Let's play mahjong soul

let's play mahjong soul

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Remember to play cat approved hands

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why does kana have the best emotes

Someone please make cat sing KPP's PonPonPon

Based and catpilled

>everyone playing open tanyao at the Yea Forums game again
Yes I am mad, can you people just go fuck yourselves?
What reason do I have to play with you shitters if open tanyao is quite literally the *ONLY* (LITERALLY, L I T E R A L L Y THE O N L Y) hand you know how to play?
You fucking assholes NEVER play anything else, I have been actually keeping fucking notes.
I could just go play a silver match where people actually keep their hands closed at one round or another. Do you people just hate fun or what? I am talking about people in last place playing open tanyao worth 1000 (one zero zero zero) fucking hands, like they are sabotaging themselves, why the fuck would someone do that?

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post you're logs

tsumo nya

kan nya

I have played games all day and I am still mad about that match from earlier.

Fuck you, I know you're in here, I hope you choke on your mother's cock and die.

>shit up a game by rushing for fast trash single yakupai / nobody minds it because it doesn't trigger their open tanyao autism even though it's just as bad
>the dumb nyagger gets all the blame

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How do I get better at the game? I never kan, I avoid chii or pon unless I know exactly what I'm going for (yakuhai, or rushing a quick hand to keep dealer/to end the game fast while I have the lead), and I try to keep suji in mind when discarding to avoid dealing in. I still keep losing way more than I win.

tits too big

It's just super tempting for people, same deal with the riichi. Unless your fishing up the last han needed for a mangan+, you shouldn't be doing it. It's even more baffling when they do it when the dealer has called 3 of the same suit.

my nigger

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nice pasta

Are you playing South?
It's always been decent for me whenever I've played with Yea Forums

Why does that mahjong player have huge tits

I have huge tits too and I play mahjong

very high skill lvl

Wait, I thought if you were dealer and won it would go into repeats, even as all last? Or was that just the

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Where are the proofs?

pls show me ur pons

Mantits dont count.

>I am talking about people in last place playing open tanyao worth 1000 (one zero zero zero) fucking hands, like they are sabotaging themselves, why the fuck would someone do that?
Teamwork. People joining games together, streaming to each other/talking on chat programs, working together.
Mahjong is a game about being the best cheater, otherwise, it's pure luck. This is silently understood. We deny it but it's the truth; the pros cheat and trick the weak players into "tile efficiency" and "defensive discarding".

You do early riichi even if it's a hell wait

Right, Yea Forums?

Yes because it leaves my opponents shook.

not with Yea Forums, you fuckers don't even betaori so I'm most likely to get ronned if I do a shitty riichi call

I ONLY riichi on a hell wait.

Riichi asap to minimize discard info is the only way to go.

How the fuck do you play this shit? Is there a pastebin? I see you fucks talking about this and all the cute retarded waifus and im sitting here being jealous of the fun you guys are having.

i always wanted to learn mahjong anyway

it's like poker with more complicated hands right?

Not if the dealer is 1st place


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I could have sworn I got stuck in repeats as first place before and had to zero neg someone. weird

Just match the appetizing tiles user.

>look at the background of the dorm
>suddenly heart wrenching emotions
>ywn play mahjong under a kotatsu in a shrine on a snowy night
>ywn have friends

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is there a collection

Hell yeah my nigger

Yes, but not in oorasu.

I have played 400 hours on tenhou

Start the client and start poning

Match pairs and stairs. Hands are only useful if they have Yaku.

Closed hands can riichi which means that if they lack just 1 tile for a pair or stair, they can lock their hand and discard everything until it appears, even if they don't have Yaku.

When you Pon or Chii, you steal a discarded tile and draw it instead of your draw for the turn. When you lack just 1 tile, and someone discards, it's a Ron.

Some good Yaku for beginners:
Open: 3 of a dragon, 3 of either table wind or seat wind, All Simples, all trios.
Closed: Riichi, all pairs, 13 orphans (very big dick hand)

>13 orphans (very big dick hand)

why would you even suggest this

>13 orphans
>beginner hand
It's a big dick hand but beginners are going to misinterpret the probability of actually completing this.

it's a game filled with tons and tons of exceptions and that's why it's complicated, but the basic idea is really simple. It's a game you can learn in a day but it takes a long time to master.

So i just watched the first episode of Akagi after finally reaching adept. I wasnt to impressed and laughed at how hilariously deformed all the characters are.

Gonna keep at it though cause ive really never heard anything but good things about the show really. Kinda happy i waited till after i knew how to play to watch it.

If they start with 8 or 9 tiles they have to go for it and not even think about it.

Lmao faggot.

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poker knowledge actually helps a lot, assuming you're familiar with calculating odds and shieeet

It's more like rummy than poker

the AI on normal is tsumo-ing 3 out of 4 times.

>the virgin mulligan
>the scrub kokushi
>the chad nagashi mangan

Thanks fags, gonna check it out.

>It's a big dick hand but beginners are going to misinterpret the probability of actually completing this.
All I know, that the probability of it happening shoots to 0 if you don't take the risk.

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If I'm good enough to win in yakuza by just getting riichi am I good enough to actually learn to play mahjong

That's actually how I would state that as a native English speaker, play around with the inflection a bit.

>chink opposite me tsumos the first two rounds, one of which is a hanegan
>guy to my right just leaves
>I tsumo twice in a row, one of which is a hanegan
>guy to my left just leaves
>last round
>chink opposite me still has like ~3k lead on me because his weaker hand was worth more
>pon the dora first round and run an open tanyou off the bots while he sits around trying to build a closed hand
Based bots being retarded.

that's actually enough to get into silver. i did the same thing

Sell your house, sell your car, sell your body, and put all that money on the powerball. It works youll be rich.

Post your "playing safe" animation.

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what kind of yakuman is that?

>playing safe

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>a match where my pinfus are going through
Is this my turnabout happening?

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doing 2 games for friendly match daily.

The only fairy yakuman is all 9s.

Ren-chon is absolutely based.

>Implying I ever play it safe

I want to fuck that toddler cunny

>hit adept 2
we're all gonna make it bros

The creators of mahjong should have made a yaku for ron'ing the winning tile out of the dora indicator.

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How do I know if someone rejected my friend request or if they just haven't looked at it yet? ;_;

>play it safe
>get into tenpai somehow
>single tile wait

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>tfw this shit is worth more than your hand

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no idea but that actually made me check friend requests.

never played before, I have no clue what I'm looking at

>tfw I'm closing in on 13 orphans but then nyaggers and hags riichi left and right

Jellicode doesn't accept my request for days ;_;

>forced to play with an expert 3 in silver
>almost won but the expert got a baiman tsumo in east
damn it

Standard rules
Nyaggers preffered, Hags discouraged from joining

>multiple dora
>mixed triple
whats the problem? open hands are always worth less you dumb ninny

So is this some random chink-made game with stolen Visual Novel assets or what?

>think I have the hands down at this point
>in actual games forget always mix up sanshaku doujun and iipeikou on which can be open.

Its not an 2005 flash game.

I came to this picture while using my ona, bye

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5/10 art from 2012

Just keep the image open.

mahjong is fucking autistic as fuck to learn wtf

one more get in

Simple rule of thumb, sequences are always shit.

what a shame

Good luck graduating middle school






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It sure has stolen assets like one
Unless it's some official game or w/e

>being this elitist over ancient chinese poker
just take it easy my dude

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I'm here to tanyao your shit faggots.

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Are you also saying this to chess players? Some people just carve for more tension.


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lol mahjong will not get you laid, now will your waifu love you more

I'm dumb. Please explain to me how I can unlock new waifus without paying for them?

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i just joined but i gotta tell you i have no idea what's going on

Get to silver. Dust the gifts you get from winning. Buy the roll tickets with dust. Cry when you don't get anyone and have to wait a month.



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Spend as much coppers you can in gifts.
Earn more copper by playing well in silver rooms
Also earn more gifts by playing well.
Donate all your gifts (not tonthe waifus, to the store) and get star dust.
50 star dust = a single roll which has 5% girl drop rate.

>Get to silver.
This might be a problem.

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This is the worst attempt at trolling ive seen since 2011

>Join blitz lobby
>I could have played 4 other games in the time it takes to get 4 people

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You ever just luck shit the entire game?

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I know that feel bro...

>have a bad feeling about playing
>play anyway
>get matched with 3 chinkoid turbonyaggers
>kannyan ponnyan chinyan wolololooolo
I mean I play fast myself but the flow was on their side. I knew I shouldn't have played.

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one more needed, doing 1 more game for daily.

Do you keep your lone 12 or 89 sequences, or do you try to get rid of them?

They're so low value mang

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how do i play mahjong

If you are new to mahjong, then I assure you that this blitz room is not for you.

M...a, f...e, sorry, this takes too long, I'll make blitz lobby in 30 minutes.

>Be on isshan ten in the 3rd turn.
>Never get to tenpai

I didn't get ron'd a single time.

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>no actual money on the table
lame as fuck

>that guy who spams the laughing cat emote after a riichi

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>someone discards
>spam laughing cat even though its waiting on someone else

If it looks like I can go for something like chanta or a flush, then I'll keep them, but otherwise I'll get rid of them if tanyao looks like a better option especially if a 4 or 6 in the same suit pops up.

>Tfw forgot Ryanpeikou was closed Yaku only
I want to kill myself

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Click on his character icon, then click the block thing.
That should block his emotes.

>isshan ten

>start the game as dealer and get a baiman
>same player gets ron'd by someone else next round, ending the game in two rounds
get fuckednya

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>not using emotes
>not being a dumb cat
look at this faggot and laugh

He probably meant iishanten, one tile away from entering tenpai.

I always reject friend requests from Yea Forums. Don't want to reveal my dumb plays to novices.

>playing with westerner normies

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best way to spend dust?

We're playing with chinks.

save 50 dust to buy a summoner scroll
then roll for a waifu

If you're here Bilbo that was some amazing luck. There ought to be a reward for double riichi followed by winning off the disconnected nigger.

Summon scrolls

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am I the only who spams friend requests to everyone?

I never make them but I accept them after friendlies as long as they weren't super annoying.

Here are some guides that got me out of a rut.

Then try the mahjong efficiency trainer. You can see the optimum discards if you click on accepted discards.

Remember that this tile efficiency can only get you to riichi quickly. You have to still learn the yaku.

Aim to get 4 sets of three (either 3 of a kind or 3 in a sequence) and an additional pair. Never press any button that doesn't say riichi or ron.

Yo is it useful?

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I always do the sad cat or ... when there's a pause after I drop a tile midgame...

Does using emotes considered bad manners?


>watching a Yea Forums novice play
holy shit
no wonder you guys struggle to leave bronze lmao


Stop clicking the free sex button though.

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where the FUCK is wahaha

I don't have any friends yet. Can you send messages to each other or is it just for inviting people to games?

if you emote before a ron, then i kick you from my room

Wow, you're nyat very fun at parties, are you?


>stop clicking the free sex button
take that back

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>be an elitist
>wonder why the game dies after a month

>playing when all the chinks are asleep
Wow, this is much easier.

Emotes are the best part

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Clearly I am skilled.
Couldn't possibly be a small lucky streak. Couldn't possibly be that I'm just playing inexperienced players.
No you don't need to see the rest of my stats...

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new room when

For real though why is pure double straight closed Yaku only when you've got shit like Toitoi that's open and worth 2 han ?

I miss playing as a cat, Yui just doesn't have as fun of emotes.

toitoi is harder to get than iipeikou

You can message people who aren't your friends either if they have that option enabled. But yes, it does make inviting to friendly games easier.

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How difficult is Mahjong to get into if i've never played the game, my extent of knowledge about the game is from the Saki anime, and I know some Japanese

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pure double straight easily stacks up (riichi, pinfu, tanyao)

Most of the the people here have a hard-on for autismo (whether it's her design, voice, or they can connect with being autistic) but I'm just going to go and say it.

Pic related and FBI are her only good emotes, the rest are all boring as fuck.

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They're about the same difficulty.

To win toi toi, you have a maximum of 4 tiles you can win off of, and potentially a tanki wait on 3.

To win iipeikou, you can easily have access to a ryanmen wait with 8 tiles, you can combine it with riichi to boost the score, and you aren't compromising your defense by calling tiles.

what if i do it after ron?

is it time to move this to /vg/ yet?

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How long did it take you to learn Japanese to fully understand Muramasa ?

Second book, for advanced players, is coming this year.

>How difficult is Mahjong to get into if i've never played the game
You can learn the game in an afternoon by watching a video though you'll probably want to commit to learning defense at some point if you wanna climb ranked. After that getting better at the game is an ongoing process.

>I know some Japanese
That will help for reading the manzi tiles (though there is an option in majsoul to display Arabic numerals if you want). Most of the yaku names are transliterations from chinese.

Perv Nothing quite like that and playing some riichi afterwards and fucking losing

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I think I've finally gotten the hang of the game. I'm no longer a complete brainlet, many thanks for all the help in the thread.

Now I need to learn how to git good. Should I generally hold onto my wind and any dragons I find, until I have no choice but to discard them? It feels like the chance to make a yakuhai is my best bet to win?

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i've been going on for a little under 2 years, just grab a dictionary and get to work, because it'd take you 10+ years if you wanted to get to the point to read it without looking up anything, and even then that wouldn't be the case. you can watch youtube vids of Japanese people reading it and being unsure of how to read certain things. worry less, study more basically
do you have any recommended videos for this? specifically the defense part

>Should I generally hold onto my wind and any dragons I find, until I have no choice but to discard them? It feels like the chance to make a yakuhai is my best bet to win?
bet on riichi+pinfu/tanyao

If you commit few hours per day, you will learn most of basics in a week or so, as long as you are not complete dumbass (by basics I understand scoring system, methodology of play, full yaku list and entry level defense strategies).

Becoming advanced player will take you few hundred games, during which you will get a grasp of most game scenarios, feel the flow and learn firsthand more difficult game strategies.

After few years you will be able to break down psychology of opponents and twist statistics and math behind the tiles to your own favor.
This game has really high skill ceiling, but it's really worth it if you have IRL community to play with.

t. 6 years on board of this ship and no sign of boredom whatsoever.

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I'm sure you'll do better next time

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Pretty sure they stole the entire characters and not just the assets.

>watch your own replay
>notice an obvious dumb error that resulted in dealing into someone's hand
But the problem here is that I'm not experienced enough to be able to read discard piles that well in real-time, so I will most likely make similar mistakes again in the future. Is it time to kys?

I'm also concerned that putting down a dragon will let my opponent swipe it, but I guess the faster I dump them the less chance of that

Typical new game grace period is around one month, so I'd say that we have time until the end of May. After that, it will only become worse.

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Ponning a dragon ends in a cheap hand unless it's a half-flush or full of doras

Riichi is worth a lot more points

I was on a winning streak before this too

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How big of a streak? I believe in you

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bakahon is still a cheap hand

>Watching first repeated bully the dumb cat while you chill in second
ranked is fun

It's licensed, although I don't think that's Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle.

3900 at least

>that shit-eating-grin feel when someone tsumo'es a fucking ippatsu Kazoe, but you found some magical sand and won the dora lottery in the end


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I don't want to go on /vg/ fuck

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The one where she's fumbling is cute too, and i use it a lot when i fuck something up badly

the sleep one also isn't bad, better than the cat's ...

Ah, this guy again.
Post stats or fuck off.

5 straight 1st place wins in a row. All the luck left must have left my body too. I hope it doesnt stay that way for days again, no more fucking yakuman please

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yo im back, anyone wanna play with an illiterate noob?


Build up your luck again and be sure not to spurt it out everywhere this time!

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Any rooms up?

tsumo nya

south, 5+20s

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don't reply to a pasta shitpost from 2 hours ago user

dont know what setting i did

Yeah gotta use my luck when it counts, thanks user

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who is this semen demon

I don't understand the rules for this. What makes ponning a dragon a cheap hand compared to not?


I'm here to kick ass and chew tiles.

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I want to play this to! where can i find it?

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Its only worth 1 haku, and it opens up your hands and severely limits the hands you can make.

A dragon pon = 1 han

Riichi = 1 han
Tsumo = 1 han
Pinfu = 1 han
Uradora = 1/3 chance to get 1 han

That's why you need to stack up your dragon pon with doras or half flush or toitoi to get 2 or 3 more hans compared to keeping it closed and riiching

I just landed a monster 24000 baiman, feels good man. Could have been daisangen though ;_;

Any more of this?

still wondering about that video series, user

It's legit, the girls are reused from various Norn/Miel games.
For example the blonde you see in OP appear here:

Within an hour or so, because now I'm playing with my buddies. Noboby stops you from making blitz lobby on your own user though.

I wanna eat mahjong tiles!!
I can't wait to buy an automatic table later this year

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Oh baby

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I will settle for being able to Ron/Tsumo reliably at this point rather than worry about getting massive points

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Not bad for starting new at mahjong last night, right?

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>call rate 75%

I have bad news for you user. But you will get to know them on your own after reaching silver rank.

>deal-in rate
>more than 5%
Never gonna make it

>call rate 75%
>riichi 12%
>tsumo 21%
>deal in 15%
lucky bastard

Feels bad man

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If you're only getting one Han theres literally no point in declaring Ron, especially if you're losing.

feels bad that you lost 1000 point.
Your closed hand is better than that trash quick cheap dragon.

Deal in is standard, call rate is too high but it's against bronze nyaggers so it's fine, win rate is on track. Have fun in silver, you'll like it.

>If you're only getting one Han theres literally no point in declaring Ron
Blocking the other

This is literally not always the case. If you have a comfortable lead, it's a very valid strategy to go for cheap and fast hands.
God damn, you people act like keeping your hand closed is the only way to play.

>daily quest
>play 2 games in friends room
well then fuck you too game

I think I was calling way too much last night when I first started, so I'll keep working on that. Thanks.


So what's the difference between east and south rooms anyway?

>emoting before calling ron/tsumo
literal scum of the earth

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No, but only depending on yakuhai is just a shit way to play. Your barrages of 1000-2900 hands won't survive against even a single closed riichi hand. and you WILL eventually deal into that kind of hand sooner or later if you keep playing aggressive all the time (always calling Yakuhai ASAP)

East rooms are short, South rooms are long.


I always do it, but only against Yea Forums
previous game was super boring though, everybody else used auto-win button

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Some closed riichiis are literally riichii only and nothing else.


>I could just go play a silver match
Then do it, if you're so great.

I probably have you on ignore already
emotes are for big dick hands only

So basically the number of rounds? On that note, remind me how is the end of the game determined anyway (besides someone going into negative points)?

I do it because of people like you.
Get tilted, son.

ippatsu tsumo ura can make it mangan.

East only plays the east rounds (east 1, 2, 3, 4) whereas south plays the east rounds and then the same again for the south rounds. If the games go to their full normal length south rounds will be twice as long, but they can both end up being longer or shorter thanks to people running out of points or dealer wins or whatever.

why do people even play south, east is already long enough as it is

>really want to play in real life since I learned the game like 10 years ago
>never lived anywhere that had enough people for even a single game
>recently moved to a big city for a job, meetup gets 10-15 people every week
>awww yeah real life mahjong
>everyone acts kind of cold, cliques have probably already existed for years, everyone is also turbo-normalfags who just happen to play jap mahjong for reasons
>never go back even though the meetup literally happens where I work (slightly unsurprising since it's the largest employer in the city)

why can't I just find some Yea Forums or /jp/ aspies to play with irl

no time for a gyakuten without south!!

East matches end after east 4 is over, south ends after south 4.

Always call riichi, even when you have yakuman. Anything else is poor sportsmanship.

more skilled

>Not playing North games.

Plebs, when will they learn.


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Washizu Mahjong Soul when?
I'll admit I'm a pleb that only got into mahjong thanks to Akagi, but after playing for a while I realized washizu mahjong (where 3 of 4 tiles are opaque) is pretty fucking fun. Makes mindgames even more complex (or it's shit if you're a lucklet)

/Can/ being the keyword.
There is legitimate reasons for both open and closed hands, and pretending like having an open hand/cheap hand is the absolute end of the world is just a terrible way of playing.

>playing east
>east 4 ends
>south 1 begins
Please explain what causes this.

I always have the game muted because I play around others. Does emoting make sounds or does it just make your little picture pop up?

in East if someone gets a baiman, odds are they've won the match, even if said player is a shitter every other turn.
South you can actually turn around bad luck with consistent play

well, it's the standard new player evolution.
>pff, who cares about yaku and playing well, calling is fun
>it's just my style to do open tanyao and yakupai
>fucking nyaggers, learn how to play closed hands, this is called riichi mahjong
then you actually reach illumination and understand eveything is contextual.

Riichi unlocks big potential.
Fear the unknown.

Just the picture.

>Call Riichi on Furiten Hand
>Opponents start calling tiles and making Open Kans
>Tsumo Nyaa

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not the same guy. Open can be important.

Is this a porn game? I could finally learn Mahjong then.

Nice boobs!

>master level
>realize you should be calling everything

took me 5 seconds in google

>shit hand
>w/e just go for open tanyao
>keep drawing terminals and honors

Attached: 1212406142993.jpg (404x303, 19K)

You nyagger can't even make pinfu LMAO

At the end of East 4, if nobody has 30000 or more points, the game goes to South 1. Once somebody exceeds 30000, the game will end.


I take great pleasure from my tiny no point hands

It's like NTRon

Wait, what just happened? What does the 24k mean?

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Jesus christ user, do you really need bare ass anime titties in your mahjong? Why can't you just play mahjong while furiously masturbating normally like the rest of the human race?

I'm so fucking mad. I had TWO (2) chances at Daisangen. Fuck everything.

Attached: DAISANGEN ruined by a mangan ron.png (1920x1040, 1.79M)

>my discard pool is literally 13 different rerminals/honors

Attached: 1557566804558.png (300x300, 123K)

24 karot user, its a gold stick.

Just teach your weeb friends how to play and roll every friday at alcohol meetups.

Late game with no dragon tiles on the discard pile. Even idiots would've known that somebody else must've been holding them.

1 more

It's a 24,000 points stick user, you have to play 24,000 points + Hand value if you deal into it.

Is zoning even real in this game?
I feel like i'm getting zoned sometimes, knowing which cards to discards, and which card to keep, and i can then win with tsumo + riichi.
But after the match, i can't do that anymore.
Was it all luck based?
Or it's possible to zone in this game.
It feels good though to just play without thinking much, and let the body do the job, but it's still the right decision to make.

why the fuck would you deal such a dangerous tile for a that hand, when you're leading 24400 points in south 4 with 4 draws left ? I mean, unless it's just a casual friendly game, this is essentially a waste of points.
Knowing how and when to go for a yakuman is great, knowing when to fold is better.

I bet that Cat on the right would have dealt the Green dragon if that user had dealt some 3P.


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Sucks that Epoc disconnected, but eh,

Folding a yakuman is the most beta thing in this game ever, even if you are winning. The more you win the more money/points you get, and chance like that is not everyday happening.

how do I read oponnent discards

>Is zoning even real in this game?
Kind of. Patterns.

In south games we take turns with haneman hands. It's fun.

I had literally 2 of each dragon on the first draw, and nobody played a single damn dragon the entire match. Unbelievable.

yes it's possible.
Playing correctly will put you in a more advantageous position, hence more open to luck.

Nah, not against that obvious Honitsu-ready hand by the pink bitch.

Check any open calls they may have. Similar suits/half flush suits.
And then look at their pond. Dop you see sequence discardings? Then they probably have pairs. See the opposite with lots of pairs discarded? They probably have sequences, etc etc.

You're here

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I didn't get ron'd on, ysndr to the right dropped his 4 of circles and dealt into an 11000 mangan. I won the match but dammit I wanted a yakuman.

Not quite. Toimen hand value could have been at least mangan, while you could have won 48,000, so around 5 times that.
However, you chance of dealing in was (imho) largely over that ratio compared to completing this yakuman.
When people say mahjong is an EV game, that's not E-Penis misspelled.


it's called pretty girls mahjong solitaire

Calling Chi on 1-23 was a mistake. You could've easily drawn 1 or 4m yourself. The only thing you had to call was that Hatsu. Opening your hand made everyone paranoid that you might've had a big dick hand.
In the end, it's your impatience that lost you the game. Classic mistake.

I did it, nyaggers.
Closed hands have shown me the way.

Attached: certification.png (943x701, 452K)

What do you mean by zoning, preventing someone from winning?

>Hey that tile seems kinda dangerous, I probably shouldn't discard it
>Meh whatever, I don't want to fuck up my hand
>I bet it'll pass

Repeat ad nauseum
This is hell.

You think because it wasn't leaning towards a cheap open tanyao? Maybe. Damn, I'll get it next time.

>user becomes an akagi villain

Good girl.

Attached: 122817.jpg (225x350, 28K)

>almost finished building three concealed triplets
>nyagger pons a dragon

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east, 5+10s

I mean zone.
Like you fit into the situation.
Like your muscle memory is doing perfectly, without mistakes.
Like you are making decisions and actions without wasted actions

Attached: Zone.png (1159x651, 623K)

You can't have 1 in Tanyao.
Calling anything with 1 or 9 will raise suspicion level to the MAX "Oh, this guy must've a wind or dragon tile FOR SURE, I should be wary".
Look at that cat ysndi, he called 345 obviously because he had a dora (5s), I instantly know that he's going for quick Tanyao with some doras and not big dick fucking daisangen like the guy who called 123

This shit gives me brain damage.

Attached: big numbers.png (1396x775, 840K)

Good job lad, now the path to Adept 2 must be paved in crushed dreams and magic sand.

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I fucking love Zero.
FKMT's best work.

Always follow your gut.

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wan more

Go for nagashi mangan.

it's just a stupid cosmetic
I wish they had one for a modern blue stick

good way to start a match

Attached: MC27bHw[1].jpg (1702x852, 150K)

Honestly its all luck in the end, the nyaggers just make it more so because you only have ltill 30 tiles left to finish your hand, so whoever gets the best hand dealt from the beggining usually wins, all you can do is not deal in.

Nice kans.

Live by the dora, Die by the dora

Can you just fuck off with this shit?
Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about mahjong, then some anime titty mahjong game comes out and Yea Forums is flooded with your anime thots.
They make your pee-pee hard. We get it.
Now fuck off. Just cut out the middleman and go fap to hentai, you fucking retards.

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Well fuck me then, you're right. Thanks for the protip.

KAN nya

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4P south with 2 slots open, 5+20s






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I hope the guy who made the kan was ron'd.

I am sorry Dio. Will never happen again.

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Where do you guys even buy Mahjong sets? Im checking amazon and they're all chinese style sets.

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It's not just anime girls, it's playing with other guys on Yea Forums and the fact that it's the first beginner-friendly english mahjong client.

It's funny, because the exact opposite has been happening.
People come here asking where the porn is where most of the thread is actually talking about the game/Mangas with Mahjiong.

>I officially don't have enough coins to play ranked anymore


5+20s south

back to your e-celeb and twitter threads faggot

Can someone tell me what makes this one mahjong game appeal to you anons instead of the other thousands of mahjong games?

Attached: 1554265479917.jpg (640x791, 41K)

did they seriously rip off goku's staff and cloud there? it's even a fucking monkey.

>tfw dont really care about the waifushit and just want to play mahjong

Attached: 1537994314132.jpg (618x616, 56K)

Back to bronze with you, peasant.

get your welfare


It's mine now

need 2 more

anime girls obviously :-)

but seriously you're mistaken about there being thousands of others, mahjong soul is the one and only

The client doesn't fucking suck ass, gorgeous UI, Beginner friendly, and fully English.
Kill yourself, you stupid faggot.

Was it a private Yea Forums lobby? You can actually change the minimum amount of points first needs to win the game in the options when setting up a room.

The real amazing thing in that game was your left player. Judging from his discard with safe tiles (look at his last 7 discards), I would've suspected him to actually folding completely, but he's actually in tenpai with his own big dick hand (Haneman without riichi).

In contrast, you discarding that middle tile 6m there was a big mistake. From your perspective it's obvious that NOBODY ELSE had any Winds or Dragons (since you hoarded them all), so you should've suspected that pink bitch was in tenpai for an obvious Chinitsu.

But then you were ahead by far, so it's not like you had to worry about comeback win from anyone. even that Chinitsu was without Dora (a souzu tile). The only one who could've pulled a comeback was the left cat with his stealth win.

lots of english speakers are playing it, making it more fun for more english speakers to play it

Yeah it's Japanese and yeah the shipping will double the price but this is the best deal you can get.

Attached: Screenshot_20190512-194424_Chrome.jpg (530x325, 59K)

It's just userfriendliness. Tenhou was always popular among people who knew how to play but this is easier.

I thought that was a Ninja song

how do you play ranked again on the same account without spending money?

The shitposter has returned, report and ignore retards.

The only other good online mahjong client is Tenhou which is only in Japanese, in a tiny resolution and while the UI isn't bad, this one's is easier to use. Also everybody's on Yea Forums use it so that's where you have to go to play in friendly rooms.

post too homosexual

I told you to not waste your money to feed your cat

user... I don't have friends...


Any rooms open?

Attached: 17392765.jpg (700x817, 190K)

I play like a dozen mahjong games. This one is in English without a mod and has nice UI. And cute.

gg, again?( 85101 )

How many other clients with online play capability and an active playerbase are there? Hint: it's not thousands. Now how many of those clients are new player friendly? Hint: it's not even hundreds or tens.
Please tell me a site where I can play against other beginner players without this gacha faggotry and I'll go there.

Goku "ripped off" all of that from a super famous old Chinese book called Journey to the West. Everytime you see this it isn't a reference to dragon ball at all but to this story that's super famous in the whole east Asia.

Wait what, why did our game end on S4 if dealer was the one who won? No one was negative

honestly I'm just going to start a new account on my backup email accounts and grind back up to adept. I know what I'm doing now

And I got to Riichi 4 times in my first Silver game and won none of them, fucking hell.
Even got cucked by a nyagger tsumoing the tile I needed.

he was first

You know you don't have to riichi every time you get into a closed tenpai, right?

Dealer can stop the game at S4 if they are ahead. A lot of games just assume you would want to do this automatically.

lmfao jebaited nigga I already knew that

Never knew that


Attached: i want it.png (775x591, 26K)

What ? I was first in raked and dealer at S4 and It only ended when I put someone into negative. I had to win 6 times in a row.


And that's what I get for not calling you a retard for not knowing that. I should have listened to my heart.

I was in the lead anyway (as dealer), so it ends instead of carrying on. GG btw.

Yeah in theory the dealer could keep playing if they wanted to but usually nobody does because there's no advantage to it really.

beginner here, two questions
1. How do I unlock more waifus?
2. When ron is used, why is the player who discarded the player the only one who loses money?

It might be a rule setting, I don't know. In actual rules you're generally allowed to stop if you wish.

1. just buy them
2. just cuz

Ron is a direct hit, a punishment for the one dealing in

I kinda miss these silly strip games

If I got a shit hand, should I chi/pon so I can at least get Tanyao? I know trying for Riichi is better but sometimes my hands are so shit I don't really know what to do aside from try to steal a cheap Ron and prevent some wombo combo.

What's a good strategy on pon/chi?

Come play

Attached: 1557149976221.png (675x937, 552K)

>damaten all around in bronze JP
too bad it's dead

They still exist, FGO and Granblue got major releases.

yeesh, good game guys.

I just couldn't finish a hand, was the worsttt

Oh yeah, one more
When you get a kan how do you win since it's impossible to get 3 triples/sequences and 1 pair

There wouldn't be any thrill if staying in tenpai didn't mean risking banishment to the shadow realm.

There are yaku other than tanyao and riichi catbro.

I basically pon/chi if, and only if, my current hand has a yaku, or the pon would produce it. Even then, only if it's looking like my hand isn't going anywhere fast.

Was anybody above 30k? The game can't end until somebody is (unless somebody goes negative)

kan is counted as a triplet
you draw a tile to offset this

It counts similar to a triple and you're given a replacement tile when you call one

So is there any advantage to it other than stopping others from getting the tile?

>Reach closed tenpai
>No winning tiles left if I were to riichi
I hate this.

I was way above 30k. Here's the replay, if you want to see.
Mahjong Soul Game Log: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=190511-8fef4a6b-a169-4290-8cae-fb8e7e0e8a24_a925101039

imagine never looking at the discards

Reveal a new dora and makes you draw a new tile and steal a turn if you steal the tile.

Nagashi Mangan should be a Yakuman tbqh

It flips a new dora indicator and gives an extra uradora at the end of the round. It's also worth fu. Also, a few yaku involve kans.

Nyagashi Nyangan!

I like it because I'm an EOP brainlet who would never have played otherwise.

That's because you're in South 3, not South 4 (all last).

Only the last dealer has the luxury of the game ending when they win if they're 1st place+above 30k.

does she say it like that? I should have guessed

In that replay you busted them out in S3 not S4 so the rule would not have come into effect yet.

gg, i like fast games

I was waiting for one of two possible tiles to reach tenpai, and by the time I got one of them, the other players had discarded copies of the other one.

It was one of the last draws of the game though, and nobody got their winning tile.

It's the wrong replay then. But it's possible that I wasn't over 30k that time, then.

more like waihan am I right

I hope so.

At least I'm getting better at not being 4th.

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It'll be one or the other.

The only other possibility is it was a friendly lobby with custom settings.

Fuck, these games fill literally instantly.

Yeah, I'm probably misremembering.


you get extra copper if you win with them in your hand

will this ever come out on mobile? also how hard is it to get into this game - it looks really fun

Attached: kade.jpg (474x458, 27K)

Your tiles have become infected.
If you don't discard them, they start to spread to your other tiles. If all your tiles become infected, you lose. The upside is that if you can quickly make a hand with them, you get bonus points. The infect rate is really fast though, so it's usually not worth it.


The tile is calling for you.

Each tile worth 1000 copper in your winning hand.

mobile is coming yes, the game is definitely not brainlet friendly even if you can luck your way into mildly winning states


>user gets bullied by everyone for his low point hands

Attached: 1412959959579.png (364x384, 129K)

not too hard to get into unlike go or shogi but don't expect to become a pro within a day

ggs boys. remember to always kan

didnt even notice it was a east room

Attached: 1557507904235.png (555x555, 238K)

I'm one tile away from entering your mom's tenpai.

>play like garbage because all you can concentrate on is how badly you need to urinate
I'm glad it's over, I think I just passed three liters of liquid throw my body

Tell me your username so I can kick myself preemptively from all of your rooms.

at least watch akagi, newkek. it's embarrassing

You have no idea what you just destroyed.

Attached: chrome_2019-05-13_03-23-33.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

i remember back in the days mahjongTime had coffee breaks

yet another almost yakuman in Yea Forums games, you guys are cursed

always sucks when you have scary hands but you can't broadcast it so people brazenly continue with their 1 han hands

I did it Yea Forumsros.

Attached: d.png (326x119, 33K)

Wew lad


85101, South, 5+20
GG last game!
Yea Forums's tougher than ranked.

Mahjong fucking sucks and no one actually knows how to play especially weebs.

Attached: 1557177089536.png (938x660, 429K)

Who else /cursed/ here?

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What is this game and how 18+ does it get?

All the luck I wish I had in ranked seems to go to these friendlies instead. Or maybe you guys just open tanyao less, so I can actually go for all those delicious big plays.

Just a simple Mahjong game and it does not have fanservice.

>Yea Forums's tougher than ranked.
it's true, i always get fucked in Yea Forums lobbies

Majsoul Friends Room 79783(4-Player East): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=79783
4p EAST 60s timer 2/4

Newcomers welcome.

>That pic
What the actual fuck

Attached: Is this nigga serious.jpg (500x375, 46K)

Majsoul Friends Room 96325(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=96325

stop getting baiman tsumo while i'm dealer please
fuck cats

where do I use the "event tickets" in sega MJ?

Yea Forums is a fucking pushover.


pls join, 2/4

timer is 5+20s

Maybe you just have more experience than me.
Good for you.

I would but I'm too busy nyaaniggering in ranked

After 24 games, I did it. I feel like this is only the beginning and I'm about to get punished some more.

Attached: Screenshot (121)_LI.jpg (1047x729, 135K)

How are placements determined if people have equal score?


It's in English, it's free, and it's easy to make custom lobbies
No other client has hit all that before and that's the real reason it's blown up instead of the waifus, but that helps for OC and stuff

Mahjong has already been Yea Forumscore thanks to Yakuza, Akagi, and the old Tenhou L7447 threads but we just didn't have a good client that was clean and beginner friendly enough to stir up a real following until now

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And NoobAnon is the bane of my existence

Attached: FUCK1.jpg (1733x958, 294K)

gg #60950
Dora was a mistake, I got robbed

It's in english and the tiles are translated which is a godsend for timed games, then there is the neat hints the UI gives, like highlight pieces on the discard pile and hinting what is missing to close the hand

Why the fuck is bronze room almost completely ignoring full hanchans what the fuck

The one on nicodouga is dead and I missed playing with cute girls and emotes while learning mahjong as I go along.

Attached: 17250_image_00001.jpg (118x112, 9K)

i wish iipeikou was like sanshoku where it's 2 han closed and 1 open instead of closed only and only 1 han

Sorry rigged. I honestly feel bad, but you did walk straight into two half flushes.

same info

It's all beginners they pick the first option if they don't know or the short games if they do.

2/4 now
send help

Nice nyanpai, bros

I put on Auto-win, but I'm also skilled enough that I can open the emote palette and spam what I want anyways, making me the biggest of dicks.

I will get you one day.

One day..

I guess because people want to quickly grind up to silver room.
Unfortunately I think I'm getting addicted to east-only games. It feels like it's not even "real mahjong" but I can't stop.

too fucking long, like I want to play with the same people for 30-45 mins even if im winning the entire time with no time to take a piss or smoke

2011 is better

Iipeikou is made for bullying

Majsoul Friends Room 85101(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=85101
Let's go, 3/4, hags only. Or a cat for us all to Ron, I don't care.

85101, South, 5+20

i'm convinced rng is on your side when you first log in then slowly fades

>Even idiots would've known that somebody else must've been holding them.
Why the fuck are you getting so haughty about this when there have been COUNTLESS videos passed around in the last few days of people being at that skill level?

Silver Room

Not him, but I legit thought that you were talking about fighting game zoning, as in you're spamming attacks to keep them zoned out.

>randomly disconnect from the game
>character auto-discards into a sanbaiman
>all progress over the last couple days lost from a random disconnect
Just don't get 4th they said. It's easy they said.

Attached: 1498006470923.jpg (462x482, 121K)

Yes, and? Silver room is full of rank novices too.

Whoops, my bad
Good games though. The blitz time really forced me to think fast

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You can play on your phone without problems. Game works well on my Xiaomi mi4i from 2015.

I get graphical glitches sometimes that makes the entire screen turn black and I have to refresh.
Really really annoying.

>draw tile
>get feeling it's dangerous
>save it the whole hand
>it WAS dangerous
feels good man

And then you accidentally pressed Back... RIP.
I'll wait for mobile app.

>draw a tile
>can feel its dangerous
>look at my hand
>the entire thing is dangerous

fat fingers detected

I just have this strong desire to press buttons. I hate this disability. what a huge nuisance.

play fighting games decent people
maybe then you'll learn not press buttons

I'm here to fuck some bitches.
Standard rules, Hanchan.

Attached: Gun.png (1431x1070, 2.2M)

>winning by 200 points
wtf easy?

gg. that 200 point lead, very clutch