>Game offers no male romance option
>All the eyecandy is wasted on highschoolers
>All the gay speech options are just jokes and don't get anywhere, e.g. Ryuji/Yusuke
>People say that gay romance options are immoral even though they're more consensual than an aging teacher or creepy doctor dating you, a highschooler.

pic unrelated but I like guys and hope others share the same sentinent

Attached: 26309D55-135E-4649-8FB0-450C96497799.jpg (540x719, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

static1.squarespace.com/static/55efa8b5e4b0c21dd4f4d8ee/t/58b4de34be65947fa341bdf8/1488248372994/ContentServer (84).pdf

>penis inside a poop hole
kek, gets aids and die


Kill yourself faggot

Gays not welcome.

Kasumi is gonna be with Sae

not based and blue pilled


Oh, sure.

shut you mouth heathen

I bet you don't care if straight couples have anal sex.

Kill yourself homosexual

>Game offers no male romance option
>All the eyecandy is wasted on highschoolers
>All the gay speech options are just jokes and don't get anywhere, e.g. Ryuji/Yusuke
>People say that gay romance options are immoral even though they're more consensual than an aging teacher or creepy doctor dating you, a highschooler.

Attached: 1557490066187.png (450x487, 134K)


Tranny tripfag from the swedish general on /int/
Tripcode: !.oLiver5IQ / Natsuki !.oLiver5IQ
Steam account:
Youtube channel:
Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12
Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn
Hugo Lindh Mor: Monica ELISABETH Niska, 1949-02-25 Folkbokförd Havrestigen 8, 681 43 Kristinehamn Farbror: Peter Lind
ANTON Peter Lindh, 1996-02-02 Folkbokförd Eldaregatan 12C, 681 35 Kristinehamn
Antons steam account: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042436469STEAM_0:1:41085370 U:1:82170741

gay people bad

based, fuck trannies

Why would you want characters to be mentally ill?

Attached: 1557359197113.jpg (480x383, 33K)

1. Gays are born, not made.
2. Being gay is not a choice - who would choose to be hated and discriminated against?
3. Gays are not automatically pedophiles.
4. Gays don't cause AIDS. AIDS is a virus.
5. You can't get AIDS from talking to or being near a gay person because it's not spread that way.
6. Gays are just as capable of long term relationships as straights, and some of them are even better at it than straights are.
7. Letting gay people have civil marriage will not bring about the end of marriage, FOX already did that with all its marriage reality shows.
8. Gay people often have a wicked sense of humor and wit and if you ever talked to one you'd know that.
9. Gay women were not put on earth for straight men's amusement, that "lesbian" porno situation will never happen to you.
10. Not all gays fit the stereotype. There could be one right next to you right now and you'd never notice. You might be best friends with one or related to one and you'd never notice. Ha ha.

You posted every board but the right one.

All faggots get off Yea Forums

Shut the fuck up and go back to your home

hmm nice post you should take it here

P4 would be better if he was gay. But having him as a romance option is unnecessary.

>all this seething
election and Soldier 76 sure did a number on this place

Dranny, are you ogay, you ogay, you ogay, dranny? :DD
dranny, are you ogay, you ogay, you ogay, dranny? :DD
dranny, are you ogay, you ogay, you ogay, dranny? :DD
dranny, are you ogay, you ogay, you ogay, dranny? :DD
dranny, are you ogay?
will you dell us dhad you're ogay :DD
dhere's a glerg ad dhe gounder
dhad he said "sir"
a gresgendo, dranny
he worged :DD ad your gamesbod
he lefd dhe shield on dhe garbed :DD
dhen you grunded :DD lige a gaveman
you were sdrugg down
id was your doom dranny :DD

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queers need the rope option

Attached: Smug Bobby Sauce.jpg (285x324, 17K)

based as fuck

Attached: 1390704427950.png (401x508, 115K)

ha I get it
because you are a fag

you need a rope around your neck

Oh no not pol I'm offended but no seriously go back
Homosexuality LITERALLY does not belong on this board and you to I'm not even being rude I'm being kind and asking you to fuck right back off to your containment board




Political discussions don't belong hear either

fuck off faggot

Why is there a dude here trying to send niggas to pol anyway? This whole fucking thing is clearly politically charged even if they're too pussy to admit

>implying sexuality can't be videogame related
then what are these


All twinks deserve the death penalty,

Neither do dyslexic third world faggots like yourself. Please keep the homosex contained in

i may be dyslexic but i'm not third world

Straight men having heterosexual video game discussion. Nice try but your friends are calling you back in I will not, but you can deal with your friends in

No thanks, im Muslim.

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I'm sorry I call you that then :( But on a serious note

based af

that is pretty reasonable i will take my leave good day sir

It is interesting to see how Yea Forums reacts depending on the time of day. If this thread had been made a few hours later it would be a completely different.

aight now folks you had your fun time to ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUND IT UP and TAKE IT ON BACK to >>>/LGBT/

yeah because that's when the eurocucks start waking up

eat shit yaoifags

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How about you faggots stop demanding your degeneracy be in every video game with romance elements?

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but we have had husbando/gay threads since forever
Don't try to look cool election newfriend


Fuck off back to /pg/ faggot All of you fags can be contained there

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*samefag reply*


Fucking poop dude.

That’s where all the Persona Homos like OP congregate. It’s so easy to fuck with them there


Well that's a fucking lie if I've ever heard one
Oh the irony

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>new mysterious handsome guy
Hamplanet confirmed for writer

Dude, do you have nothing better to do than hang around in a thread that you know is full of things that make you angry?

>not the gayest board on Yea Forums

It's cute that they're trying to get fujos to buy the game a second time, but that's obviously misleading.

>Came here for yaoi
>It's a just a /pol/ bait thread

>>Game offers no male romance option
>>All the eyecandy is wasted on highschoolers
>>All the gay speech options are just jokes and don't get anywhere, e.g. Ryuji/Yusuke
>>People say that gay romance options are immoral even though they're more consensual than an aging teacher or creepy doctor dating you, a highschooler.
sounds pretty based to me

Handsome guy is just what he's called in game until he announces he's Morgana five seconds later.

and don't come back

I'm doing my part in saving this board from degeneracy the best I can and I won't stop even if I'm the only one doing it. You can't stop me either, gay-converter. .

same fag

*opens a Bridget thread*

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Metaverse Morgana is the only male P5 character worth fucking.

>saving Yea Forums from degeneracy

Attached: 1546908510169.jpg (252x251, 30K)

Google "reaction formation" because it's exactly what you're doing right now

fireden goes only back to 2015, but even then there were husbando threads

thats /pol/

Fuck off faggot

And there's no degeneracy worse than homosexuality.
Ha ha bitch I looked it up and don't get what it means. Fuck off

Imagine being a faggot, yikes!

Attached: 1557205330087.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

>an hour has passed
>thread still up

No way fag

actuall brainlet

Basically it's when you have a desire that you feel is socially unacceptable, so as a result, you take the exact opposite stance a a defense mechanism. It's why so many priests and politicians are outed as pedos and gays despite their reputation.

Homosexuals should be publicly executed. I hope you fucking kill yourself, mentally ill degenerate. Fuck you.

since when do games "need" anything?

/fit/ is gay for hunk men
Yea Forums is gay for 2D traps
/pol/ is gay for 3D traps
Yea Forums is gay for big cocks
/g/ is gay for 3D twinks
/biz/ is gay when a coin crashes and they need to pay their debts
In another words Yea Forums is gay

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The only gay option I would be okay with is Yusuke

I wish islam was a bit modern but still kept the round up the homos and trannies and publically executed them.

>so many priests are outed as pedos and gays despite their reputation.
The percentage of priests that sexually abuse kids is lower than teachers and parents

At least I'm not a gay brainlet

Joker would be the one on top, so it's fine.
It's not gay to nut inside a cute twink's tight ass.

Speak for yourself you flaming faggot.

whiter than you achmed

day of the roof soon

you think i'm offended by you calling me gay?

>In another words Yea Forums is gay
Nah, it's just you.


I hope you are

>actually complaining about degeneracy on fucking 4channel (formerly Yea Forums)

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This post is so retarded i don't even know what i say anymore

I cringed at the gay option in the latest Life is Strange episode. He's not gay, and he's not kissing that tattooed pothead degenerate. Glad I had a say in the matter

nah i'm at peace with myself

You'd be even more at peace at

Too bad you'll never be accepted by normal people

>this thread is still up

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There are gays, and just deal with it, asshole.

I am sure that your kid/grandkid/niece/nephew would be gay someday. Suck it up, bigot

>all these retards complaining about a thread they don't like while bumping it

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that doesn't matter to me

Fags are annoying
This is Yea Forums user only normalfags are normal people

>wishing mental illness on others
How woke

sage in all fields nigger

Forgot to mention
>that faggot who has been spamming for an hour

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I agree


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Actually more Rabbis touch kids than priests

Sometimes I ask myself why I still try to save mankind from it's own self destruction.

Attached: Do you still feel human.png (853x479, 334K)

shut the fuck up boomer

You know you're in Yea Forums, right? And not /lgbt/?

It says not mr. dyslexic
I will never have a gay relative because I will disown them.

>I want in
Sounds like video games to me, weather you agree with OP or not

Agree but don’t exist a conversation in this place filled with insecure virgins

Because it's an Atlus game, not a SNOY game.

based and pooppilled

Never ever, heterobros will fuck Kasumi while gayfags get nothing

Frotting > intercrural > anal desu.

Why is this board full of gays in denial? Zoomers are pathetic cowards.

>waaaah some old building that couldn’t survive on its own back then got trashed by millennials and foreigners waaaaaahh

We are not on /lgbt/

>in denial
I very much accept that I love cock, thank you very much

Reminder that this woman is a pedophile and should be reported to the police ASAP

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fuck persona and fuck anal sex
demonesses's armpits are the best

You can post faggotry on other boards as long as it's related to the subject, you dumbass.

>1. Gays are not made
Wrong. There are biological and environmental factors, so saying faggots can't be made is stupid. If the environmental is eliminated--by destroying media and academia brainwashing people into faggotry, destroying big pharma and certain industries for creating chemicals that feminizes men and butching women (even to the extent that they take more of these chems and mutilate their genitals)-- then there would be less and less faggots as generations go by. DNA editing would take care of the biological part, essentially erasing any chance of faggotry in the next generation.
>2. Being gay is not a choice
Wrong. You can choose NOT to be a faggot. If Mike "Deus Volt" Pence had his way, being not a faggot would even be easier.
First step is to acknowledge that faggotry is wrong. The next step is to want to NOT be a faggot, and doing whatever is necessary to purge yourself of faggotry.
>4. Gays don't cause AIDS. AIDS is a virus.
But faggots are a big vector, considering their population and transmission/infection rates. If all faggots disappeared from this world, AIDS transmission rates would be drastically reduced.

gay should be executed on sight but we can't all have what we wish for

whiter than you achmed

i miss old Yea Forums


now that's wht i call projection

Suck a cock already.

like i give a shit about my skin at least i dont have aids


You deserve AIDS.


Based and redpilled

you can get aids from fucking goats as well achmed

>being that much of a fag

You are so gay.

Seethe more, faggot.

a girl's asshole is a sacred thing, a man's asshole is an abomination

>tranny janny deletes images
>pozz thread stays up

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Games don't need gay characters, they just need male characters with attractive (or at least not phoned-in) designs.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, gayboy.

how can it be an abomination if it is on every living specimen?

Right wingers are not very smart.

I would unironically be okay with this.
It seems that as time goes on my views become more and more leftist. I don't think this should be forced, of course, but having options for homo relationships would be nice. I mean we already get fanservice, not sure why more games don't go that extra mile. And no I don't care about western games and masc4masc

Japanese games are good in that stuff is implied and they design attractive male characters, but as far as explicit romance goes I'd like to see better.

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Stop projecting then

Because Japanese see homo relationships as boring and are more focused on making male characters into waifus instead. Maybe a AA Gachimuchi game would be ok though.

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Also reminder Ike/Soren is the peak of vidya romance.

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There is nothing wrong with gay options, but it has to make sense. Joker is not (you) he is himself and he is clearly a straight Japanese Teenager. Not every person is going to be gay.

where does it say that he is straight?

The part where he consistently is attracted to women and never to men.

>Shows attraction to Ann when he first sees her
>Tries to look up her leg in the raining festival
>Tries to look at her bra when she is sweaty in Futaba's palace
All obligatory ones if you go like 'romance don't counts'

what is bisexuality

With Hashino having fucked off to another project, there's a small possibility of it happening. But I wonder if they would have shown them off already, or are keeping them a secret for later. Hard to say.

Also reminder that 99% of the homophobes on Yea Forums are third-worlders.

Goddammit I wish the gays would just die already.

If he was bi there would be a gay romance option with anyone

>With Hashino having fucked off to another project, there's a small possibility of it happening. But I wonder if they would have shown them off already, or are keeping them a secret for later. Hard to say.
The director of P5R is the same of P4G, so no gay shit in P4G no gay shit in P5R

so if they include one it would be fine

>Joker is not (you) he is himself
This is the problem I have with nu-Persona protagonists. Atlus can't decide if the protagonists are self-inserts or their own characters. As of now they don't work as either one. They're too fixed to be self-inserts and too underdeveloped/empty to be proper characters. This works fine enough in some games but Persona is supposed to be an RPG franchise.

I like teasing Ryuji and he gets all flustered

>nu-Persona protagonists.
Literally only Tatsuya was not that way, each mc is their own character and not self inserts as you need to pick one option of what they are going to do, that is like saying Shepard was a self invert too

What is irony Reddit.

Not really they both are of consenting age

>It seems that as time goes on my views become more and more leftist.
Put two in you before you succumb!

What is that supposed to mean?

Not a fag but homosexuality has been in practice for long time. Animals even do it to such as frogs. You might be bait but I just want to point that out

You say consent, I say manipulating a young boy into having sex with her.

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it's nice when gay options are available in vidya for the sake of choice, but unfortunately since being gay is inherently not part of the consensus of what 'normal' is, the presence of anything gay is inherently political to retards who fit in that ideological consensus.

necessarily, people will get triggered about it, just like everyone itt for thinking this discussion somehow only belongs on /lgbt/. even if this is a genuine discussing about player choice in video games, people will just get mad.

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This is how I know you are a zoomer. It’s spelt Ahmed you dumb fucks

>That is the best part

I bet none of you have played Raido 2, that was the gayest Megaten ever conceived.

Ike is gay user

The thing that killed Yea Forums.

Go back and play P4 and see what Atlus' stance on the gay is.

achmed and ahmed are two different names boomer scum

Sorry tranny but it’s still consent and by your logic most of sex is manipulation


Based and redpilled. Faggots on suicide watch

Awful thread. But I do wish that there was an option to play as a female in Persona where you get to romance cute boys. I want to know what it feels like to be a sweet 15 year old girl who is in love for the first time and awkwardly builds her connection with her crush. Maybe you flirt with other boys, but only to make your crush jealous and chase you more. The possibilities are endless.

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Show me proof you dumb zoomer

Why not just create your own media with the values you want to see instead of forcing your tastes and preferences on people who did not want to make that content for their game? Please commit seppuku.

>implying they have a stance like it's a news report on politics!!!

You are the kind of gamer who needs to leave.

Imagine how awesome being gay must be

>don't have to deal with women's bullshit
>your partner probably likes the same things you do
>can fuck all you want and not worry about pregnancy


>"btw extra-marital sex is immoral and reprehensible and likewise consensual sex between two males, so don't even think about it or you'll go to hell"

>giving the player options in a game is also being forced into those options

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The funny thing is SJWs actually did this after people bitched in 2012 and Yea Forums still won't accept it or moves the goalposts

If they make the character bi/gay, and the player isn't, I feel like there becomes a sort of disconnect. Like you're suddenly presented with a situation where your buddy (Yusuke) comes onto you when you've just been hanging out, or maybe the option appears for you to affirm his feeling like the girls did.
I don't know, maybe I'm still wary after ME3's romances, but I guess if Atlus made romances a thing where it's a one-time option to affirm or deny someone and it isn't mentioned after, then I guess I wouldn't give a shit.
But then do you make every male gay? Are you suddenly available to almost every character in the game EXCEPT SAE STILL FOR SOME REASON ? I dunno. If only a few were gay, and the option came for you to go into a relationship with them, and you could choose to turn it down or whatever without it affecting you, then I wouldn't care. But I would feel weird with you being able to fuck almost literally anyone EXCEPT SAE FUCK . What if they made it so you chose your orientation in the beginning and that determined who you could pursue a romantic relationship with as the game went on? I'm rambling. I like Persona 5 but yeah I imagine as a gay guy the fact that you could fuck any lady and not any of the guys would be kinda grating in a game where relationships make up like half if not more of the experience

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I guess lefties really are fags huh? I thought that was just a rightoid meme

Do you think Yusuke fucks Futaba vaginally every day or do they switch it up sometimes?

Yusuke is gay for art and fat girls

Imagine the valentine's day scene except with almost every single confidant in the game.

gayest post in this thread.

Attached: yikes.jpg (250x174, 5K)

Oh, really? What studious have they already opened?

Amazing reading comprehension, child mine. I was talking about the people who write those choices and storylines being forced to write those storylines and confidants because of some supposed "need" to fill a niche that the game wasn't ever trying to fill. Not every creator has to put homosexual content in their work and not every writer has to write for it. It's already bad enough that any friendship beyond "HAHA LET'S PICK ON EACH OTHER BRO" gets gayposted into hell by fujos.

I know they have, I only have an issue with people who attempt to force whatever their sexuality is into games that do not have that sexuality in mind. That includes people who won't play Blue Reflection and Nights of Azure because it's girls being homosex.

P3P, also user I....

Leave it to the pigskin to bring up fucking goats, you're so obsessed it's not even funny. We get it, you're projecting your lust for farm animals rarer than what you have in your country. It's time you get out of the closet like the rest of your race of sodomized cuckspawns who openly proclaim their lust for fucking animals and dudes in drag.

There's no reason to worry about homosexuality itself, it might be disgusting to you but when religions and governments start throwing a fit over it that's completely against human freedom and you might as well not believe in DNA at that point.

Anyway, it's fun to make up your own character in games and it sucks when there's someone you like that you would naturally be drawn too but it's not an option. I can see the reasons to include or exclude.

did i hit a nerf achmed?

I'm so glad that the indications point to no female protagonist in P5R.

>I-I was just pretending!
typical pigskin and his aids-induced brain damage received from his two dads.

>Amazing reading comprehension, child mine. I was talking about the people who write those choices and storylines being forced to write those storylines and confidants because of some supposed "need" to fill a niche that the game wasn't ever trying to fill. Not every creator has to put homosexual content in their work and not every writer has to write for it. It's already bad enough that any friendship beyond "HAHA LET'S PICK ON EACH OTHER BRO" gets gayposted into hell by fujos.
has this ever happened though

I hope you understand that people asking for something in a game has nothing to do with them forcing them to do it

Stop calling him a football that is very offensive.

ok achmed we all get it, your parents are siblings

>This thread
Yikes! I seriously hope nobody in here is being genuine

tranny tranny go away, kill yourself another day

nah i've been trolling for 3 hours

nah i've been trolling for 3 hours

We know your parents are brothers. And speaking of brothers, I heard your's finally started his HRT, so let me be the first to congratulate you on getting a sister! With any luck you could soon upgrade from the stuffed toy to fucking a vagina-wound, I bet you're excited.

They're openly gay, righties are the closeted ones who'd rather lash out and cite religious texts while fucking men in secret. It's a bit of a stereotype but that's how these dudes behave. Also Yea Forums is the gayest board and if it's saying otherwise, well...

nah i've been trolling for 3 hours

yay i've been seething for 3 hours

Are all homosexuals abused as children? Did your tee-ball coach twiddle your nutsack when you were 9 and now you pretend that getting railed up the ass is normal?

i hope a US air strike kills your wife(goat)

I'd rather they include a female MC, there's more straight girls than homosexual boys.

Most gays are sexually/emotionally abused, yes.

I feel the same way, especially after years on Yea Forums. This board didnt help at all with going against anti-lefty views.

Who hasn't been?

>You wish
Yeah I do

>instant guaranteed 200 post thread that is 3/4 /pol/ tier shitposting
I'm impressed OP
how to spot a newfag in one easy post
this place was the gayest board besides /fit/ and Yea Forums and still is
goes for any thread really and it's fascinating
like I was in two star wars threads at different times of day one was the comfiest discussion imaginable while the other was nothing but shitposting

Is that some kind of furry thing? Sorry I'm not white and thus not familiar with your culture of rampant zoophilia.

98% of the population

user I...

Attached: 1505079351261.jpg (338x305, 34K)

it is a musim thing like marrynig your cousin

I was coerced into showing a classmate my dick and butt when I was 8. So yes, that was abuse, but I was also so hard it hurt.
If it means anything, before then I drew dicks to the point where it got me in trouble at school.

nice projection

Morenatsu was one of the better gay dating sims I played. The majority of the characters somehow felt very genuine (at least during the Kouya/Shun route). I'd like some more good gay dating sims.

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I'm a gay that was never abused

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It's true, any study done on faggots and their childhood development shows they underwent abuse of some kind.


I find funny how you never tried to disprove being a mudslime and how you sound more butthurt than the fags who put things in their asses.

source those studies retard
especially since I'm gay and was not abused whatsoever, meanwhile my mother got diddled by several people (men) and didn't start munching carpet
>gay dating sim
I mean he was pretty explicit in saying what he was

sauce user's ass

yeah so why talk about it on Yea Forums of all places is what I was trying to imply?

You can always tell who's the 40%ers by how much they screech about sources

>listen and believe
sounds like a certain group to me

Might as well burn this thread to the ground
Pretty sure he means this study
static1.squarespace.com/static/55efa8b5e4b0c21dd4f4d8ee/t/58b4de34be65947fa341bdf8/1488248372994/ContentServer (84).pdf

Bonu- A response:wthrockmorton.com/2009/06/05/a-major-study-of-child-abuse-and-homosexuality-revisited/

so you don't have a source for your claims?


What are you even talking about, you silly boy?

Back to /lgbt/ faggot

>full caps
not butthurt at all

Have you ever been to /lgbt/? You can derail a thread just by saying something, true or not, and not providing a source. They're retarded

Attached: 1510942123790.jpg (475x637, 90K)

i take that as a yes

>Have you ever been to /lgbt/?


>They're retarded

Yes. I didn't stay long.

>penis inside a baby hole
uh oh game over son i win
now im going to samefag 27 times with a different variation of based to make it look like i roasted you.

no way fag

Why? Even this board can be a more constructive place than that mistake of a board.

Attached: 1549993309386.jpg (598x960, 67K)

Once three years ago doesn't count.

Wait, you think that because your cousin dresses up as a goat to get fucked by white men in furry conventions, other people's cousins are goats? I'm afraid you're as ignorant about other cultures as you're ignorant about your biological father's identity.

>"n-not even mad bruh".
Sure thing cuckspawn.


>”Persona 5 is a deep game about harsh social issues facing the youth of the modern age”
>Literally makes fun of and shamed homosexuals
Hashino is a hack.

>replies to a 30min old post
mad as fuck

holy BASED

t. brainlet

Jej this.

>frantically refreshes thread to prove how " totally not" upset he is
>still doesn't deny being a cuckspawn

Achmed you are a muslim in a 3th world shithole while i’m White in the first world, and that makes me smile

>going on/tttt/ ever

>wanting gay romance in the most censored console out there
Sure! I'd also like an ice castle constructed in Riyadh.

>seething amerimutt think he's fooling anyone.

I wish it were back in time when homosexuals would all get the shit beaten out of them for simply existing. Even the police was all for it

>implying that I'm not here only for the gay shitposting
>implying that I need to refresh a thread to check when someone gives me a (You)
>implying that I'm the faggot who has been calling you achmed for hours
>still doesn't deny being a mudslime and a goat fucker

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I’m not American

Wait don't you put your pee pee in a girls pee hole?

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nah it's more fun now

why did god put the male g spot up the ass tho
if it's not for gay sex then what?

maybe for pedo faggots?

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no one does unless they're doing it wrong

>desperate deflection
>still doesn't deny being a sodomized cuckspawn zoophile

nah that's just white people being white.

thats a myth for retarded young men to stick shit up their ass

>still hasn't denied being a towelhead

>Wait don't you put your pee pee in a girls pee hole?
This is your knowledgeable after sex education based on american vagina-wounds.

>faggots in charge of understanding female anatomy

The vaginal canal and urethra are two different things, retard

>white people being white

Attached: file.png (417x594, 320K)

>you can't fuck younger than 18 year olds in Tokyo
At least Google basic information

yep. that poor kid had white parents that allowed that shit to happen. poor bastard never stood a chance of living a normal life

agreed. roasties (both 2D and 3D) need to all be gassed. except for my mom

That's evil.

>still hasn't denied being a seething cuckspawn pighead

Im bi tho

Whatever you have to tell yourself homonigger

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What does Red from Pokémon have to do with Persona?

Male romance in video games is a bonus but honestly I'll just play a game if the males are hot

I'm annoyed that because of the male gaze, the "accepted" gay relationships in media will always be female/female, while male/male will be rare and usually made to seem silly or comical, while female/female relationships can be handled much more seriously.

It fucking sucks, and it's not fair. But rather than whine about it I'm hoping to create something original to appease my tastes then wait around and let the status quo carry on.

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the tables have turned incel, friendly remember NO ONE will ever care about your "rights"
lmao! LOL

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you know it's true. fucking sad

No, being a faggot ass sodomite is.

kill yourself

Is your name actually achmed since it’s confirmed that you are a Muslim

>white person can't relate unless there's sodomy and furry sex

to root out people who will chase pleasure in any form, no matter how disgusting

Lmao im not a gay faggot

im bi

i disagree, look at movies. has a dyke film ever been as big/successful as brokeback mountain or call me by your name?


Shut up biggoted religionigger

So, what part of the Middle East do you come from? I've heard that Iran it's very popular with trannies.

Is your father's name actually unknown since it's confirmed that you are a bastard cuckspawn?

Calm down Muhammad

you do know that homosexuality is more concentrated in the black community than any other community, riiiiight?

>implying social trends aren't circular

Straight sex with never ever be vilified, but homos wont be safe after a few generations

Please find a boyfriend soon, you are starting to sound crazy.

you are being bigoted against religiniggers so check mate

I take that as a yes achmed

Never said that. I just said that whites aren't "people" for exploiting their kids and using them for that crap. I'm sorry you are white

Shut up achmed

>religious people are the only people who hate faggots

Stop pretending like you don't want me to have a little boy for you to molest, queer

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straight sex has absolutely nothing to do with the weeb faggots who legitimately think conservatives "accept" them

>I've heard that Iran it's very popular with trannies.
Based ESL retard.

lol black people literally pride themselves on exploiting their kids, why do you think the average black bitch has 4 different baby daddys?

No one looks to conservatism for "acceptance." It's funny though that you pride yourself off of social posturing though, fuckin loser

now that's a feepy beepy if i ever did see one

Provide an option for the player to choose there sexuality during the start of the game and make all relationship victims could be non canonical sexuality wise and only get a certain sexuality when dated.Or restrict some dating options to some sexualitys.

I take that as a yes, bastard cuckspawn.

Yet I don't see them promote degeneracy with them. Making them trannies and shit. you "people" are sick

Faggot here
I hate fucking trans, homos that force there children to be like them, and almost anything LGBT related. I wish i could just put pee pees up my ass instead of people thinking i roll with those fuckers

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or normal people can just worry about normal people romance and not give a shit about whiney faggots wanting to use their male characters to fuck other male characters? That seems way easier

Im bi and wasnt sexually abused
My dad did abuse me but not sexually

What the fuck is a cuckspawn even achmed?

why don't you just be a fujo and use your imagination
dumb males

literally the most famous tranny in America is Ru fucking Paul until Bruce Jenner came around. Infact I'd still say Ru Paul is more relevant in 2019


homosexual tendencies are a result of anti-social attitudes which can be brought about by violence. Your daddy smashing you is very relevant

Meh, I don't care. I'd probably play it if it did have same-sex options, but unlike those journos begging for easy modes, I've accepted some games aren't for me.

It's weird I love a lot of JRPGs that have a token hero and heroine romance, but if it's a choose your love interest game I'm just not into it unless I can choose between guys and girls. I guess I'm fine with a romance plot that is part of the story, while games with romantic options are usually bad shallow romances and at least I can kinda get into guy/guy stuff because of my orientation.

Nope some white guy make up wearing Youtuber has more influence on kids than that washed up "celeb".

but that describes 99.3% of the people on Yea Forums right now. what's your excuse sweetie?


No. No older brothers either so I'm just a statistical anomaly

Normal people and lgbt are interchangeable.Let people date guys bro.

lmao begging for validation isn't wanting to be accepted? o k
it takes a special kind of self-hated to align yourself people who think you're degenerate. remember to keep hiding your power level :-)

I go to /lgbt/ ironically. It's a hilarious board if you know what threads to go in

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>begging for validation

that truly is hilarious coming from a cock sucking faggot


There's nothing normal about finding men attractive and finding women unattractive.

>Normal people and lgbt are interchangeable.Let people date guys bro.

Hey look at this 19 year old bitch whos had public education his whole life

old Yea Forums gay threads:
>a bunch of images of cute vidya boys
nu-Yea Forums gay threads:
>screeching third-worlders

remember to close the futa tabs when looking for more pride parade pix to save faggyboi, jesus is watching

>literally refusing to play an RPG because you can't personally identify with completely optional romance scenes
I will never understand selfinsertfags.

How do I achieve his body?

who says we cant salvage this thread yet

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Post some husbandos then!

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i dont even know what futa is lmao. I get it though, everyone in your world is probably some fuckin weirdo faggot

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It happens in nature you retard.Unlike religion.
Look at this religionigger whos had home/sundayschooling all his life and cant cope with science and hates people for being different.

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you're a fucking retard
>are a result of anti-social attitudes
that study hypothesized that being gay or lesbian meant you were more likely to suffer from various mental health issues, not that being gay/lesbian stemmed from it
at least read your own sources correctly

Get better taste gay boi

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>debating about whats normal
>on Yea Forums dot org
oh nonononono NO!

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I bet you feel really tough talking about how much you love seeing gay people in home-room with all the 15 year old sophmores looking up to you

talk about mental gymnastics

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You know what, this thread was a fujo thread disguised

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>talk about mental gymnastics
your source had literally nothing related to
>being gay stems from being fucked up mentally
but do please keep being retarded

>normal = it happens in nature

no it wasn't, clearly full of dumb males talking about weird 3D stuff but no worries it's getting fixed now by posting some video game boys on the video game board

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yes you do, not like it matters anyway. a dying breed, destined to a life of solitude. #RISEUP

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>hurrrrr gay people suffer from a multitude of mental illnesses but that doesn't mean them being gay caused it cuz i said so!

LOL imagine being a fucking psychopathic gay person, and that's your life. hahahahaha

>Hey look at this 19 year old bitch whos had public education his whole life
As opposed to your 19 year old's self that dropped out of education 6 years ago?

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Listen you little cunt, I like to put my dick inside holes. I don't care what hole, as long as it's attractive. I don't mess with trannies because I believe that growing fake tits and cutting your nuts off is wrong. Leave me the fuck alone and focus on the true mentally ill people while I fuck whatever I want to fuck and feel righteous about it.

> a dying breed, destined to a life of solitude. #RISEUP

Yeah thats probably why LGBT folk are more likely to suffer from mental illness and suicidal tendencies lmao

Make it a separate version. I don't want to pay money for content I'm not going to touch.

Nah kids are gross you weirdo
Also public schools wouldn’t put seperate grades in one class
Also thats like saying a straight person must love all those other straight people,yes they do.as long as its consenting adults its fine.
Im saying its natural and there for a normal part of humanity.
Not all gay people suffer from mental illnesses cause most do.
Most gain those mental illnesses from being oppressed and hated and bullied and staying in the closet so long.
Shut up religionigger.

Attached: 68839454_p22.png (1344x2224, 681K)

>only smart people really love gays! I know because my mom and dad paid for a sociology class my freshman year in college! Which was last year...

>hurrrrr gay people suffer from a multitude of mental illnesses but that doesn't mean them being gay caused it cuz i said so!
but that's not what you said originally retard?
which was
>homosexual tendencies are a result of anti-social attitudes which can be brought about by violence
that's entirely unrelated
but do please try to damage control

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>implying supporting gays makes you gay
Your saying its wrong to be gay because...they teach it in a school?

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>Also public schools wouldn’t put seperate grades in one class

I dunno about you but I was able to double up on math and take Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trigonometry all as a sophmore despite those classes normally being geared towards Juniors and Seniors.

>Most gain those mental illnesses from being oppressed and hated and bullied and staying in the closet so long.

Never gets old. Newsflash, the world is indifferent. Gay people are mentally ill because they know they are major pretenders here in the real world

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>im going to refuse to acknowledge the obvious link between anti-social behavior and mental illness because I suck AIDS cock all day


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>Your saying its wrong to be gay because...they teach it in a school?

It makes you a faggot for mindlessly submitting to an authoritarian opinion simply because you've tricked your mind into thinking your a good guy for supporting fuckin queers


>im going to refuse to acknowledge the obvious link between anti-social behavior and mental illness because I suck AIDS cock all day
once again
>make incredibly retarded statement
>post source that says literally nothing about it
>keeps trying to shift the goalposts to ignore the fact he made such a retarded statement
okay retard
do please keep contorting yourself because it's entertaining

Reply to if you're not a complete retarded pussy.

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Hey uh, wanna go watch a movie with me user? Get to know each other?

Fuck off

>Never gets old. Newsflash, the world is indifferent. Gay people are mentally ill because they know they are major pretenders here in the real world

Except...Your wrong.
Why to men have g-spots?How is that pretending.Why does bisexuality and homosexuality occur in almost every animal?
This is your brain on religion.

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Just because white men in their natural habitat sodomize each other and fuck farm animals doesn't mean it's a normal part of humanity.

>i like to stick my dick into ANYTHING

Whats up mentally ill abuse victim?

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I'll gladly include you in my victimhood if you want.

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>Why to men have g-spots?How is that pretending.Why does bisexuality and homosexuality occur in almost every animal?

Such a retarded myth, there is no such thing as a G spot and this stupid shit only gets peddled by """""""sex therapists"""""""" which are even less credible than social psychologists

it would be far less infuriating if the 'several adult women can pursue a teenage boy romantically' wasn't an option. wtf is with the creepy ass cradle robber fetish.

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>I'll gladly include you in my victimhood if you want.
You're gonna have your father no. 2 rape that user?

thats cool, I like stomping gay brains into the pavement

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Awww user can't find your "gf" g spot
So sad

Nigger I have a 10x stronger orgasm from putting stuff in my ass because i have a fully functioning healthy PROSTATE. Get laid.

>wahh i cant do things i wanna do because my catholic mummy said putting stuff in my butt is wrong

Im bi tho,of course i dont only support lgbt because of me being taught it in school.
Your strawmanning is futile
But its normal because being gay doesnt affect you and its natural and meant to happen based on having g-spots and physcologly unlike beastiality where humans arent designed to fuck animals
Except a g-spot isnt a myth

There's no such thing as a gay man. There are only men who haven't met the right woman yet.

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might actually play a p5 if it had romanceable guys.

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My un-sodomized ass is thankful that you're wrong in ascribing me to a catholic family.

>Awww user can't find your "gf" g spot

hahahaha okay 13 year old

Okay mentally ill suicide case

>its totally true bro look at this men's health blog

Yeah lemme just go get all my info from TIME magazine

I'm thankful that you're never gonna experience what I experience and continue being a cog in the cycle of dick that keeps real men down, whether left or right.

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>humans arent designed to fuck animals
Humans have dicks, animals have holes, and white people do it which proves it happens in nature. Bestiality confirmed for being as natural as homosexuality.

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Sorry user i can already have a 20x stronger orgasm and not shove stuff up my ass

nothing hotter than having them rub against eachother

Attached: 74033285_p2.jpg (1000x1011, 330K)

Objectively false, open a book, or your ass.

>que the video of the nigger woman in africa blowing air into a cows asshole

>>que the video of the nigger woman in africa blowing air into a cows asshole
of course a white person would have this video on hand

Attached: 74033285_p13.jpg (1000x737, 174K)

Ok,link your info bitch.
Except homosexuality happens in more than one animal unlike beastiality and beastiality is a mental illness and can be overcome unlike homosexuality
Show proof ;)

LOL this homo is on the verge of suicide now that he realizes hes been shoving shit up his ass like a retarded person his whole adult life

youtube isn't exactly having something "on hand" dummy

Attached: 74288030_p5.jpg (1000x1333, 486K)

>Except homosexuality happens in more than one animal
what arbitrary numer is needed before it earns the "happens in nature" description? Dumbshit.

>beastiality is a mental illness
whoa calm down there you catholic nutjob.



Keep being a fairy pushed down by society's limits while I fuck girls and guys and get praised for it.

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Study funded by rich dicklet no doubt.

>and get praised for it.

Literally an obvious projection, I bet you will never live to be 40

You can look up any sort of porn as proof that you can fuck a cute boy in the ass while not touching his cock, and he will moan and spurt copious amounts of jizz from it.

fucking lel

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>related entirely to women
that has literally nothing to do with how men get pleasure from anal so your point?

whatever you have to tell yourself to stay alive for 2 more years before the inevitable suicide, faggot ass bitch

Human brains are so complex they break easilty and do beastiality
Also im athiest
Who cares i still feel good when pee pee in butt.

Is that the age when you'll get it in with someone you've had an arranged marriage with? Or when you're too old to have fun with attractive people?

Attached: 69080930_p26.png (1500x1061, 925K)

>porn is real life!

>the g-spot in women is a myth but not men!!!

>what's irony

I'm straight and I'm turned off by anal sex.

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>98% of the population
>Not abused Emotionally or sexualy
It seems that you never went to a school, and it shows in many ways.

if you don't believe me, see for yourself, but you can't because your uncle told you that gays and bi's are wrong while buying hookers.

Its the age when normal people can start to relax as their children are growing up and becoming self-sufficient :)

Meanwhile you will always be a lonely fucking faggot and your blown out asshole will cause you to go septic, lmao

>the g-spot in women is a myth but not men!!!
t.unironic retard
you do realize the pleasure men get from anal derives from stimulation of the prostate right?
that has nothing to do with the supposed G spot of women when getting fucked in their pussy

Did you know if you suck a girls clit you are sucking her undeveloped cock. That's gay user.

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I honestly wouldn't mind only if we got a FeMC and lesbian romance options too.

>who would choose to be hated and discriminated against?
Being gay is literally celebrated in Canada. What third world shithole do you live in where gays are discriminated against?

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its fucking obvious that you are underage lol, you are unironically looking at porn for objective reality

yeah I really feel all the pleasure in my prostate while I'm railing my gf

>implying a bisexual person can't have kids
You reach for the extreme, when I stay in the middle, happy as fuck while you get confused on which type of grease on your hand is either cheeto dust or your mother's lotion.

>to relax as their children are growing up and becoming self-sufficient
You mean until your kid comes out as trans :)

You can look up any sort of porn as proof that you can fuck a cute boy's mouth while not touching his cock, and he will moan and spurt copious amounts of jizz from it.

>unlike beastiality
Otters will rape baby seals, sometimes holding them underwater till they drown
Some adolescent seals rape penguins

>yeah I really feel all the pleasure in my prostate while I'm railing my gf(male)

Attached: 70441179_p4.jpg (800x800, 434K)

>yeah I really feel all the pleasure in my prostate while I'm railing my gf
holy shit
you're actually impressing me with how retarded you're being

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the only women to date bi-sexual men are basket cases psychopaths, enjoy having a crazy kid that will end up shooting up a gay club because of his faggot father

yeah you'd wish pedo

not really no

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Nah, Im okay with a persona game having fag options, but not the remastered one of a protag we know already feels weird.

>i'm not strong enough to handle someone whose hymen got broken on a horse


You're showing your underage by unironically mentioning "girls with a penis"

I guess youre too stupid to read a chain of responses then

I only wanna fuck Morgana as a cat.

whatever you have to tell yourself as the only females you know are the ones that got fucked by their dad

I didn't say anything about self-inserting.

Come on gays. I know you want this female ass. It's not being straight if it's for an ass, right?

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how do you guys not get tired of debating this shit every day here

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Gotta love how mods allow political threads as long as the OP is pro-LGBT

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>I guess youre too stupid to read a chain of responses then
>prostate stimulation happens while fucking girl normally
do enlighten me how I've somehow misread this

Juuichi a best.

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I taste all naturally grown fruits nigger. Bring it on.

because I know for a fact gay people and trannies unironically take what I say to heart

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>You're showing your underage by unironically mentioning "girls with a penis"
You didn't get the joke...

I'm not interested in anything attached to a female, I don't care what it is. That includes futa.

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I'm just trying to save you gays from going to Hell. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible.

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>because I know for a fact gay people and trannies unironically take what I say to heart
As opposed to your love interests.

Wrong cat form.
Kind of.

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I hope Hell has a lot of hot demons.

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>Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible.
So is eating pork, along with some 300 other sins you're no doubt guilty of, so I guess we know who will join the sodomites in the fire.

Atlus' too based for faggotry

Attached: redpilled.png (509x605, 331K)

Retard religionigger
Straw man
A-user where do you think prostate is.Its not in your penis.

I can't wait until next April Fools Day on Yea Forums when all the people here pretending to be straight are making their own erp threads and bending over for anons over some stupid gimmick bullshit that's displayed on the top of their posts.

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>your love interests

Anyone who has ever gotten laid in their life, even just once, never uses this type of language

> get praised for it
What happened to being oppressed? Try to be consistent with your narrative faggot.

less weird

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I miss liking posts.

You said you received anal stimulation from your gf...as if it was actually a dude railing ya...

the pleasure gay men feel when getting fucked up their ass comes from their mental illness of being a submissive worthless excuse of a man

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>less weird

I'm not so sure. Not that I care either way how weird I am.

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I was raised up by a Christian Family but this is one of the most stupid and contradictory things on the bible, doesn't God say "Love everyone" or some shit like that, and why is it a sin?, like what harm causes?

But every thrust just makes feels so good.

I actually said "railing my gf" because I miss read, how fucking dumb are you?

>never uses this type of language
I wonder if that is true or you just made a safe bet assuming most people here would be virgins.

Attached: 69633129_p11.jpg (800x640, 183K)

I've seen a lot of videos of guys cumming hands free from anal, so that submissive feeling must be pretty good.

>Atlus' too based for faggotry

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oh that is a cute ship, good taste

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Cry louder

I know, I'm sure all those cuts on your arms and thighs from the razor blade "feels so good" too

nobody refers to "girls I want to fuck" as "love interests"

Yeah, I've seen a lot of "videos" showing a lot of stupid shit that is fake because its porn you fucking 13 year old moron

>doesn't God say "Love everyone" or some shit like that
According to the bible He hates a bunch of people, including pork-eaters.

Pork is a Muslim thing. For Christians (the true religion) it is shellfish that cannot be eaten.

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>not watching amateur videos


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Oh no I'm not a white girl. Just like enjoy men

I bet you know it from experience.

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>nobody refers to "girls I want to fuck" as "love interests"

It’s hell
OF COURSE the demons are all hot and fuckable
Just look at DMC5.
The best thing about hell is theres no Christfags to bitch and moan while you’re trying to bang Nero’s devil hole

>5. You can't get AIDS from talking to or being near a gay person because it's not spread that way.
>6. Gays are just as capable of long term relationships as straights, and some of them are even better at it than straights are.

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the only thing i've learned from this thread is that the "have sex" posters were right

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I've seen an amateur video of someones shooting themselves in the head with a shotgun? Try it?

Okay, so you share heroin needles to cover up the pain of being a shit excuse of a man, okay

>sad excuse of a man detected

The bible does not say God hates gays. Being gay is a modern construct. Sodomy is what was forbidden, because it is not what God intended men use their penises for.

He deserves it. Dad bods are the best

Is there actually a denomination of christians that believe shellfish is the only thing that can't be eaten?

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I don't wanna shoot myself since I'm not straight.

why? I enjoying doing what I do. I have a bf now. I mean if I was a virgin like most posters here then maybe I would but nah

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>because it is not what God intended men use their penises for.
it was intended to fuck women but christians become celibate nevertheless. Contradictions everywhere.

Its not videos user if ive actually experienced them
Also no mixed clothings...and its ok to beat children and own slaves
But its true

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Damn, look at all that projection and anger.

>projections: the post

I actually feel bad for faggots who will never amount to anything besides sucking cock until they are literally worthless

I wish. I only tried weed and some pills. but that was when I was younger. was fun in college

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What's wrong with sucking cock? I like making guys happy. Why is that suddenly a bad thing.

>Also no mixed clothings...and its ok to beat children and own slaves
I know the bible commands for people to be enslaved and children stoned to death for not bleeding on the wedding night and apostasy, but what do you mean by christianity not having mixed "clothings"?

In 3 years I will have children and in 3 years you will have an auto-immune virus lol

goodnight and see you in the next /pol/sona 5 thread

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what? I didn't imply you sucked cock. Sounding kind of defensive user

>being a submissive worthless faggot makes me happy

I literally gain happiness knowing you will suicide in my life time

sure buddy

But...isn't that what women do? And you like them.

>In 3 years I will have children
And in 20 you'll know what their true gender is ;)

women aren't men, moron

>gender and sex are different

Know how I know you were born in 1999?

I didn't say women are men.

>Know how I know you were born in 1999?
And when will your kids three years from now be born in, 1965?


By this fact straight people can't have anal sex either, and gay people having any other kind of sex would be okay.