The duality of man

The duality of man

Attached: The duality of man.png (1348x587, 508K)

the duality of man

The duality of man

JRPG are bad and boring!

The duality of man

The duality of man

>I'm in love with a goblin

Opinion discarded.

The duality of man

Both of those people are neckbeard incels and were jerking off to her while writing that

The duality of man

The ones claiming shes ugly are clearly trolling. I refuse to believe there are people in this world with taste that shitty.

Revolver Ocelot

Honestly, this is a perfect representation of what Yea Forums is.

There's exactly two types of threads that get clicks on Yea Forums

>Blatant contrarianism
>Blatant titillation and/or provocation

This is really just all of Yea Forums in one image

The duality of man

>She looks like a goblin

What the fuck? her face looks better than most of the female characters we see in western games.


The dubs check em

La creatura

La dualidad del hombre...

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