Why did Kojima have Meryl get with the virgin Johnny instead of the chad Solid Snake? Why would the best female soldier since The Boss marry the laughing stock of the series instead of the best male soldier since Big Boss?
Why did Kojima have Meryl get with the virgin Johnny instead of the chad Solid Snake...
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Snake belonged with Otacon.
because snake was an old man, about to die within a few years and couldn't have children.
Because she loves him.
Every game after MGS 1 is Kojima turning on his creation, and by extension, Solid Snake. He moved on to dry humping Big Boss, and the overarching story suffered for it. I like to pretend MGS 2 and 4 never fucking happened. Still mad about MGS 4 in particular to this day.
Kojima is gay
Seething trumplette
bad writing
Then she could have made his last years the best of his life.
he didn't mention trump
1. Snake is gay
2. Snake is for Otakon
3. Snake is not the hero, never was
MGS4 was literally Kojima shitting all over the fans. He did the exact opposite of what everyone wanted because he was bitter about having to make yet another MGS
But Quiet was the best female soldier since The Boss
Yea Forums:
Meryl or Quiet?
Quiet because Stefanie is cute
Quiet was also in MGSV which is not cannon.
He also thought he was a ticking genocide plague bomb and probably didn't want to kill her.
Quiet is superhuman, no way Maryl could take her on
MGS4 was a shitpost. it was kojima making fun of the fans who wanted a sequel to MGS2 when it didn't need one
MGS4 was filled with pointless subversions, I'm not sure how or why that one stood out for you.
Did you miss Hal and Naomi falling into each other's arms, or how most of the problems everyone was wrestling with stemmed not from any rational root but a generation spanning series of misunderstandings?
Do not get get started on how full retard MGS4 went just to pull rug after rug after rug under people mostly just to show how many rugs Kojima had laid down.
Johnny was actually a damn fine soldier. His constant bumbling and foolishness was a direct result of his inability to keep up with the data provided to him by his teammates, and his ability to give his teammates his own data -- as a result of his lack of nano machines.
Look at it as a pie chart; of his total energy, Johnny was devoting probably 90 to 95% of his effort in keeping up with his team's natural connectivity, which he lacked. Once the SOP system was offline and he no longer had to spend ANY energy on keeping up, he could devote all of it to be motherfucking Mr. Smith to Meryl's Mrs. Smith.
MGS4 is not cannon. Ignore it.
We need a new MGS1 remake with an extended sex scene between her and Solid. I never played Twin Snakes.
>I never played Twin Snakes
It's ok but I want fox engine to have my children
A Fox Engine remake without the Matrix flips and closer to the original MGS1 would be great.
>without the Matrix flips
But that is whole point of Twin Snakes.
Then that point was gay.
Raiden can have the matrix flips
Nobody wants another Twin Snakes. People want a good remake of MGS1 or MGS3 in the Fox Engine.
As much as I hate to admit it, this probably. I mean, they're living together with an adopted kid already, so may as well be canon.
It's dead, Jim. Let it go.
>Thank you, Big Boss!
>Call me Snake.
>Oh, uh, sorry... Vic Boss!
>"Vic Boss" out of nowhere and even Big Boss uses it on the back of the photograph in TPP
>Big Boss doesn't even correct him
>Big Boss says he "doesn't have a name" before accepting "Big Boss"
What did Kojima mean by this? Is he Big Boss? Is he Vic Boss? Is he Snake? Is he John? Is he nothing?
To give us hope, user. If Johnny Shitpants can get a girl as hot as Meryl, then we're all gonna make it.
Of course, this was shattered when he took off his mask and it turned out he was a fucking stud all along.
He is the player dummy
>makes a thread with the same exact text
>nobody replies and the thread dies
>copy and paste the same shit unto a soon to be dead thread
What the fuck are you doing?
I must be the only one that thought Snake should have gotten with Naomi. She's hotter and it would have made for an interesting dynamic considering she tried to kill him before she came to admire him
Snake is both, in meta
>the player, who takes part as Big Boss and Solid Snake in their respective games
>what the peers of Big Boss and Solid Snake call THE PLAYER, not Big Boss or Solid Snake themselves even though the player is literally controlling them (once again, meta)
>what the fans expect in a Metal Gear Solid game
>a person who is tough, badass, stealthy, and engages in military combat
>a person who hides in cardboard boxes
>a person who is in out of the ordinary military position (merc, work for hire, etc.)
>a person who MAY sometimes wear anime or sci-fi clothing and possibly but NOT ALWAYS, a big handkerchief around his head
>a person who sneaks in cardboard boxes
>a person voiced by Kiefer Sutherland, Akio Otsuka and David Hayter
and in canon
>A person, who at the CIA, was codenamed "Naked Snake" for two missions, and afterwards, given the title, codename and designation of "Big Boss". Everyone around the world since then calls him "Big Boss", although with Big Boss himself taking a long time to accept it.
>A person, who at FOXHOUND, was codenamed "Solid Snake" during his entire career, and after leaving, kept it for the rest of his life
>A person who lead the "Sons of Big Boss" terrorist organization, nicknamed "Liquid Snake".
>A person who led the "Sons of Liberty" terrorist organization, nicknamed "Solidus Snake"
>Snake in meta context is the name of the player, not Big Boss or Solid Snake
This is so stupid but it works. Kojima is a hack.
It's a Metal Gear thread?
MGS2 wasn't him turning on his creation, it was about him not knowing how to follow up the massive success that was MGS1.
But MGS2 was kino youtube.com
Ehh, people are only viewing it as kino, largely because of its sheer availability compared to other MGS games and lack of expectations
>MGS2 never fucking happened
>but MGS3 did
Turbo faggot.
MGS1 > MGS2 > MG2 > MGS3 > MG >>> MGS4 >>>>>MGS: PW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MGSV
Did anyone else feel like there was no way MGS4 could have been more interesting than MGS2? In MGS2, GW was the big thing and basically controlled all of world society by controlling information. In MGS4 it was all about SOP, but that only controlled soldiers.
based and foxpilled
She looks like she fucks vampires
At least MGS4 told a complete story. MGSV pisses me off much more than 4 ever did.
Why was Snake eater the last good MGS game?
Might be a reference to Policenauts Meryl who had a thing for a dorky cop that ended up dying.
>missing the joke
I still really like the idea that MGS2 could be not real. A simulation, controlled mindfuck.
He knew exactly how he wanted to follow up on MGS1. That's the entire point of the tanker-plant switch. The tanker is what the fans wanted from MGS2, and the plant is what Kojima wanted.
It's every MGS game past 2 that shows he had no idea how to follow up on the previous game. 3 turned out good because it was set in the past. After that it's just a shitshow.
Internal struggles brought down the quality/Kojima allowed a little too much free reign/executive meddling. Also the classic case of cramming lore in where there previously was none, even if it makes no sense or contradicts itself.
SOP was a great sci-fi concept, but they never really did anything with it. Nothing makes me madder than the ending of MGS4, because they imply through the game that ending SOP would also end the modern world since everything was so interconnected, but then Sunny/Naomi's program magically only eliminates the bad parts of SOP and leaves the rest of the world intact.
>that nigger that does insanely stupid shit then literally triple/quadriple crosses everyone and gets away with it
The mary sue of MGS
I don't know about mary sue, he was an autist who dropped his gun during a serious cut scene and also meowed to call over his unit
can you be a mary sue and be an Autist?
He can't be a Mary Sue, he gets his ass handed to him in MGS3.
He comes across as badass af in Phantom Pain though
>taking Phantom Pain's characterization of anyone seriously
whats wrong with pp characterizations
What? He's the most bland and boring he's ever been in TPP. The only thing he did was torture Huey and break out some MGS3 references to some soldiers.
If it focused on the sheer commodification of the whole SOP/PMC business, especially the type of commodification the BBCORPS exhibits, then yes.
Guys, I need a kino game like MGS series to play on ps4. What should I get? I've already played MGSV and RDR2.
Johnny may not have working bowels but he most likely has working genitals unlike Snake
But mgs 2 is the best one retard, 3,4 and 5 are the shitters
But how do you feel about Peace Walker?
Thank you firefox, for making sankaku not work so I don't have to see garbage SFM videos.
>the laughing stock of the series
>defeats like 20 frog soldiers with a single clip
Nothing will erase him being the pantshitter of video games
I'm sorry but that entire cutscene is the lowest point in the entire MGS saga.
>that part where they're rolling in tandem
Snake got cucked by the dude who shits himself.
Kojima is a
Kojima hates snake
Kojima hates me?
Kojima hates you?
Kojima hates reptiles?
I rike it.
Why did the Big Boss games (barring Snake Eater) suck so much storywise compared to the Solid Snake games?
Because Kojima is a fucking hack.
>1:00 - 1:05
Look, you can pinpoint the exact seconds when MGS jumps the shark
Why did he do this
that looks so fucking stupid lmao
I remember playing MGS4 for the first time in 2008 with some friends and everyone was just in awe of how absolutely fucking retarded that scene was
How the FUCK does this not get the love it deserves?
Because nobody played it
The series began to jump the shark when Kojima
>made Big Boss a "Snake" in MGS3 for no reason other than "SOLID SNAKE WAS BORN FROM HIM LOL AND SOLID SNAKE IS EPIC LOLOLOLOL"
>forced the "Snake" namesake upon everything he could touch since MGS3, from the Cobra Unit to Operation Snake Eater
>shoehorned Mt. Snakemore in MGS4, out of all fucking places and ideas he chose THIS
I was playing it alone but thought the same thing
>virgin johnny
Johnny Sasaki is chad as fuck, wears a mask for 4 games while shitting (literally) all over women then takes the mask off and is a handsome badass underneath who proceeds to rescue and marry the stacy he (literally) shat on, cucking Snake at the same time
Anyone else bummed out that playstation meryl's face looked way better than 3d rendered face?
He looks like a gay like that Lawrence of Arabia faggot that got raped by an arab
Mt. Snakemore I can accept because I could see Liquid Ocelot, with all his insane obsession with genes, familial legacy, and Big Boss, being batshit insane enough to actually commission it to be done.
On the other hand shit like is just stupid for stupid's sake.
Felt similarly about Naomi. Compare to
>niggers who can't understand kino
It's been on every HD collection release since Subsistence. No excuse to have not played Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.
I'm not arguing with you, I've played 'em both, but the vast majority of MGS players haven't.
this, the only thing that battle couple scene was missing was Barbossa using his powers as ship's captain to wed them then and there
best scene of the fucking game, and it was already
That's really sad. Playing them in release order fills in so much context and actually gives you the feeling of being a legendary war hero going into Metal Gear Solid.
Kojima wants to drive home the belief that super soldiers like Snake have no right to make babies, only fuckups like Johnny do.
never will
Replaying MGS4 right now currently, i am not at the part where you get off Drebin's tank after fucking up soldiers and gekkos, my only problem i hate is the game looks downright ugly in some points due to the lack of anti-aliasing, and framerate shifts to 20 to 30 to even 60 constantly.
>Solid Snake being unable to make babies
is a metaphor for how war creates anti-life people that can only kill, not create.
>not at the part
shit i am at the part fuck i am autistic
Why not play them in chronological order by story? I'm doing so right now and am on 4. It's more immersive compared to playing them in release order.
I don't know.
Chronological order doesnt make sense as Kojima sought to recontextualize previous games with sequels. Plus he's even said that canon is something that's not to be taken seriously with Metal Gear.
Policenauts Meryl had the best design.
She looks fucking better on the left, what in the actual fuck is wrong with this makeup meme
So, can Raiden and his family live a normal life?
>after the patriots went to save sunny and drifted away
>after MGS4 he went to a PMC and rename it to not feel guilty
>after MGR he drifted away again to fight his own war
He inherited the title of snake for a reason
Never gave a shit about Raiden. Of all the people to get a happy ending in MGS 4, Raiden was the least deserving.
Witnessing the events of MGS 4 was like finding out your girlfriend, who you thought died several years ago, was alive and well in another country. Except she's now fucking someone else.
You're kind of uplifted she's still alive, but on the other, you really wish she had just died.
Even ignoring MGR?
>Raiden was the least deserving
Why? I was never a big fan of him either but he went through so much shit.
>dude just sacrifice your own happiness lmao
Snake went through a million times more shit, only to wind up being cucked by a man with everlasting explosive diarrhea while he just dies somewhere in a shack, accompanied only by his beta weeb gay fuck buddy Otacon. Two lonely fucking dweebs who got used by all the women in their life, cradling each other in some dumb homosexual-themed Arronofsky film.
>Two lonely fucking dweebs who got used by all the women in their life
Why did Kojima do this
Is there a bigger passive aggressive Vidya faggot than kojima?
How did Snake go through a million times more shit?
He liked "vic boss" but didn't want to admit it.
If you ignore rising like you should ignore anything after 2 maybe.
Because snek was the one who was going to save "him" (sunny is a trap because jap translation error) so he would have gone with rose and be happy?
If you're even wondering this, you must have started playing at MGS 2 and just ignored the past three games. Oh, and you would be retarded too.
List of MGS games that should be ignored:
>MGS 2
>MGS 4
>MGS 5 depending on how much you hated the nonexistent conclusion and dumb asspulls.
MGS 3 doesn't fuck up the canon in the slightest at the fucking least.
>everyone has superpowers
Because there was nowhere to go. You already know how Big Boss ends up and the end of 3 lead into it well enough already. A more cynical answer would be that it's the fate of any Kojima story that goes on for too long, because I'd hardly call MGS2 a "Solid Snake game", and MGS4 wasn't any better than Peace Walker and V.
Fair points. For all the ridiculous fan service bullshit in MGS4 it still surprises me how hard Kojima dropped the ball with Snake and Meryl.