Yea Forums will defend this

>Yea Forums will defend this.

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At least he has good posture.

Not gonna defend this, it just makes me sad. Kid probably has autism or something and his grandparents are just trying to spend some time with him.

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No I won't.
Disgusting nigger drink

Spend time with your loved ones while you can, even if it's boring in the moment, it's good for you in the long run.

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Bitch that guy is a pro elite gamer, you would never reach even one tenth of his skill.

This, there are few feeling as bad as having neglected someone without being able to make it up.

What happened with Yea Forums being overrun by qboomer faggots lately? That kid is an inspiration to gamers everywhere. What does he have to talk about with those two farts? Don't fucking dare lie to my face saying that you like talking to your idiot grandparents. You don't, nobody does, and that doesn't make you a bad person. However, lying about it makes you a fucking poser and a hypocrite.

>He doesn't take care of his family.

This is how old people talk. You're damn fucking right I don't at least not in the sense that entitled geezers have some right to my presence and company. I get it, you're going to die and nobody likes you anymore (if they ever did) and I guess that's sad. For you. I have a life to live and games to play.

I ain't got no loved ones, never have, never will

the kid has autism and it's the only way they can get him out of the house


>loved ones
imagine thinking this

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OP has never been to Asian countries.

>I have a life to live and games to play.

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Psychologyfag here. You're most likely avoid contact and resent old people because they remind you of your own mortality, which isn't a healthy behavior. People like you tend to get very severe cases of the quarter/midlife crisis. Get help.


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No shit I'm going to get old and die, Freud. That's the very reason why I don't have time to waste my fading youth sitting around smelling people with one foot in the grave.

lmao, fuck off with your psych 101 shit, armchair fag

I'm not trying to shit on you, I just wanna help. Just keep my words in mind.

good posture though

Not the fagv you originally replied to, but that's just some really basic bitch shit.

>you should get over this very common and natural feeling

becoming a psychologist is taking the jew poison at maximum doses

>Minecraft UHC

The headphones are too much. Even if your grandkid's a sperg, I think you make him leave his headphones or you don't take him to Applebee's.

Also, what is that keyboard? Not the laptop one, but the one his left hand is on. Kinds looks like a tablet maybe.


I remember when I used to enjoy gaming

No I won't, people who take pictures of kids in pulbic to make fun of them on the internet are pure fucking trash.

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buy a pet, m8

>Go out to dinner with family
>Everyone but me pulls out their phones and just starts looking at stuff/playing games while I sit there silently

looks around 20 to me

I mean, he doesn't have forward head, but it looks like he's got some lumbar lordosis going on, so not really.

Study an actual science you turbopleb

Do you want a medal or something?

imagine being this broken.

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You're crazy, that babyface is 15 max.

>eating Applebee's

Adopt a pet and thank me later

No I just want to air my grievances anonymously so I can feel better and move on.

Non-Burger here. Wtf is an Applebee's? are they any good?

fucking disgusting

No way, looks like kid who just hit puberty and got really tall before the rest of the body catches up to him, his face is a very dead giveaway.

>having beers on the patio with the boys
>everyone is just staring at their phones
>occasionally showing imgur and reddit posts
>"guess I'll just play gachashit then haha"

I miss just talking about random shit like fetishes, recent dreams or other wacky shit.

>Act like a complete retard or sperg in public
>Dude don't be a meenie
This is how we got to the current year.

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Based. Had breakfast with my mother and grandparents for Mother's day. Always see them when they're in town, too.

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It's cheapish chain restaurant. I have no frame of reference for outside of the country to compare it to.

Not at all
It's probably the lowest tier of sit down restaurant, only better than dilapidated shitholes that are guaranteed to give you food poisoning

Dine in restaurant type food chain, its aight chiles is better imo

As funny as this image is, I'm pretty sure that kid has hard autism or worse.

>DC Shoes
yep he's got the 'tism.

Actually I'm immortal.

>zoomers in charge of values

Jews are the apex of the human race. It's time to swallow the kikepill

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It's a mediocre sit-down chain.
More consistently "decent" than Chilis, but there aren't any "GOOD" Applebees like there are "GOOD" Chilis.

Unless someone is actively transgressing against me, which that kid is clearly bothering no one, I don't give a shit.
It's the responsibility and authority of his family to teach him, not complete strangers that have no real concern for him, you can pretend you do but you don't.

Not him but the existance of pets is an hinderance to the meat industry and explains why good meat is expensive nowadays.
Not participating in this shamble.

this, fuck retards who come from broken homes who try to make you feel bad about having a normal life

Shoes ranked by autism lvl
Osiris > Sketchers > those Sonic shoes > DC > cheap Nikes > shitty dollar store Vans knockoffs > Heely's

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Not American. This might sound really dumb but do Americans even have " traditional " restaurants anymore? They just seem so showered & constantly talking about X or Y food brand compared to that time they went to buttfuck nowhere and had a really nice meal.


I wish my posture was as good as his

Applebees is one of the businesses millennials are allegedly killing

This whole autism problem is really getting out of hand. When they aren't getting violent and shooting up their school they're being useless drains on society. A vacuum that consumes a great deal of resources and gives nothing in return. How can we fix this plague that grows and erodes society every single day?

We spent so many years hearing about how special autistic children were, how smart they were, what they could do. Now we are seeing the consequences of such pampering. Adult children with no life skills, that cannot do anything, that cannot handle any social interaction, and cannot cope with basic emotions let alone strong or complex emotions that are a normal part of life. These people being so maladjusted to life affects everyone. We can't stand for this. Something needs to be done and it needs to be done fast.

that's nice, captain autismo.

This doesnt make sense, we dont eat cats or dogs you fucking idiot.

All over the place. Fast food and chains only appears to be discussed a lot because they're a huge market presence and relatable to most people. Not everyone has gone to the nice local joint, but most people have at least HEARD of a McDonald's

>said the useless autist that will be homeless when the parents supporting him die

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Yeah my mom committed suicide and now all I think about is those times I acted like a fucking faggot when I was a teen.

>This whole autism problem is really getting out of hand
>Proceeds to turboautism an entire paragraph about killing people
Lack of self-awareness is a big autist thing, you know. Maybe you should start with yourself.

This sounds pretty fucking enlightened. Care to loop us in?

>gaming addicted
>still in better shape than his father

Do you keep cows, pigs, and chickens as pets?

I said nothing about killing anyone. You drew that inference yourself.