Hidden gems thread, this is actually pretty good. Cultist simulator isn't too bad either

Hidden gems thread, this is actually pretty good. Cultist simulator isn't too bad either.

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i really dig the cuthulu themed narration
too bad it is just too grindy

Sunless sky is good as well.

Sunless Sea/Skies are both excellent.

Cultist Simulator is M E G A D O G S H I T.

Cultist Simulator is Alexis Kennedy taking all the worst parts he put into Sunless Sea and Fallen London and then making a terrible videogame with them

Sunless Sea is a great game but this thread is a joke

rather just play all these indi games on my phone
speakinf of which,
stardew valley and especially starbound are great

>okay mandalorefag

The grind absolutely kills the ambiance.

Dawn Machine did nothing wrong

FUCK Judgements

So was Skies good?
I didn't see any threads about it

I tried sunless sea a long time ago. I stopped because it felt like I read a novel at almost every event that happened.

Did you play Sunless Sea? Because it's the exact same fucking game reskinned.

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Cultist simulator gave me cancer


I've played the game for over 6000 hours and I can safely say you're trolling or fucking retarded. I know the game inside and out.

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the game is good with friends :^)

theres just too much text

First rodeo?

>I've played the game for over 6000 hours
not him, but why. if the game's shit why dedicate so much fucking time to it?
I got bored 21 hours in and never touched it again.
Expected space terraria, got annoying terraria-lite-like.

Sunless sea is really not good as a game, it has some neat writing (and some very mediocre one hidden behind multiple layers of obfuscation), but overall the game just hates you and doesn't want you to ever have any fun. Either you go slow as shit and take forever to go anywhere, or you can barely take the minimum supplies with you. And god forbid you don't want to stop at every fucking port along the way to get the reports.

What is the best way to use secrets? Slowly leveling a trait up one by one by speaking to your officers doesn't seem right.

False hope does shit to you, man. Constantly hoping that things can get better, and they almost but not quite do, and clever workarounds making things just that tiny bit more bearable, it made me numb to the time as it passed by.

It hurts to even think about now.

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mini ninjas for the wii

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sunless skies is just better in every way
sunless seas is cool but the grind basically makes it unplayable otherwise
Not sure how I feel about making the legacies so much more intensive, and giving less of them. I fucked up and picked the stars one again and accidentally made my captain basically a non-combatant without realizing how much time you have to spend in the blue kingdom
which, by the way, they made even more obnoxious in the last update. Who's fucking idea was that? i don't want to crank it down to easy but at this point it's just not worth the effort


welcome to sunless sea's amazing ui

Sunless sea/sky are both garbage.
I would say...

>40k Mechanicus
>Mutant Year Zero
>Dark Devotion
>Deep Sky

This are just from recent years

This was great and I never hear anyone talk about it

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Dungeons of Dredmore is fun.

rip years.
my go-to if a game's really good is if i've put more than 120-150 hours into it.

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Is "Silver" a comfy rpg? It looks decent, but I don't know if it's worth it. Gem or turd?

Any advice for not getting rekt and farming correctly in sunless sea? I've pretty much already mastered combat but i still have died two times without buying my next good ship.

Stop playing it and go play literally anything else.

Install Zubmariner and reap all the easy money

I have it, what do i do now?
Fuck off negative nancy.

it hasn't aged very well, it's fairly linear, the story is completely whatever, and it looks very bad. The combat is fairly unique however, and if you can get into it it's pretty fun.

Cultist simulator would be a lot better of a game if it wasn't real time.

There's nothing interesting about doing hand management chores.

There's a pause button though

Pausing the game is useless. The game is simultaneously too fast and too slow.

The fact you have to wait minutes at a time to build up resources is infuriating, but turning around and finding you've missed a random event sitting in the highly cluttered interface (That refuses to put indicators into rational locations on a regular basis) is worse.

This of course sidesteps the fact that the real time aspect makes it impossible to enjoy any of the writing since you are again both rushed and throttled.

The game should have been chopped into 30 second ticks and advanced 1 by 1 at the player's insistence.

No, it's not interesting that you fucked up and have to grovel at work again. Nor is it intriguing to lose stats because illness spawned off screen.

Trading with the surface + transporting the Salt Lions bricks should give you enough money for the early game. Don't forget to eat at the sister's island near Fallen London for FREE suplies.

just sounds like you're a bad multitasker desu.

>Tfw decided to ferry the 12 niggerfaggot lepers from vanwhatever and now i can't find the island and stuck with 12 dead inventory spots

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I'm pretty sure you can drop them on the Zee.

No its not. The writing took a notable hit. Trading is simplified as fuck. Map is basically always the same, barring slight variations in pathways. You can't push your engine to go faster and all the space trains go at the same damn speed

Seriously, what the fuck where they thinking when they made cultist simulator?
The writing that is supposedly the best part of the game is repeated ad nauseam due to the grindiness and I just start to skip it at every turn.
And as soon as you fuck up you have to go all the way back and do shitty office work or whatever.
What kind of person enjoys this shit?

the writing isn't even that good either

Alexis Kennedy has discovered their niche when it comes to writing. Small packets of lore dropped around like crumbs for the reader to chase and put together, piece by piece.

Unfortunately Alexis Kennedy has also discovered the only way they can put this writing into videogame format and have the game last longer than a few hours is to put ungodly amounts of grind between players and the lore.

Kingdom. Like Sunless Sea, not exactly hidden.

Alexis sounds like a tranny name.

Kentucky route zero. Gunpoint. I liked those 2. Thinking of getting darkwood

Darkwood is one of the only games i can say is 10/10 in my opinion, go for it.

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It’s coming to switch so I’ll hold off on buying it until it gets there

I would agree with you form what little I bothered to read.

But why is there a problem if the game just took a few hours? Is the need to have a long game so great that people want to subject themselves to menial busywork?

It will be aids without a mouse most likely but to each his own.