Launch fallout 4

>launch fallout 4
>new playthrough
>haven’t actually got around to finishing it cause of sidetracking

I’m actually enjoying it, haven’t felt like this about video games for a long time.

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It is good mechanically and good setting but the story sucks

Are you playing with mods, oni-san?

Prove it OP

Yeah this. I spent a few days getting a few dozen mods working, had a great time building and taking screenshots for a while but ultimately had no motivation to run across the map and listen to shitty dialogue

Are there any mods that make it good? Like new Vegas style? I want to replay cause the graphics and gameplay are good, but the story and style you build kills it for me

I enjoy building my settlements when I'm drunk

>It is good mechanically

The gunplay and AI still suck ass plus its buggy like every other Bethesda game

Every time I've ever tried to play it I encountered some bug in the first few hours that grinds my progress to a halt.

>The gunplay and AI still suck ass
And sadly, it's still the best they've done.

>posts from his iphone
>likes skyrim with guns

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Any good mods yet? Sexual too, please.

Mods. VATS is still a fun concept. Plenty of variability in guns. 4 is a solid game, it just has a bad story and bad storytelling.


4's completely underrated on Yea Forums. Survival mode is a blast.

4 is good if you're a simpleton

>Like new Vegas style?
To make it anything like NV you would have to massively overhaul everything about how the game works. I just use Better Locational Damage on Survival and that's good enough for me.

I had fund with fallout 4 as well. I think fallout 4 was a better game than skyrim.
>but muh rpg elements. and shitty dialog.
True. Still a better game than skyrim.

Why don't they just give Fallout to ID already. Bethesda already cut the majority of RPG elements from it and they fucking ruined it with 76. I mean, ID couldn't make it any fucking worst then it already is.

I really wanna give her a mushroom stamp on her forehead

I haven’t played anything for 4 hours without it feeling like a chore in a Long time.

Combat was fun. Everything else was absolute trash. They literally took steps back. Why do they have to completely change games? Why not just add on to what you’ve got? Fucking idiots

If you're into settlement building I highly suggest this mod

It's insane how much easier it is to build shit and I never play a game without it anymore. The best part is that if you ever uninstall it, whatever you build is still there and wont break the game. It requires the Script Extender though, so be aware.

>Plenty of variability in guns
No there fucking isn't, most of the guns are completely stupid even if you aren't a /k/autist and the generic legendaries are a massive downgrade from the actually unique uniques of FO3/NV.

Mods are a different matter, but games should be judged based on their (lack of) vanilla merits.

Way to recommend broken mods, dumbass. What's next, War of the Commonwealth?

400 hours in that game
still enjoy it for what it is
minecraft with a fallout touch

Except in minecraft you can actually build cool shit. Fallout 4 is very small scale. Unless you use mods etc..

The settlement building always hooks me. That farm near the beginning is so comfy to build up.

>Absolute shit opinion
>tumblr reaction photo OP
This is the posting style of a 17 year old who has used this site less than six months, why anyone replies to shit like this is beyond me.

I pirated it, got to the part where you get the machine gun and I was bored to death, I had to uninstall it.

Fallout 4 is unironically fun to play if you play without power armor

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>fallout 4
>actually enjoying it
go away todd

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>Download a bunch of mods
>Mainly some stuff to give me good starting gear and a way to level up all of the enemies to skip the early game questing
>Go to Preston's first quest
>Get power armor
>Deathclaw and raiders gone
>Can't progress
>Get killed by a random mosquito

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