Copypasted enemy camps and shrines

>copypasted enemy camps and shrines
>ubishit towers
>literally NOTHING else to do

Never has a game let me down so much before. And before you say I'm "seething", damn right I'm seeting. Fuck Nintendo for ruining my favorite franchise, this game could never compare to all-time greats like Ocarina of Time. I can't believe you people still worship BotW two years later even though critical thinkers have all realized it's indeed shit.

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this was my first zelda game I think without a doubt that it's the best open world game ever made

BotW, Witcher 3 and Bloodborne restored my faith in gaming

>Witcher 3 and Bloodborne
lol gross

Cope, BOTW is Yea Forumscore

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oot isn't even as good as MM if you were a true zelda fan and gamer you'd know this

Lmao you can go to the castle asap, everything else is a side quest. Great speedrun game

People in this board are weaboo faggots with shitaste, don't expect anything from them OP

Unironically preferred both to BotW

>Witcher 3

Have sex.

>even though critical thinkers have all realized it's indeed shit.

Nope it's still topping GOAT lists.

You need an understanding of Game Design to appreciate BotW. Thats why educated people heap praise on the game while clueless plebs like yourself remain baffled.

The fact that everything you mentioned is a complete LIE only goes to show how utterly traumatised you are over this game. For YEARS now.

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>SMB3 that far beneath 64 and World
>Automata that fucking high

Based retards.

2 years

Kill yourself Tourist, Yea Forums was literally created for the sole purpose of discussing Anime

Would be a decent list if automata wasn't 3rd best fucking game ever made.

What the fuck does seeting mean

Why do people even complain about the towers? They don't reveal the location of anything on your map, they just show you the geographical layout of the region and they act as a good vantage point. The game is flawed in other aspects but I'm convinced that people who claim "ubisoft towers" is a criticism of BotW haven't actually played it.

After the 5 hour mark Witcher 3 was ranked #1, but it ended up falling off hard while NieR only fell to 3rd place

>110,000 votes

Lol please don't tell me people actually believe this. Automata has NEVER outperformed BotW on any Yea Forums poll.

Yes, they do

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I had sex multiple times in the Witcher 3

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>ubishit towers

I thought that as well, but then I saw that one video talking about how even though the towers are all the same, the terrain to them is always different and the challenge is actually getting there in the first place, and I thought that was pretty ingenious design. It made me even more interested in the game (haven't played it yet).

At least that list is more believable. There's no fucking way 110,000 different people on Yea Forums were polled. I doubt this board even has that much traffic these days.


Your (you), as ordered, sir.

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1,309 people voted, each of the 245 games were voted on 1,000 times

Literally the most acclaimed & beloved game ever, keep seething

I honestly don't trust any list with Chrono Trigger in such high regards. It's a fun game but people overrated it terribly because they can't take off their rose-tinted glasses.

>Dark Souls

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Seething Zoomer

Except there was nothing particularly interesting about reaching them? You literally just keep doing the same thing you do throughout the game as a whole. Run, climb, glide and if you want, fight the same mooks you've probably fought elsewhere. Technically they all had a slight challenge to climbing them but then, so did Farcry.

I'd like to see a link to this poll with a detailed explanation of its methodology. I've been here for a long time and have never seen SMW outranking SMB3. Most people consistently scoffed at the notion of Automata being more worthy of 2017's GOTY compared to BotW, and I was on the board a lot throughout that year and participated in a ton of polls.

>don't bash my fav game or I'll cry

did you like, miss the three years of threads that have been on Yea Forums and got the game like, this weekend to play for the first time? idk what you expected dude

this game's got the best modern map system for its genre

Best Zelda since MM. It kind of ruined other open world games for me.

There was a thread up for 15 hours yesterday

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It's not a bad game by any means but it's doesn't really do anything particularly well. The story is serviceable but hardly anything to write home about. The graphics and music are decent but it's hardly the best the SNES has to offer. The gameplay gets repetitive very quickly and doesn't really evolve much as the game goes on.

Chrono Trigger is only really impressive if you've played nothing but JRPGs for your entire life and you find it mindblowing that you can see your enemies before you initiate the encounter with them. Perhaps you could argue it's the best the genre has to offer but it's certainly not the best the medium has to offer.

Then either people are samefagging hard on that poll (it's not like it's difficult) or 2019 Yea Forums has a considerably younger crowd than 2017 Yea Forums.


Nigger get the fuck out
Yea Forums is literally built on anime

We had a statistic that was posted on here, it showed that Yea Forums is the youngest board on Yea Forums behind Yea Forums, with an average age of 20

Your N64 beckons, little dude

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I don’t need to read a wall of text you tell you are a faggot and Chrono Trigger is hands down one of the best games ever

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It's not a bad game by any means but it's doesn't really do anything particularly well. The story is serviceable but hardly anything to write home about. The graphics and music are decent but it's hardly the best the Switch has to offer. The gameplay gets repetitive very quickly and doesn't really evolve much as the game goes on.
BoTW is only really impressive if you've played nothing but ubisoft games for your entire life and you find it mindblowing that you can glide over your enemies before you initiate the encounter with them. Perhaps you could argue it's the best the genre has to offer but it's certainly not the best the medium has to offer.

If you think a post with 6 sentences is a wall of text, I'm not surprised you think Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece.

LMAO the amount of butthurt here is amazing

Sounds about right
Just like how the mods outed the people trying to get Nintendo it’s own separate board was actually 4 retards using proxies
Or how they beta tested /Nintendo/ and all it did was become BOTW shitposting and Nin-Tits-O porn

I quite liked it. That said. The last Zelda I completed was majoras, I hadn’t even played the following games except WW.

>no argument
Of course. SMT aka not Persona will always be the superior JRPG

It’s not a wall of text I just don’t respect OP’s opinion because I don’t respect faggots

>Implying I give a fuck about Purse owner outside some good reaction images

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It's a solid 7/10.

>Devil May Cry 3 above DMC1 and Ninja Gaiden Black
>Mega Man X on the list at all
>Metal Gear Solid 3 above MGS1
>New Vegas on the list at all
>no Phantasy Star Online
>Fallout 3 on the list at all
>Yea Forumsintendo needing to specify SC2 for the Gamecube, even though the Xbox version is the best version
>Monster Hunter World on the list
>KOTOR 2 on the list
>Persona 5 on the list
This is, and I mean this, the worst list ever made

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>final fantasy VII

lmao meme consensus confirmed

T. Tranny

they didnt even give it a soundtrack because it would drain the battery of the switch lmao

why is SOTN on there twice

It's that good.

Or someone above the age of 16

"Open World" games are shit.
"Adventure" games are great. OoT was adventure game but it had a big 3d world (for the time). If breath of the wild had areas where you needed key items or story to access like OoT then it would have been much better. Doesnt have to be huge areas cut off even just temples or special little hidden areas. Like a temple that you need the hookshot or a bow to enter. you can go to the temple entrance at any time but need a key item to get in etc, like OoT but with a bigger world and more freedom in roaming the "open world". It's great to see something in game and say hey i wonder if i can get there? Then finding an item in the game and realizing it could be used in that place you found a long time ago. It also makes exploration more interesting because where you go and what you find actually matters in determining how your game/character advances.
When everything is open world and there are no really game changing items then every place is basically the same in terms of reward, there's no real mystery.

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You're right but a lot of faggots seem to despise item gating nowadays. Even though it's been a thing since the first Zelda.


lol dude ur just seething 0 days later u still mad xd -proceeds to compare it to games that OP never even brought up in the first place-
t. every faggot that defends this game like a rapid shill

so it's not 111,000 votes, but 1,309 votes

Then every other Zelda game is a 6/10 at best.

>can't into greentexting

Figures it would be a bunch of zoomers and redditors to pretend BotW is worse than it actually is.

>copypasted anti botw arguments
>shitty OP
>literally NO argument

Never has a post let me down so much before. And before you say I'm "seething", damn right I'm seeting. Fuck OP for ruining my favorite board, this post could never compare to all-time greats like angry navy seal copypasta. I can't believe you people still post about BotW two years later even though critical thinkers have all realized it's indeed 97 and GOTY.

can confirm botw is garbage

barely even a good sandbox game and sandbox games suck

This is 4channel you seething weeb



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>critical thinkers

Grown ups who can think critically play souls games and strategy games. Zelda is for pre teens or early teens. It's a game you buy your kid if you dont want to deal with him for a few hours every day.

OoT is a story game more than an adventure game. BotW is an adventure game more than a story game.

>actually defending dumb shit like the "use the obvious dungeon item to get past this obvious gated roadblock" stuff OoT had

And that's not even exploration, it's forced linearity because it's always readily apparent where you can and can't go.

Wrong in basically every point. Way to go.

>Grown ups who can think critically play souls games and strategy games

>Zelda is for preteens


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It may sound amusing but you know it to be true, kid.

The general consensus is that BotW is more focused on exploration than any title before it, barring maybe the first game in the series. Stay assblasted.

Why do you talk like somebody who doesn't have a single friend or social contact?

You don't even know what an adventure game is you dunce.
>BotW is an adventure game more than a story game.
I'm not assblasted im laughing at you. Google "adventure game"

Item gating being around for a long time doesn't mean item gating is even remotely good. It's about the most anti-adventure thing you could possibly put in an adventure game. You're not carving your own path or satisfying your wanderlust if there's nowhere to go but where the game tells you.

I'm not talking i'm typing. Learn the difference there sport. Also i presented facts and you guys have no counter arguments just mean comments, probably due to your teenage angst.

>nowhere to go but where the game tells you.
That's not necessarily what item gating is.

>You're not carving your own path or satisfying your wanderlust if there's nowhere to go but where the game tells you.


BotW is the Zelda game I always wanted - a fully realised world of Hyrule for me to go off and have my own adventure in.

BotW gives the player one single task: save the princess in the evil bad guy's castle. The entire game is about figuring out how to do it. Its the best adventure game ever made.

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>Also i presented facts
No you didn't, sport. Adults like me play golf, shoot hoops, throw disc, and go to bars, then afterwards we log on to GTAV, Smash bros, ARK, Rocket League, Battlefield, etc. Maybe it's time to grow up and make some friends, kiddo.

So you dont play little kids games like zelda? Checkmate. Also whats with the sport and kiddo talk? Don't you have any friends?
>you did it first
Wow how mature of you!

I see I struck a nerve

The other list is from 2018

Keep dreaming. Again i stated fact and you have nothing. your counter argument wasnt even an actual counter argument. You just said "adults also play sports!". Terribly low IQ post. You are responding to me in a disparaging way not because you think im wrong but because you dislike what i posted because you FEEL it was obnoxious. Are you a woman? laugh out loud!

You are beneath me.

Cringe. It's amazing how both of you can't see the irony of the situation.

you left out how most of the missions amount to either gathering a number of resources or going to one area of the map and bringing something back. RDR2's missions are more concentrated but that's usually because there's a story-related aspect to them

What system reqs to run this smooth at 60fps 1440p?

>all-time greats like Ocarina of Time
piss poor bait

>It's about the most anti-adventure thing you could possibly put in an adventure game
big disagree, seeing a large structure or area that is locked off and requires a key or item is a great way to incentivize exploration and feels rewarding to finally open up. You can have areas like that in an open world without sacrificing nonlinearity and the idea that everything should be beatable from the start dilutes the core gameplay, as there are fewer and lesser means of progression

Does rain add anything to the game besides making you not be able to climb? Even though I don't like it, I can understand weapon breaking and level scaling, but what the hell does rain do?

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Nullifies fire and bomb arrows.
Puts out fires.
Puddles in areas also grow in size, depending on how much rain fell (and also shrink in size over time).

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All of these games are shit and i would rather play fortnite
Never played botw
Witcher series is garbage
Same with bloodborne
And i liked dark souls 1

>critical thinkers
Bro it's just a video game relax

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It makes graphics and physics whores drool. Meanwhile, average gamers are just annoyed by it.

keep seething

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Dude why are you seething? No amount of contrarianism will stop it from being the most acclaimed, famous & beloved game on the entire internet

It would have been what I wanted to if all the details about the gameplay didn't turn me off. I never wanted degraded weapons, I never wanted shrines and I never wanted Zelda to be so heavily focused on resource management. It has the face of the game I wanted, but nothing I wanted on the inside and it's been extremely difficult to express that to Breath of the Wild fans my sheer and utter disappointment in this game.

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