>here's your controller bro
Here's your controller bro
Beautiful and brave.
thats gotta be photoshopped
i dont think they'd let you keep the severed penis since that would quickly become a biohazard
WHAT THE FUCK. This is literally the worst thing I've seen on the internet. fuck Yea Forums.
No, it's real.
Not vidya.
Blue board.
This made my dick shrivel up and sent a chill through my body. These people truly are abominations.
how did you get this picture of me
This dude is going to be in pain for the rest of his life and he's going to regret chopping his penis off.
where's the blood?
holy fucking BASED bro
thanks, however it looks suspiciously like your missing dick
Must be fake. Don't they literally use the guy's own skin to build the vagina or something?
Or was that the other way around?
Quick someone put this man on the cover of Time!
How stunning, how brave!
Being a cute boy is okay. What happened to just wanting to be a cute boy?
Is that from the pain olympics?
Trannies are such disgusting subhumans.
They do and it's all one operation, either this person is fantastically mentally ill or it's fake
zomg, it's teh rei
Have sex.
oh wait i can't you chopped your peepee lol
umm..... sweetie.... can we like not misgender ppl, m'kay? ...thanks....
T thanks bro
You're not vydia fucking whore
this is frontpage still but pro jared threads still get nuked on sight.
It's fucking obvious this retard chopped his dick on his own. looked at the shoddy job, no clinic would mutilate him *that* bad.
>tfw even trannies have bigger dicks than me
It's not fair bros
this isn't a tranny its an insane gay man who likes to take his penis off when he gets pounded
please tell me this is fake
I think this is one of those FtM things with a fake dick, still pretty grotesque
this can't be real
That's definitely faked, they use the dick skin and flesh for the operation, they don't just chop it off with a fucking cleaver.
it looked fine for a guy.
why cutting up their dick