealth elements.
Unironically Tactical Espionage ACTION
This really. PC gaming in general wasn't very well known or taken seriously, outside a of few gems like Doom.
Plus MGS had the weight of the Metal Gear series behind it.
Sneaking in MGS1 was pretty limited at the time. It was a good way to avoid wasting health and ammo but you still had to fight.
I think it was MGS2 that allowed proper stealth play but you have to fight at points.
Chaos Theory. And probably, MGSV has the most polished stealth mechanics in modern history.
btw, user do you have that image with tips to patch Thief I and II? The game without the post installation work is very crude.
Thanks in advance.
>I'd admit that the details of the T2 levels are more polished than those in T:G
Even this is not true. Next time you play Thief 2 really pay attention to it. There are a lot of low-detail, unfinished areas - the bank in particular is rife with these, but also look at the exteriors of Blackmail, the top floor of the station in Framed, and most of Angelwatch tower (which also has practically no ambient sound).
>If you disliked the supernatural elements, you're a pleb.
While I don't exactly disagree with you, I think the supernatural levels are an acquired taste. It took me two playthroughs of Thief Gold, one on Hard and one on Expert, to truly appreciate levels like Down the Bonehoard. I think it's perfectly acceptable to finish TMA, to get a grip on the mechanics, before going into TDP/Gold.
Just google TFix for Thief Gold and Tafferpatcher for Thief 2, there is also The Sneaky Upgrade for Deadly Shadows that lets you remove the loading screens inside the missions, and makes the game orders of magnitude better.
Thanks you very much, user.
Are you fucking retarded?
The Thief 2 advice is outdated, there's a T2Fix that should be more up-to-date. Don't install any of the enhancement pack or any other optional graphical stuff except the body carry mod and maybe AM's fixed missions pack if those appeal to you. Do follow this advice and use the lite version of TFix for TG because all of the optional stuff full TFix comes with is shit.
That was the image! Thank you! I was also hear about the new version mod for T2, thank you for mentioning it.
They put ZERO effort into the combat, because it really is a pure stealth game.
You literally CAN'T "be lethal" on some of the missions, or if you're playing on Expert you can't kill anybody on ANY of the missions. You are literally forced to do a pacifist run if you aren't playing on low difficulty. The mission objectives will explicitly say so.
OP is literally mentally challenged.
Hey guys, can anyone guess what's behind the door?
Stop opening doors.
good bait thread