Say it, Yea Forums

say it, Yea Forums

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Bethesda has never been good.

X6 is better than X4.

brutal doom did more damage to doom's legacy than autistic degenerates sonicfags did to sonic's

Yea Forums culture is a drag and the quasi-ironic nature of shitposting combined with the election has ruined all internet discourse.

Jews are the synagogue of Satan

Weebs have no standards

The Souls series is only praised as much as it is because its extremely low APM makes it accessible

Yea Forums is the best place to discuss videogames

Waifufags have the shittiest taste in vidya

Monster Hunter is harder than Dark Souls and Sekiro.

There is nothing wrong about having a Ryona fetish

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This but without an inch of irony
Yea Forums still holds, although sometimes a struggle, a fair amount of discussion between some lesser gems, classic franchises and more. It is obviously tainted by quite a lot, undeniably, but at the same time, is a place that can be as genuine as it can be blatant in its baits, and that genuineness can't really be found in the over moderated shitholes or karma ridden places that exist elsewhere.

Dark Souls 2 is a good game that has its own merits

Kirby games? No good

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Tekken is the worst 3D franchise

HeXen is better than Doom

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>Detroit Become Human is a great game and does the CYOA thing better than anything Telltale ever made
>The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are the best games ever
>DMC1 has aged like milk and doesn't come close to 3, 4 and 5
>Fighting games other than Smash and Mortal Kombat are boring
>BOTW is a 7/10 and the weakest 3D Zelda besides Skyward Sword
>OoT is better than MM, but both are 10/10 games
>There's nothing wrong with playing on easy
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
>Fear 2 is better than 1
>Rockstar hasn't made a good game since Midnight Club 1
>Kamiya's only good game is Viewtiful Joe 1
>MGS 1, 2 and 3 are good games but no one can legitimately put them among the greatest of all time because of the controls. They're horrendous in all three games even at the best of times.
>The Souls games are generic, by the numbers dungeon crawlers with boring, stupid plots and a relentlessly obnoxious fanbase.
>Counter Strike is garbage in all configurations
>Far Cry 5 is a great game and the best in the series
>Sonic was never good
>Doom, Quake, and most retro games have aged like shit
>There's nothing wrong with not putting female characters in skimpy outfits
Cheating in multiplayer games is hilarious. Using LMAOBox in TF2 is a great time, especially while micspamming and changing your name

Outside of video games, Whiplash (2014) is one of the worst films ever made, Pixar hasn't made a watchable movie since Toy Story 1, and Batman v Superman is pretty good.

Mods need to ban general threads about games with lootboxes in them. Looking at you Overwatch faggots.

literal cancer.

Nobody said it didn't. It's just the worst souls game in the series is all. All the impersonators of the series are still below DS2.

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gen 1 is not the best generation of pokemon by any stretch of the imagination

that award goes to 4th gen for the clunk and overall terrible designs (with a few particularly good ones), only possibly saved by the physical special split

Trannies will never be women

The "You cheated yourself" guy was completely right if a bit needlessly dramatic

Jesus was a cult leader who was executed for blaspheming against judaism by claiming to be a god.

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Calling someone a nigger in an online game is not some holy crusade for free-speech. So when you get banned for it and then come here to bitch to your personal army, it just looks retarded. Not even the most right-wing, rope-tying Klan member would stoop to such stupid, childish level of pointless idiocy. You are the internet equivalent of the homeless man shouting nonsense on the street corner. Anyone who does this is likely not older than the age of 16 and simply mistakes the rush of teenage rebellion for a just cause.

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New age feminism was a Jewish trick to take advantage of the easily manipulated female population to double the workforce and lower wages.


If you’re bad at vidya then you have little room to call things poor design.

consolefags are lame scum, smart people takes anything they want from all the consoles


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"Jew" is just a meme word people use instead of "greedy people" because they think it's funnier.

Absolutely 100% b a s e d. I hate your Aimbot guts, but damn, that's a hell of an opinion.

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Howard the Duck is a good movie

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Vanilla Bloodborne is a bad game

99% True.

((( )))
yeah sure.

There's nothing wrong with being a casual.

Monster hunter world is a bad game that only sold on marketing hype.

Remakes and remasters are the worst trend that happened to video games ever.

Consoles are for children.


>3D franchise

>child's console
Fuck off

The performance limitations of the PS4 prevent Bloodborne from ever being a legitimate candidate for best in the series.

You’re right. It’s an oversized movie player

Naughty Dog games are cinematic garbage for people who don't play games.

Brawl was a better videogame than Smash Ultimate.

all of you abrahamics are complete faggots, doesn't matter if you think yhvh has the right to kill anybody it dislikes, if you worship a deranged warlord, or if you follow a cuckold rabbi, you're all complete shitstains and a waste of oxygen upon our planet

GoW deserved game of the year.

That's not even within the realm of possibility. You've seen the fanart, you've played sonic forces. You're probably one of them. Hell, I'd wager you're wearing a diaper right now.

It wasn’t always that way

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>americans and their religious christian splinter group bullshit problems

Pagans get the bullet too

That's the Sony corruption for you. They ruin everything.

No, it wasn't, my dude. No it wasn't.

ragecancer killed Yea Forums

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he speaks the truth.

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>executed for blaspheming against judaism

>Cheesus, I am overjoyed to meet you face to face

Throne of Thunder was the best raid in WoW history.

Fucking /thread

Jesus is Lord.

Death to all penis cutters

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girls have masturbated to you before

Yea Forums is a better board than Yea Forums

That makes me feel good

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>yea guis aren't rabbis just so awesome?! xD

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I can assure you this is not true

Tales From the Borderlands was very good

You have no right to complain about a fetish you don’t like if you participate in fetish threads you like

Valve has never been pro consumer

>Listening to the most heretical of heretics
Don’t make this religiously political

Okay, okay. Ahem.
Jesus wasn´t real, there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no devil and souls doesn´t exist.
You wanna survive death for REAL, google "ALCOR" and stop fooling yourself.

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>No parent has ever bought their kid a ps4
You dumb.

escape from tarkov is overrated garbage

Trading card games are better than video games

Counterpoint: Fetishes other than vanilla ones are bad

Okay, retard.

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Piano and guitar are the most overrated instruments of all time

Smash Bros is primarily a goofy party game that people forced into a competitive game

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supernatural claims aside, we have historical records suggesting that Jesus did exist

Even the lower end of weeb games have been better than the shit coming out of the west in recent years.

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Agreed. Smash is for retards that couldn’t make the cut in real fighting games

Whoops meant for

Futa is only as gay as the viewer.

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I doubt many people deny his existence, but that he could perform miracles and such

my sides

>survive death
is there really people that read something like this and say "yes sign me right up"?

Literally means figuratively, everything requires outrage porn clickbait fluffing and you should [insert ephemeral bullshit you shouldn't do(gone sexual)]

I don't even know what to say about how much I agree with this.

Honestly I just like wojaks they're funny and honest memes

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>current Yea Forums
>having any culture
Yea Forums became an anonymous mirror of what you can find on more popular sites like Reddit, Twitter and YouTube without having any of their influence. If anything the rest of internet ruined Yea Forums.

games media has had a direct hand in making a lot of entirely anti-consumer practices be seen as perfectly okay in the eyes of the public

anything that specifically undermines them, until they die and their writers are expunged from the industry permanently, can only be good for the consumer.

new blood doing journalism as a hobby will be the only exception to this ideal, provided they don't join the tainted cliques that already inhabit this industry.


>John Chrysostom
>The guy who wrote homilies literally titled "against the Jews"
>The guy who called synagogues "temples of Satan" and worse than brothels
>The guy who called Jews "murderers of Christ" and "fit for slaughter"

The Soulsbourne games arent that good really, but the atmosphere is impeccable.

I obviously meant 3D RPG franchise

Tekken is a fighter...

Traps are gay.

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Races are equal, but there are some cultures that are incompatible with immigration and western ideals.

if you were from here instead of reddit you'd know that isnt an unpopular opinion

yeah ok bud

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I agree. It was a shitty excuse of "board culture". Though ironically i wish we had that culture back instead of what Yea Forums, or hell all of Yea Forums, has turned into.

That isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact

>There's nothing wrong with playing on easy
>Fear 2 is better than 1
>Far Cry 5 is a great game and the best in the series
>Doom, Quake, and most retro games have aged like shit

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