Play any Japanese games lately?
Play any Japanese games lately?
>moving to japan next month for school
Feels good man. Also last japanese game i played was phoenix wright yesterday
>tfw my japanese teacher compared me to her husband right before she recommending me to study abroad in Japan
is that good or bad
>japanese teacher that told you that you're the type of person a japanese girl would marry tells you to go to japan(which would involve meeting japanese girls)
it's a good thing
I don't know what game I'm capable of playing at the shitty level of understanding I have
i'm studying hiragana
i got most of it memorized, i just need to read more to keep it at my head
and i started training some katakana as well
wish me luck bros
Boy, you're in for a ride when you're done with the kana. Good luck
Why learn Japanese if you're not Japanese? Why not just go outside and associate with people of your own culture? You don't actually identify with their loser culture, do you?
i'm prepared for the worst
Can you not show up when im trying to browse videogames, I'll study Japanese later just go away
Why does she look creepy like that pitbull pic, you know the one
Are you sure?
Maybe not
But as long as i keep a positive outlook and never give up i'm sure i'll be able to do it
the average native japanese person only uses 4000 of the 10,000s of kanji out there
jerk off in the alleyway to Asian Gorl 2: The Cuckening
>of the 10,000s of kanji out there
>he thinks there are only 10k kanji
Stuck in tobira hell. Slogging through chapter 3 and just can’t get it down. Been using bunpro and watching a lot of Japanese television. I can get by in conversation (been to japan twice) but man it’s getting hard to not succumb to dekinai chan
>he didn't see the s after the 10,000
how can you learn Japanese if you don't even understand english
Sure, I'll learn Japanese... If you give me a footjob with your cute sweaty smelly Japanese feets! haha!
Is writing absolutely essential?
>only uses 4000
>only 4000
Oh, ain't that a relief
85k exist
3k are commonly used
13k are used in total
It helps but no. No practical use
It'll help your memorisation a huge amount
Learning how to write sentences also helps you learn how to tell which reading of kanji is used
Thats all I play.
kek, there wasn't even enough room to include 太 to throw off dekinais even more.
I want to go for the olympics next year
I know nearly 4000 radicals,kanji and vocabulary combined. I can at least speak broken japanese
>excuse me where shop , sell clothes, things....deshou....
>tfw you still can't fucking read for shit after a year of grinding
When will I see the light at the end of the tunnel? i want this nightmare to END.
why would you want to go at a time where it's going to be packed with annoying tourists?
>Finally memorized all the kana
>Open up a Radical deck on Anki before I start learning the actual kanji
>No idea what I'm looking at
I think I'm doing something wrong, how do these lines meaning knife or man or whatever help me understand how to make a kanji?
fuck that shit
use RTK or kanji damage
sometimes they have connected meanings, some of the earlier ones you learn have connected meanings
>women ninjas were called kunoichi so the kanji for woman is a combination of hiragana Ku, katakana No, and the kanji for Ichi
>the kanji for male(otoko) is derived from the kanji for rice field and the kanji for power because the men worked the fields and they had all the power.
it's called mnemonics
Kyo, Watashi wa niku wo tabemasu
heh, japanese is too easy for the likes of me
>know that 声 means voice
>know that 出して is something about leaving
>know that 読んで means to read
>can't put the grammar together to make out the sentence's actual meaning without using google translate
A-am I dekinai?
FUCKING THIS all the subhuman normie trash will be there and the locals will raise prices 200% to rip off all the baka gaijins. plus they will get rit of most of the wacky and problematic shit because the whole world will be watching and Instagram/Facebook/Twitter subhumans are everywhere to spoil the fun for everyone involved.
because he's an annoying tourist?
user wa, fuaggoto desu!
yeh, it's just telling you to read it out loud.
but you're on the right track so don't give up.
Thanks, kanji damage looks great.
iie, kaeranai!
fu fu fu. Manukega. Omae wa baka ka? Temae no maketa. Kisama wa Nigger wo shinderu
your welcome
once you remember to put your mouth on your koochi and your colon you'll never forget the ways to read 口
kanjidamage is meme crap. I'd go with RTK using kanji.koohii where people post their stories.
>have to do a 20 minute oral presentation in N3 level Japanese
>barely passed N5 level
>not following the ultimate guide
I finished Evinecle 2 a couple months ago but that was it. There was plenty of cute and funny to tide me over for awhile.
I just posted that picture for shits and giggles, user. You are already at the stage of making connections.
Taken up art to draw QT waifu's so I've been neglecting my studies.
Gonna try to get N2 on the JCAT by the end of the year before it goes paid.
Speaking of which, here's to hoping otaku media and culture doesn't get the short end of the stick because of Japan trying to appeal to western normalfag sensibilities.
Isn't Japanese so contextual that those are real sentences?
>plus they will get rit of most of the wacky and problematic shit because the whole world will be watching and Instagram/Facebook/Twitter subhumans are everywhere to spoil the fun for everyone involved.
Will they come back is the real question.
Probably better to learn a few Kanji before learning the radicals.
Well, last time Japan got rid of the mythic used panties machines and they never came back, so...
Nah, it's over.
>>tfw my japanese teacher compared me to her husband right before she recommending me to study abroad in Japan
She says that to everyone bro LOL
Tokyo's going to go to shit. Why haven't cities realized the Olympics is a scam?
How well do Japanese penpals work?
I highly suggest you to get RTK 1 or The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course or even both.
You aren't really supposed to learn just the radicals on their own. You need context to get familiar with them and build on the foundation.
Kanji damage is trash for that very reason. Don't use it.
>tfw you realize you know nothing about japanese and can'y understand even the most basic conversation after a year of study
Got myself one in 2006. Have been married to her since 2010. 9/10 breddy gud.
yup thats about right.
You could have been fluent in french,spanish and german in the time it takes to becomes a beginner in japanese.
>tfw everyone on interpals wants
Thanks for the advice, I'll go with RTK then. I assume the Heisigs RTK download has everything I need?
Just brute force rote-memorize the kanji with the core 2k/6k optimized deck and read chiebukuro all day
Not really
Post good Japanese streamers. Please no MOBA streamers.
>normally don't care about jap games
>always come to these threads to chuckle at anons trying to learn one of the hardest languages on the planet just because of anime
That's what you get for studying a 糞言語.
He's gonna make it
>learn alphabet, max one week
It's nice to know that it's not worth trying since I know that I can't learn the basic stuff at anywhere near the level required.
Just use duolingo, shit's easy and free
I downloaded koikatsu for the third time now and deleted it after fapping and now i feel like downloading it again but i know if i do ill just feel guilty again after fapping and delete it again and this cycle never ends
Just draw each character 20 times and do some flash cards on Anki
just grind that shit
hiragana is piss easy
katakana is harder than kanji
Why guilty?
I only play Japanese games these days. In fact, the next western game I'll be playing will most likely be Metroid Prime 4, and that won't be until 2021 at the earliest.
You aren't meant to memorize the alphabet completely to where you have perfect recall in one week. You're meant to study them for a week then move on to card, which will have them on there and usually sound as well so while you're doing cards you're actually studying the kana as well. That's the secret to nihongo learning. You gotta learn things simutaneously in a way your brain doesn't know it is learning. Just like learning kanji by learning vocab.
Get the book, 6th edition. I really suggest you to buy physical (you will thank me later), if you are an absolute third world shithole poorfag get digital.
There are great premade Anki decks for RTK1.
Use Anki ONLY as supplementary.
Prefereably register at kanjikoohi like some other user already suggested. The community there can help and inspire you creating mnemonics. Don't just copy though, try to come up with your own as much as you can. The mnemonics have to be personal or they won't stick for long.
Probably wouldn't be enough. I'm intensely forgetful, during the day if I think of something I want to look up later I have to write it down or I'll forget about it in a couple of minutes, even if I do write it down sometimes I'll forget to look up what I wrote down.
I've had several years to learn Cyrillic (close family moved to Eastern Europe) and I still only know a handful of characters, I forget stuff like the difference between г and п, things like that.
I speak portuguese and english and that's enough. There's no need for another language.
I'm playing Rance X. Liking it a lot so far. Good story, good gameplay, and it's not braindead easy like IX.
So, you speak just one language? I mean portugese isn't even a language.
>english & portuguese
>I speak mass shootings and riots
wow real useful languages fag
I have been thinking of picking up Doreamon Bokujou no Monogatari in June before its localization. Seems like a decent and simple enough title to practice my moonrunes.
Languages worth your time (professionally of course, but I also take the cultural aspect into account)
Top Tier :
Good Tier :
French, Spanish (especially if you live in America), Chinese (sadly, you will have to work with chinese people)
Okay tier :
Just for the culture tier :
Russian, Italian, Greek, Portuguese
Utter garbage tier :
Everything else
Seems like the winning combination to me
>graduating this quarter
>Japanese professor said I should just stay and study Japanese together with her instead of graduating
If only.
Why on gods green flat earth would I want to talk to fucking chinks?
And which Chinese? They speak a lot of languages
standard mandarin of course
China overtaking the west economically within the next 20-30 years isn't a meme.
>not spanish
Portuguese is just drunk Spanish, so both are fine.
I learned hiragana 3 years ago, still fucking remember all of them, whats the natural next step once you learn hiragana/katana?
You dont need anything else scrub
Grammar and vocabulary
>that frog fucking faggoty quack no one else in the world speaks or gives a fuck about except some African ex-colonies
Lè baguêtte in là cul *laughs in Frençh*
Isn't that the dutch flag
Any idea where to start? I remember some drunk guy doing lessons on youtube, it is a viable way to learn the very basics?
Go to the /djt/ thread on /jp/ and /int/, they have good guides.
You are a cruel bastard for wanting him to never be able to learn Japanese
Holy crap, thanks a lot based user
I'm going in bros, wish me luck
don't bother learning the fucking radicals, it's a waste of time
just learn kanji from learning vocab and then read read read
>tfw I started to read Yotsuba in nip
>tfw I actually understand it
I know it's one of the easiest manga out there, but damn feels good
Its actually good to memorize them so you can recognize harder kanjis more easily, but yeah you can skip them
manga isn't reading
Japanese games suck!
>sadly, you will have to work with chinese people
fuck off insect. thats like saying you should learn hebrew because you will be working with jews. dumbfuck
tae kim + core2k/6k + rtk
and then whatever reading material you find interesting, no matter how hard it is. it's gonna take a long time to slog through, say, a visual novel, when you don't know a kanji, but trust me, it's worth it.
ITT: English teachers in Japan getting 25k a year
I'm about to turn 26, is it too late for me to learn moonrunes?
By the time I'll be able to actually play jap games I'm gonna be in my 30's but on the other hand I'm pretty sure I'll die a virgin.
reminder, do NOT learn chinese, you do not want to have to deal with fucking chinese people
It's never too late to learn. Are you in a hurry or something? Just do it, 30 minutes a day.
>used to practice Japanese everyday
>used to exercise everyday
>used to practice musical instruments everyday
>suddenly lose all motivation to do anything other than post on Yea Forums all day
I don't even play video games that much anymore.
as long as you have drive learning a language in your 20s is pretty easy actually
If you're using Genki, look up the words on Jisho and learn the kanji associated with them early. The book teaches you kanji painfully slow.
>not going to a remote japanese village out of the grid and becoming a rice farmer
step it up senpai
>wasting time studying Japanese when you could just watch anime to earn Japanese
Watching anime is studying
>earn Japanese
Japanese what? Slaves?
Cute Japanese gf
Have any sex recently?
To be fair, as a non-english speaker, I began learning english as a kid because videogames, so it's no different than that at all.
You can start playing jap games after a month or two. Just learn the kana, some basic grammar and then start building an anki deck by playing games. Don't fall for noob traps like RTK, premade decks (core 2K/6K) or learning to write. You should aim to start consuming native media as soon as possible.
Is this in /int/? I remember trying a few years ago but lost interest so I want to try again since I have some free time right now. Where can I find the links?
Is Japanese actually the hardest language to learn? I've heard Mandarin and English are much harder.
Ching chong
English is just retarded. It's a Frankensteins Language.
considering how easy it is to conjugate verbs I think making basic sentences come way earlier than that
Just Google it? The link listed is the only one you won't find through google
Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn as an English speaker. It depends what language you're coming from how hard different languages are
In theory it is, three "alphabets" and the grammar is very different to english.
In practise it's easier than mandarin because there's plenty of media to consume, aimed at all different ages and levels of skill, just like English. Both are kinda clusterfucky but it's easy to learn them because it's easy to immerse yourself in things you like.
I started learning Japanese a few weeks ago. I've got the kana nailed down and I've made a start on grammar and the Core2K deck. At this stage, how important is it to memorise the reading alongside the kanji when I'm doing flashcards?
Are you asking how important it is to be able to read words?
I wanted to learn japanese once but then realized its not worth it and I'll just wait until others translate games I want to play
Just learn the word.
Good luck
Typically people with little or no discipline try to learn Japanese, which is why so many fail. If you're fat, you probably can't learn Japanese.
>tfw watching japanese people read their own language and even they misread the kanji
I think that's called depression, brother
yeah no shit
it's just like how people can misspell words
>lol there's no reason to learn japane-
But I like flat girls...
I'm an ass man
Was there any good phone keyboards for typing in Japanese whenever I wanted to start practicing even while on the go?
>kanji is eas-
>posting a 該人
Why does Dekinai's face mock me so much bros? Why can't I just ignore her?
she mocks you because you can't learn japanese
Eh, I learned to read books and vidya comics, not for vidya itself. My Nintendo Switch is set in Japanese so I guess?
So what's it like to know Japanese?
It's like orgasming when you read
As good as loving your sister.
Learning kanji using brute force is a lot easier than reading and remembering all that stuff.
In the time it takes you to read all that you could write down the kanji from 2 to 20 times depending on the ammount of strokes
BTW that was one of the first 5 or 10 kanji I learned and it just took me 2 times writting it down before sticking up with me forever.
I'm asking how important is it to remember both the pronunciation of a kanji and the kanji itself during the beginner stage. Do I have to know both to count a kanji as memorised for the sake of the Core2K deck or is simply recognising it enough? Is it assumed that I will pick up pronunciations naturally from listening input? The DJT guide is unclear on this.
Honestly that character is pretty easy to remember since it looks so unique. The only other character that uses 鬯 as a component is 鬯 itself. Writing it is a bitch, of course.
You can read Japanese porn with all it's classic lines like "ikuuu!" and "doutei-kun no chinpo nioi ga tsuyoi desu ne"
I just make sure to input any kanji I don't know into jisho with the radical picker so I start recognizing the parts without actually learning them for no reason.
sounds like heaven to me
Just do this guide, dude And yeah, knowing a word like 沢山 means knowing those symbols mean "a lot" and are pronunced takusan
Learn pronunciations as you go, being able to recognize and read the kanji in the context of the words was enough for me starting out. I also wouldn't recommend learning kanji in isolation if it isn't a word on its own.
i love this games characters so much, why are they stuck in a shitty nukige.
You did remember to study pitch accents, right?
no, i have no intention of going to japan anyway
What's the pitch accent for まあぁ?
get a kanji deck. core 2k is just for vocab and sentence comprehension.
Not really, I have picked up on some though, like
公開 vs 後悔,
箸 vs 橋,
and 鼻 vs 花
I’ve been doing VN Core 1250 for 3 months and I still have 500 words left. This is a little demoralizing, but I suppose ‘some progress’ is better than ‘no progress.’
I will after I'm done with Tobira and core 6k.
Although it is useless.
do the exact opposite of what djt says if you want to learn this language. starting with finding a learning discord full of natives to correct your gaijin retardation.
Don't worry about it, can't fail at learning a language until you give up
You fucking dumbass learn how to read. Memorising words and grammar points isn’t learning how to read. You could have and should have been basking in the light by now you have to read to learn to read, not too hard, but too many think you just read Japanese one day
Whats the big deal about Japanese, faggots? Is it just because media you consume is primarily in jap? I mean, I suppose theres nothing wrong with learning another language even if its for the stupidest of reasons. But dont fool yourselves weebs, any monkey can learn a different language, and that includes your precious jap.
>learned how to write japanese through hetalia fandom
As long as you can read you're fine if you only intend to consume media.
Read the note at the bottom
I swear a bunch of you just never learned how to learn. Study to learn don’t study to memorize.
I'm guessing it's because you're actively learning the language while they just learned it in school and just use it in their daily lives. Do you remember all the proper grammar rules of English or do you just look at a phrase and think it just doesn't sound right?
stfu retard lmao, you don't know Japanese at all
関西弁 is fun
Whats it like living in japan
>don’t study to memorize.
nice bait fag.
A nightmare
I wouldn't want to
Who the hell learns like this rather than just memorizing the stroke order?
oh god
Why? It looks like a nice place if you're willing to adapt to the unspoken rules and don't mind visually sticking out
Put it this way. Corporate culture there and the fact that you will never quite fit in enough to move up makes Japan a nice place to visit, even often, though not a place to live if you have big dreams
>learning Japanese
Lmao what's the point when machine learning is gonna solve all language in a few years?
Hey guys! こんにちはです。
So, I've been learning Japanese (Nihongo) for 3 years now... 1 year self study and 2 years in uni. And i feel like the kanjis are just not sticking with me. What should I try to memorize them for more then a week? I now about 100-120 kanjis already and can read basic material in romanji and a little bit in hiragana.
My current learning method:
Just go to Japanese websites and write down kanjis i see there.
Try to guess the reading without looking up... I don't get it correct most of the time :(
Look up the reading and write it down in romanji, hiragana and katanakana 3-5 times until i remember it.
Beat myself on the mouth after I forget it in 7 days (>﹏
>I don’t know, I didn’t think i’d get this far
Nothing like I expected it, you don’t even notice it, knowledge just creeps up on you one day. I learned for /his/ and Yea Forums reasons instead of Yea Forums and Yea Forums reasons so your mileage may vary
What is this ugly shit?
>moving to japan
holy shit you poor bastard good luck
kill yourself weeaboo
>study to memorize
The education system failed you
>learning Japanese is possi-
haha segs :D
moving to fukuoka in august for my year abroad. First time in all my life I've felt like I'm making it somewhere.
Best way to learn if you want to read, or you'll not notice shit like 持 and 特
May you be a lonely novelty to them
what page is this
yeah, not gonna lie, the numbers suck ass
Thank you for the support, user
>tfw dropped anki because I was bored of failing every time and number prompts
man that's literally a two pixel difference
how are you able to tell apart all of the ツ kinds
1 of 千
I meant webpage, seems pretty useful
don't fall the yatai meme, those things are a fucking scam
Cow radical looks nothing like hand radical lol. Also tsu and shi are easy, they have the same stroke directions as hiragana counterparts
It is if you don’t want to end up like all the dekinais that are still floundering 1 year later. Writing and learning stroke order helps more than any mnemonic ever could
>日 sometimes nichi sometimes ka
That's not a problem with the superior Chinese chads
By reading a lot. You don't have to think about these things after having exposure to them.
Every kanji in Japanese has multiple ways it can be read
There's a couple more for ya
>There are people who think that they can "make it" just by doing kanji
Kanji are easy, but wait until you get fucked sideways by the convoluted mess that is the grammar
Grammar honestly isn't that bad until you get the more advanced stuff.
Grammar is easy you fucking dekinai
>consumed so much animu over the last 13 years that my vocabulary is pretty tight
>can formulate sentences fairly quickly and pronounce everything without hiccups
>but still no motivation to learn dem squiggly lines
yahari dekinai..
What is harder? Chinese or Japanese?
there is no difficulty curve in Japanese, it’s just a straight line that tends to go on longer than most languages. “Wait until you reach” is beginner speak
>Straight line
Straight up, yes
japanese has one of the simplest grammars possible for a language
if you did basic latin in high school you already know like 90% of it
Name one difficult aspect of grammar
I found chink grammar significantly easier when I was taking mandarin classes
Japanese never gets harder it just gets more specific, the elementary bullshit is probably the “”hardest”” part
School is good. I wouldn't mind trying to go there for university for a year or something but I don't think I could live there being a foreigner and dealing the bullshit they have in the workforce.
What're some good games to practice my Japanese with?
I've got a halfway decent amount of kanji under my belt. My main problem right now is vocab.
Pokemon X
some moege if you can stand vns. they have basic vocab to ease you in
A good game would be nice
>tfw live in a country where I'll never have to use any language other than english meaning practice opportunities for anything are minimal at best
being a native speaker is great but it's so isolated from literally everywhere, europe or somewhere would be way more convenient
Kill yourself
I've heard Mother has easy vocab but I haven't tried it myself.
maybe farming games since they usually don't have a deep story you need to follow or intense gameplay
Game Freak are lazy and incompetent and XY is when they stopped even trying to pretend otherwise
Gen 6’s garbage, deal with it you little baby
It's a great fucking game for learning Japanese, stop being such a fucking child
If at all possible I'd like to learn Japanese by playing good games
Phantom Hourglass then, but the vocab will be harder than any Pokemon game
>grammar is easy
To understand casual conversation and manga, sure. But I would like to see you fucker try and do academic shit without N1-2 autism and know exactly which expression to use in that specific situation. At some point Kanji will just be an automated process of recognizing and replicating, but there are always a few unspoken rule that make your sentences sound like garbage
>EASIA major at local Uni
>Made a bunch of friends among the Japanese exchange students
>They always want to go out and drink
>Apparently i speak Japanese way more proficiently when I'm shitfaced without realizing
What is this
What's happening
I wonder what the 30k people think about the 5k people.
Nobody needs N1
You can be functionally fluent at N2
N1 is for literal autists.
Been reading プレネタリアン, does that count?
Friend of mine got N1 in like 3-4 years of self study. Doesn't even use it.
It's pretty cheap nakige but the robot is cute
Spic here who already knows portuguese and english too, whats the value of knowing spanish for you? Is it because half of America speaks it, becaus if not for that, I see my language has as much worth as french.
I feel like this applies to almost anything. I've never managed to leave that gulf of doom where you feel like you'll never actually get good at just about every skill I've tried to learn.
lol に is harder but not as much.
Dragon Quest VII and VIII have furigana in the 3ds versions.
alcohol is fixing your brain anonymous, drink more to experience wonderful things!
The only parts of America where Spanish is actually useful is Southern California, near the Mexican border, and Southern Florida.
If you live anywhere else it's pretty useless.
>tfw I learnt Japanese from watching anime
Still can't read most kanji but can understand 99% of anything spoken. Pretty good at guessing what words the kanji are from context too
You guys are making this poor woman into some kind of weird self-doubt inducing horror villain now.
I played Saya no Uta about a week ago for the first time and I really liked it
hoping to learn enough japanese to be able to play Garage at some point but Duolingo can only teach so much
I'm mainly trying memorize and be able to read katakana at the moment since it's really common and easy
>Doesn't even use it.
What benefits does it have? I know it gives a great bonus in consideration for immigration.
We needed a symbol, a rival if you may, someone to remind us that we cant do it in order to wake the feeling of "fuck you, I can do it" and actually go and do it, or accept the ugly truth while she smugly smile upon our defeated corpse.
Dekinai-san is a necessary evil.
The only thing that's important is if you are better than you were yesterday.
It's the Dunning–Kruger effect. Though the numbers in the chart seem inflated.
to be fair you really only need to know 犬 and 太 the rest are typically written different if used.
The grammar is easy though. Sure, the differences between stuff like ようになる, ことになっている and ことになった might seem small or confusing at first but if you actually took the the time to learn them or even better, understand why each sentence works the way it does, it’s not hard at all.
Ehhh maybe replace kanji with words
>Fuck off
Just watch anime and you can skip studying grammar
>tfw ching chong and middling jap education
>can easily ask questions and have natural accent while living in japan
>cant understand natives' responses cos my 語彙は足りない
>always react with ん?Xはどういう意味ですか?to ask what that word means
>jap guy probably thinks im a literal retarded local who doesn't understand basic japanese because of ching face
>tfw social anxiety makes this experience worse
kinda part of the reason why living in jap is suffering
>he thinks Japs can't recognize he's a chink
Think again fucko
Did they really just use Full Metal Jacket as a means of teaching English?
chink gook and raw seaweed processing machines all have the same face fucko
>(max 1 week)
Pre ordered yokai watch 4
I don't know any Japanese
I learned hiragana and katakana together in a flashcard app
My total time spent in the app was 3 hours over the course of a week.
You could do kana in a weekend if you really wanted.
Yeah, a week of dedicated practice and a lifetime of passive practice
Shenmue. Trying to find Warehouse No. 8.
this but with P5R
hai haibo? fufufufu
whats wront with jet coaster, roller coaster sounds as ridiculous
The Japs' misappropriation of perfectly understandable English words and phrases into illogical messes annoys me more than anything in this universe.
cute and funnying
カンニング pisses me off more than high touch. I wonder if any of them bother learning the actual, righteous, God-given meanings of the words they're distorting.
出す means to take out, not leave. Pay attention to transitive/intransitive words.
funny when not used in first person
Well fuck me then.
bros... i really wanna live in japan...
Is duolingo good?
I don't really play game but I watch a lot of anime raw or with jp subs and read manga.
What are some good jp only games?
No, do
I also have no idea what the fuck
and a lot of other English loanwords mean.
Duolingo is fine, i have a friend who likes using lingodeer but i have no idea if its good for japanese specifically. Grind your hira and kata, use Tae Kim
but most of all, be consistent. Dont give up!
>too late for x
no, unless you're on your fucking death bed it's never too late for anything
ロマン is romance. Are you using Jisho?
Neither you nor your friend know Japanese
ロマン is used like "Traveling the world is a man's ロマン!"
This is an awful way to learn Japanese and you'll never make it if you follow it. in japan and speak at near native level
He killed millions
It's enough to play games and watch anime
t. basically did what the image says
>reading japanese is a terrible way to learn to read japanese
you need to but bait on your hook, son
Sachiko is really cute
Were you trying to type 我輩, dumbass?
Based google-kun
whats the difference between VNcore and anki2k/6k decks?
Japanese particles are written in hiragana in modern Japanese, though some of them also have kanji forms (弖 or 天 for te て; 爾 for ni に; 乎 or 遠 for o を; and 波 for wa は). Particles follow the same rules of phonetic transcription as all Japanese words, with the exception of は (written ha, pronounced wa as a particle), へ (written he, pronounced e) and を (written using a hiragana character with no other use in modern Japanese, originally assigned as wo, now usually pronounced o, though some speakers render it as wo). These exceptions are a relic of historical kana usage.
Good luck trying to remember what you've """"learned""" lmfao.
Oh cool. I recognized 乃 as の, at least.
>being ambiguous to appear knowledgeable
As opposed to not being knowledgeable at all.
Like you if you followed that "guide".
how was it bro? im dying to play it
I've been in Tokyo since September. I've been here plenty of times before on vacation, but living here will blow your mind.
what do you do there bro?
Idk I think I'm doing okay
テンション means excitement too for some odd reason
Either make a criticism or admit you're a bored retard trying to get yous
>Doesn't the non simplified form of 鉄
Go learn it now or you'll always be a dekinai japaneselet.
Any games for a newbie? I'm around chapter 23 in Minna (around 80% of N5 level) and looking to do N4 this December.
What types of games do you recommend, aside babby games?
One is good and one is terrible
How is /djt/ these days? Is that retarded discordfag still shitting up the place?
You literally know less words than the Japanese children playing "baby games"
To keep this actually video games can people post some video game understanding difficulty tier lists?
Something like
>Level 1
Pokemon, Animal Crossing
>Level 2
Dragon Quest
>Level 5
>Level 7
Highly recommend Sakura Wars as an engaging and interesting game. It's probably somewhere between 2 and 5. Maybe a 3. The vocab and grammar was pretty damn easy but you have to have a fast reading speed for all the timed prompts the game throws at you and the girl with the Osakan accent might be a trip-up.
Right now, yes. But by N4 you're at elementary level. I just want some games to have fun while still practicing.
slice of life games should work the best for beginners cos the vocabs used are common words in everyday life
in contrast to fantasy rpgs with nomenclatures up the ass that confuses beginners as to what is a verb or noun
so maybe animal crossing -> harvest moon -> pokemon ->> dragon quest
not sure where yakuza comes in but i dont think it should be very hard to understand
Dragon Quest is pretty light on the fantasy terms. It doesn't get into Final Fantasy levels of complication.
I never got the obsession with japanese women. You all know that asian women aren't affectionate at all, and they hate sex.
I've been playing a fuckload of games in Japanese for the last six years. Gets a little tiring sometimes.
Sounds like my ex
I will continue to stay away then, thank you.
Do you think you could list some games you played of varying difficulty to understand?
>Level 7
Years later, parts of Fatal Frame III still fuck me up because of the old Japanese. It's mostly just the heavily symbolic stuff now though.
>want to travel
>Can't fly without breaking down like a faggot
Have a good life y'all
How's WaniKani? I've heard mixed things.
A lot of the ones I've played aren't that difficulty, really. I've played a lot of FFs, DQs, Zelda, Personas, SMTs, some Tales, and some miscellaneous games, so I don't have any particularly difficult games to list. Worst I've dealt with are some stuff in Fatal Frame because , but that was four years ago. I played Yakuza 0 during a period where I was both very busy and lazy, so I didn't play that one in Nip except when I got curious about certain things, I'll have to fix that someday, but I'll play Kiwami and Kiwami II in Japanese when I get to them. What I saw of Yakuza 0 in Japanese didn't look super complex either, though it was probably higher on the list than say, Final Fantasy or most of SMT. Persona 1-2 wasn't so bad despite playing them a few years ago, but 3-5 got tiring at times because of all of the social links and such. Thinking about playing the rest of the Trails series in Japanese (only played the TiTS games, and in English since this was a few years ago and I was too afraid to try them in Japanese), though I keep pushing them off looking for a time when I have less games to play since I'm sure they'll take a while no matter what their difficulty is because of the sheer amount of text.
I have a similar problem. I'm not afraid of flying itself, but my bladder is so fucked up, I don't know how I could get through a flight.
Really? I'm taking Tobira in uni right now and on chapter three and it's so much better than Genki
I tried it. I think it's inferior to Anki and the fact that you have to pay for a subscription doesn't do it any favors. The SRS gets obnoxious at higher levels, I would rather go as fast or slow as I want. It's not bad but there are better resources for learning kanji and vocab.
If you really want to try it there's a wanikani anki deck you can get for free that has all of their stuff.
Wanikani is not even remotely worth the money. If you want to do mnemonics, go buy RTK or KKLC and do C6K or something on the side.
Wanikani is for people on reddit who need something EPIC and GAMIFIED to get them through the day.
it means to read aloud but yea you better be hitting them books buddy
Fuck it, I'll do all four.
Alcohol makes you confident in your ability to have a more coherent conversation in a language you're learning. Keep drinking, but don't black out to the point you don't remember jack shit.
I have a Note 9 with an S Pen that has handwriting recognition and a Japanese IME installed. Is this a decent way to practice writing Japanese? I've tried with a pen and paper before and it just doesn't feel right, not that I have much artistic talent to begin with. I've seen shodou videos and I think the problem is what I write with. So with kana and kanji recognition, would I be able to practice writing Japanese on my phone? Has anyone done this before?
>tfw I still remember 通 because you see your Ma jumping off a building on your "Commute" to work
Playing through Star Ocean 2 JP right now.
Based, how will he recover?
Going to add some stuff people posted to fill it out and something almost looking like a real list.
>Level 1
Pokemon, Animal Crossing
>Level 2
Dragon Quest
>Level 3
Sakura Wars
>Level 4
Final Fantasy, SMT
>Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Fatal Frame
With good handwriting recognition you can basically scribble whatever and the system will pick up what you want.
Practice what you want to use. If you want daily use grocery list practice use a ball pen on paper. If you want it to look nice get a nice pen or brush and look up some handwriting videos. If you just want to test your kanji memory then a phone is fine.
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Just a reminder anyone ITT shitting on living in Japan has likely never been and is shitposting off of what they hear on the internet or they've only been to Tokyo. The time I lived in Kyoto was some or the best of my life. Nearly everywhere I spent time outside of Tokyo was a blast from Hiroshima all the way up to Aomori. Hell, it doesn't take more than two hours train ride to get far enough outside of Tokyo that you're in a more laid back and friendly atmosphere. It's like shitting on the entirety of the US because LA is a dumpster fire.
Pokemon and AC are terrible games to start with desu. AC uses a lot of weird dialectic quirks for the animals that will likely just throw off a new learner and IIRC many of the Pokemon games are hiragana only which is a TERRIBLE way to learn
for me, it is fukuoka
Did you smash?
>Learn hirigana/ katikana (1 week)
How? Where? This answers nothing. What is a good place to learn?
It doesn't seem to recognize it all the time, but I think it might just be a matter of me not always adhering to stroke order. I feel like it encourages me to write at a brisk pace before recognizing the text which forces me to quickly remember what I want to type. I'm not typing kanji for a while, but I want to make sure I can do all kana and radicals.
I just used Wikipedia as a teenager. It made it pretty simple to understand what they were and how they were organized.
I learned hiragana in a week just forcing myself to read sample sentences in Genki. Could probably do it pretty fast with Anki too.
input is literally the most important thing when it comes to learning a language
you learned your native language the same way through watching and listening to people and consuming books and media alongside supplementary teaching growing up
hardcore grinding will only make the experience harder and unenjoyable
Studied abroad in Japan and a bunch of us realized the same thing. I'd stammer out basic shit sober and after a couple chu hai I'd be engaged in full on conversation with the Lawson worker
From at least gen 5 on Pokemon has a kanji option. Maybe gen 4 too, not sure when they added it.
Comprehensible input is how you learn. If you're looking up every single word because you don't know anything you won't learn much and you won't have a good time. Nothing wrong with studying a bit to get to the point where you can actually follow things.
I never even knew of this guide and I basically did what was in it with some additions and 7 years later I'm fine. Not native level, but I can't completely immerse myself in it on the same level of a native since I don't live in Japan.
it's all confidence, for me, I'm extremely confident when it comes to writing so I can very easily form solid sentences and know exactly what I'm talking about, but when it comes to speaking, I become self conscious about my pronunciations and saying the wrong thing by mistake so I end up stammering more and making really tiny mistakes because of it(even though the exchange students I've talked to all said I sound fine)
>one of my friends is learning to speak Jap from his Jap speaking family
Now might be a good time for me to attempt to learn, since I'll have someone around to practice on. Maybe.
I tried to get Anki on my phone but have no idea how to set up decks. It'd be great to figure this shit out so I can learn a little while on breaks at work.
If you're reading a VN with a texthooker, looking up a word is as simple as hovering your mouse over it. Adding the word to anki is a single mouse click.
Even if you're looking up literally every single word, you can progress at a reasonable pace and learn a lot of vocabulary. Before long you will not be looking up every single word.
Mindlessly grinding a premade deck is a complete waste of time compared to mining.
Some let you switch at will giving basically furigana.
1 - 2 days each tops desu
I saw a pic of a Gen V game and the script actually changes a bit when you do, like 懇話 into はなし or something
There we go, thanks
take a Japanese class at your local community college and make some friends
>Play any Japanese games lately?
Yes actually that's all I play really. I as just playing 偽りの仮面 on my vita like 5 minutes ago. Tomorrow I'll continue that but I'm also hoping I'll muster the will to unbox my ps4 and plug all the cables so I can continue playing 死印 which I'm at about 60 or 70% through but haven't played in months. Looking to get the sequel for it on my vita as soon as I'm done. Aside from that I may start キャサリンフルボディ (vita) this week, but that'll depend on how much I can progress on 死印 assuming I do take my ps4 out after all.
>matt vs japan method
go to hell dude, you shouldn't learn a language through reading it that's completely ass backwards, learn the language first then learn to read later.
Wonder why. The meaning is basically the same if you want to learn multiple ways to express something but this would be potentially a trap for people using it as hiragana.
>うえ 階上
>はなし 談笑
Hold on a second are they bamboozling me?
They just use alternate words for younger kids who may not understand words like 階上 or 談笑
I played 扉の伝説 for a bit
Can baka gaijin 学生 who can speak some Japanese get into Japanese colleges/universities? Learning Japanese amplifies my desire to be in Japan but I likely won't get to go there until after college which I haven't even started yet.
Playing Kiwami 2 in jp, going fairly well and getting decent amounts for the mining deck.
explain this bullshit
Lighting a match so you can start the pump to bring the water to put out the fire. Didn't you watch Yuru camp?
actually I didn't. It's just, damn, and I thought that the German "handy" was a stupid word.
死印 is fun, I liked the sequel even more. I'm surprised you got most of the way through without finishing it, I was pretty gripped, and the language used is pretty trivial.
Seems very inefficient.
Please don't lewd dekinai-chan.