ITT: Add two video game genre/subgenres together.
Others decide if they're good or not.
ITT: Add two video game genre/subgenres together.
Others decide if they're good or not.
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turn based FPS
Role Playing Fighting
What the fuck did they consider shooters in the 80's?
>hentai is a genre
Yes, it's my main.
fighting shooting
an action packed trip to detroit
A racing puzzle game.
It's shit.
Galaga, Sinistar, shit like that probably
>no rpgs until 85
>ultima and wizardry both began in 81
It might not be bad, considering you would most likely know where your enemy is.
No more "oh, I got shot in the back and instantly died"
But it's probably boring waiting.
rougelike rhythm game
Semantics aside if you meant driving/puzzle game, we already have those and they're pretty okay. Shit like Trials and Nitronic Rush.
I could see that, like a game where you need to program in a route to make a car navigate an obstacle course.
here is one I haven't seen
a Bullet Hell Rail Shooter
>turn based FPS
Maybe if someone overviews everything like a real turn based game, but they would have real battles with players fighting.
That would be pretty neat.
Rougelike First Person Shooter.
That's just a battle royale.
you mean Roguelite, here is your answer
>what is risk of rain
I mean...
Literally Crypt of the Necrodancer
make me
chart's a bit inaccurate. RTS games were the majority of the industry between 1996~2002 or so, gradually fading into the 00's.
there was a time every pre-built Dell came with a free copy of Red Alert and Starcraft vs Total Annihilation shitposting wars took up a majority of vidya discussion
RPG Adventure
Some freak compiled it himself, of course it would be inaccurate.
spectacle fighter+RTS
basically a musou game with actual gameplay
Quest for Glory, Runescape
Visual Novel MMO
Valkyria Chronicles
>tfw you make the wrong choices and virutal chad takes your waifu
>arcade as a genre and game system
>RTS sells about the same as it used to as a percentage
No way this is true, probably classes shit like Dota and Total War as RTS
Western JRPG
the only part of this statement that is even a genre is the "RPG" part
Racing Adventure
Sh*t the fuck up gamergate
Is it a lie though?
a western RPG by chinks or the other way around?
if the former then souls games
>what is first person
A JRPG set in the wild west? I like the sound of that.
srpg shmup
Um, sweety
The closest I can think of is Panzer Dragoon Saga. Though it would be more aptly described as an RPG with 3D Rail Shooter mechanics
Diddy Kong Racing. Also Beetle Adventure Racing kinda sorta not really
"Fighting shooting"
That's just injustice 2
septerra core
Town builder + dungeon crawler
Strategy Roguelike
Specifically something in the Mystery Dungeon style that requires usage if your noggin rather than blowing away enemies instantly
I could swear I've seen a couple games like that. Usually in most the town building aspect was basically just a glorified upgrade system, though.
Simulation puzzle
Probably SHMUPs
I want this
Megaman, R-Type, Wolfenstein are all considered shooters. All the genres presented in the thing are really broad.
This is making it pretty clear that I need to make a sports action roleplay shooter.
What would that be? Racing with a story in a relative open world was already done by nfs.
Miscellaneous Simulation
It'll sell well in Germany
Okay what is action but not shooter/figher/rpg/platformer? Or does something like dark souls count into multiple categories in that chart?
Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter
>"a-action games aren't normieshit!"
Who said they aren't.
pls no
Man, I miss racing games.
Notice how 95-05 is so much more diverse in genres and now the vast majority of sales are pigeonholed into either sports, RPG, action or shootan
Hentai fighting game
Do such things exist?
rip my hero
mmo rts
my love, my life, my dream
o fug
Shooting + simulation
Horror Beat-em up.
simulating what
simulating your suicide