>literally the worst game i have ever played in my life
>forced myself to finish it in hopes that it might get good
>it just gets worse
>82% on metacritic
How the fuck does anybody like this absolute garbage? I use hyperbole a lot here to shit on games that don't really deserve it, but this time I really mean it. This is the worst game I have ever played.
Literally the worst game i have ever played in my life
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally the worst game i have ever played in my life
play more games
are you bitter or just have aspergers
this desu
The only people who like this trash are young zoomers who’s first final fantasy was 13. There’s no excuse for liking this game if you’ve played earlier entries.
I generally dont go out of my way to play shitty games
>>literally the worst game i have ever played in my life
It's not even the worst FF game
81% on Metacritic for PS4.
PS4 Royal Edition (all the DLCs barring the last one and patches), 77%
Its literally the perfect cinematic game.
The story was stupid and tried to come off as super complex to hide how shallow it was but I liked the combat more than most other FF games and the graphics are still stunning even today
Only nostalgia fags actually like FF instead of moving on to actually good series
It shouldnt even qualify as a game its a fucking interactive movie
All you need to do for the whole game is click left bumper to switch between healing and dps, it doesnt get challenging until the final boss because the whole game is linear as fuck, you are at the exact level the game needs you to be at for every major boss aside from the last
Isn't this the one people say gets good 20 hours in?
Also most big time reviewers are wowed by spectacle so don't be surprised when movie games are highly rated
If anything the first 20 hours is the best bit
The ending was so fucking retarded I cant even comprehend what the hell the writers were thinking
Pretty much agree with everything spoony said about this piece of shit
I want to hug_ Lightning
Is XV really that bad? I've been avoiding it because XII and XIII were so trash
XIII is mediocre, but to call it the worst game you've ever played? That's embarrassing on your part.
Nah 6 7 and 9 are legitimately good games
10 is serviceable
>all these pretty looking unique locales where you can only walk in a straight tunnel
>reach the semi open area
>it's a bland green plains zone
XV Windows Edition was unironically good.
As someone who doesn't give a shit about 3d final fantasy, XV looked the most interesting to me
The storyline is a bit rushed and the combat needs some fine tuning for the camera work and collision detection. But overall it is a solid game. Worth a few weeks of your time.
The four main boys have the best chemistry I've ever seen in a video game. Their friendship and interactions with the world will definitely make you want to play to the end. And if the ending doesn't bring tears to your eyes you have no soul
>gameplay is garbage
>no character development
>empty world
>story was poorly told
Yeah it's the worst FF game.
Thats probably the only thing I did like was the locales, the graphics are pretty and the music is top notch, especially this track
But everything is fucking wasted on shitty linear "gameplay", annoying characters, and braindead plot writing
The music so good tho.
Shows the talent with art and music. The game looked good and lots of the areas were really neat looking.
Just shows that Square/Enix were ahead of their times. And that when everyone caught up they were left bumbling. And that the genre itself was stagnate and obsolete.
And I hate this little nigger especially
Never wanted to fucking punch a video game character so hard in my life
>ughh muh teenage angst!!
>fuck snow!! instead of following through with my threats i'll just be a passive aggressive pussy for 50 hours!!
Literally any Yakuza game is a better cinematic experience and those have actual gameplay as well
How big is Lightning's dick?
I platinumed 13 and 13-2. Gotta do Lightning Returns now.
You probably liked FFX and Jecht lol
It has its flaws but I liked it a lot. Try it for yourself.
Nothing is worse than Final Faggotry XV
While we're on the subject: are 13-2 and LR a big improvement? Worth playing the first game for?
X is decent because of the combat but the characters are fucking awful
Please forgive lightning she is cute! And is trying her best
On a gameplay sense yes, on a story semse they are a complete mess and they needed to release a novella that retconned the ending of the first game for the story to make sense.
LR is regarded as an actually good game. 13-2 is an improvement over 13, but it's still nothing to write home about.
Your taste is just trash.
Sequels are better. LR has the best combat in the series.
This one is pretty mediocre. Gets a bit better when you finally hit Gran Pulse, the battlesystem opens up, and you work your way up the food chain
I tried playing 13-2 and its even cringier than 13
Its got some great aspects such as the chemistry between the main party and the gameplay of other party members (if you have the dlc) but god is the story an unfinished mess, the rest of the cast nonexistant, the dungeons boring (sans 1 or 2) and the boss fights a chore.
>story is worse in sequels
>XIII-2 is too easy, but fun
>LR has, without a doubt, the best ATB in the series
>good music (XIII-2 OST is one of the best imo)
I love trilogy, but it's obviously not for everyone.
I think you're the minority here pal
I'm not the minority in a land full of NPCs. Your taste is trash bud, get over it.
If hating a shitty anime movie game means I have bad taste then I'm ok with that
>anime movie game
So on top of having garbage taste you're also a meme kiddie? Yeah get the fuck out and kill yourself.
It really is the worst FF game with the worst most unlikable characters in the franchise.
samefagging pussy boy
fuck, atleast he isn't Fang or Vanille
Hope post dealing with his daddy issues and not stabbing Snow is inoffensive, loses the angst pretty much, Vanille on the otherhand stays a massive obnoxious retard and Fang peaks 5 seconds into her introduction and troughs doing exactly what the villain wants her to for no reason after the villain was already defeated
her random out of nowhere dykepmsrage that gets her her summon and the reveal that she loudly plotted murdering a falcie right next to said falcie just made her the most unlikable cunt in the game
This is true. Let's not pretend this wasn't coming rolling out at the same time third wave feminism started becoming cancer and every fake gamer girl wasn't sucking lightning's clit. The game is a horrible entry in the series. I don't get what they were even thinking.
>for not liking [brand_game_XX], that gets a pass for shittiness due to brand popularity
Yes it is that bad. But it has a few saving graces. But yes it is that bad
zoomer. third wave feminism was already cancer long before that. And isn't lightning a deconstruction of the strong independent woman trope? she's made out to be wrong about literally everything and has to change her ways in the game.
You wanted to feel like you had a place in this world by replying to your likeminded NPC with drivel.
It's a good game and is only hated by fat Final Fantasy nostalgia cucks because "it broke muh tradition hur".
>Serah and Noel are the ones who use the time machine
>Only Serah (and Snow) talk about Lightning
>And isn't lightning a deconstruction of the strong independent woman trope?
Nope, she's literally just female Cloud. The director even said that she was his waifu and why the 3rd game as all those fucking dressup outfits.
She's not a "deconstruction" of anything.
>One or two turbo assmad Lighting fags that can't defend their shit taste game
>he didnt get the reference joke
>It's a good game and is only hated by fat Final Fantasy nostalgia cucks because "it broke muh tradition hur".
literally the only FF I ever played, and it's my most hated game ever
played good games that I didn't like, played bad games, none of those elicited the emotion called anger from me
except for FF13, it is the most astonishing piece of shit I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing in my life, definitely swore me off Final Fantasy for life, and made me write off fans like you aswell, because goddamn how thick do you have to be not to recognise the malignant awful concentrated in that mound of garbage called FFXIII
it is like BatminvSuperfriend but a videogame
Big yikes
I get the reference, it's just not accurate
Cloud and Lightning's character arcs aren't even remotely similar.
You could have just said "My taste is asinine. Here is a long way of saying that."
No taste in video games whatsoever.
Cloud was only edgy and angsty for the first half of the game
Lightning is perma edgy
I prefer my games to have actual gameplay and not an "auto-battle" button user
Sorry that you cant enjoy anything without the most linear handholding ever
>durr that's just like your taste bro
being a braindead faggot that complains that people don't blindly salivate over branded garbage like you do is an enviable existence
it's so pure, like a retard happily drooling in a park
>She's not a "deconstruction" of anything.
>Didn't actually make an argument as to why she isn't
Not him but Lightning is a pretty classic example of a mary sue
Choosing to "auto battle" doesn't give you the best options. Paradigms must be changed consistently as well.
You sound like you don't even have a sample of self-awareness within you. Talking like a pseudo-intelligent piece of shit who knows nothing in actuality. FFXIII is extremely far from being a bad game. One thing is for sure, FFXIII is better than any Western video game ever made. That's a fact.
XV is by no means “great”, ultimately, but XIII is straight up bad. I’ll never understand anyone who thinks XV is worse that XIII on any level.
XV was still the better game at launch, before the additional content and “fixes”.
XIII is bad, full stop. I wouldn’t even recommend trying it.
I play FF since the SNES, VI is my favorite
XIII was mediocre at best, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns were kinda fun
>literally wrong about everything in her game, clearly flawed, and gets her shit kicked in by Cid
>Gets stomped by Caius in 13-2
>FFXIII is better than any Western video game ever made. That's a fact.
I wish this wasn't bait, and you were actually genuine
>Choosing to "auto battle" doesn't give you the best options. Paradigms must be changed consistently as well.
Yes it does, once the AI figures out the enemy weakness it will always use the most optimal attacks. There is literally no point in the entire game that you need to manually input attacks.
Paradigm shifts are literally just switching between healing tank and dps with the push of a button.
It's so utterly linear and braindead you dont actually have to try until the final boss because the game is designed so that you are just at the right level for everything, no more no less.
Its a huge downgrade from pretty much every FF game that came before it.
>FFXIII is extremely far from being a bad game.
A ton of people disagree with you.
Its got a user score of 7 and thats after the fanboys have spammed it with positive reviews. It was much lower at release.
>One thing is for sure, FFXIII is better than any Western video game ever made. That's a fact
Jesus you're a fuckin turbo fanboy
>he actually fucking believes there is a Western video game better than FFXIII
Autistic weaboo
Game is literally 90% tutorial.
Would you say Kingdom Come: Deliverance is better or worse that xiii?
Not him, but that game was glitchy as fuck at release. Haven't played it since.
Sure, the main story you could potentially auto battle your way through most things. And no, it doesn't always choose the best options. For example, the auto battle might choose (attack)(attack)(blitz), when two (blitz) are better. I've noticed this in the very beginning of the game.
I'd love to watch you attempt to 5 star any of the Cie'th stone hunts, just to see your little pea brain explode from being blown the fuck out.
Bottom 5 FF game but it gave us Fang who is easily a top 5 FF girl.
Are you the OP?
I liked XIII, but the only fights that required an extremely in depth knowledge of the battle system are those asshole Long Guis. Should have been more fights like that.
>y-you dont have to use the *game plays its self* button!
The fact it even exists is inexcusable
Having a higher DPS is literally pointless, its impossible to lose any battle before the end game content
I have done the sidequests and they're just a grindfest
The argument you're making is:
>dude just slog through 60 hours of linear shite to get to the gameplay that isn't complete dogshit its the best game ever westacucks BTFO!
Absolutely pathetic weeb
So you know what 13's userscore was at release but you've only just played it and have never played another FF game? Lying troll
Still wanna fuck him desu.
What you completely fail to understand is that the battle system is not the whole game. The entirety of FFXIII makes it what it is. If you go back to play past Final Fantasies, you'll see they are not much different in terms of depth. I can tell you probably never even finished the side content. That's too bad. You're not proving anything boy.
>hyped for FFXIII's release
>listen to the battle music they released early on loop because it's so good
>release day comes
>pick it up at midnight
>"I'm finally old enough to buy a Final Fantasy on release day!"
>get home excited as fuck to pop it in
>start it up
>keep playing in disbelief
>"I-it'll get better"
>doesn't get better
>drop it halfway through
Someone answer me why is linearity so bad.
XV isn't good but it's definitely better than XIII. And both are better than XII.
At least give the illusion of exploration if you're going for linearity. Have some open areas and branching paths.
FFXIII is literally just walking in a straight line: the game
What? I have played FF4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 12
I was posting here during FF13's release and I only recently finished it because I intentionally avoided it due to the shitty response it got
The fuck are you talking about kid?
What else other than the gameplay makes it a good game according to you?
The story and lore is utterly nonsensical, the characters are frustratingly stupid, and maps are literal corridors
>FFXIII is literally just walking in a straight line: the game
So are old-school Castlevanias.
Linearity in storytelling or level design is fine but linearity in gameplay completely removes challenge.
Games need a certain amount of challenge to be classified as games.
>comparing ff13 to an NES game
there are plenty of challenging fights in 13
Name 1 before the end game
I feel the same way. At its core I think the greatest issue I had with it was a lack of meaningful input.
It doesn't really have resource management, level up system is really linear, no exploration, no NPCs, no towns, no side quests. The only exception to some of these is Gran Pulse, a single area near the very end of the game.
Even the battle system which it's usually praised for didn't require much in terms of input. It required you to pay attention yes, but the input was mostly just waiting for the right time to do a paradigm shift and then just more waiting. This might be fine in another FF game where your input matters in other areas such as exploring the world, utilizing customization options, talking to NPCs and whatnot. FF XIII, however, didn't have that.
I also think the story and narrative was quite odd at times. To start off you're put in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation which made it feel like your journey had no purpose. You're constantly being chased as you're on the run and the game seems to want to keep the tension throughout almost the entire game without any breaks from it. Without any breaks from the tension you just stop feeling it after a while no matter how many times the game wants to remind you how tense the situation is.
NES games that are better than 99% of the shit that comes out nowadays. But the point is linearity isn't inherently bad. Even a game that's a "straight line" can be enjoyable if there are other things to keep you interested. XIII's problem is it had nothing like that for most of its length. The story? Terrible. Characters? Terrible, at least for the first 2/3s. Combat? Doesn't get fun until the final few areas. Graphics and music were nice but couldn't carry the game for that long.
Most of the challenge came from getting max stars for each fight. Except the game gave you fuck-all as a reward for maxing the rating.
odin (mostly because he's early), dahaka, bart 2, orphan (phase 1), neochu, plenty of the ceith missions (that are not end game)
XV is the most desolate game. There's nothing to do and so much of your time is spent driving in circles completing quests with 0 depth. If you want to listen to your party banter, then by all means, it's the best at that. It doesn't excel anywhere else.
Believe it or not but this is exactly how i feel about Assassins Creed 2. It's the kind of game that, for me, is so bad i want to actively hurt every one who likes it.
But then again, i somehow know that in reality, it's actually okay. I just have this immense subjective hatred for it. Guess you found your AC2 here
I wish I could shoot you and make you choke on your own blood you piece of shit.
Then I agree
I dont mean linear story or map design is inherently bad
I do think that ff13's map design is bad though, since its so linear its almost pointless to even have maps at all
May as well just have fights between cutscenes because the only reason the map exists to push up on the thumb stick between pre-determined fights that you have to do anyway
Linear map design worked in FFX because it had random encounters, and you actually needed to grind, level your characters, and apply actual strategy
The proboem with FFXIII is that its completely linear in every way until gran pulse, and even then its just the illusion of freedom, you're still just doing linear sidequests until you're strong enough to take on orphan
This isnt helped by the fact that the story is utter rubbish
I have beaten the game user
I never once had to grind at all and I beat the game with no challenge, the only challenge was the final boss
And yes the cieth are end game you sperg, all thats left is the final two areas
If you want an actual challenge try FFX
Hen why did you force yourself to finish ff13?
have sex
Because I wanted to finish it
I dont usually leave games unfinished
I finished Fallout 4 as well and I hate that game with a passion
Why? AC2 and Brotherhood were the only good AC games
At least it only gets better from here, user. 13-2 and 13-3 are better in every way except LR's English voiceacting, which is migraine inducing
FFXIII isnt objectively okay its objectively bad and people subjectively like it
There is no such thing as objectivity in entertainment
retard alert
it's just that the shallow stealth and story make me really mad because they are so fucking stupid. It's a game that just doesn't deserve to be played.
Yes there is its called objective critique
A story for instance can be objectively critiqued without getting subjective
No u
>objectivity in entertainment
imagine believing this
He’s a poor man’s Shinji until they get to Palumpolum (I think that’s what it’s called), then he comes to his peace with Snow and his dad, and switches over into “C’mon guys, let’s go!” mode.
The overall logical consistency of a story can, but nothing else. Enjoyment or emotional impact can't be objectively critiqued.
>objective critique
hahaha this fucking retard. formalism is objective retard but that's not what you're saying. run along now boy
I agree
The writing in FF13 is objectively bad
Tell it to Aristotle you brianlet
>Tell it to Aristotle you brianlet
and this nigga just blew himself the fuck out without even knowing it
I tried 13-2 before 13 actually and I hated it
Dont think I can even finish that
Worst game you ever played? Guess you don't play many games then.
Either you havent read Aristotle or you're trying to bait me
Aristotle spoke specifically about objective critique of stories, particularly Greek tragedy
you must mean the OVA. It's a common mistake.
you're even more retarded than i thought. not only do you completely miss the point of what he was talking about, but you missed mine as well. you obviously have no idea what you're saying
why? it fixed pretty much all of the problems you said you had with 13, sans the battlesystem (which LR fixes)
after all these years of hearing shitposts about ff13 I'm tempted to pirate the pc version just to see what it was about.
you could've gotten it for like 5$ on steam a week ago
>literally the worst game i have ever played in my life
you need to play more games, son.
>muh teenage angst
t. literal teenager
tfw enjoyed VIII, XII and XIII more than VI and IX
It gets good 20 hours in because you can finally do side quests/monster hunts at that point and the harder missions actually make the combat system shine. If you stick to the story it doesn't get much better.
I never played the games but I did read this
>The game takes place five hundred years after the events of Final Fantasy XIII-2 where Lightning is tasked with saving the souls of humanity in a world heading for destruction.
Is Lightning Jesus?
Amazing damage control
More like the death
Meet the cancer that destroyed gaming long before #GG puppeted its maligned, metastasized corpse
Thats embarrassing why would you admit that
People who defend any mainline FF after VIII are hopeless user, they can't be reasoned with
They aren't shitposts user
Its really bad
IX is the best one though
>Nothing is worse than Final Faggotry XV
Final Trannies XIV is.
>after VIII
Should've known that FF8 fags are the ones making these shitposts.
>X a best tho
Fuckin fagtrons
Tbf it's still not as bad as I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!" This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works. I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Literally nobody ITT said that
there's a blatant final fantasy bonus, every final fantasy game needs to have its metascore lowered by at least 10, and some even more (in the case of 13/15, about 20 points lower)
>This was a dream come true
>Literally in a dream
I hate life so much for the fact that Lightning doesn't exist