Other urls found in this thread:
Duncan pls go
I honestly think the concept is cool if not for the controversy behind it.
Having a "Toonforce" Kaiju would be cool, but I would never take the "This is an actual furfag and people make macroporn of him constantly" off my head
never EVER accept money from furries. It's a creative death sentence.
I'm out of the loop. What controversy? I know it had to do with Kickstarter somehow.
This. This is why furries need to die.
OP here. I can't believe people are actually replying to this. Is this seriously the only way one can make a Godzilla thread here?
a furry paid big bucks to get his OC in the game, people got angry and so on
a furry paid his shitty fetish furry OC's way into a kaiju game
>Godzilla thread
>doesn't start it with Godzilla
ok retard
If I start with Godzilla nobody gives a half of a shit, user. I tried
Sounds pretty stupid, but at least that thing looks like a Kaiju. I'd fight that.
Remember that this game failed not because of furries, but because of a poor plan. The Kickstarter was for a game that if successful would fund games people were actually backing it for. It was bound to fail because the delivered content was shit.
>people complaining at the furfag instead of the company for allowing these things
>You can't blame both
When will Bamco and Pipeworks make a new gen Godzilla game?
It wasn't just that. There were other furries that did the same and Duncan was just the king autist that started tons of drama.
Hopefully, this OFFICIAL in-game character bio helps you understand.
>Duncan was first sighted in the Australian Outback, running with terrestrial non-green kangaroos. In addition to his unusual size and emerald color, Duncan exhibits a showmanship and comic timing virtually unknown in marsupials. Although never sighted in the water, Duncan has been sighted on all seven continents - though only at humorous and/or inappropriate times. As with all male kangaroos, Duncan has no pouch. In combat, Duncan often uses hillarious hijinks to confuse and confound his foes. A natural scavenger, Duncan is adept at locating and weaponizing debris for both melee enhancement and thrown weapons. Initially thought to be non-threatening to humans, Duncan is now classified as a priority-one global threat to decency and good taste.
Except this is what he actually looks like, which the developers desperately wanted to get away from. As you can see from the character bio, the furry was not interested in cooperating and was demanding a comic relief self-insert instead of... you know, an actual Kaiju.
>forces the removal of another character due to gimmicks
>Duncan is now classified as a priority-one global threat to decency and good taste.
I too remember when I went through my retarded OC phase.
Unless you're an artist. Then it's easy money
>Selling your soul for “easy money”
As great as the money sounds. I like not having to draw hyper scat or cock vore
No Godzilla Warriors game
Wasn't the plot about the kaijus being mind-controlled to fight eachother, which the fur capo shut down, because his fursona HAD to be immune to mind control
At the very least we still have cool concept art.
Yea Forums-fabricated bullshit. This never happened
Protip: If you have to use words like “humorous” or “hilarious” to describe your character, they’re not funny
Okay Duncan
>we still have cool concept art
This guy's style is fucking fantastic
I remember when I made an OC for this but Duncan fucking ruined it for me.
Is Duncan ACTUALLY funny?
Show it to us, user
Devs said it never happened
Oh, he's hilarious.
>Haha, wouldn't be funny, haha, if we bounced bellies off each other? Haha. I wounder how it would feel, haha!
Games furries ruined thread?
Games furries ruined thread.
Dingdong fuck off
>mfw the ps4 game had beautiful models but the game sucked overall
Nah, it was one of the character's gimmicks.
Furry still wigged out over it
>literally a giant green kangaroo
>called an ouroboros when it's more similar to a fucking hydra
>red, black and spikes upon spikes
Is this good design?
Wait a fucking minute. It's also a footfag right? God fucking dammit
>Is this good design?
>not posting macrosaraus
I mean we had a Godzilla thread on here yesterday that got nearly 500 replies, I've been tempted to play Destroy All Monsters Melee but I don't want to go through the trouble of unlocking all the monsters.
>Duncan exhibits a showmanship and comic timing virtually unknown in marsupials
SEETHING male bunny faggot
>>red, black and spikes upon spikes
What is this board's problem with complex designs and Red+Black color schemes? Are you butthurt about not being able to draw details?
>but I don't want to go through the trouble of unlocking all the monsters
Cheat codes, faggut
We know how to, it's just retarded to do that.
>we had a Godzilla thread on here yesterday
We did? Fuck!
More than that, the kaiju guys asks for creative licenses and all the other furries agrees for the designer to make their fursona more kaiju-like. Except for this guy who refuses to oblige and started a drama.
Duncan even paid for his friends fursona to be added (see macrosaur). after his friend saw the drama, he literally begged the developers to remove his character.
>matt frank
Don't get excited, it was full of literal gay furry roleplaying while the real discussion got drowned out
I'm kind of pissed I didn't get a copy of it for $15 when I had the chance, now it's like $50 used.
Someone is jealous
>Just like the last Digimon thread.
We could fix it and have a comfy one now.
Post Yea Forums designs.
Same. I never realize it was delisted or perhaps never listed on the PSN store.
Post your favorite Kaiju. Let's make this shit comfy
t. seething furfag who wishes his art looked half as good
haha imagine feeling Godzilla's breast muscles
the first half of the thread was good at least
I love this goofy asshole, his Final Wars design was also great, wished they used him in more films
He deserves more love, even if official Godzilla media has been treating him well lately. He was apparently an actual huge threat in Monster Apocalypse
unfortunately they take over the threads like parasites and even if you ignore them the real discussion gets buried under them posting literal tumblr furry shit.
>there are people who don't main orga in any game he's in
Scythes or chainsaw?
I want him in the next fighting game, dammit. He could have a nice moveset based on agility and spawning little hatchlings. He would be the DEX character that always gets his ass kicked in webms.
Why wasn't he in the PS4 game desu
yes but literally
Godzilla's profile literally forms the kino shape
Also before the furries show up anyone interested in this book I found on Jap twitter?
Baragon is cute
Do lizards have breasts?
I wish I could read nippon
He didn't WANT what you see in the OP, that was concept art, he wanted his fursona in the game.
imagine godzilla with boobs
The guy who designed Macrosaurus is a poor soul that was dragged in to all of this by accident
Does anyone have the Pokemon kaiju that one user drew on April Fools of last year and this year?
Godzilla 2014 was a solid addition to the franchise. Not perfect, especially due to the uninteresting human parts, but given Godzilla's history with making interesting human bits I'd say that might be the most faithful part of the movie.
Anyone who says 2014 was a bad Godzilla movie needs to get their head out of their ass
t. someone who grew up on old-school Godzilla movies and vidya
i hope a godzilla movie gets made that has megalon in it he's my favorite
Do screencaps exist of that one thread about the furry mafia?
The game looks like fucking shit. You should be more mad about that.
I do not understand am i missing some sort of secret cult or something why are people so worked up over this.
liking Godzilla 2014 for the 20% that was kaiju stompfest is fine. However don't you fucking tell me it was any better than Bayformers when it comes to literally everything else. Fucking hollywood only made it the way they did so they market it to the chinese.
look up this faggot and you will find youranswer
>Anyone who says 2014 was a bad Godzilla movie
Nobody here says that unless they're shitposting. It was a fine movie, and from what I've seen, every kaijufag here is hyped for the sequel.
I'm so excited for Moth Mommy
I dont understand that is just a character from Shovel Knight what is going on.
this duncan fag apparently is quite wealthy and is a quite well known popufur, got his retard followers to donate a lot to the collosal kaiju combat kickstarter, then started making demands and threatening a chargeback if he didn't get exactly what he wanted
thats basically it
okay so what is the big deal if the creature actually gets into the game or not?
Both are really bad kickstarter backer characters. Offensively bad.
Toby Fox handled it pretty well.
he basically bankrolled the game. if he didn't get what he wanted then he would have told his cabal to mass chargeback.
I doubt that Toho is ever going to stop their hate for him but he would be cool as fuck in a game. Zilla bros rise up.
his demands were really absurd, didn't want the devs to make his character balanced, forced another character into the game, the picture in the OP was just what the devs tried their best to work with, he didn't want that
so a Kangaroo and a Australia kid with a Boomerang is bad? now granted the most experience i have with Kaijus are those old PS2 Godzilla games that i used to play and that giant Kangaroo doesn't exactly seem that much out of place except maybe for the color pallete
Monster Apocalypse and Rulers of Earth are Toho properties and he's pretty respectful there. Also, let's not forget that Toho gave Tristar the thumbs up to Zilla's design to begin with
wait so your saying without his money the Kickstarter was gonna fail?
Yeah when Toho was bleeding money and not reading contracts carefully. How the fuck do you we got into Sonic 2019?
The whole "furry mafia" is a hoax, you fool.
Zilla honestly is a great kaiju on his own. If only his movie didn't have "GODZILLA" attached to it.
Brutal as fuck
At least Zilla's design isn't bad when considering he is his own character, not Godzilla. Plus, are you implying Sega is bleeding money?
Who else played Godzilla Domination on the GBA? Used to play the shit out of that game before I lost my copy. King Ghidorah could cheese the game hard.
This is so based
So what is the point of this thread if its all a lie?
Not the kangaroo part, but the fact that he is originally a fetish character that contributed to the crashing and burning of the game. Boomerang guy is just obnoxious and his creator forces his way into every kickstarter game somehow.
>Australia kid with a boomerang
I really wish I could be as naive as you. Just google Reize Setlan and you'll find pure concentrated OC autism.
OP wanted to spark a sneaky Godzilla thread
no just that they gave up too much creative control to the western jews that no nothing about why the property was popular in the first place. Zilla was just a vehicle to continue to bank on the metropolitan destruction trend that Independence Day did.
People make macroporn all the time of "regular" kaiju and godzilla esque monstrocities. What's the difference in the end? That you can pretend macro porn isnt being made because youre not looking at a cartoon animal, and instead a more 'conventional' monster?
People with no talent criticizing actual talent basing themselves on their fantasy version of "talent"
Roland Emmerich and even the FX supervisor Volker Engel were arrogant kikes who boldfaced hated the real Godzilla and thought their big budget Hollywood version would blow Toho out of the water. They went on record calling Godzilla 'a big fat guy standing around' and other remarks. It's rare you see karma delivered so swiftly and so sweetly as Godzilla 98.
>Zilla was just a vehicle to continue to bank on the metropolitan destruction trend that Independence Day did.
And now he is a canon character in the Godzilla universe that had more appearances than lots of other Toho-original Kaiju. And it's a good thing!
>Nobody here says that unless they're shitposting.
Hello Yea Forumsmblr. Came for the furry roleplay again?
Yeah, he was pretty cool there. It seems that they don't hate him that much now but I think they still impose certain restrictions with Zilla. I think his green atomic fire was not allowed to be used in the comic.
>hyped for the sequel
I don't know man, that trailer didn't inspire much confidence.
>a canon character in the Godzilla universe
[Spoiler] I'm emulating that on my phone when I'm at work. [/Spolier]
>who boldfaced hated the real Godzilla
Literally a lie. Show proof
user, Kaiju die all the time. Godzilla himself has died multiple times. Do you even watch the movies?
what is there to be excited about other than new mosnters? I haven't been sketchy on a trailer since OPM Season 2. And we know how much "Quality" that show is exhibiting right now!
I just googled it and it took me to a thread in 2015 Yea Forums and holy shit the difference in thread quality only 4 years ago was like fucking night and day. what has this board come too.
you know damn well what happened
scythes but its likely Gigan can change them out at will or something
Zilla was only included in Toho's movies (the only other time outside FW being a reference in GMK) deliberately to insult, you slimy Yea Forums fuck. You know it too, but you have to save face.
>Ignoring his appearances in comics and novels
>Literally just knows of his appearance in Final Wars
>probably the only scene he's ever watched
It's long but read all 4 parts of this
Emmerich had zero respect for the real Godzilla
Monster Apocalypse is japanese.
yeah remember all those times Godzilla died in a mere few seconds in the most humiliating way possible? just because you fap to zilla's scaly feet and cloaca doesn't change the fact it wasn't included as a massive fuck you from Toei to Emmerich
This retard keeps screeching Yea Forums in every Godzilla thread. Just ignore him
He's right though.
Everybody knows what a cancer you are Yea Forums, even you yourself know it.
>Godzilla died in a mere few seconds in the most humiliating way possible?
Not Godzilla, but
And many others, all did. Your point?
Don't bully Yea Forums, they have autism.
Which continuity is the best one?
Go back to your tranny parade, discord
Gonna pretend Yea Forums isn't tranny central along with all the other far-left freaks? And anyway you came HERE, why don't YOU fuck off back to Yea Forumsmblr?
What the fuck are you even saying?
The Cloverfield monster looks cool. I just wish that he showed up in the 2018 movie, instead of the last 30 seconds of it.
>Head blown off by Godzilla in a second
>Later literally accidentally killed himself
He deserved better, bros.
>Being a newfag
>This guy's style is fucking fantastic
No he is not.
Nah, tranny.
Are you actually retarded?
Did you guys know that progress is being made on the Godzilla creepypasta game?
Are you having a brain malfunction you dumb Yea Forums rat? Fucking leave already and go watch capeshit.
Welcome to Godzilla threads on Yea Forums. You'll always have:
A: Furfagness
B: Zilla discussion with the same arguments every time
C: Both
This board is pathetic in every aspect
>uploaded on May 4, 2019
Hedorah in his movie was a fucking nigh-invincible monster that was only really defeated by an idealistic child's dream. Ebirah fought Godzilla more than once and escaped at the end. If you mean their FW appearance then yeah that was fucking funny, but most of it was due to time constraints fitting so many monsters in there. Mothra always dies in a heroic manner, Gigan survived the entire Showa era until Zone Fighter, when he died in FW it was also ridiculous but he had at least been a threat until then and was given a kino design, the one time Anguirius died it was after a long violent knock down dragged out fight where we see Godzilla's heat ray has no effect on him, Baragon at least put up a fight bravely. The point is that you have to be both blind and retarded to not realize Zilla died that way in Final Wars as a blatant and deliberate insult towards Emmerich's movie and establishing who the true Godzilla was. Same with that remark in GMK about 'our guys have our doubts.'
>Someone says that Zilla is kind of cool
>Some user spergs out in return.
Discord literally seething.
Good kaiju PvP game when? It's been so long.
god Yea Forums faggots literally devolve into 'how do you do my fellow kids' to fit in the moment they get pushback
He started posting streams back in April or really late March. You can fight Titanosaurus in the game now.
Yeah, Zilla is fucking shit.
Fuck off back to your containment board and don't come back, you cancerous faggot.
Jesus christ
Wasn't there a vandalized wiki edit of this furry thing?
is anyone but me gonna buy this from NECA?
>open up Yea Forums
>furry macro porn tier list
some things never change
Zilla was described as one of the most dangerous kaiju in the MA novel. Keep seething.
I can't imagine how autistic do you have to be to type this wall of text in order to bait somebody.
I'm sure other people are going to buy it.
>Separate the creator from the creation lmao
>furries reeeeeee
This is your brain on Yea Forums
Have you ever met a furry who can didn't shove their furfagness down everyone's throat at all time?
>devolve into 'how do you do my fellow kids'
>Doesn't even know how to use terms
Newfags absolutely fuming. Sad
Meant fuckall because it had no bearing on the actual anime.
Yeah, people who want jobs have to be less autistic than online.
Imagine trying to bait, but sounding like a seething retard instead
What is this?
Zone Fighter?
Godzilla looked off in that and isn’t as big, but I liked the idea. The human parts, as you said, were mostly trash and I think that people can’t stand it. I’d say it’s below average but not something I’d rage over
For me, it's Ultra Kaiju Girls
Your "argument" is absolutely meaningless. It's still part of the canon.
I can't wrap around my head of why we don't have new good Kaiju games. The concept is so simple and lends itself to a video game easily. Giant monsters beating the living shit out of each other. Why can't we get a new good game?
the reception to Zilla is somewhat (BIG somewhat, not everyone in Japan) warmer today, that doesn't mean at the time of FW he wasn't the butt of a joke from Toho
I hated the tiny arms, wished they were long enough that he could crawl on them.
Canon to an already polarizing anime trilogy where you don't even see any other monsters besides a sedated Godzilla and Lovecraft Ghidorah
>Orga's weird ass roar
I'm not saying he wasn't. I'm just playing with these guys that come to every Godzilla thread just to shit on Zilla with the same posts everytime. Yes, they really do this
I think 2 games / IP did it right ONLY TWO.
Rampage and war of the monsters.
I could be wrong, but rampage through time could have been the better one, just due to the fact it had the based rhino.
Dum dum, you see Mothra as a dream and she was beautiful
They shit on Matt Frank, Lejengoji and every other American Godzilla media.
And that twitter post was adorable, thanks
Are Zillafags schizophrenic or something?
> Lejengoji
When is he coming back?
They're from Yea Forums, so...
So what? He was still there in official japanese media being respectable, that's the whole point
Do you worship Frank because you like his art, or because he's a frothing leftist and you don't have to suffer wrongthink following him?
>only proving his point
It means popular furry in the furry community.
What point is that, you dumb Yea Forums fuck?
The name of the 2014 Godzilla is GarreGoji, and now DohaGoji. Stop making up your own autistic shit you TohoKingdom reject.
Best bro
It depends on what you guys mean by kaiju games.
Peter Jackson's King Kong is pretty well regarded, there's also various actually very good Ultraman games, but you can't actually play as the kaiju in all of them.
That sounds stupid
Why not just say popular furry?
I mean I'm not doctor, but...
His art, obviously. Why would I give a shit about his political views? You mistake me for the average Reddit refugee that makes 90% of this board, you included.
Ultra man... Ace? I think.
Oh my lord, that is great animation.
I see.
The Pipeworks trilogy (Destroy All Monsters, Save the Earth, Unleashed) were really fun, but the forced Smash-style perspective rather than everyone having their own camera limits movement a lot. It was kind of bearable since the old flying kaiju designs aren't all too aerodynamic, but it's very difficult for me to see Legendary Mothra or Rodan being limited in such a way.
>What point is that
That you're here just to bait poor defenseless Zillabros. Shame
I mean, Im no doctor but
>That sounds stupid
You don't say. Furries are like that.
>Peter Jackson's King Kong
Now that's a great game but I liked more the shooter sections and would I like more of that, although the King Kong fights were fun too.
yeah actually i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that, these Fighting Evolution games have some of the best 'realistic' animations i've seen from the PS2 era, (I'm not sure if they were mocapped) but you really move like an actor in the suit, and it actually feels like it as you try to control the character, it's actually a little challenging just moving around, hard to explain
I fucking love Zilla AND Matt Frank. Bully me, baiters.
>Those fucking centipedes crawling all over the fucking room
ok now i understand, you Kaijufags all have literal autism.
Yes we do and we're proud of it
What game is that?
I hated those invencible spiders, I always felt that if you stand still for too much time in the game they would suddenly pop out the ground to kill you.
Ultraman Ace
New Fighting Evolution fucking WHEN
Anti-Zillafags absolutely BTFO
it called Ultraman Fighting Evolution REBIRTH
this was the first Ultraman thing I saw about 10 years ago now that made me a fan
Alright but you HAVE to admit.
Macrosaur was kinda cute.
>I always felt that if you stand still for too much time in the game they would suddenly pop out the ground to kill you
That would be a fucking horrifying thing to worry throughout the whole game. In my first playthrough I spent literallly hours inside those little ruins in the brontosaurus stage because I was too scared of the venatosaurus
I kinda feel sorry for this guy because he didn't want anything to do with this game. He was literally dragged in
That green fucker gets a beat down later
>The third form
he's a real good dude.
either destoroyah, shingoji, or space godzilla because im an edgefag
>because im an edgefag
A man of culture*
How do you actually progress in Super Godzilla?
I cannot for the life of me comprehend this gameplay. ( I wish for a Monsterarts of Super Godzilla)
Fuck not this fucking guy
Pete would have been my main if the game had actually happened.
replace space godzilla with ghidorah actually
a man of high taste
This shit actually sounds like it would make a funny joke character. They should have just stopped at this and made him fight with giant donuts or some shit.
Post your Would-be mains, Yea Forumsros
i havent watched godzilla 2014 because everyone told me that its boring. however, im gonna see godzilla 2019 because it looks really fucking good despite it being a sequel. is there anything i need to know going into it or should i just watch 2014?
>I spent literallly hours inside those little ruins in the brontosaurus stage because I was too scared of the venatosaurus
Same. I also was scared of the stage where you are trapped with the V-Rex aand you only have some spears to defend yourself. I think the spider thing actually happened in the Kong stages, if you let Ann alone too much time, spiders would attack her.
Reminder that Godzilla respected Caesar and his soccer attack strategy enough to let his team live in Final Wars.
you need to know about Monarch group and the Battle of San-Francisco but that's probably about it
I've seen customs on Jap Twitter. I couldn't figure the game out either though and it was too boring for me to want to learn.
Ace is fucking ace
how wonderful is it that these heroes are still fighting 50+ years later and still active, having sons and new leadership positions and shit, this is where Kamen Rider failed by shoving all the previous Riders in a closet and forgetting about them
Remember when Ultraman was brutal as fuck and not for kindergartners.
Kino-tier theme, Jack Nicholson
nice foot
get OUT
Stop. Please, let it stay comfy
have fun being a failed art teacher drinking boxed wine
this figure is fucking beautiful
die furfag
Holy crap. How big is it? Is there one for Mothra and Rodan?
I'm worried about if there's balance issues with that Ghidorah, the long necks and those fuckhuge wings make me worried there might need to be stands just to support the wings.
The Chad Kaiju >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Virgin Ultraman
atleast japs are blissfully unware about western deviantart OCs. They just think he's a cute animu boy and draw yaoi of him and Specter knight etc.
all four monsters are getting Monsterarts, on the western side NECA is doing Godzilla (who's shit looks fucked up) Rodan and Mothra, and they flat out won't do Ghidorah because too expensive
Fuck Godzilla
There really wasn't any balance issue with the og ghidorah monsterarts, the wings breaking under their own weight was however.
How can Ultramen be virgins if they reproduce
I just realized an Orga hug would be comfy
This will solve the godzilla problem once and for all!
No more soul crushing then any other job, really
Legendary Godzilla was well-received in Japan though. It wasn't until Shin released that there was an influx of contrarians.
t. Someone that lives in Japan.
Well I have the True Color Ghidorah and they supposedly fixed the wings from the previous one, but the wings on the Heisei Ghidorah are not nearly as long and huge as KOM. And you know fucking Bandai WILL rerelease it in a year with some new bells and whistles.
>New gen Pipeworks Godzilla game
>Every character from the previous games return
>Battra will not be a Mothra clone
>Special abilities return
>Legendary skins for Godzilla, Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan
>Mothra Leo
>Monster X
>The Gargantuas
>Both classic and Final wars Gigans
How hyped would you fucking be, bros?
Mothra a cute.
I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of Rule63 godzilla already.
A lot, but this will never happen. Ever
Mecha-King Ghidorah all the way, I wish there were more Mecha versions of Godzilla kaiju.
>tfw no qt tokusatsu gf
isn't godzilla already a girl?
I want to make a kaiju game but I don't know how to design cool kaiju. I can't even art.
I dont think its stated anywhere. Everyone just assumes its a he, anyway.
just make a godzilla fangame
Literally no incarnation of Godzilla was a girl...Except for Gojirin
No one fucking cares, you faggot.
lel fuck no, SJW in America just like to claim he is. Toho officially stated it's a male. The whole character is more masculine than most human movie leads these days.
>not already owning it
Where's my fucking Solomon toy
Absolutely erect, user. Absolutely erect.
Yeah I missed out the first time it released, now I have it preordered
American Godzilla laid eggs, does that count?
Well nobody cares about you, you big meanie poopoo head.
Zilla is confirmed, not a female. It's just that reproducing asexually is one of his abilities. Which he uses as an advantage to trick and ambush the military and other kaiju since he's pretty weak compared to most of them
there's a current Ultrawoman with the tightest thighs and pronounced camel toe you've ever seen in your life, actual toku porn parodies are not as erotic
She sure is
To try to get Yea Forums to be mad at furries for ruining everything. It won't do anything because Yea Forums is either furries or people who already hate everything anyways, making the thread redundant.
But hopefully there will be some cool Kaiju discussion.
I just wanted a Godzilla thread.
>It's just that reproducing asexually is one of his abilities
That's retarded, and whoever "confirmed" that is retarded too. You don't get to lay eggs and still call yourself a male unless you're from mario.
he also hid the shit so well nobody would ever find it unless they already knew about it. that's the thing with anthropomorphic artists they can be either amazingly talented or ultra shitty cringe masters there is no in-between.
I love the 2014 one, the design (mainly the sound) of both the Godzilla and the MUTO is phenomenal, my only grip is that they should've kept the magnet field interfering with the atomic breath (they can still say it was in the sequel, making it way powerful now).
Although I liked the classic monsters so far in the sequel, I'm worried it will be shit catering to the brainlet 'muh kaiju screentime' and capeshit motherfuckers.
I wish the last movie didn't exist at all desu, what the actual fuck were they thinking
>You don't get to lay eggs and still call yourself a male
>Wanting realism in Kaiju media
Go away, anti-Zillafags
No, because that's the entire point of what you are saying. I can guarantee you've met and interacted with furries before and had no clue about it because they weren't sporting a rainbow tail and being autistic about it.
fucking why?
I don't know what they were thinking. This might be an unpopular opionion but I think Clover was more fucked over than Zilla. Because at least Zilla got put into the comics and was referenced. The only time Clover is referenced is when you're listing off rare collectible items or some other shit.
Retards here like to pretend that furries killed this game. (Wrong) When in reality this game was suffering from development troubles even before the furries got involved.
Because most of them are incels who need to have sex like to pretend that they apart of some epic culture war that they won. (Also wrong)
Don't you want to choke your oponents with smoke rings?
>what the actual fuck were they thinking
I don't know, but second movie had Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she was fucking CUTE there
I ain't pro or anti anything.
I'm just saying if it lays eggs, that makes it female. That is THE definition of being a female.
Ace best Ultra.
I never had to look at it up. Its clear how out of place this faggot is to understand.
>weebfagprime with too much money on his hands donates to shovel knight and gets his oc in game.
>a young carefree type with a competitive spirit blah blah blah.
It truely is just a terrible design.
KING of the monsters
Nah I'm good with this being a one off, we got a rad ass ARG promotion and kept the mystery, wouldn't work at all with sequels, neither Clover outside of it.
I was hesitant with the anthology idea at first but I'm glad it happened, until Paradox ruined it
>I don't know, but second movie had Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she was fucking CUTE there
Fucking this right here, holy fuck it actually ignited my heart and made me notice her, peak MEW desu. Then she cucked /ourguy/ and changed too much.
I wanna fuck that kangaroo
Same reason as you would put in Baragon.
I want original Moguera and MUTO on top of this.
Great news, user. If you ask him nicely enough, I'm sure you can.
Cute belly
Where should I inquire?
>original Moguera and MUTO
Great idea and good taste
Go figure it our yourself, you subhuman.
What if we brought it back as a UE4 fighting game in the 2019 mould, you know, 4 face button attacks like fighterz.
Would making it viable as an actual competitive fighting game with an emphasis on slower combat and destructibility of stages be enough to save them?
Isn't there a petition being made? This can actually happen...bros...
>Everyone is a furfag
Yiff in hell
There's a petition for Pipeworks to re-release the trilogy, at least.
B-but how would we destroy the buildings?
This is why Kickstarters with this kind of reward nowadays say you are going to work with the devs to make your idea work, and they can refuse it if you don't budge.
>4 face button attacks like fighterz
>emphasis on slower combat and destructibility of stages
How would that work?
specials involving environmental attacks similar to injustice
is there a worse fantasy weapon than a giant boomerang?
Ask yourself how often you'd find yourself in a combat situation that should be best answered by a GIANT BOOMERANG
Oh. Well, I guess that could work. Why didn't they think of this before?
don't lie to me user
Tak was a great game series
I'd take Yea Forums autism over that fucker in the /m/ threads who won't shut up about the Cozzilla Italian colorized re-cut of the Raymond Burr cut of the original right now.
Well I have zero tolerance for Yea Forums but what is the deal with that? I can't understand it at all.
Yea Forums's the 1998 contrarians board though.
it's not funny if it's blatantly a fetish
it's like so sorry in undertale, there's some kind of joke there but it's so thoroughly uncomfortable because you just KNOW the character's origins.
She's mine uwu
God I miss her, why she had to change to the homewrecker hairstyle after Fargo, it looks like fucking shit as she does in everything she's doing right now. They could've fixed it in Birds of Prey but managed to make her worse, for gods sake wasn't it enough that we will never see her as pale goth Domino?
You know the rules
the game of life
not him but
> However don't you fucking tell me it was any better than Bayformers when it comes to literally everything else.
You are correct. But niether is most of the human bits in most of the toho films.
the PS4 godzilla game is the best kaiju game we have.
Yes, it's low budget and jank, but so is everyt other kaiju game, at least it matches the tone and feel of the toho films, unlike the pipeworks triology
How many years have you repeated this bullshit? Literally nobody but you thinks that game is anything like the Toho movies or even playable in it's own right.
>at least it matches the tone and feel of the toho films, unlike the pipeworks triology
>unlike the pipeworks triology
What did you just fucking say?
The faggot furry who paid money to force his shitty OC in the game paid damn near the majority of the money needed to finish it
He wanted all sorts of bullshit for his OC to do and what other playable characters couldn't do to him so he'd basically be OP as fuck
When the Devs wanted him to stop he threatened to pull his money out, essentially holding the game hostage forever
Sorry user, they can't handle the truth
>Duncan has been sighted on all seven continents - though only at humorous and/or inappropriate times.
is there an appropriate time for a giant green kangaroo to appear...?
You're about 2 years away if you start tonight. Do you really want it or do you just think it's a cute idea?
>Many furries are smart enough to know it's a fetish and that it's in poor taste to talk about fetishes 99% of the time in polite company
>This somehow translated in user's brain to "Everyone is a furfag"
wew lads
Gotcha covered
Did anyone else gain a stiffy seeing two big monsters fight?
have sex
Millions of people would WANT to be killed by this. Just to make her happy
For me, it's Destoroyah
>Destoroyah will never suck out all the oxygen from you
>defending furries ever
hard pass
Did it suck because it wasn't a fourth Atari fighting game?
>foot licking
gross. I have a tickle fetish but I hate this shit.
Haha, imagine being one of those SF dudes and Godzilla just crushes you with her boobs. Someone should draw this as a joke.
I loved the part where he was just running around trashing things with googly fish eyes. He wasn't even trying to attack anything he was just bumbling around all retarded
Stop pretending the Pipeworks trilogy weren't more competent games
Did I say that? The PS3/4 Godzilla was never meant to be yet another fighting game, people need to stop shitting themselves in rage over it.
Poor Bagan was cucked a million times by Tohacks
stop roleplaying you Yea Forums fuck
>The PS3/4 Godzilla was never meant to be yet another fighting game
We can see that, since the online mode was utter garbage
If Bagan was the monster in Godzilla vs Kong that makes them team up to fight him I would literally explode in hype and happiness.
Can you people go two minutes without throwing your retarded tantrums?
Shut the fuck up about Yea Forums and go back there.
Did you get upset over Paper Mario not being just like Mario 64?
Those are some sexy toes. Imagine the weight against your chest, but the toes themselves are flexible, supple. You can rub them and play with them. No matter how hard he stomps, you can flex those toes
I'm convinced people only post things like this solely to trigger people like
the pipeworks games don't match the aeshetic or tone of the toho films in the slightest m8
Imagine being this delusional
it fucking oozes toho charm, even the OST is evocative of Ifukube's work
That guy is just here to shit on Godzilla threads, so I hope that's the actual intention
>furries GOOD
>people who dislike furries BAD
Yep, sounds like Yea Forumsmblr alright
You are the only delusional one here, that you have defended that awful game for so many years despite widespread condemnation and have never changed your argument one iota shows you are in a fantasy world.
for me, it's not even a kaiju from an actual kaiju movie
and don't you fucking tell me a 400 meter long snake lizard that can fire mouth beams and make destruction rain from the heavens isn't a kaiju
>the pipeworks games don't match the aeshetic or tone of the toho films in the slightest m8
Below garbage-tier bait. Pipeworks games feels just like playing a Showa episode. Even the absurd physics are there
This fucker
>the pipeworks games don't match the aeshetic or tone of the toho films
This is fact. Can't deny it. But as actual video games they are far FAR superior to the PS4 shitshow. Did that game look great? Sure, they scanned the Monsterarts and gave an incredible depiction of the characters. But the actual gameplay, the most important aspect of any VIDEO GAME, was BAD. Bad if you're a fan and bad if you've never fucking heard of Godzilla in your life or watched a single movie. Hell the minute you see you're trapped in a tiny fucking box instead of being given a nice sizable portion of city to destroy is already a huge red flag. That you need to sloooooowly destroy the same fucking generators EVERY SINGLE LEVEL is frankly insulting. Sorry my friend but at the end of the day what matters is good gameplay, not bells and whistles. If the game isn't fun it matters fuckall how close it is to the movies.
How was the gameplay bad?
It pains me that Battra looks so damn good in that game. Fuck
He literally just explained
So you play a game like how a Godzilla movie works. Movies must suck balls too.
How about the awful controls and camera? How about the fucking FACT that Godzilla's heat ray for whatever reason is ALWAYS angled down at the ground and unless you are literally right in your opponents face you're going to miss and shoot at the ground? That's just the top of my head as I haven't played in years and don't care to again.
Only real niggas respect the one true Kaiju
how did furries ruin this?
You are legitimately mentally ill.
I did not expect that.
Imparting a feeling of scale is much harder than you think, and I bet most developers are just thinking that people will cherrypick the necessarily low poly humans and buildings and go 'lel nice grafix fags'
It's been 3,000 years, searching... I finally found another Orga fan
Best OST
Which game are you talking about? I wasn't aware that any Godzilla games were made past the Pipeworks titles.
Fetishfags need to be put on a cross.
starts 1:30 in
Just google Godzilla PS4, mate
This also needs to be one of the stage themes.
Sooner the better