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>no krogan romance
Earthborn warhero is always how I play.
How do we fix Mass Effect?
Mass Effect is dead, neon.
electric shock to induce memory loss, then mindbreaking conditioning to make yourself throw up any time your brain starts thinking about the third game
My Shepard don't play, it's a hard knock life
>Forgetting to condition against Andromeda as well
You damned fool
go back in time and somehow get microsoft to buy bioware instead of EA.
why is this empty reply making me throw up
You're both wrong, colonist/sole survivor is the only way to play
It is.
That is ... not helpful.
Wouldn't that be nice. Something more plausible?
>Colonist and Warhero
Makes sense from Shepards perspective. Lost your family to a pirate raid, you'd make damn sure that the next pirate raid you encounter you stop.
My nigga.
I don't want it fixed. i want people to live with its failure as an example of what not to do, and take cues from that when you decide to make the next big fucking new RPG IP. keep the fucking writers consistent and just start and end a trilogy and don't fucking milk it. it's so fucking easy.
>couldn't make a decision
>end up never playing the game
Is there any way to make the player character not look like shit?
To be fair, this industry never fucking learns from its mistakes. On the contrary, they seem to double down on it.
i'm aware. but that's because they always end up giving the wrong people the power to make these decisions.
Oh come on, you didn't like Mass Effect: Blue Checkmark?
not even the most liberal sjw genderqueer people i know finished andromeda. they gave no fucks about it after it came out and some even admitted their disappointment.
Does Andromeda actually have real choices? When I heard they dropped Paragon/Renegade I figured they were just going the tell tale route and making everyone's playthroughs the same.
At least we finally got to fuck a female turian! *tips eyepiece while calibrating*
I know people that still say that "Andromeda was underrated" or was "unfairly memed" and "buried for baitclicks". Some of them also liked TLJ.
listen to the tone of their voice. if it goes high at all they're lying to themselves.
Well, I've never heard them talk. Only read their posts.
>colonist/sole survivor shepard saw batarians melt people with grease throwers as a child
>and then had his whole team die by thresher maw, set up by cerberus
>there is no option to tell cerberus to go fuck themselves in me2 (disregarding the completely unnecessary death at the start of the game)
>This same guy then gets PTSD from seeing a shuttle with a total random kid on it blow up
ME1 was the only good one, ME1 shepard would have wasted cerberus for what they did.
Maybe they put a chip in his head, to make him not rip and tear them
It made some decent advances with movement, cover, and combos, and I like what it *tried* to do with crafting even though it fell flat.
Literally every other aspect of the game was pure shit.
If that was the storyline it would've made more sense, they bring shepard back from near death but put a loyalty implant or failsafe in him, maybe even codewords like the Agent storyline in SWTOR.
Instead we get shepard forgetting that cerberus wiped out all his friends for shits and giggles.
>It made some decent advances with movement, cover, and combos, and I like what it *tried* to do with crafting even though it fell flat.
It literally copied the underwhelming DA:I crafting system. As for the jetpack, it was not very intuitive. And it might as well not be there. As for the rest, I would gladly trade them for improvements in the franchise, as in unfucking the Milky Way and writing. Andromeda's writing was more like a high school student's writing essay than a group of writers making something ... anything.
>colonist/sole survivor
Same. I like the angst.
Yeah, you can't get any main squaddies killed but I still remember a few branching choices during character quests.
What games are there like ME, but not made my retards?
not made by retards* like me
>not playing as default earthborn/sole survivor
Deus Ex
Played it
This character creator is really immersive, I wish there was another game like it.
Sole survivor background makes ME2 unbearable if you care at all about the roleplay.
The default Shepard looks great.
Femshep looks so bad holy shit
He looked way better with a shaved head.
Indoctrination Theory obviously wasn't intended by BW, but does it salvage the ending anyway?
Ur-Quan Masters.
>Sole survivor background makes ME2 unbearable if you care at all about the roleplay.
I'm not going to explain something anyone who played the games would know about
>writers? How about we drop writers altogether and make a lootershooter. It's still an RPG if you have loot and Stat numbers right?
>ME2 makes ME2 unbearable if care at all
that would require admitting ME3 was a hackjob and ME2 main plot is of similar quality, but gets away with it because the Collector plot is like 4 missions and every other mission is completely isolated short stories, most pretty rote too
lolppl have a hard time admitting Andromeda is Battlefield Earth tier, so gg on learning anything, never happening
>and then had his whole team die by thresher maw, set up by cerberus
>Not colonist/ruthless who slowly becomes more paragon through the power of friendship after sacrificing the engineering team on the asteroid for the chance to kill the Batarian terrorist but still remains 50/50 at most.
>tfw finished this game for the second time last year
Last time i played it was in 2010. I used some mods this time that made the graphics a little better, along with some content restoration though. Have started on ME2 but not continued yet. Never played all the games with all of the DLCs.
bioware are fucking hacks
it would have given a chance for a different ending, and an epilogue
doesn't save ME3's writing, entire game's writing is hack TV style ala last episode of GoT
it does allow for a bit of pandering and leaving a positive impression after a clear failure
someone show that hypocrisy that those biowarefaggots are known for
I've been waiting for over a year now for the ME2 and 3 DLCs to get a discount on PSN, but it seems like EA doesn't discount its PS3 DLCs anymore. I want to replay the whole trilogy for the first time with all the story DLCs, but I'm not paying fucking 57 euros for that. Especially frustrating because right now they're all discounted for the 360.
people pretend Shepard went on vacation instead of y'know, dying
meet all your former acquaintances, some that saw you get blown up?' erhmagerd, we can't trust you casu you WERK 4 CERBARUS'
former squadmates are all like 'heeeey Sheppord good to c u, btw y u join up with CERRBSR?'
everyone's like, oh yeah you're back that makes sense
to be fair, this is the game that depicted Sheppard's revival as guy waking up with a hangover, jump out of bed and do gears of war
Get a PC. Not all DLC released on PS3
I only know that Pinnacle Station for ME1 is not available on PS3, but that's a tiny horde mode anyway. All others seem to be there. What's supposed to be missing?
>I never played the game and therefore make shit up
Fuck off, nigger. Mass Effect 1 is shit. Only 5 levels with different content, lackluster content, literally copy paste shit and repetetive combat. There is nothing good about the game. Even the characters are boring af and have no personality and are just "bro take me with you" tier shit
Reminder that Tali is a tramp-stamp sporting SLUT.
There was an entire scene in ME3 where they discuss why they didn't do that though.
seething talimancer
have sex
commander shepard
shepard shepard shepard
Who earthling/sole survivor no romance here?
>remember those people who trapped you and your squad against a thresher maw, and you were the only person who got out alive, except a guy who was tortured and experimented on by us?
>yeah you're going to work with us now with little to no blowback
>because it was our "military division" who I as the micromanaging illusive man had no part of and who does exactly what he did in 1 in 3 anyway
it does blow my mind there aren't more paragon options to tell the illusive man to fuck off though
>cut ties with cerberus after beating main story
>shadow broker spectre getting all high and fucking mighty on me working with cerberus when I wasn't and I can't say anything
breaking my immersion bioware
Making Hanna Shepard proud
You mean holy hot redhead. With a nice ass.
"I fought, my whole family fought. And got hit by an artillery barrage for their trouble. If they saw me, they probably left me for dead."