Why are gamers so triggered when a woman has an opinion?

Why are gamers so triggered when a woman has an opinion?
She literally just called a shitty game shitty and now there is some kind of uproar for some reason.

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Be a pal and tell us what she actually said so I can have a chuckle.

console wars

They can't get da pussy


haven't watched the review but its the equivalent of racists being angry at a game for having a black person in it.

Gurantee she mentioned sexism or women.

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Given the importance of news outlets, it is expected from the reviewer to be professional about their review of the game, with as little personal bias over personal details as possible. That doesn't mean she isn't entitled to an opinion of her own. However, if this is the case & shows evident bias, it is expected from the news outlet to have another reviewer available who would be able to give a more fair & objective review. The quality of the game she reviewed doesn't matter here.

>She literally just called a shitty game shitty and now there is some kind of uproar for some reason.

It's not the fact that she called it shitty, it's the reasons she claimed it was shitty.

"fails to say anything meaningful" really means "fails to say anything SJW"

>No bro you're totally free
>But we'll fucking hang you for saying shit we don't like lmaooo
Leave Yea Forums

Was she made fun of what she said or because she is a woman?

Women are good for three things:

and vaginas

>a woman can have an opinion
>but her audience can't
Explain this logic.

the real question is how do we take the the awful treatment that a select few gaming journalists experience and extend it to every single one of them

Because they JUST don't understand anything, she probably doesn't even know why she thinks it's shitty, in fact she probably liked it and is just repeating what guys have said around her since its the consensus.

Fucking incels are getting madder and madder every day

There are better male chef than women

literal who

she rated the game down because of white straight male protagonist and shit.

>kallie plagge
i remember her

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Government mandated girlfriends to quell the incel uprising soon.

Women are also disgustingly untidy

the game is shit solely because of the framerate, no reason to look into it any further
the game could literally be sucking me off while i play it i woudln't give a shit
25fps games in the year of our lord 2019 ? please an hero at your earliest convenience, you're killing videogames

>too many HMs
It this shit that lead to Let's GO being the most infuriatingly dumbed down game experience in my life.

The title they gave their review should give you a hint of who you're dealing with.

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too many pokemons

>Days Gone was lambasted for being generic
>"Gamers" are circling the wagons to defend it

Reeks of astroturfing

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She didn't give it a low score for gameplay, or content, or anything that actually matters. She gave it a low score because "the story fails to say anything meaningful".

That's a pretty good score. Though for the wrong reasons. No clue why this review was so controversial at the time
It's the worst Pokemon remake ever done and a huge step down from emerald which is sad, but still a solid game at it's core like all entries

Men are way better cooks than women.

Yeah I am so confused by this. The complete 180 is baffling

>choose to say stupid shit that is without a doubt causing the downfall of civilizations
>No bro you're totally free
Basically the same thing as hanging. One is a lot slower and affects a lot more people than the other. Can you guess which one, retard?

Based women btfoing Snoytards and their shit game. Not surprising in the slightest that they are seething out

But Yea Forums says "yikes" all the time.

>No clue why this review was so controversial at the time
it was because she made a serious complaint about how there was "too much water". more of a meme than controversial i guess.

>Yikes on Bikes

I'm tempted to make a fake account and pretend to be a fat outraged tumblr lesbian and bitch about how homophobic that title is in the comments.

men are better at all of those except having vaginas

Days Gone is a Sony exclusive so you should be looking into as to why the Sony playerbase is so bigoted

Which one was the worst reason?

It's funny because they actually halved the amount of water tiles in the remake. She didn't actually play the game and just copied issues from old reviews of the original.

libtards owned user! XD

It's because it's partly being railed on for having a generic white protag.
Half the shills defending the game with their life haven't even played the boring game. Theyre just either redditerafags or upset whitoids that think people are trying to remove the white race

There's still this air of "women are only so involved in video games because they weren't getting enough attention elsewhere".

>Make a game that's only draw is the story
>Story falls flat
>Reviewer is bad for calling it out
Maybe don't make games that are glorified VNs with buggy shooting and combat in the first place, and reviewers would have more to talk about beyond the shitty story. Maybe don't make a generic, grounded photo-realistic third-person action game/shooter that's carried by its story for the hundredth time.

>Be a shitty game.
>Gaym journalists shit on it.
>/pol video games edition/ goes full contrarian and defends a shitty game because gaym journalists don't like it.

That'll show em! Sounds like a great use of your time.

This game seems average. I might play it

shut it THOT!

I dunno about that sweaty. First two things are completely variable person to person and the last is battling it out with science and society as we speak. It's 2019 and men are getting better and better at the vagina thing. Women will be obsolete soon enough.

thats some funny shit


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daily reminder, banning someone from a forum/game/ect is the online equivilent of putting a bullet in the back of their online persona's brain. These people do not support freedom of speech and they most certainly do advocate for violence against people they disagree with.

That's an awesome title.

You need to go back.

As autistic as I want call this poster, it's actually a lot more true than I want to admit. The recipient of the ban might as well be dead (on that particular forum). The most someone can do is is try to get people to notice what happened if the person was important enough.

That's decent of a score for the worst Pokemon game to date.

>muh freeze peach

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Mega yikes
>reviewing a snoy game for anything other than how well it imitates blockbuster film

>without a doubt causing the downfall of civilizations
nigga read some books or something, youtube videos are a very thin slice of reality


So she comes from here, right? Yea Forums is the only place I've heard anyone use that word regularly outside of shows set in the 70s.

you are dying off naturally negative birthrate

all women except one are whores

>Yea Forums calls game shit
>SJWs say the game is shit as well
>Yea Forums took this as an attack on gamers and started praising the game

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the most interesting thing about days gone is that its apparently a sequel to syphon filter, the fuck?

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Yep, I agree. Importing foreigners at a higher rate than our own citizens is definitely a good thing. I'm sorry for doubting you. I will see you at the local mandatory mosque next week, brother.

reminder that surname Plagge is derivative of "plaga" literally meaning disease

You missed one lad.
cooking, cleaning, vagina, and their sister's vagina.

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It's not that she said a game is shitty.
It's not that she's a woman.
It's that she CLEARLY has absolutely zero knowledge about vidya and is parroting her opinion around as if it had some weight behind it when it doesn't.
It's because she is CLEARLY in the position she is in to fill diversity requirements and not because she has any clue what she's talking about, even if she is right in this case (a broken clock is still right twice a day).

If you had a functioning brain, you would realize that Yea Forums and this cunt shit on the game for different reasons. "Having a white protagonist" is obviously one of the shittiest reasons to dislike a game.

The question is why are women using the sexism card when people disagree with their views. Oh noes. People disagree with me a WOMAN. Because i didnt like this game. It must be sexism. Come defend me my White Knight CUUCCCKKKSSS

E = MC Vagina

>So she comes from here, right? Yea Forums is the only place I've heard anyone use that word regularly outside of shows set in the 70s.
You really need to get out of Yea Forums sometimes.

This the /incel general/ lads?

man i'm serious, look at the social context of your posts. you're the crazy guy screaming about the end of the world at the street corner
seriously look at what everyone is posting about and what you're saying and how it relates

it's used all over the internet especially on places like tumblr and twitter

it's pretty sad how homogenised the internet is nowadays, each website has the same culture as all the others

Why are you calling me out? I'm agreeing with you faggot. Unless of course importing these sandniggers is a BAD thing...
Naw, couldn't be. Politicians would only want what's good for their (future) citizens, right?

Why are women always use the sexism and misogyni card whenever there is anyone disagreing with their opinnion on things? It just screams that you arent really qualified for any sort of positions.... Because you cant defend your opinnions without claiming you are being harrased becuase you are woman.

Inshallah brother

A shit story can drag down a game tough.

>cant say a woman is wrong without being a sexist

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>too much water
Never gets old.

She's so cute

Why are women and cucks so triggered when men inform her her opinion is about as valid as dogshit.


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Do you think HM’s are anything but brainlet tier?

>you beat thing so now you can use A on B to get to next thing

Shitty opinions are shitty opinions, no matter what your sex is.

Heterosexual white man protagonist expresses physical attraction to his own wife and this displeased this "reviewer" a great deal.

She doesn't once mention the protag being white though, just that he's uninteresting and unlikable.

You actually can, you just have to not care about the opinions of literal soi drinking faggots

>The quartering


shes white herself you inbred. and white supremacy is a real system.

HMs should exist, but there should be no obstructions preventing you from moving between cities with gyms in any order. Gyms should scale to the number of badges you have.

HMs should be required to get to places off the beaten path and to secret treasures or places with very rare pokemon. And of course Victory Road.

That way HMs are meaningful but not an annoying roadblock. And it'll let you experience the game in any order you like.

In a extremely ironic, deragotary way

The critics clearly orchestrated something against this wholly mediocre game when they're giving it 5/10 because "they didn't like the story". Surprised to see a journo getting enough shit for once though, if only this happened every time.

Then you fortunately haven't been to twitter in a couple of years. Almost nothing Yea Forums "ironically" picks up is invented by the imageboard itself anymore.

Isn't that generally the consensus of the game though? It's playable area is like 40% water?

Find me a comparable reaction to an opinion on a video game when the reviewer was a man.

Plenty of self-hating whites out there.

Consider this a courtesy. Type correct English if you want me to read your posts. I ignore everything from shit eating ESL faggots. Nobody who ever had anything worthwhile to say typed like you do.

I'd expect adults to say less cringey shit than my 18 yo dumbass self

A-hole is a hole.

you know what it says you inbred piece of shit, just means you dont have an argument inferior cracker.

For the og versions, the remake had the amount of water tiles reduced and there is a ton more to shit on for ORAS then the water.

I actually read the review and she was criticizing the main character for his political views and morality.
This is literally worse than what hardcore christians tried in the 90s

She clearly has a bias.

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You've never done any of those things. How can you know?

I won't repeat myself. If you expect to be taken seriously you need to take this seriously. You should be ignored because you've put no thought into your opinions just like you've put no thought into your posting.

Is the bias not liking the game because it's shit and has bad writing?

In case anyone cares Days Gone takes place in the Syphon Filter universe.

>the quartering gets more views than the original review, which is massively disliked
how long before google completely removes views and likes/dislikes?

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Name one example of a game that isn't relying on it's narrative, that is a weaker game overall, for having a bad narrative.

>bikers say biker things in wedding
>take off points because it doesn't follow your agenda

woman bad
man good

>i hate the phrase "ol lady"
Zero percent change she's married.

how about the time jim sterling gave breath of the wild a 7/10 and got such an uproar that he deleted it

you can still find all the news articles about it though
now kindly fuck off faggot

Don't kid yourself, that video has more views because there's a woman with cleavage in the thumbnail.

>Yikes On Bikes
that's pretty funny

This game does rely on it's narrative though so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make outside of that it's just poor gunplay, rudimentary stealth and a shitty open world that clearly wants to be like Red Dead but is more like a worse version of Assassins Creed.

typical inferior white supremacist

No, YIKES and OOF and such is especially used on left-wing twitter and tumblr.

Days Gone should have had more water.
Women tend to say they don't want something at first and then they want nothing more afterwards.

sure sweaty

her boyfriend works at gamespot, go figure. its not even just diversity quota, literally sucked her way in there

She has a job reviewing games still? Isn't this the same bitch that cried molester?

Kill yourself commie

Did the story of a plumber saving a princess from a turtle by traveling through sewage pipes and killing mushrooms bring down Super Mario Bros? No? Then shut the fuck up.

>Tfw I traded Assassins Creed for this shit game and now realize that was better and should of kept it.

then does she have a white boyfriend?

She looks hot. More pics?

all women are child abusers

jesus fuck

>a game that doesn't give a shit about it's story
>vs one that has it as central motive
Nice try plebbitor, but that shit doesn't work here.

>so I reviewed this game
>and here's somethings I decided weren't actually review worthy

>the mobs are all similar looking and generic, its a mob game but its still tiresome to look at
>it runs at 4 fps, but they fixed most of it
>and I really don't like this phrase they use constantly, but that doesn't really change the game so i left it out
>and here's a dumb image lol

I'm sorry, what's the problem again?
All the retarded /pol/ tier "anti-sjws" on youtube unironically made me far more sympathetic toward sjw views. I still think they're retarded, but I'd rather deal with SJWs being retarded and at least pretending to be trying to help, than a bunch of retards going

but those are legitime complaints?
>game is set in america
>over 56% of the zombies are white

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>moving goal posts

>All the retarded /pol/ tier "anti-sjws" on youtube unironically made me far more sympathetic toward sjw views.
every time

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That's because he had a women do it for him, retard.

men chefs are always superior to women, most women nowadays dont even clean or even know how to clean and vaginas are only good if theyre attached to a decent looking girl who is a good fuck

>still being mad that hbomberguy got his ass reamed by an autistic man
That video series was fine, and I fucking love DS2. Hbomberguy is retarded and couldn't even make good enough arguments about a game I love to make me agree with him.

Well my problem with anti-sjws is that they're always the same obnoxious pseudo intellectuals who act as if they're being reasonable, by posting a 10 hour long youtube video about a video game.

sjws are cancer because of what they stand for, but they stand for something. anti-sjw are just retards who make content about the fact they hate what other people stand for.
and what's even worse are the female anti-sjws.

this desu, pathetic

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She has a bias against the game from a political standpoint numnuts. If she didn't, the score wouldn't have been as low.

>Yikes on Bikes

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Women are terrible cooks.

Dude, hbomberguy, get over it. You made a stupid video that got just about every aspect refuted by some weirdo on the internet.

>b-but political bias!
and I hate russians, but metro was still fun as fuck. and just because I hate chinese doesn't mean they aren't cranking out some really high quality games right now.

>b-but they stand for something!
For all the wrong and misinformed reasons.

Because we're looking for a review of the game and she starts blabbing about what it "says"

Because property shouldn't speak.

I dont know she seems pretty based.

a woman's place is in the home

How the fuck did white women crawl their way into the oppression olympics?
>W-W-White male protagonist!
You white too, bitch.

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So is it ok if I become a professional critic and call things too girly or Gay and therefor terrible for being that way? You're saying there would be nothing wrong with that OP? That I wouldn't have my life threatened routinely while black hooded moocows tried to physically assault me on the streets?

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Except Days Gone is a movie game

Its just the go-to because everyone on Yea Forums knows about that video.

It just annoys me because I like watching movie reviews on youtube when I'm drawing. And 9/10 game or movie videos on youtube is a soap box for anti-sjws to talk about how sjws ruined whatever movie, and then sperg about it for 15 minutes, before finally getting to the fucking topic.
yes, that's what i said. cutting off kids dicks are fuck all retarded. but thats the thing, they're being retarded and when they tell you something, you can just straight up say they being retarded.
with anti-sjws they're just soap boxing about things pretty much everyone agrees with.
>but the sjw said men were all bad and evil!
yes, that sjw is a fucking idiot, what does that have to do with starwars though?

>So many zoomers that don't get the reference
Yea Forums is truly lost

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There something to be said when a game plays well, but the character weren't moral role models so the game gets a 4/10. I would ask the reviewer whey she plays games, if she even does at all on her spare time.

it's okay to let your biases interfere as long as you have the correct biases :^)

didnt she complain about all the zombies being white but the game explains to you why they are white? sounds like she didnt even play the game

Ahhh yeah, that's right...bitches

>woman has an opinion
>incels come out from under the bridge


This but unironically.

>Yea Forums suddenly loves shitty open world movie games when a woman rightfully points out that it's kinda bad

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It's funny how nowadays most people would consider that score to be too high for a game like ORAS.

>woman has bad opinion
>other incels rise to defend her stupidity in hope of pussy

Black and White did this

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without looking at the actual review, I already know the opinion on the game has nothing to do with the gameplay
prove me wrong

Elephant in the room.

I don't know who this random bithc is and I don't want to know so don't tell me, but I assume it's another one of those retarded diversity hire "Video game critics" whose knowledge of videogames is on the level of a 2-year-old. You should learn to not defend bad people just because they're women.

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incels are intimidated by women, this isn't news

Unironically go outside user. You sound like one of these retards who can’t function near women.

>and here's somethings I decided weren't actually review worthy
It does not matter whether she actually left it in the review or not, zombies being white left a strong enough impression in her that she thought it was worth to mention as side note for her review. Everyone can have an opinion sure, I just find it hard to care about someone's review who get triggered by zombies being white in a game.
And that's the problem with these social justice, leftists, SJW types. They cannot accept the fact that not everyone's opinion is equal. When you give away the fact you are a massive retard on your own twitter, you can't expect the majority of people to take you seriously.

I was lurking on twitter for a while and the amount of people with gay furry profile pictures and banners for example who want to lecture me on how to live my life is just ridiculous. How about you give me a reason to take you seriously first? An interview process for a company should do this job, too bad her boyfriend works at Gamespot so no matter how clueless she is, she can write reviews now.
And the same applies for a lot of these people. When people recommend me that Contrapoints or whatever. Yeah, I should totally listen to some lolcow who can't even figure out his own gender. jesus christ get a grip

>she thinks we're being sincere when we say yikes

>being a woman means you're free from getting criticized from your biased opinions and doing so means you're an incel

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>This person who plays a game and writes their thoughts out on twitter isn't qualified to play a AAA game and write about it on twitter.
The fuck do you retards thing that job is? Nobody has ever taken gaming reviews seriously, ever.

Of course not. That would be so many -ists that it's literally unfathomable for someone as woke as her.

You're kidding yourself is you don't think reflexively dismissing anything a woman says about a videogame isn't a perfectly sound strategy. There are like four women in the entire world whose opinions on games are actually worth listening to, and that random thot isn't on the list.

>man has bad opinion
>lol he’s an idiot fuck him
>woman has bad opinion
>fuck women they shouldn’t even be allowed to vote! Reee!
Maybe if you and the other incels grew up and actually interacted with women then you wouldn’t be this dumb.

Yea Forums does it ironically you unbelievable retard. Yea Forums does everything ironically in case you still haven't noticed.

>left a strong impression on her
probably because its a game about zombies, and all the zombies looked extremely similar.

Resident evil uses the same 7 models for all their zombies, but there's more variation in those 5 models than all the zombies in this game.
So when your main attraction (zombies) are incredibly generic, its worth pointing out.

>why are they telling me how to live my life
off the top of my head, its because you couldn't write a single post to me without 80% of it being your rage at sjws and furries on twitter. while they're comfortable and secure in their interests and sexuality.

>man has shitty opinion
>eternity of Yea Forums rallies against him
>woman has shitty opinion
>Yea Forums gets split cuz "muh incels and misogyny"

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Maybe if y'all could stop saying sexist like

Not even remotely the same, cry harder incel

And you’re unironically a fucking retard if you actually do dismiss anything anyone says based on their gender.
Go outside user and maybe you’ll get stop being retarded.

Why are you defending her? Do you think she'll fuck you if you defend her honor on the internet? I don't think she will.

I hope you never have those women let their guard down around you, there's a serious history of you male allies being hideous rapists.

Shut the fuck up inbred

Who's going to fuck you for making this post?

People are still that assblasted over MauLer shafting some brit for 10 hours straight?

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women were made to stay at home and cook and clean and take care of the infants

shut the fuck up you dumb faggot

>you’re unironically a fucking retard if you actually do dismiss anything anyone says based on their gender.

You're unironically a retard if you don't.
It's a simple evident fact that barring a couple stray exceptions, women don't understand games and they don't appreciate them in a way men do. Anything they say about them is thus useless noise.

>things that never happened
Come back to me when people cry about killing all men because some white basedboy gave Skyrim a 10/10

Not your infants because you will never have sex.

>Tell man his opinion is bad
>Eh who cares
>Tell woman her opinion is bad
>Omg thats a yikes from me dog i can't believe youd be this misogynistic, this isn't it incel have sex

Have sex.

unironically all of these things are better done by machines.

talk shit, get shit

Kallie how does the game control? What are the mechanics like? Does it feel good to fire a gun? How's the audio out in the environment versus indoors? Does the bike handle well? Is there a sense of progression? How scary are the freakers? Is it fun to explore? Is there a nice selection of weapons? How are the rewards dished out? What's the difficulty like? Are there lots of options to change? Is the save system robust? Tip: this is a video game not a movie. As much as politics and character arcs and development are important, it is important to give gamers the necessary details to help them make a decision.

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When gamers rise up, adoptions for single males will be a human right.

Stop being a retarded incel user. Like at this point you should take a break from Yea Forums.

so you dont think like sjws do

Spotted the zoomer. You must have not been here when all of Yea Forums shit on Colin Moriarty.

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sony made the game look like shit for years. now that we can play it, everyone realizes it's actually decent

>sonyturds being defensive for their shitty exclusives


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waiting to be proved wrong

Why is she so ugly and fat man?

Why does everything need to involve sex with you?
Is it because you lack it so much that you start thinking everyone’s lives revolve around it?


DId they say that all men should die?
Then shut the fuck up.

Video games are a male hobby and women will never understand them (except the sims).


Dude, it's 2019.

that ain't it, chief

Stop revealing how new you are zoomer.

>And you're unironically a fucking retard!

Oooh, hit a vein did he?

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You are clueless user. They did the exact same shit with Far Cry 5, check out the video

If the game isn't 100% pandering to their political views, its "problematic"

>Yikes on bikes
I giggled

I chuckled

he didn't move the goal posts at all you thundercunt. he made a completely coherent argument, you went all pedantic and picked an edge case to dispute it because you're a boring cunt, so he clarified his position despite everyone with an ounce of brains knowing what he meant in the first place.
>neon pink wall paint looks bad
>"lol I painted 2 square inches behind a poster that colour and my room looks fine, argument BTFO!"
fuck off

>man says something bad
>eh who cares
>women says something bad
>reeee women invading my games!


Oh boy...

Not all women are white.

Why did I laugh?

Somebody make some OC for this


>thats not it!
>ew creepy
>thats not a good look
>lets unpack this!
>very problematic


Umm 40% of tranny deaths

Just to be sure, please no bully:
do we like this game now?

Why does everyone hate white people so much?

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Is there no limit to how hard Yea Forumsermin will piss themselves at some misguided attempt to spite da libs? I mean, here you nerds are unironically defending a open world zombie console game that is objectively deemed hard mediocre (even by men!) just to disagree with someone you think you have to hate to fit in online. Then again I shouldn't be surprised when people here also think KCD is a good game because the dev put on an alt-right t-shirt. It's fucking saddening either way.

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Yikes on bikes?
More like dykes on trikes

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imagine being this dramatic

Why is akarin so sexy

>dude you suck
>woah... but im white
>yes and you're the worst
>omg... you hate... whitie... the best race... that i am part of...
>no i hate you
>b-but im white... O_O

That being said I do think you should die and if that's some kind of "genocide" so be it. But most white people are alright or at least neutral.

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hot girls do not review childrens toys for money


I ain't mad

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Because she's a yuri

Whoa son, what you said there implies Gamefreak needs to do actual work. That kind of talk is unacceptable.

sounds like a good review so far

They don’t but incels need to believe in their imaginary discrimination.

>She literally just called a shitty game shitty
For completely wrong reasons that don't make the game shitty in any way at all.
Gee, almost like consumers will tell you that you're a fucking retard if you act like a fucking retard. They're under no obligation to give a shit about your feelings or opinions or treat you civilly just becasue you're a woman or a brainlet game journo.

Literally A 100% sounds like something Yea Forums would come up with.

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you probably think KCD is bad because the dev put on an alt-right t-shirt

Shit story is the standard for video games.
You shouldn't mark someone down over it.

>Yea Forums does everything ironically in case you still haven't noticed.
Double retard, you're replying to someone who can't tell it's meant to be ironic. So when he says yikes, do you think he's being ironic? Fact is, irony is lost on this godforsaken board, because every user is too autistic to wield irony, and too autistic to take irony.

Based and womenpilled

I think it's fair when your game has a lot of cutscenes and narrative like this has.

>sekiro needs an easy mode
>Dean Takahashi
>Anything written by Jason Schreier
>IGN's God Hand review

>Dude just continue to eat shit lmao

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>yikes on bikes

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A story does not have to "say anything meaningful" for it to be a good story or not fall flat.
She did not say it was a bad story for any actual reasons that make a bad story, she says it's a bad story because it doesn't promote her worldview and ideology and does not attack the views of those she dislikes.
She's a retard, and you're a retard for defending a retard

Put me in the screencap

>it's a bad review because it doesn't conform with my my worldview and ideology

Women are nothing but a beast in human form that exists solely to serve us.

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pooskins can't post Chika
that's a rule

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You just posted a great example of a great game with a shit story.

>game has biker culture
>deduct points because of said biker culture
Yep, she's a terrible reviewer.

>supposedly mature adult using the same wording an anonymous forum filled with underage b&
If you don't see how that's bad, you're an idiot.
Just a warning, don't go calling people niggers in real life either just because Yea Forums does it

>But Yea Forums says "yikes" all the time.

it's a bad review because it brings ideology to a topic where it's irrelevant


>She doesn't once mention the protag being white though, just that he's uninteresting and unlikable.
Because he's white and has the opposite views to her. If it were a random african translesbian otherkin who spouted extreme left idiocy, she would have rated the game entirely differently.
This is why she's being shat on for it, deservedly so. People are not as dumb as you think when it comes to trying to convince them you don't mean what you actually very clearly, by your previous examples and attitude, mean

It's just that time of the month.

It's a bad review because it fails to acknowledge that you can make a good game without having the right political opinions.

I giggled but only so slightly

Subject F is for black cock only anime only tard

Have you considered that a game can be both not woke and shit?

>women talking sports and games is the most cringy thing ever

Yikes on bikes?
More like cheat on my wife.

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She got nice titties.

I'm well aware of that, however, it's not a fair review if you're injecting your personal political beliefs into the review. It's not ethical journalism.

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Have you considered that both the game and the review can be shit?

>but they stand for something.
Yeah, censorship and forcing identity politics into everything. What the fuck happened to this board when tools like this are actively defending sjws now?

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Are you retarded? I don't give a fuck about political leanings. I just want to stir up shit and laugh at it.

wow thats pretty lulzy lol


dare I say /ourguy/?

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There's no such thing as opinion without bias, retard. She's open about hers and you can therefore make up your own opinion about what she says. That's not to say it's a bad review because you disagree with her world view.

>n-no the people i like and especially i don't have bias we are RATIONAL(tm) like ben shapiro and that fat guy with the beard
Get back to me when you get a tad older and apologise for ever thinking this.

How did this get so many (You)s

If someone reviewed superman 64 and most of their complaints were about "male power fantasy" and "women in distress trope" instead of literally everything else wrong with the game, people would bitch about that review too.

A game can be shit, and the review also be shit.

Bro you just posted cringe. XD

Yeah, I don't believe you actually watch any anti-sjw videos. I suspect you watched a Last Jedi criticism and jumped on the bandwagon of SJWs pushing this lie that everyone who hated that movie was alt-right.

theyre all newfriends. shout out john lajoie

>Im a good cook
>I clean everything from when i was 12
>I can masturbate to kick off my brain

Am i immune to women or i am a woman?

Imagine missing the point this hard.
Yes, that is true, but for this reviewer those two things are one thing, they are exactly the same, that is the point.
The game is not good, but not for any of the reasons this goblin thinks or mentions whatsoever. Her review is unironically worse than the game, which is bad to begin with.

Great advertising for the game. And I thought she didn't liked it?

>That's not to say it's a bad review because you disagree with her world view.
Someone who gave the game a good score because white protagonist would be just as wrong as her giving a bad score because white protagonist. Both would be bad reviews.
>it's her opinion
her posting it online means it's fair game to criticize her criticism.

I'm actually sitting here listening to the review despite intense boredom and loe and behold all she's doing is talking about actually playing the game. No politics. I'm sure she says something that triggers incels in there somewhere, I'm not going to make it that far because this is just too boring, but she also does all the things you ethics in journalism retards says she doesn't. To great length. I know more about how this game plays now than I ever wanted to.

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>That's not to say it's a bad review because you disagree with her world view.
It is a bad review because she doesn't delineate between her subjective reaction and the game's objective qualities.

clown world

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?go back to pol?

People like Ben Shapiro and "fat guy with a beard" shouldn't be reviewing games either if they're mainly doing it from a political standpoint. How would you like it if your game got a poor review for a political opinion?

you're a woman

the last election seriously ruined the internet.

Go play Days Gone and say that again retard

I dont care that shes a girl, her opinion is just really retarded


>That's not to say it's a bad review because you disagree with her world view.
Also, BAD AND GOOD are necessarily subjective terms.
If you are using them, you are demonstrating an opinion, making a judgement.
When someone says it's a bad review, they are saying that the reviewer is criticizing the game for the wrong reasons.

As expected from an anime only redditor.

Microbrain post here. You can't quantify human experience like it's a car. She tells you whether or not she liked the game and attempts to give some context why she feels like this. Not because she thinks she has uncovered an objective truth about the game, but to share her experience in a way that might be useful for someone who wonders if this game is for them. That is what reviews are. There's no objective scale or measuring tape you can use to find the rational truth about a complex human experience and that might be frustrating to autismos but that's the world we have to live in.

Hey Reddit, who exactly are you quoting?

itt incels bitch about a review that they didn't watch

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there's way more women paedos than you think and a lot of them are teachers

But Deacon is a great protagonist I dont get it

snoyggers are starving and won't take any opinion on the 3 games they'll get these last 2 years.

>I'm actually sitting here listening to the review
>actually falling for the controversial marketing scheme and giving her clicks
good job

Again, this isn't about the game, Einstein.
It's about her criticisms of it.
Her criticisms are different from mine.

It's not just the conclusion that matters, it's also how you came to it.

Unironically return to ResetEra

She earned it.

>watching reviews instead of gameplay to decide if a game is good or bad


I wasn't saying that you could, dipshit, I was saying that she fails to review the game by incorporating the intent behind its design (its objective qualities), and her subjective reaction to its implementation.

IE a good review is framed like this:
>if the developer's intention was X, then it failed for Y reasons

your world view is so black and white filled with autistic memes its actually fucking sad

Lesbian genocide when? They obviously can't exist in our society without being a bunch of fractured degenerates so just be rid of them already.

Not like they're decent to look at anyways, it's a win/win for everyone.

Or to put it another way:
>the developer wanted X and did X and perhaps succeeded, but X doesn't particularly appeal to me.

You think you fit in? Everyone goes to Reddit. You are nothing to me. Cuckposter. Suck on my big toe.

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I saw the gameplay and honestly it looks like shit.
I feel like zombie game community has literally turned into zombies themselves at this point.
Like to dislike ratio is a fucking proof of that.

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Or maybe it's just shit even if it would be better for your culture war that it wasn't.

Rather like the review.

It's because idpol wh*toids see it as the pinnacle of white culture. The only reason being that it has a generic gruff white male as a protag.