What's the Yea Forumserdict?

What's the Yea Forumserdict?

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actually it's very possible

This game is ass.

Forgot your picture

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Go away /vn/

Is that an actual game?

why would anyone make this

I'm assuming its a light novel adapted into a VN. Is it worth it?

I think anal play leads to gay sex

Top tier, wish it was longer

Wasn't this already an OVA?

But does she?

Anal suck.

I don't get it. Is it supposed to make fun of people with hemmeroids?
If so fuck that

>Tfw bleeding from ass
>Doctor asks me what I do
>Finds out I lift heavy weights
>Yeah stop that or else it gets worse
>It fucking hurts but if I stop I lose my gains
>Eat fiber user
>Been doing that and hope it works
FUCK hemmeroids.

i think that if your sister has hemorroids you should not do so much anal with her, its just going to make the problem worse

you think thats bad

try having explosive diahea multiple times everyday for 6 months. after the 4 time you just stand there with your ass dirt because the act of cleaning it is worse than shiting your guts out
when i finaly went to the doctor they said i looked like i was raped by inside out

Anal is fine as long as your hemorrhoids aren't flaring up at the time.


Quit doing squats so fucking much. Skip leg day like a real man.

yeah but cant you be a LITTLE considerate and fuck your sister pussy instead of her ass for ONE WEEK?

The Liru guy got so assblasted about his hemmoroids that he didn't include anal in his game meanwhile these chads made a whole game about it

But what if she want to keep her virginity?

At some point I thought I had roids too because theres a part right next to my butthole that hurts if I touch it, but apparently roids hurts whenever you are sitting so its not my case.

Do what your doctor says. Trust me, I got a fistula for being retarded.

>Japan does it again
Why don’t we just nuke the west already, what purpose do they serve?

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I fucking did squads because/fit/ told me to do SS. It worked really well too. I can squat 425 now but FUCK IT HURTS WHEN I SHIT NOW LIKE A RAZOR BLADE FUCKING MY ASSHOLE


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that means you didnt trained her right

how do hemmoroids feel like
asking for a friend

>roids hurts whenever you are sitting
that's wrong
it might not even hurt when you're shitting

I had one so bad it was the size of my fist.
I had to go to the doctors take off my pants and bend over on a bed in front of him.
He stuck his finger up my ass and popped it, there was blood all over his walls and floor afterwards. He prescribed me a steroid foam spray to put up my ass and then told me to never come back.

those are some cute ojamajo's

Pain of the ass.

This was banned personally by Gaben

her ass is not bleeding so shit

You can get internal roids that exist just past your sphincter where there are no nerves in the wall of your colon. Sometimes they expand beyond that point and then you're fucked

>listening to /fit/
Bet you fasted for a month and did squats for 5 days a week and now you /fit/tin to have a pink sock.

At first they itch just a little to grab your attention. Then the swelling begins and so to the pain. The pain is terrible especially if its the first one you ever have. You cant even sit right. I had to drive lopsided to walmart to purchase laxatives from a QT cashier cause it hurt too much to shit normally.

The best advice is to drink plenty of water, eat lots of fiber, and do NOT force a shit out.

How are you supposed to treat hemorrhoids? I had one that would bleed (either a lot or a little, changed randomly). It just went away after about 3 or so months of washing my ass with water and not sticking things in it.

>Japan proves yet again that it’s the only country that matters

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Has anyone who has actually read this chime in on it? I'm guessing it's just a short nukige.

just eat a fiber suplement niggers.


t. faggot with hemorroids.

Sister asks for help, you end up fucking her and her friend. Art is decent, but its really short

Based Japan

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>and do NOT force a shit out.
this is very important
the many times i thought i had internal bleeding leakage

i've been quite fearful of blood in my stool I thought it might be hemmoroids or even cancer but now I know it's because I shit too hard, thanks user

What's a fistula

I used to literally sit on a sock filled with ice

Please don't ask

>act of cleaning it is worse than shiting your guts out
Wash it in the shower with warm water instead of irritating the skin more with toilet paper, dummy.

I never had hemorroids but last year I had the worst stomachache ever. Apparently fucking huge blobs of gas grew on my stomach and I couldnt fart it out. That shit hurt so bad I couldnt sleep for a couple days.
Doc gave me some medicine and it went away but now I'm terrified because something I ate caused that and I'm not sure what it was.

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How did she get them?

Please tell. Is it like a hemmeroid.

stop using my toiletpaper megumin for your disgsuting posts

Did you died?

>Hurt to shit
You have something user. It will happen again.

Shit dude, now I'm curious.

It's a western VN

I thought it was a kidney stone and they found nothing
eventually I started farting the entire day and it didnt hurt to lean over

>chronic anal fissures from a fear of public bathrooms when i was a child (resulted in massive dumps that goatse'd my anus)
>chronic hemorrhoids as well because of the straining
>blood is a normal occurrence any time i take a shit
>had a lateral sphincterotomy and fissurectomy
>just came back months later
Can't wait until I get a robotic asshole.

I thought everyone has hemmhorhoids, they're only a problem if they become irritated and get inflamed?

Listen to your doctor and stop asking /fit/ for medical advice you idiot.

It's a hole that shouldn't exist between two cavities

I went home, sat on an ice sock and played Steins;Gate until it went away which took about two weeks.
The Steroids did weird shit to my asshole though, it made the skin like tracing paper and now my asshole looks like a cabbage and is permanently destroyed. My colon sort of comes out every time I shit and I have to push it back in. It's a good job I'm not gay because I'd never survive.

A tunnel that leads from your anus to either the outside or another part of your body. Enjoy leaking shit at all times m8.

>be me
>somehow got hemorrhoids
>don't do heavy lifting
>don't stick things in my ass
>every second time I shit, it rips open
>cream doesn't heal it

guess I'll just have bloody shit for the rest of my life

I got sent home from school for this.
Turns out after investigation that I was so autistic I didn't know when I needed to shit so the gas built up to danger levels.

Exactly, it's pretty disgusting.

When inflamed it was like a ball in the anus leaking pus. Once you get it you need to get it removed by surgery there's no other treatment.


Stress can also give you roids.
Have a doobie and chill out.

>it made the skin like tracing paper and now my asshole looks like a cabbage and is permanently destroyed. My colon sort of comes out every time I shit and I have to push it back in
Jesus Christ, my condolences

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Holy fuck user. At least you don't need to use a colostomy bag.

i shit twice a week, I just dont need to go alot

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Are you sure it's hemorrhoids and not a fungus?

>tfw I've had hemorrhoids for 6 years

what's the cure bros...

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same wtf

Yeah I don't like shitting anymore but I'm sure that's bound to make it worse in the long run

I only ever got a small lump in my anus but it got better after a week or two. Happened a few times already, but it didn't hurt, except when shit was coming out.

not even stressed, life is chill. Only times not chill is if it is ripped open while having burning diarrhea. That's some hell right there.

that's what the doctor said before he closed up shop and retired

That's my schedule.
Doc says it's literally an autistic thing.

Are you women?

Eating Avocados 2-3 every week. You'll never get another hemmeroids again.



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go to the doctor dipshit, they'll likely have to do surgery if it's been a constant for 6 years...

My ass itches badly sometimes and it makes sleeping a pain in the ass. I've almost had this issue for an entire year. Not sure if it's related but I'll also sometimes find blood when I'm wiping. They're just tiny scattered drops of blood so it doesn't look too deadly. Shit's annoying though

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Don't have asslumps but i do have trouble shitting because of nerve issues in my lower back.

It's like shit gets sent to the exit but the body doesn't always get the signal to empty out.

>it doesn't look too deadly.
user, you just had to raise that anime death flag, hadn't you?

>tfw have hemmorhoids
>Tfw if I don't wipe good enough and stick a finger up my ass with toliet paper then an hour after I shit I have a liquid discharge from my ass

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Check you don't have worms.
They come out at night to literally eat tiny bits of shit off your asshole, which makes it itch and sometimes they break skin which causes the bleeding.

>tfw have nice and firm stool
>been having soft shits every now and then for about a month
>go to doc
>it's from a fucking parasite

Don't fuck around with proper food handling. Also, visit your doctor, please.

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Yeah its literally gas that you cant fart.
I wasnt able to fart during the entire time and I could feel the bubbles inside my tummy.
Once you are able to let it out it gets better.

>tfw have having copious amounts of anal mucus which skidmarks my pants every time

Life is suffering

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I legit shit once a week sometimes. The fuck is up with that.

Wait a minute, this isn't C*****!?

How soft we talking? I thought soft was good? I don’t really want to google stools to see if mine is too soft

Burn victim?

Are those today's face transplants? that's pretty nice work honestly.

Really? My best shits were back during my squats and oatz days.

Fistula. You need surgery or else it will get worse.

Is this unironically an autistic thing?
Literal autist here and it's the same for me.

I figured it'd probably be good for me if I did it more often, but it just doesn't come naturally.

>Doing a chick in missionary
>Want to look at the ass, ask her to get on all 4 for doggy style
>She does
>Spread her ass
>Fucking hemorrhoid in the anus
>Instant turn off
>Tell her some lame excuse and just finger her until she cums

She later told me she's pretty concerned about them specially because she wanted to try anal but it hurt a fuckton when she started putting things inside, let alone a dick.

twice a week wtf
literally once-twice a day here. If I skip a day, then the following day my guts start to hurt

me on the bottom right

Is the surgery bad? Why don't you get it fixed

I didn't take oats...

>and then told me to never come back
Seems kind of harsh. I mean he's the one who exploded your ass pimple

He probably didn't want to paint his examination room everytime user came by

>I had one so bad it was the size of my fist
How in the fuck

What a basic bitch you are.

If you have to use more than 1 sheet of toilet paper, it's probably too soft. But it can also differ by person. Just ask your doctor.

Healthy stool is firm and smooth.

Have an ass lump. Never hurts or bleeds or pops or anything, just gets worse when I sit on the toilet or whatever. Makes it kinda harder and messier to go but I manage. Kinda can push it back in a little sometimes.
Have had it for years, I blame it on the deskjob. Eat plenty of fiber and work out a ton, doesn't help any.

Dunno if it even counts as a hemmy. Doc doesn't care. Won't do anything.

Fuck you, nigger, avocados are great, especially as guacamole

excessive sitting does it, too
literally go to a doctor again. you're going to need intervention, meaning fingers up your ass

fiber helps, but the key is to not spend a long time shitting, it's how 90% of people get theirs, spending too long shitting because they think there's still some left over in there. Just shit out the bulk and leave.

Lifting increases them but you can all avoid all of the lifting related ones by wearing that regulator belt to tuck your tummy in, since you're too much of an idiot to lock your abs in and breather properly whenever lifting.

That's not a hemmie that's Cancer

you're not drinking or eating enough during the week. you have to be shitting at least every two days

>Just shit out the bulk and leave.

No thanks. Leaving leftovers is uncomfortable.

wow that's pretty incredible, he'll be ugly sure but he'll never feel like he's not human looking.

If it was cancer the doctor would have been able to tell if they couldn't diagnose it

Supposedly it's an easy surgery that takes almost no time but I'm just full of exams till June and I don't really want more stress. I'll go once I'm done or if gets worse

the feeling of leftovers goes away after a few minutes. If you have a lot of them, get a squatty potty or just a tiny stool, it'll make it so you poop everything in one go.

Go eat your avocado toast, Nancy.

>its another Yea Forums talks about their bowel movement problems thread

You people will discuss anything but video games.

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Why am i not surprised by Yea Forums's chronic medical conditions

You know how it is, Yea Forums loves to shitpost.

>disliking guacamole
Why do you always have to be such a massive faggot, user?

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sitting on your ass all day browsing imageboards with a poor diet completely lacking in fiber and perhaps water is a massively increased risk of shitting problems

I have an internal one and now it feels like I need to shit 24/7. This is hell.

>expected a cunny thread
>get butthole medical advice instead

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Hearing about user's disgusting colorectal problems is more engaging than the majority of AAA tripe

Sometimes I think my life isn't that good, and I get sad. But then sometimes I read about people shitting blood and having all sorts of butt problems, and I think Hey, life's alright.

>thought I had hemorrhoids for nearly a decade due to horrible itching every 2 months
>turns out it was just pinworms
Remember to always seriously look into ass pain, lest you unknowingly let your butt be a worm colony for 10 years.

Whenever I feel like that I just remember that I'm not Anthony Burch.

>ten years of ass problems without consulting a doc
TB, is that you?

>Got food poisoning 3 times in one fucking year
>Said fuck it and started cooking my own food instead
Best choice I've ever made.

>tfw had a thrombosed hemorrhoid pop yesterday
this is the third time it's happened to me since last year the pain is fucking unreal
I'm still bleeding out of my ass but it doesn't hurt anymore
I'm 99% sure I get mine from being a fat fuck and hardly moving from my computer chair even though I don't strain my asshole muscles when I shit anymore and eat plenty of fiber. I also take stool softeners.

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I never had butt itches but I would get anal pain like my entire guts were going to fall out of my ass.

>tfw learned I'm fucking alergic to avocado last week
Looking back, I finally understand why I never really enjoyed eating guacamole.

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I have some sort of undiagnosed issue where I just shit my guts out and have horrible stomach pain if I eat the wrong combination of foods and thought it was a miserable life but some of you really make me count my blessings whenever this type of thread comes up.

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Nothing wrong with shitting out whole onions milk

Yea Forums is ALWAYS off topic

I've been putting things up my ass for 5 years and people said I'd get inconstnence or whatever, but the only thing that has changed is that shitting feels better

the only time its any good desu

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This fucking thread.
I don't know if its TMI or if I'm learning how to take better care of my asshole.

Ok so what, you're just not supposed to exercise at all?

Too many people are embarrassed to say anything about their asshole. You should learn to take care of it.


Played it years ago, clickbait title

Pic related
It's better than nothing.
Also, protip, raise your knees when you shit, it helps prevent complications.

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>Gustav Adolf
>defending the protestant faith
>literally anything but Satan made flesh
All Swedes deserve the rope

I never knew how horrifying blood from anus is until recently. Thankfully that was just rectal bleeding caused by sitting on some rough tree bark, but I was legit terrified when toilet paper was red. You have my sympathies if you can manage that shit

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