Misunderstood masterpiece, or legitimately one of the biggest pieces of shit to hit the market?

Misunderstood masterpiece, or legitimately one of the biggest pieces of shit to hit the market?

Attached: guide_screen_ds2.jpg (1920x1200, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Misunderstood masterpiece (not without its flaws, of course).
Yea Forums hates it because a youtuber ordered them to.

>ANOTHER DaS2 thread

A great game but the worst Souls game.


Attached: IMG_2025.png (1136x640, 1.01M)

>muh youtuber boogeyman

>the worst Souls game.

Attached: 328136-dark-souls-iii-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x984, 132K)

Yea Forums likes it because a youtuber ordered them not to.

This isn’t the genuine depth to your reasoning skills, is it? God bless your soul if it is.

Expand on this

Biggest misunderstood piece of shit to hit the masterpiece market.

It's the Skyrim of the Souls series. All flash, no substance. Made to appeal to zoomers, rather than fans of the series.

Attached: whydarksouls3isshit.png (1628x850, 289K)

It's mechanically more of a sequel to Demon's Souls than Dark Souls. Operate with that in mind and it's pretty fantastic.

I am convinced. Ds2 the Second worst Souls game.

I personally enjoyed DS2 quite a bit more than DS3 (build variety, powerstancing options, changes on NG+ - not all of which were good but it at least kept things fresh). At a certain point I even began to enjoy the retarded spammy nature of encounters.

Realistically tho I think the bizarre animations, existence of ADP and resulting hits mid roll, spam, flat visuals, lazy boss design both mechanically AND visually and bland music mean I don't really think it's fair to say DS2>DS3 objectively.

Well, considering there's no way to objectively measure the quality of games, you're right.

I think something not functioning is a good way to do so, and DS2 has lots of elements that legit don't work - I wouldn't even say DS3 is better, I think they're roughly comparable

Ain’t they all basically the same games? I’m 30 hours into my first play through of DaS1 and loving it, I’ve played BB before for a bit cause panic gave it for free, and I just remember it basically being like DaS1 anyway.

>I think
Then it's not objective.

>Yea Forums hates anything thats not zelda, anime or muh 90s game
not muvh different than r*ddit

Attached: 1.jpg (486x489, 65K)

There are methods to objectively measure the quality of a game, though. You could make very simple factual claims about graphical elements, such as this game x has a more stable frame rate than game y. Now it’s true that it isn’t *inherently* better but it is still a fact based comparison.

The use of the word objective has become diluted by lazy morons just like any other term, and I understand your response since you’re making a totalizing response to a totalizing claim, but it’s important to understand the realm of objectivity certainly intersects with the details of game design.

DS3 is more linear, much less exploration. Feels staler after every other entry. But, very detailed graphical style - considered like a 'best of' the whole series by some.

DS2 has more interesting build and spell variety, but is visually and narratively worse

they're largely all the same, but with some variation between each entry

I think a lot of people can agree that DS3 has the best gameplay and that DS1 has the best world (at least from the handful of people I've talked to)

I think that DS1 Remastered could've been the best if they re-did it in the DS3 engine... But, I guess it was a better idea to keep it as original as possible, rather than a remake.

I do love how well connected each area is. When I came out from blight town and walked into the drake valley, then proceeded up the elevator back to gold old fire drake I nearly came

Too bad From never did sort of thing again.

I’m playing remastered, and when I complete it I wanna restart but this time as a sorcery only class. Is NG+ what I want or do I need to restart completely?

I'm talking about using objective standards and measures to draw conclusions that will inevitably be subjective to some degree (ie a low framerate may be a serious negative to some or matter less to someone else, but the actual value of he framerate is measurable, and a lower one is objectively worse) The actual measure is still objective/factual.

I was trying to say DS2 has some features that are objectively negatives and positives, but the extent to which this marrs or elevates the experience will always be subjective.There are also a number of other elements to the game you can't objectively measure, hence why you can't easily say one exceeds the other objectively. I conveyed this very poorly in my posts though, probably because I'm retarded.

The element of exploration exists outside of world design, such as item design and placement, level design, theme of the areas, etc. So simply making the claim, “It’s more linear,” which most will accept to be regarding the world design, does not necessarily prove that the exploration is worse. Exploration is a very broad term, you know.

There's a lot I like about this game and a lot I dislike. It just happens that most of those negative aspects have to do with the gameplay, and that sucks.

Another DS2fag seethe thread?

Attached: 1550061394187.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Yeah this is why I would put DS above its sequels. DeS is an interesting one, I feel each area loopsaround itself in a way that is more grounded/contextualized, but the entire world not linking together is a big negative for me personally. I hope one day from marry the two effectively.

Just because I think DS3 is a steaming pile of shit doesn't mean I'm a DS2fag.

>but the entire world not linking together is a big negative for me personally.
Who gives a fuck about this? Honestly, you idiots just seem to want every single aspect of every level to link to another one even if it makes no contextual sense. All just for the sake of being connected. This is the dumbest argument I think I've ever seen in these threads.

Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2.

it's good
not only was it good it has SOUL
it had an extremely varied world with tons of content and weapons and shit to do
it had ambitious new mechanics that worked well but were just suddenly gone from the next game
dark souls 3 in comparison is just soulless, 0 effort and done for the money

Every single one of these threads is the same

Refer to

I didn't say exploration was worse in execution, just that there was less, given there are a reduced number of systems and environments to explore in comparison to the two previous entries.

But yeah it is a very broad term, I'm specifically saying there are fewer areas, fewer of which are optional, leading to both a diminished feeling of exploration (fewer optional, well hidden areas) and less actual terrain to explore (fewer links between areas as less areas, fewer overall areas). There are also fewer systems to explore (humanity system reduced in scope, vagrants removed, loss of world tendency from DeS).

The fights went full anime and the camera went full michael bay

I have no real like for the PVP in these games and I've played DeS, DS1, and DS3 in that order. I recently started up 2 and find it to have the most issues which are unsettling in the actual gameplay department. There are enemies which jitter in animation in an ambiguous, glitchy-looking fashion, lots of groups of enemies clustered together, and the few bosses I have played so far have been super basic (I've fought three. Pursuer was the most deadly but just as uninteresting as the others, just less downtime and worked far better with parried than circle-strafing). So far it hasn't committed the worst offenses which some of the other games did, but I'm getting tired of close walls + 2-3 enemies per encounter. Exploding barrels have been annoying as well, just because enemy AI can be inconsistent.

Attached: 1557374927099.png (2949x1765, 1.89M)

>for me personally

not saying it makes the game better or worse for anyone else, I personally just enjoy the feeling of an interlinking world where I can walk anywhere without any loads, I admire that DS1 mostly makes these links make contextual sense (this is a problem with D2, espec harvest valley -> OIK).

>being linear isn't a negative
>invading was always blatantly in favor of the host
>true, but Dark Souls is the only game which didn't have this from the very beginning and there are plenty of reasons why the later games did this
>r1 spam is the main tactic of every single game in this series, the game has poise, and the game also has stamina management unless you're trying to meme that stamina never goes down at all during any action
>Dark Souls 3 has the best bosses int he trilogy and only Bloodborne has better bosses than 3 does
>unless you're playing on a shitrig or a console, the loading screens are only going to be 5 seconds long at best, who gives a shit
Stay mad.


Restart always. NG+ is shit

every day
every fucking day, multiple times a day, sometimes even at the same time.

>being linear isn't a negative
Stopped reading here.

Attached: 2270-2.jpg (2560x1440, 919K)

Really? Eleaborate. NG+ would force me to stick to my current build right?

>if it's linear it's automatically bad
Nice job ignoring how the general level designs of each individual zone is the best out of all the games in the trilogy. But because the zones don't all autistically and nonsensically loop back into another one just for the sake of "muh connections" it's bad.

>being linear isn't a negative
It is in an Adventure RPG, where exploration is the whole point.
>invading was always blatantly in favor of the host
No, and certainly not to the extent that it is in 3.
>R1 spam is the main tactic of ever single game in this series
It's the only tactic in 3, and Stamina is more overpowered in this game than any other in the series. It may as well not even exist.
>Dark Souls 3 has the best bosses in the trilogy
It really doesn't. It has a huge amount of gimmicks and rehashes, the only worthwhile bosses are Pontiff, Dancer, and Midir
>U-uh it's your fault lol

>Worthwhile boss
How the fuck did this meme start?

Attached: Pontiff Sulyvahn.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

Oh, in that case I misread. Good post.

it's disappointing when from have proven with DS1 and BB they can create worlds that loop believably. If you don't care about this feature then that's fine, but for some it was what drew them to the series and to see it go is to some extent a loss of series identity.

Yes, unless you have Alzheimer's. Invasions in every game here was always an uphill battle against the host. If you deny this, you are retarded.
>It's the only tactic in 3
Yes, because R2 and weapon art's don't also exist. Shitposter.
>It really doesn't
Even the worst bosses in Dark Souls 3 are better than the best bosses in either Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2.
>U-uh it's your fault lol
Cope, shitrigger or console nigger. Get an SSD if you want fast load times. If you're bitching about load times despite SSD's existing, you don't have one because you're probably just a fucking retard.

I gotta say having only played DaS1 RM so far, the graphics and general gameplay looks far superior.

Yeah kinda. In your first playthrough you probably spent around 90 level points, in NG+ assuming you're clearing every zone you'll get 20-30 level points, not enough to change your build. And since you can't respec in DaS1 and NG+ changes nothing but enemies hp and dmg it gets boring

It was the last good Souls game before the series turned into some shitty action hack slasher RPG hybrid.

Despite that I still think 2 was in pretty much everyway inferior to 1 or DeS other than substance, Which I do appreciate in of itself.

Attached: 1549541152823.jpg (460x464, 47K)

How is it narratively worst when it has much more interesting lore than bootleg DS1 clone?

>Sekiro is absolute shi-

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>Dark Souls
>believable looping
Only Bloodborne is believable, which is mostly because more than half the game only takes place in one city. Dark Souls is boderline nonsensical with its loops where random zones will just loop back to the hub for the sake of it half the time and people just praise it either because they're blinded by nostalgia for the game or they're just idiots.

What would you say makes the DS3 bosses better user?

I would say there is certainly less variety in their mechanics (yhorm and ancient wyvern are the only 2 I can think of in the base game that are something more than just an extended fight with one enemy - some of which are very enjoyable but I would say there is some more variety at least in DS1)

das 2 had the best pvp flat out

it's a shitty follow-up to Dark Souls 1

This isn't very impressive for a sekiro webm, why do you keep posting it?

I meant worse than DS1 as was responding to a post about how do the other games differ to the first.

I have a lot to say about the claim of there being “fewer systems” to explore, as for example I’d say despite the “humanity” system being different, it serves its purpose narratively as a sequel far better. There are a lot of systems to talk about and even your claim to consider, such as the fact that World Tendency has been gone for many games now. It’s unfair to call this a fault of 3 therefore.

Which loops are not believable? I can't think of any off the top of my head that seem unreasonable in the context of the game. I could see an argument where things feel too close together - but Iwould prefer that than having tonnes of empty or bland space like in some other ARPGs outside the Souls series

The Dark Souls 2 plot makes no fucking sense half the time and the plot progression itself, in universe, is fucking retarded
>the way to drangleic is blocked by some 1 foot high rubble that a toddler could crawl over, so go collect these lord souls to open the side path lmao
Dark Souls 2 set up its lore interestingly enough with Vendric and the concept of the soul at the start of the game, but it was all wasted.

>having tonnes of empty or bland space
But the Souls games are notorious for this. See: Ash Lake.

This man gets it. Souls combat is the most basic shit and is inferior in every way to even the worst entry of any dedicated action game series. The only thing it really has going for it in those regards to combat is the RPG elements and the stamina management aspect, which later games like DS3 and BB completely gutted. Rather than playing to their strengths they turned their neat little exploration-focused ARPG into the rollspamming R1 masher that everyone accused the earlier games of being.

Ash Lake is an amazing area. Shrine of Armana is fucking shit.

picking up on world tendency is fair, but DS3 clearly has fewer systems than DS1 and 2. I am talking only about capacity for exploration - not saying this makes the game worse, just outlining how it differs from earlier entries in the souls series.

I would agree embers make narrative sense in the context of DS3, but the system is simpler, and therefore has less capacity to be mysterious and be explored by a new player - thus reducing capacity for exploration in the game. Again, it's up to you if this makes the game better or worse (or if it doesn't matter at all), but its a clear difference between the entries.

Ash lake is empty for effect, not to pad out size. Don't dodge the question user

Shrine of Armana was probably one of the best PvP spots.

>What would you say makes the DS3 bosses better user?
They're actually fun to fight and have good music
>I would say there is certainly less variety in their mechanics in comparison to the other two games, this is a complete lie unless you just want to say it's shit just because someone else said so.
Every fight in Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2 is either a reskin of a generic demon or some guy with armor. The most unique fight in the first game is Ornstein/Smough, nothing else is even remotely unique. 2 has absolutely nothing either. Meanwhile 3 has
>generic demons
>generic knights
>gimmick fights like yhorm, ancient wyvern, greatwood, nameless king, Demon Prince, Wolnir,
>actual fights against enemies that don't just stand around and get bonked to death like Gundyr, Friede, and Sulyvahn
It does everything the other games do, in regard to bosses, while also adding more variety to their boss fights. The fact that you think DS3 has less boss variety than the other games is an absolute retarded statement, regardless of what you think of their quality.

I don't agree with your ranking but I can respect your constancy

I misread because I am cooking for family, your claim of capacity is clearer than the sky is blue at this point, so there’s no need to reiterate. You’ve found yourself in quite the predicament at this point as I’m simply going to ask you to prove your claim about the number of systems between the games.

>Even the worst bosses in 3 are better than the best bosses in 1 or 2
Yeah, Ornstein and Smough pales in comparison to Vordt of the Boreal Valley lmao
That's why they recycled Ornstein three times in 3

It isn't a masterpiece or a piece of shit. It's a decent video game that isn't the best entry in its series but that is okay, I still enjoy it.

I've literally never been on YouTube, you faggot.

>That's why they recycled Ornstein three times in 3
The weakest bate i've ever seen

Variety doesn't matter for bosses when none of them are threatening. Your Estus Flask is too fast to be punished and your Stamina is virtually unlimited, plus you don't take chip damage for having your shield overwhelmed. Also bosses have no health in 3, that's why they had to triple the amount of usual health in Ringed City, to give the illusion of difficulty. At least bosses in 2 can actually kill you if you try to heal.

>That's why they recycled Ornstein three times in 3
Are you fucking retarded?

Pinwheel (splitting boss)
Gwyndolin (chase boss)
Four Kings (perspective tricks)
Nito (respawning adds)
Artorias (doesnt "stand around getting bonked")
Kalameet (see above)
Manus (see above)
Lost sinner (light and ark boss room moveset variance)
The Rotten (lure boss into environmental damage)
Mytha (environmental dg to player, boss heals)
and many more - there's clearly variety across all the games, but there's less in DS3, most bosses are fought solely by rolling and r1ing with no other options and few 'unique/memorable' abilities

>Variety doesn't matter
Except that the entire point of this argument was that some stupid fucker said that 3 has less boss variety than either of the other two games, you fucking retard. Can you not read?

Here's Dark Souls 3's bosses summed up.

Attached: Roll roll roll roll roll R1 R1 R1 R1.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

The Dark Souls 2 bosses that you’ve mentioned are absolutely terrible. Mytha is especially awful and textbook example of completely nonsensical design, as far as the poison room goes obviously.

Just for Dark Souls
>generic monster thatn stands around to get hit and dies
Asylum Demon
Stray Demon
Taurus Demon
Capra Demon
Bell Gargoyles
Gaping Dragon
Seath the Scaleless
Iron Golem
Ceaseless Discharge
Demon Firesage
Centipede Demon
Sanctuary Guardian

>giant flying magic butterfly
Moonlight Butterfly

>giant wolf that actually gets weaker the longer its fought

>guy with a weapon

>chase fight

>splitting fight
Four Kings


>muh add respawns
Nito (Even though he's basically a giant walking hitbox with shit attacks like any other of the generic shits in this post)

>only lists 3 for dark souls 2, one of which is a generic mook with a sword and poise
kek, the absolute state of your argument.
>many more
Then list them.

Here's Dark Souls 2's bosses summed up

Attached: a.jpg (6000x4000, 2.1M)


Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro

Attached: marcille smug.png (228x301, 31K)

>Gundyr and Sulyvahn don't sit around and get bonked to death

Boy I sure wonder if people changed their minds since the last ten times we had this thread

It just sucks. Moves wrong, feels wrong, looks wrong, plays wrong. B team.

More complex humanity system (kindling, soft humanity)
Vagrants system
Spell Charges and resultant multibuy
Actual equipment degradation (doesnt reset on bonfire rendering it uselss as in DS2/3)
Lists of the guilty
More complex equip load system

Less complex humanity system (but staggered hollowing)
Spell charges and charge replenishment
Roll tiers tied to ADP not equip load
Bonfire Ascetics
Changes in NG+
Less complex humanity system
Luck stat
Ashen Estus
Weapon arts

This is off the top of my head, if unmentioned its because it carries across with little variation.

>gundyr totally just sits around to die

You can cut the Rottens’ arm off as well.

as are many of the ds3 bosses you mentioned, you stated quality wasnt important as we're just discussing variety

Where does demon's souls fit in?

There is more variety in what these bosses can do, how you access them and what you can do to them, this would be clear to anyone who'd actually beaten them

Peak Souls, only faggots who never played it will deny this.

It's a fairly clunky and ugly game, but I think it's around Dark Souls tier, and certainly tied with 2 at the very worst.

Attached: marcille stare.jpg (270x353, 25K)

Childhood is thinking DS2 is the worst souls game

Adulthood is realizing that while DS3 is more professionally crafted, it is derivative, soulless, and much less fun than the misguided but clearly inspired DS2

Attached: 1557358151843.png (630x500, 404K)

He might as well, not like his attacks can break my overpowered shield
By the way he does, learn to circle strafe

Ds3 replaced powerstancing with the superior dual weapon system

God tier: BB = DaS1 > DeS

Sequel tier: DaS3 ≥ DaS2

Attached: NO-THIS-CAN'T.jpg (556x578, 43K)

t. Retard

>implying limited number of weapons vs dual wield anything if you've got the stats is more complex

but yes I should have mentioned dual weapons

Neither. Just mediocre

I didn’t mention anything, actually. This was my first post in response to this part of the thread.

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

also retarded


Attached: Dark Souls 2 - Forest of CIA.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>Weapon arts aren't useless
Do 3kids even live on this planet

assumed you were the poster I was responding to with my post

Redpilled as fuck my nigga.

>Weapon arts are useles-

Attached: Gundyr.webm (800x450, 2.82M)

>There is more variety in what these bosses can do
in comparison to what? Dark Souls 3? Absolute fucking bullshit you deluded fucker.
>Wolnir is a gimmick fight where you have to break his magic chains to have him dragged down to the abyss while avoiding the fact that he is crawling out of it, which causes massive damage if touched
>deep-rotted greatwood is a fight where you have to focus on destroying the pus sacks on the boss until you can pull out the giant pus hand to deal more damage
>crystal sage is basically just a stronger version of pinwheel
>nameless king is a boss fight riding around on a dragon, basically having to fight two enemies at once but they fight more as a cohesive unit instead of two random fuckers slapped into the same boss room
>deacons of the deep is a respawning add mook fight with a curse gimmick that actually leads to a neat secret the longer the fight takes
>Sulyvahn is a guy with two swords but changes how he's fought when he splits off into a phantom form which leads his real versions attacks
This is more actual variety than Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2 bosses and it's only about 6 of them. You are an idiot if you think DS3 lacks boss variety, especially in comparison to the firs tor second game.
>giant demon that flies up and slams its ass into the ground
Which Dark Souls boss did I just describe? How is this more variety than anything I listed? I'll wait.

More options =/= better
Quality over Quantity
Ds3 dual weapons are closer to trick weapons in terms of quality than the shitty powerstanced recycled movesets
It's like people forget you can't do powerstanced running/rolling attacks

>I'm too dumb to tell the difference between enemies that are blatantly different.
being able to distinguish patterns is the definition of intelligence.

>shoulder bash
>war cry
Yeah, because he definitely doesn't have counters to circle strafing, dumb ass.

Heide's tower of flame is such a beautiful area.
Easily the best starting area in the entire series.

Attached: 426-0-1437379643.jpg (670x376, 27K)

Is dual wielding viable in any souls game? I’m half way through 1 and there is no way dual wielding is better than a shield.

>mad that I btfo your dumb argument against DS3 with actual facts
I'm fully aware that the bosses have different visuals and attacks, but that doesn't change the fact that despite this, most of them are fought int he exact same manner.

Wouldn't call it a masterpiece but it's a great game nonetheless

PvE: BB > DaS3 > DaS1 > DeS > DaS2

PvP: DaS2 > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > BB

Attached: 1517160903117.png (555x394, 155K)

No surprise the only rational opinion ITT gets no replies.

Humanoid bosses are what FROM does best, I have no complaints.

swap ds3 and ds1 pvp and you've got it

>DaS3 > DaS1
Stopped reading here.

Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

Is this supposed to make Dark Souls 3 look bad?

Imagine thinking Dark Souls 2 has good PvP. Imagine thinking any of these games, including Blooborne, doesn’t have tremendously flawed PvP systems. I can’t even play the first level of Dark Souls 2 due to the absolutely atrocious physics, controls and animations — much less the fucking “PvP” as if this is some sort of goddamn 1v1 fighting game.

And all of these bosses except Overtuned King fall over like a sack of potatoes to R1 spam

Bloodborne's PvP is pretty good.

Attached: Average Bloodborne PvP Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>DaS3 PvP

Attached: 1549351108776.jpg (648x484, 131K)


Attached: 1488688774503.jpg (600x450, 29K)

>turns around to make the sword smack into the ground hit and set up for the up swing

>b-but DaS3 is worst!

>Yes, unless you have Alzheimer's. Invasions in every game here was always an uphill battle against the host. If you deny this, you are retarded.
You're a fucking shitter who either didn't play DS1/2 or played offline because you were too scared of invasions.
Mobs do not attack invader (ignoring tree seeds in DS2). It gives a huge advantage to the invader because host now needs to deal both with mobs and the invader. It's the same in DS3, but it doesn't matter because host is now always with 2-3 of his buddies.

It's good if you're not an absolute shitter

Somewhere in the middle

I would argue it's the opposite

literally anything is better than dark souls 1 and demon's souls pvp

DaS2 is the only game where the PvP was even half decent.

DaS1 was ruined by backstabs.

PvP in the other games is a completely broken joke. They're not even worth talking about.

Every boss in Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 falls over like a sack of potatoes to R1 spam, how the fuck is this an argument against 3? Every fromsoft game focuses on almost nothing but R1 spam and spamming the dodge button.
>fight wonlir
>do nothing but r1 spam
>get smacked then turned to ash when he decides to move
>can't hurt the greatwood with r1 spam because it's a fight enemy with poise and its face is a weak spot but also it attacks from there
>gundyr has poise and is constantly on the offensive, just pressing r1 does nothing
Cope, faggot.

I'd argue you're shit

They had a working invasion system

and what doesn't work about dark souls 3 pvp? serious question, i haven't played the game but i get the general gist and it's really hard to be even worse than the shitfest that was dark souls 1 pvp

The three demons have a gradually more complex moveset (melee only, limited spells, more spells + fire) tho I agree these bosses are not great or particularly diverse.

Gargoyles have a second enemy appear midway through, this never happens in DS3.

Taurus demon can be killed using the environment (drop attacks or tricking into leaping off of the bridge). Ceaseless discharge can also be tricked into an environmental kill (knocking off the edge) but can also be fought normally.

Centipede demon has multiple body parts that can be severed, and will then fight as independent enemies. Plus the boss room itself is a hazard.

Bed of chaos is a traversal bossfight.

Pinwheel clones himself, attempting to overwhelm the player and launch projectiles from out of sight.

Sif has a unique and emotional anticlimax at the end of her fight.

Priscilla can turn invisible, and her footprints can be seen in the snow to assist in defeating her.

Four kings use the lack of reference point in the abyss to trick the players sense of space and perspective.

Nito has respawning adds, as well as attacks which don't require LoS, creating a unique, highly mobile encounter.

Seath has the crystal gimmick and the forced death.

Ornstein and smough aren't two random fuckers, their moves overlap to cover one another's weaknesses.

The gwyn encounter is a pushover, showing how far he has fallen.

Gwyndolin chase fight.

Manus and the silver pendant usage.

Artorias, sanctuary guardian and kalameet are all ore agressive than anything else in the geam, but have major moveset diversity between them.

Iron golem has an assist from outside the bossroom, and can be knocked over or even knocked off of Sen's.

Moonlight butterfly is a ranged fight and a waiting game for melee characters - unique if not particularly good.

Every fight is really quite different.

Invasion system favors placing you in a host's world that has as many co-op phantoms as possible.

Extremely good chance you'll invade into the middle of 3-4 phantoms and get gangbanged. No poise means no escape unless they're horrendously bad.

A lot of them are horrendously bad and you can make some pretty stupid plays with ultra greatswords and shit, but it gets really old really fast. Every invasions feels exactly the same.

>It's the same in DS3
Nice job destroying your own argument, and also note how when the host uses items to summon extra helpful phantoms they also open the door to get invaded by an extra player. Dumb ass.

why does it have to be one or the other

Ever notice how the criticisms of DaS2 are never about gameplay or how fun the game is? It's always about SM, geography, texture tiling, or something nebulous like "floatiness"

I'll take a GOOD ACTION RPG with SM over R1 Souls or the struggling baby steps of the original.

>The DaS2 Boomer vs The DaS3 Zoomer

Who will win?

Attached: 1492680499223.gif (204x204, 3.84M)

The DaS1 Doomer

That's true, but again I'm literally only talking about option quanitty, not quality (perhaps I should have called DS3 more focused, I didn't mean to imply reduced quality just surmise the differences between entries without spoilers for a BB DS1 player wondering how DS2 and 3 differ)

George R.R. Martin's: A Song of Zoom and Boomer

The eternal battle.

The DeS Bloomer

Neither it’s just a gimped RPG that got shafted from a bad dev cycle and over ambitious people directing the project


>undead parish
Yep, they sure do!

>being linear isn't a negative
If you're going to shit post save retarded shit like this for last so people actually take the time to read your entire post.

Behold fags. The peak of Souls PvP.


I'm only half kidding.

Attached: 1471648002850.jpg (1152x864, 112K)

>Every boss in 1 and 2 dies to R1 spam
The more you post the more I'm convinced the only game you played was 3

>Gargoyles have a second enemy appear midway through, this never happens in DS3.
Play Ashes of Ariandel.
>The three demons have a gradually more complex moveset
Yet they're all basically the exact same
I'm not even going to bother going in depth about your post because Dark Souls 3 does everything you listed and then some.
Not only that but you go out of your way to try and make it seem like these bosses are all super unique when the same general strategy to defeat them is the exact same. You even tried to say the three demons were more complex, are you fucking high?You still haven't listed anything more unique than even the shittiest Dark Souls 3 bosses.

>ds1 pvp
humanity to full health, parry fishing, stam spam
no ty

yeah they aren't
go back to your teleportation n64 glitch simulator

Attached: 1550224537286.webm (720x540, 2.51M)

humanity was objectively less cancer than 3 estus because it was easily punishable, don't (you) me

I often see people complaining about how some area transitions don't make sense. I always figured it was partly to play into the idea that the pc is far down the road to hollowing, and his memory is lapsing. The opening talks a bit about it. But maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

>Invaders can only invade world with multiple phantoms 99% of the time
>Invaders and phantoms have reduced HP
>Invaders and phantoms have Halved estus
>Weapon Variety is incredibly shit PvP wise because large heavy weapons are absolute garbage compared to fast weapons because of how unpunishable spacing and rolling became
>Poise was scraped
>Replaced with garbage hyper armor system that is garbage on every weapon that has it except arguably 2 Greatswords
>Garbage 2 hit garunteed combo system was taken to an extreme making the PvP boring stall and repetitive.
>Backstabs are useless
>Magic is shit withount the the damage to compensate
>Healing is nigh unpunishable
>Did I also mention how you'll be invading into ganks 99% of the time
DS1 and DeS PvP was gimicky and broken as fuck. And that's what made it so fun and unpredictable. It's leagues better than 3 which had zero depth outside of basic spacing. 2 was able to keep that fun gimickyness while also balancing out some of the more broken shit.

but dark souls 3 is soulless user

3 has great pvp. grand archives, lothric castle and road of sacrifice shenanigins are extremely fun.

None, a pretty good game that improved on some aspects but had no legendary souls interconnected level design and bosses were pretty easy and dull, everything else i felt was an improvement

The more you reply to me the more I realize you're a delusional retard with delusions of grandeur about your first souls game.
>only ds3 has r1 spam
Wew lad, you must be fucking stupid. The bosses in Dark Souls 3 are faster and more aggressive than anything in the first two games, yet you think you can just sit around and spam r1 to win. You can do that in Dark Souls, though. Especially Dark Souls 2. Or was sitting against the Gaping Dragons ass and spamming R1 just a fever dream of mine?

>Nice job destroying your own argument
You're fucking retarded. The difference is that in DS3 if you don't summon you don't get invaded. You get solo host maybe once our of 20 invasions. So the mob aggro advantage of invader is completely diminished by the fact that every invasion is against a gank.

>the host uses items to summon extra helpful phantoms they also open the door to get invaded by an extra player
And invaders will be still outnumbered 2 to 1. Which surprisingly is better than 3 to 1 without dried fingers.

The biggest thing 2 had going for it was that almost every type of build was viable. They really did well with the balance in that game after they started patching it regularly.

>Dark Souls 3 is soulless, reddit tier fan fictio-

Attached: Pontiff_Sulyvahn-2.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

dark souls 3 is a game where the fight is either a gimmick or roll at the right time and punish, DS1 clearly has much more varied encounters and more varied ways to resolve those encounters. I also was clear that the demons are not that different, but to say they're identical isn't true either.

If you circle strafe Gundyr outside the reach of those 4 attacks his AI literally goes retarded and does nothing but flail at the air. The AI in DaS3 is so fucking terrible with spacing and line of sight.

All souls game are spam R1 to win. Yeah you can fuck about with the other moves but even if you dual wield DS2 just becomes spam L2 to win

Even if you think this, it still has more boss variety than the other two games.

Sure love chasing the host around grand archives for 20 minutes while he summons more phantoms.

Even if I kill the faggot I won't even feel good about it after wasting that much time.

Backstabs were gay but at least the fights were over quickly.

>Counter argument is to us Pontiff "OC Mary Sue" Sullyvahn.
Not helping yourself.

ah yes pontiff sulyvahn is in no way very similar to dancer

>Dark Souls 3 is soulle-

in your dreams 2bab

Attached: 1547224643670.jpg (3577x2686, 3.68M)

What killed the guy here?

dragon fart

Souls PvP isn't even comparable to fighting games, doing so is completely retarded. It's completely good fun in it's own right. It's only autistic duelfags who unironically think the game has amazing depth because they've never played a real fighting withount getting completely BTFO.

The attack happened before the animation began, so it looks like he got farted on and died.

9 (nameless kingphase 2) of those are freaky scary knight in armor!
3 (Nameless king phase 1)are freaky scary large monster!
1 is a priscilla + maria rip off plus freaky scary monster man!

yes user, full of diversity and soul!


The Kingsfield Zloomer

Reminder that it could have been the greatest video game of all time were it not for console limitations forcing the graphics downgrade and the original story being scrapped.


Attached: kino.jpg (1199x624, 101K)

>Try to R1 spam in 2
>"Hey wait, my Stamina isn't unlimited like it is in 3"
>Don't have enough Stamina left to dodge
>Get hit for 60% of your health
>Try to take a sippy
>"Oh wait, Estus Flasks aren't instantaneous like they are in 3"

I find the claim that " DS2 is more open than DS3" to be fairly hollow when you consider that pretty much every vanilla DS2 level aside from the Bastille is a straight hallway, while DS3's levels are highly interconnected and vertical.
They may be linear overall but level-to-level they still feel way more complex than DS2's choice of three hallways.

Attached: Comparison.png (1600x2388, 1.4M)

>abyss watchers is actually a fight where the boss is fighting other enemies int he arena because they all fell to the abyss and went nuts
>gundyr is a skilled warrior who actually fucks over people who think circle strafing and spamming r1 will work because he will shift into back kicks, shoulder bashes, and punches to throw you off guard
>Dancer's strange, broken, movements actually makes her attacks difficult to read and she utilizes her dancing prowess during her battle
>warrior king fighting on a dragon in unison
Ahh yes, totally soulless unlike the generic demons and knights in all the other games. Dragon Rider and Dragon Rider v2 sure were soulful!

I dont like ds2 either
or ds1 that much
DeS is where it's actually at as any true patrician knows

Attached: cherry-picking.jpg (500x371, 99K)

Do you have another video with out the fucking stupid forced grimdark voice over?

>Abyss "Throw my back onto your weapons" Watchers
>Champion "I hope you don't know how to parry or circle strafe" Gundyr
>Dancer of the "Let me spin into the wall while you stand there AFK for 30 seconds" Valley
>Pontiff "I'm going to suffer a massive stroke and let you riposte me for all my health and the self-stun to summon a useless clone that broadcasts all my already easily avoided dashes" Sullyvahn
>Nameless "I have a dragon with absurd shitboxes and tracking that leads into a phase 2 where I straight up input read" King
>Darkeater "My health pool is bloated and my gimmick weakpoint is harder to hit but I have meme lazer so people like me" Midir
>Soul of "Why do I even have multiple phases when I have less life than Lothric" Cinder
>Slave Knight "Totally not another Artorias reference" Gael
>Lorian/Lothric are actually good
>Dragonslayer "I'm going to just have tons of tracking and rain shit on the battlefield to cover up that I'm just another big dude in armor that flails at the air" Armor
>Friede is a good fight
>Demons are a good fight

>OC Mary Sue
Nigger really?
In what fucking way do either of those terms apply to the Pontiff?
Your brain has been rotted away by memes.

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Just skip ahead 2 minutes. Idk why he did that voice in the intro.

Dark souls 3 is good though? Why don't you like it?

Attached: 30740075_10213496609904471_4519270545694392320_n.jpg (280x323, 14K)

Demon's Souls is peak Souls, I agree, but these arguments against DS3 are retarded.

The sad part is Ds3s world wasn't planned to be linear, Trees underground area was going to connect to the catacombs and profaned capital, catacombs were going to connect to Irythll through the waterway allowing you to kill the lords of cinder in any order.
Unfortunately bandi rushed them to release the game 2 months early in Japan

password phantoms having no summon cooldown is the biggest problem because it encourages hosts to run around in circles waiting for their fuccboi to come back to play the game for them.

Refer to

>There's a mechanic on a fight so shit that it's never seen unless you're legitimately retarded, because the Devs didn't Q/A or design the fight correctly
Literally Soulless cashgrab, ty for that example user.

>demon's is a bad fight
Yikes, nigger.

Big fat fucking cope, faggot.

>DS3's levels are highly interconnected and vertical.
Grand Archives ...And?

Took me 30 seconds to make a similar cherry-picking image.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (749x992, 399K)

yeah this guy is right, I don't think any of those criticisms are valid except the weapon degradation one and even then weapon deg is an anti-fun mechanic.

>an entire area vs one tiny part of Ithriyl

TRC is great

Real Dark Souls fans know that all of Dark Souls is awful

Not the same user but I don't think a single boss in Dark Souls 3 managed to kill me twice during my first run.
All those fancy new moves are kinda pointless when you can easily roll into them and rolling is cheaper than ever.
In the DLC for Dark Souls 2 they added enemies that could change the timing on their attacks. That's something I expected to see more of because that really punishes roll spammers.

The only man making sense in this thread.

Attached: SoC-ThumbsUp.png (512x512, 606K)

They never made a perfect one. Each has it's own unique set of flaws because they keep trying to fix things that weren't broken.

Attached: 1527557292612.jpg (960x924, 189K)

>"pretty much every vanilla DS2 level aside from the Bastille is a straight hallway"
>posts a map of the Bastille to try and disprove my point
High IQ post

Attached: 1554750841226.png (1358x1720, 691K)

It's a map of a single named location. You know whe n you nter a new are you see its name on the creen.
The top one is Lost Bastille. And it doesn't include Belfry Luna or Sinner's Rise which are both connected to it.
The bottom one is Anor Londo. Once again a single named location.


1 > 3 > 2
that being said 2 has a lot of good things going for it but it's held back by some terrible design choices due to it being rushed
none of them are truly bad games and I'd much rather play them all over some FotM AAA game
new DaS spinoff/sequel when?

Attached: 40677383_p0.jpg (497x700, 128K)

Misunderstood masterpiece.

Better than 3 in the areas where it matters - story, lore, atmosphere, exploration.

Speak for yourself, nigger.

Attached: 1556175858225.jpg (585x675, 103K)

The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.

Attached: WaitAMinute2.jpg (601x625, 73K)

This E3

Attached: file.png (482x698, 462K)

High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, and Ithryll Dungeon.

>memory gaps meme

>some FotM AAA game
But that's what Dark Souls 2 and 3 are.

you already posted this earlier and it was just as stupid then as it is now
Dark Souls 1's areas had different skyboxes due to how the flow of time was skewed and falling apart but the distances between areas were still kept consistent barring a few minor exceptions
DaS2 is known for struggling during development and rather than accept that fact you'd rather argue in favor of such jarring changes in area design despite even the devs admitting it was due to time constraints
>Ash Lake
look up Yggdrasil

Attached: 1541158186319.png (1280x688, 244K)

Very impressive webm, glad you posted it

I was simply trying to show how retarded your image is by using the same level you mentioned i the post.
If I wanted to disprove your point I would use a more complex level like pic related.

Attached: map03_forestoffallengiant.png (915x745, 190K)


That's not a weapon art retard.

Imagine not beating Darklurker first try.
Btw i beat him first try, so uh, don't talk to me unless you're actually good at video games.

What's funny is how his argument was that most of the levels in Dark Souls 2 are basically just straight lines, like Heide's Tower of Flame, Sinner's Rise, Forest of Giants, Shrine of Amana, Aldia's Keep, Tseldora, and Harvest Valley. So your argument to try and prove him wrong is to post the one or two areas in the game that aren't straight lines, which doesn't even disprove anything he said. Congratulations.

you SUCK at video games

after hearing ds2 fags go on and on about darklurker i was sorely disappointed

I'm struggling to cope with the fact that DaS3 is soulless garbage with mechanics that no one knows about because it was so shit?

A good game that could have been much, much better.

>actual effort in bosses - soulless
>worthless bosses that do nothing - soul!

>his argument was that most of the levels in Dark Souls 2 are basically just straight lines, like [...] Forest of Giants
I literally posted a map of Forest of Giants there lmao. even if you couldn't recognize it you could at least try reading the filename. What an absolute retard, ahaha.

The latter.

Attached: das2isagoodgame.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

>basically a giants a straight line from start to finish with no connections back to the earlier parts
>but the map!

>actual effort in bosses

Attached: Sif reskinned for the umpteenth time.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>the curse was making his stupid

Attached: 1555340431424.jpg (1920x2160, 837K)

Where's the sword?


>completely new model, moveset, (god tier)theme, and arena
>I-it's a wolf, SIF RESKIN WTF
Easily would have been one of the best fights in the series if it worked like Halflight

Do you really want to go down that path?

Attached: prowling-magus.jpg (670x380, 55K)

>Unique boss with god tier music

>basically a giants a straight line from start to finish with no connections back to the earlier parts
What? You're so fucking retarded you can't even type normally, ahahaha.
Play the game, shitter. You literally make a circle and return back to where you started unlocking shortcut to the boss (red circle on my pic). And there are multiple other loops. As well as forks leading to optional relatively large subareas with dead ends. As well as an area with fire lizzards that is locked until you find a key much much later in the game. And then you need to revisit this area again after obtaining king's ring.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (915x745, 227K)

>we didn't properly balance the fight to showcase the mechanics we worked on
Also hilarious because Deacons is the definitive low-effort Souls fight. Literally shit version of Prowling Magus.


Attached: -SAVE HER-.png (232x303, 140K)

Attached: Souls Games.png (1904x1013, 2.57M)

>Indistinguishable from every other song in the game

no (you)s today

That's Yuka Kitamura for you.

It's the worst game in the franchise by far but there's still decent fun to be had.

>would have been a basic enemy encounter in any other game

It's a fucking glorified mob fight. The music is also shit.

Demons Souls is the worst but also the most innovative souls game, DS3 is the most unoriginal yet best souls game. Prove me wrong.

Attached: C3122610-433B-44A7-A9BB-7C6B727950D3.jpg (220x260, 19K)

Demon's is the best and most innovative.

Pretty much everyone agrees that DaS1 has definitive flaws but is good in spite of them. Despite this being the same case for DaS2 and 3, everyone wants to pretend otherwise and argue.

>world tendency is never even remotely explained and yet it can completely fuck up your game
>inventory weight management
>items disappear permanently if you drop them
>most obtuse weapon upgrade system of any souls game (worse than DS2)
>all of the innovative boss designs in Demons have been redone to be objectively better in newer games (old monk to mirror knight etc.)

Not very good but I still like it

kill the dudes first sheesh. Might as well throw on magic barrier while you run too

How's Dark Souls 2 upgrade system obtuse?

Its kinda shit. Scholar hilariously makes it much, much worse.

>Dark Souls 1
Good bait, lad.

Attached: GOAT Souls.png (1676x676, 372K)

Yeah, DS2 should've been it's own thing instead of a sequel desu desu

Attached: 1726539-miyazaki.png (315x394, 135K)

>Its a bunch of absolutely worthless mobs
I guess you have a point. On the other hand, there are so many bits in other DaS games where the game throws a few dudes at you at once that could've had a fog gate before them, and they'd be better boss fights than that piece of shit.