Why are AAA western games so shit?
Why are AAA western games so shit?
who is this slut?
Posting subhuman plastic gooks should warrant a permaban
Stay toasty roasty
why do everything that comes out of s.korea and japan feels so synthetic and fake?
Everytime I see a thirsty ass virgin user here asking for sauce, posting lewd anime pictures, and the like, I feel like a god. I am so beyond these mortal desires for sex that I cannot help but see how pathetic and weak minded you all are.
Some Korean whore, dont bother with her, there are videogames to finish
So tired of seeing this cute-tryhard slut. Stop posting her and get some standards.
t. white whale
South koreans only exist as plastic cock sleeves
why are people are attracted to this
jealous roastbeef detected
that's mostly korean thing
japanes stuff often has soul
all kpop stars i've seen are dead inside
actually pretty based
Too skinny
Ok, pastor.
S.Koreans get loads of plastic surgery. There was a place in Seoul that got a fine for having two towers on display (that were later removed) filled with jaw bones of their past patients.
Being a eunuch isn’t something to be proud of user
korean thots are disgusting
>posts korean plastic
>filled with jaw bones of their past patients
Don't you need that shit to eat
It's definitely liberating to be in control of your libido, but you're being silly
it is according to liberals
They don't remove the full jaw, they just shave down and remove parts of it
There's more to life than tugging your damaged, overworked, barely functioning semi-erect cock to girls who don't know you exist, or drawings of girls that don't exist
They dont remove the entire thing they just cut like half of it so they can have a cutesy fake plastic anime jawline
>grew up wanting to find myself a japanese wife
>only a couple years ago realized how korean girls all have this sexy face that makes me jizz all over myself
I dont even care if its through surgery or makeup, nowadays every women does it anyway so theres no avoiding it.
If I can ever get my hands on a cute korean wife she aint getting no sleep...
it's shavings, they do it to de-round the jaw and make their faces have a sharper angle, they don't remove the whole jaw
In this case it's justified, but it's probably 1% of the cases
Western games have always been bad. It's a tradition.
have sex
and have children
user you might be retarded
Asexual Yea Forumsros WW@
Because perpetual children who can't attract real women lust over baby brains because that's the only demographic they (delusionally believe to) hold any form of dominance over.
Fuck you, Abe
I can't think of anything sadder than being a sexless moron. The desire for sex is a human urge at its most primal, beyond even the need to eat. This is like laughing at people posting pictures of food because you drink onions for every meal and are "beyond" the petty desires of taste.
>shaving chunks off your bones
Shouldnt that hurt like forever?
Titfags will defend this. Not thighs, ass or hips only bags of sand...
fucking hate children
fuck off
>implying Eastern AAA games aren't as bad.
When AAA western devs make shovelware, we get shit like Far Cry New Dawn.
When AAA Eastern devs make shovelware, we get shit like Last Alive.
>beyond even the need to eat
Ok retard, let's give one person sex whenever they want it and one person food whenever they want it and see who will die first
You can be asexual, you can't be aconsumptional
Anything you want my pure wife
is this the suffering thread?
Did you know its possible to have sex without being addicted to masturbating? Did you know fapping doesn't actually count as real sex? One thing sadder than being a "sexless moron" is deluding yourself into thinking that porn and fap addiction is something to be proud of, but I'm not surprised a brainlet like yourself couldn't think of that.
Please kind anons, source me up!
Or gimme a cute korean girl that does porn!
I don't have much hair though
Google "Korean porn" and you'll find a million girls who look and act exactly the same.
Imagine white knighting some Korean whore
Oh christ, you're a no-fap cultist. Don't you have some youth abstinence programs to prepare for or something, you freak?
Keep thinking that not jerking off somehow makes you more of a man, though.
Mixed Asian girls are the best.
t. spent a month in Japan and all of the fun girls were mixed
I agree that self control is a great thing, but looking down on others isn't the way.
based and sexpilled
I'd be suffering too if I removed my jaw bone and I couldn't eat good food anymore
Stupid fucking neanderthal mongoloid dipshit nigger faggot cunt trash janny
>tfw a girl likes you
You don't have to be on nofap to realise that sex with an actual woman is better than masturbating. You keep making shit up to support your argument because you don't have an actual point, you just want to keep defending tugging your weiner and bragging about it like it's something to be proud of. Youre such a faggot and you don't even realise it.
Top kek
because filthy mutts don't give a shit about ruining their heritage
*inhales* Hahahahahahahhahahahhaha *wheezes* hahaha.....
Most of the pure breed girls put on WAY too much make-up. Its like being with a clown
ayy lmao
I do this for my boyfriend. And give him massages whenever he's starting to feel sore cause I'm a Massage Therapist. And cook various foods for both of us cause he doesn't know how to cook.
It feels good to make someone else as happy as they make you.