What a coincidence that all the good guys of history would also be assassins.
What a coincidence that all the good guys of history would also be assassins
Other urls found in this thread:
>any of those assassins
>good guys
Why are the Templars painted as the bad guys? The assassins are a bunch of brainlet anarchists with no real plan for the future.
>Henry Ford
Aside from his brush with fascism, didn’t he do mostly good? After all, he paid better than usual salaries for his employees and developed industrial management to a next level.
Churchill was a Templar puppet too, WW2 was a Templar setup
well he DID get his assassins to kill a shit ton of people
>Pro ass-assassin
Literally what?
>Henry Ford
I'm noticing a trend here...
>winston churchill
What's wrong with Churchill?
America's most loyal servant
He started World War II to preserve globalist banking interests. Get an education.
whoever made that picture is a fucking retard
>Why are the Templars painted as the bad guys? The assassins are a bunch of brainlet anarchists with no real plan for the future.
By the time you play as Haytham in the beginning of AC3, you realize that some templars are also good guys with noble aspirations for world peace.
Then you play as some little edgelord who kills them all anyway because of muh revenge.
That's probably the thing I liked least about AC3 more than anything else. I legit felt bad assassinating the people I was supposed to hate.
Lindy, pls.
I love how Henry Ford historically would be an Assassin, but they had to make him a Templar because he was anti-semitic.
Stay classy, (((Ubisoft)))
>Alexander Graham Bell
>invented the first practical telephone
yeah right
Besides being retarded?
>Qin Shi Huang
all you're doing is handing control to whoever owns the press
Come on.
But he wasn't PM when Britain declared war, that was Neville Chamberlain
Is this actually canon? I haven't given a shit about AC since the first one.
I can't believe they managed to figure out away to shoehorn in le ebil natzee's!!
It is a travesty that people even think this. Shows how badly our education system has failed.
he's largely responsible for turning iran from a secular democracy into an islamic republic
>Xerxes and Alexander
>Both Templars just because
> Lenin
> Good guy
What, didn’t you know that Henry Ford actually used an apple of eden to brain control his employees into thinking they were getting payed more but they were really getting payed less.
Churchill HATE thread?
Ill post this early.
the difference is marginal, the majority of each side is made up of terrible people, I think /pol/ is getting into your head too much and you see hitler on one side and it automatically triggers a reaction of "this side must really be the good guys". While hitler is indeed a good guy, that does not make the templars good guys as a whole, nor the opposite, as only 1-2 other people on that entire lineup are actual decent people, at least one of which is on the opposite side. Do I think they may have tried to push an agenda with this? sure. but objectively speaking, almost nobody up there is good.
sold out the white race to bankers and globalist JEWS
Fuck churchill
That was probably the best part, for the first time they painted the conflict as two opposing ideologies in an organic and natural way. The player had actual moral dilemma, i felt bad killing Haytham, i could understand Lee emotions after that. Their arguments were good, each templar shuts Connor down with logic and facts while all he does is obeying a metal ball. American patriots got called on their bullshit and brits weren't painted as 18th century nazis.
Too bad they threw everything in the shitter in the next game where templars are all slave owners and assassins are proud native warriors defending their freedom
the primary factor in determining a person's goodness in 1945+XX is whether or not you know who like them
in odyssey they pivot again and try the old "actually both sides are bad" trick
American puppet who wanted a war to further American domination of Europe and to regain his reputation after he'd destroyed it at Galipoli.
He didn't prevent the bombing of dresden and therefore is an accomplice to a war crime.
They shoulda gone with:
>Wants to uphold decentralization of power, if not on the national stage then the international stage. May want a stronger centralized power but not excessive/absolutist.
>Wants to centralize power/control, either excessively on the national stage (Authoritarian/totalitarian) or on the international stage.
So you could get some juicy shit of the confederacy being assassins and the union being templars instead of >templars are all slave owners and assassins are proud native warriors defending their freedom
If any man could be held singlehandedly responsible for the jews having as much power and influence over the western world as they do today, it's Churchill.
>Vladimir Lenin
Gee, I wonder who can possibly be the head producers at Ubisoft.
tesla hated women
he's definitely a good guy
>actually both sides are bad" trick
You are not an Assassin in Odyssey? Unless it's about the Darius DLC which I haven't played.
Because hating anyone who was ever considered good in the historical record and claiming they were totally evil and everyone else is too dumb to see it is the hip cool trendy stance to take these days.
If you're thinking of jews in this particular case you're probably not aware of what a pogrom is, and how much communist russia loved that
Not sure but modern day Brits hate him for whatever reason. I remember a story a couple years back where people were getting arrested in London for quoting Winston Churchill. Shit is bananas.
He also tried to give orders to drop 450,000 anthrax bombs on Germany that would've left a significant portion of Europe uninhabitable to this day. Because he was drunk.
Most upper military ranks knew it was absolutely ridiculous but were too cowardly to openly disagree and instead made excuses for why they couldn't.
>all the Templars allies are evil or terrible people
wheres my lindy holding a gun pic
Tesla and Da Vinci are both pretty good tbqf
>Alexander the based
>Lavoisier, killed by revolushits because Republic doesn't need savants
Wtf I love templars now
No, Germany started it.
Didn't let edgy Nazis take over Europe. Obviously that upsets them as they think they are owed things despite being darwinistic.
>xerxes was templar
>alexander was a templar
history brainlets at ubisoft
>Most upper military ranks knew it was absolutely ridiculous but were too cowardly to openly disagree and instead made excuses for why they couldn't
Including that Bomber Harris guy?
Neither side's ideology makes sense with who they side with from one era to the next. Nothing about it feels organic.
That was common sentiment after Prussia ate up the empire.
Tbh if I had to choose between Hitler or Churchill, I'll go with Hitler
Left crazies hate him because he was a "bigoted racist, colonialist warlord sexist pig", NPC's see him as "muh patriotic icon, defend OUR BRITIAIN WAAAYYYY" and based and redpilled gentlemen know him as the man who sold out the west, UK and insisted on the needless suffering of millions of good blooded, healthy white, European families.
>Tesla was an assassin
>people steal half his research and falsely attribute it to (((Einstein)))
I honestly haven't seen a single photo that portrays hitler in a negatively
>That was probably the best part, for the first time they painted the conflict as two opposing ideologies in an organic and natural way.
1 actually did this really well and I wish it was more acknowledged for it. I still think the best AC story is 1 desu
>all the good guys of history
Churchill was a massive racist who starved millions of poos during WW2.
>Why are the Templars painted as the bad guys?
They not anymore, not really. After Assassin's Creed 3 things get much more grey. Hell Unity was kind of mind blowing because it was developed by Frenchmen, but it painted the most of the French Revolutionaries as the evil Templars and the Monarchy and its sympathizers as the assassins, with the exception of Napoleon who was made out to also be bad in the end.
Dresden should have been razed to the ground as should every German city.
Too bad the Brits didn't develop a nuke at the time.
>alexander is a templar
>napoleon is an assasin
sounds pretty good
neither the assassins nor the templars exist in odyssey because it predates origins by like 400 years
I don't think that one made it to bomber harris. He lead the bombings in the air and commanded units, the ones it were discussed with would be the ones at the high table. Military generals, strategists and such, aswell as others with specialist knowledge like weather experts.
No, that would be Hitler.
ITT: kraut sympathizers
AC Rogue completely throws the assassins under the bus and makes them out to be worse than the templars.
what about blackbeard?
>manlet who loses a war so badly that he needs to kill himself
Hard to take a photo like that, when guy did nothing wrong.
Roosevelt is objectively a good guy but was a Templar ally.
filthy anglos destroying europe and then blaming other countries
In AC 1 they still spent a lot of time trying to make you hate each one of the people you kill, but i agree that it had good moments. The final fight is still stuck in my head after a decade
Didn't AC2 explicitly state World War 2 was a templar false flag and Churchill, Hitler, FDR and Stalin were all templars puppets?
Why is Churchill part of the assassins now? Does no one in Ubisoft remember the shit they wrote?
FDR and LBJ are also Templars.
>We're getting Assassins Creed Japan in 2020
Are you ready, Yea Forums?
Who's "they"?
Dresden is like 10% of what the Germans did.
>starved millions of poos
After working with poo "Developers" i'm displeased he didn't starved more
Retards who think when you invade countries with defensive pacts, their allies are bad for following said pacts you knew they had.
It's kinda surreal to see how much society has turned into such oversensitive pussies that a tea kettle offends people and even the companies freak out about it.
>ruin the roman empire by illegally invading
as opposed to LEGALLY invading?
Use basic education skills, user.
>not the one invading half of europe and the middle east
Ghost of Tsushima 2020 release?
no thanks, already played Sekiro and had enough japanese assassinations
The Assassins and Templars or rather their struggle exist since the times of Those Who Came Before.
Adam and Eve where the first leaders of the proto-Assassins as explained by AC2 + Brotherhood by Subject 16's glyphs, also Liberations true ending.
Doesn't matter, it's still a war crime.
imagine a world without anglos
>basic education skills
What does that mean? Like teaching?
Wish Bomber Harris had nukes.
Because Ubisoft is European. Do I need to say anything else?
Wasn't Hitler an assassin gone bad?
Give me one reason, using Hitler's own ideology, why Britain shouldn't have gone through with the plan. Total war only when it comes to killing non-german civilians, huh?
t. Man assuming the supreme dictator will always be his ideology
I'm just thinking that SJW are literally commies driven by russian propaganda and they are infesting every institution in the US.
Do it again, Bomber Harris
>Lenin and Queen Elizabeth assassin allies
Wew boy, that's some retarded logic Ubisoft
>Alexander a fucking templar ally
Oh fuck off
>No, Germany started it
actually, this is incorrect, hitler jailed a rothschild, and the rest of europe retaliated, proving his point that the rothschilds owned the planet.
>Russian propaganda
Are you Latin American, lol
They should have done it. The more dead G*rmans the better.
based and truthpilled
>ensures Jews basically are in global major power for a century or more
>destroyed Germany in a way where it may not ever truly recovered
Even if you hate jews, the guy was a fucking retard and you're just an edgelord.
Based Europe keeping freedom alive after America decided to let go of it.
So white guilt ?
>Upper Image
Oh yeah, all those European born religions just disappeared on their own, very peacefully.
You don't think invading every neighboring country had something to do with it?
gee it's almost like these games were made by a Quebec studio
What surprises me is that ((they)) haven't got rid of all these photos of him
>WWII started because of a Rothschild
This is why you don't go on /pol/, it literally rots your brain
>good guys
yeah right.
Nazis used to have strong opinions on suicide.
>Slave/Servant of
what kind of retard has a name that isn't even complete?
everybody shits on AC3 because it's boring and it's an unsatisfactory ending to the original story
but I hate it because George Washington is an antagonist.
you mean after they had already censured and sanctioned him for his perfectly legal arrest of someone practicing usury in his territory, giving him only the options to slowly be destroyed by trade rape or retaliate? whew lad.
Poland, Czechia, and the low countries weren't real countries.
>A good guy
Wtf im a Templair now
Paula Abdul
brit spotted
For half of the planet he's a hero
>Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild no longer exists
or I guess you could just go read the wikipedia article and say to yourself, "oh, see it says right here, they only arrested him because he was jewish, it must be the truth".
Alexander literally tried the world's first globalist project.
>thinks UK leaving is bad for anyone but UK
>Churchill the Pro Colonization prime minister
>aided by assassins who are staunchly left-leaning
Napoleon was selfish little shitbag who went full megalomania and narcissism. Sort of a proto-Hitler in many ways, dumb frog.
It actually started because Churchill didn't want to let Germany make colonies into the Middle to Far East, as Hitler was planning.
I become rock hard when I remember that Churchill died knowing his Empire crumbled because of him.
If the theory was true it would also weaken antisemitism in general, because Hitler had already jailed countless jews and nothing happened, but this one would trigger the war.
See how it doesn't work?
No we're not. We're getting the Nordic pantheon. Origins was egyptian pantheon, and after that it was the Greek Pantheon. It's the pantheon trinity, user.
Didn't nepoleon torture and murder prisoners?
>have revolution to take down a king
>guy takes over and names himself emperor, tries to conquer all of europe immediately
how is this a hero?
Tesla is the most reddit historical figure
No he isn't.
No, not incorrect. Germany invaded Poland. Poland had a pact with other countries. Germany also violated tons of treaties.
I only played AC up to 2, but wasn't everyone in WW2 a templar? Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin?
I don't understand this infograph. The Templars allies are chaotic/destructive/cheaters while the Assassin allies are....More free willed?
There's like zero hearsay to this. Because, Hitler and Lenin demolished the Freemason lodges, Winston Churchill, Napoleon were freemasons. What are the Templar's ideology anyways?
Napoleon was the enlightened monarch that Absolutists dreamt of, but they were too blind to accept his truth.
Fucking russians got literal spartans backing them up
Because he shat all over the eternal Anglo's mouth and it took an entire coalition to kill him a true hero and a real human being.
Nothing at all. He's a hero.
Lenin did nothing wrong, stinky amerimutts. He was simply the punishment for the sins and regression of imperial Russia. They had it coming, just like the frogs with their precious little revolution.
Jesus, pick up a history book
Sort of, but I was more implying modern day crusades/history repeating itself.
There was a trend I noticed in school that painted Europeans/christians as the bad guys who started the crusades from a base level. Every history class I had did this, which is odd and inaccurate since Europe was being invaded and accosted by Islamic expansion/conquerors for over 200 years before the church decided to do anything about it.
this "christians started it" sentiment carries on today as the popular 'truth'. Thusly, it'd only make sense a company that tries to be hip would cater to the new generation would go along with a plot line that enforces the modern public opinion.
You forgot the bit in between, when the whole revolution went to shit and Napoleon dictatorship was better than the revolutionary tyranny
The revolution was a diarrhea mess.
Natives were the confederate allies though...
>tries to liberate all of europe immediately
the only crime is that he didn't liquefy all you fucking krauts
It does kinda look like hitler 2bh
Are there any other notable figures in history with allegiance with either the Assassins or Templars?
I see how it works in my favor, if that's what you are asking, even going along with your bullshit made up story.
your story:
>jail a ton of jews
>nothing happens
>jail a rothschild
>immediately shit starts to happen
now lets look at the reality
>hitler gives jews a couple YEARS to get out, and despite mass media claims, allows them to take all their shit with them during this period, and tells them exactly what will happen if they stay
>many stay because they are filthy parasites who cannot survive in a community made up only of other jews
>he follows through with his promises
>jews: "m-muh antisemitism"
>arrests a rothschild for breaking the laws of his country
>the rest of the world: "m-muh antisemitism!"
I wll never forgive the perfidious anglos and the vile french for their actions in the crimean war
shut up, that's why we don't cover the civil war, now fuck off
>that /x/ tier history in this thread
years ago I would have LARPed too, but we have seen to what it leads
Name some history books you've read
it was still wrong for him to hijack the revolution to put himself in as monarch
this is the real answer, he was a hero because he was good at wars until he wasn't. Genghis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia and it wasn't because of his tax policy, same for Napoleon and France
Amazing how Christianity was only spread with good works and faith. Islam could learn a thing or two from the True Faith.
God you're retarded. So you never got the memo about the 100000 peace deals, rudolf hess' peace mission or the "last appeal to reason" where adolf literally dropped newspapers over london saying he didn't want any of this. You were seen as a traitor or a yellowbelly if you read them of course.
>Why don't persecuted people just leave? It's their fault.
>napoleon, elizabeth and lenin all good
meanwhile they put alexander and xerxes as evil
and instead of fixing the problems Napoleon basically just said to hell with the whole Revolution thing, I'll just be a king but I'll be a better king. That's not a long term solution.
>this is your brain on /pol/
>have nothing but vague impressions of history you picked up from entertainment media and popular culture
>claim anything that clashes with your impressions as /x/ tier and anyone better educated a larper
jews strangled germany for decades before that point, they were the persecutors, not the persecuted.
So you are telling me revenge on civvies is good?
drastic times call for drastic measures
so you're saying islam is based af?
If I had just seen the magazine my first thought would have been "Oh, they still make tea kettles?", not "Oh shit, it's Hitler! Those fucking Nazis!" It's all gotten a bit silly at this point. Clown world, and all that.
the supreme dictator derives his power from the people, he does not exist if not for his people, it would behoove him to work within his power to support and uplift them.
compare the state of Libya and Iraq before and after democracy.
isn't it funny that the two remaining supreme dictatorships on the planet are the only two states without a central bank? unless you live in those places you are a slave to international finance and debt based fiat currency
in 50 years North Korea will remain Korean, whereas Europe and NA will have been replaced by immigrants and exist as just another rootless cosmopolitan wasteland
>I don't like history and believe in a boogeyman
>so everything written down is a lie as soon as it is not in line with my "reality"
>Lenin did nothing wrong
Oh man, where do I even begin?
Not only did Lenin go against Marxist doctrines so he could pay off the war debts accrued by the Russian Civil war and the Invasion of Poland. He killed off farmers because he implemented a collective farms policy that effectively destroyed the Soviet Union agricultural production and resulted in needless deaths of thousands of Russians. He and Trotsky alienated the Soviet Union because muh world wide revolution.
Thank God Stalin murdered them all off. Any Leninist and Trotskite should be killed by Maoist and Stalinist. Because that's their only fate.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
What? Didn't data files in 2 or Brotherhood say WW2 was a planned population curb/preparing the masses for power grabbing?
do it again bomber harris
tell me this isn't the spitting image of him
>try a republic
>it doesn't work, it's actually fucking terrible
>"b-but he should have tried again!"
well they do hate women and gays
Have you ever read any of Hitler's work? Any of his speeches? His reasoning for the brutality on the pole and the war on the soviets? He and especially Mussolini had very strong views on the glory of war, now tell me, why should I care about the safety of the German and Italian people after they elected leaders who glorified war and destruction? Because I don't, they should have continued to bomb their cities while playing their leaders' own speeches
For what purpose? You're literally trying to deny that WWII started when Germany invaded Poland, this is a well documented fact.
>hate women
>and gays
AND redpilled
The modern day ones are still cartoonishly evil which is an issue.
Financial backers of the Bolsheviks were Jews, along with Communist uprisings largely having Jewish heads that led the uprisings.
Christ, read history.
Was about to post this.
t. church lackey
oh yeah, da juice and the big conspiracy consisiting of disgusting subhumans that are still more intelligent than anyone else
wouldn't that make anyone else a subhuman?
>bad guy
So you've not actually read any? How would you know what's "well documented" when you haven't even done the most rudimentary research
>What? Didn't data files in 2 or Brotherhood say WW2 was a planned population curb/preparing the masses for power grabbing?
In 2, yeah, and everyone was in on it, Hitler was a templar gone rogue.
Germany should have been nuked, especially the civilians.
better than the monarchy that put them in the situation in the first place. It's not like a republic was some brand new unproven idea at that point in time, there were numerous points of reference. But no Napoleon hijacked the revolutionary fervor to hit the reset button except with him at the center of everything this time. Fuck him, fuck monarchs and fuck monarch apologists.
that's not what you guys were talking about. why are you wehraboos always so bad at arguing?
Not to mention Adolf's hesitance to retaliate with air raids, appeals for disarmament in his early years, personal disarmament of Germany as a goodwill gesture, etc. all of which just got ignored and thrown back in his face. At some point you just have to accept that the enemy is an insane kike enabler who will exterminate you entirely if you don't cut off their head first.
it officially started when france and bongs declared war
>muh murrican telephone
>implying the fall of the roman empire wasn't making christianity mandatory and attaching itself to religion
repression of the working class during and after the war. Top class asshole.
Other NIGGERS from the assassin's list are Lenin and Napoleon
Could someone post the one that is like pic related but for Anglos.
French republic was actually a fucking horror show
And Napoleon didn't "hijack" shit, retard
Educate yourself, please
If you supported a leader who said he was going to destroy other nations you deserve it. People are quick to ask for violence but cry when they receive it. Its why I have no pity for any group that elected a tyrant or a terrorist.
He quite literally fixed it by instituing the democratic reforms, laws and modernization of the country the bourgeoisie/urban middle class so wanted, the difference is that all of those reforms would be under his authoritarian rule, something very similar to the prussian socialism of the late 19th century.
>n-no u
Yeah, whatever man. No one cares about your schizo interpretations of history.
Incredibly ironic and lame deflection
It's funny how everyone forgets that the Soviet Union co-invaded Poland to liberate the ethnic Ukrainians and yet no one seems to mention that tid bit.
I liked Rogue because the Assassin's have literally no goals or personality outside of fucking with Templars. It felt good to play as the actual proactive group for once.
Germans dropped bombs on London first.
Which Roosevelt? Teddy was based and arguably one of the best US presidents, FDR was a fucking power tripping cripple that antagonized the Japanese to attack just so he could send millions on Americans to died in a war for (((them))).
have sex
>He and especially Mussolini had very strong views on the glory of war, now tell me, why should I care about the safety of the German and Italian people after they elected leaders who glorified war and destruction?
three main reasons:
1. killing non-combatants is immoral
2. not all of the Germans supported him. He gained power without a majority of the vote in fact.
3. it's dubious that terror bombing ever actually had any effect of bringing the war to a quicker end. Hell historians still debate whether the nuclear bombs had any real effect on Japan's surrender. From Japan's perspective the USA had access to weapons that could completely wipe out the Japanese as a people quite easily, and historians debate whether even THAT contributed to the close of the war.
They declared war because Germany invaded Poland you tard
Churchill actually distanced himself from this.
And Churchill wanted war with the Soviets to fix that. Or you could also look at the angle of Hitler aiding the Soviets on that moment, but whatever.
You'd have to be brain dead to think Churchill is good because he was on the other side than the nazis
based salahuddin putting the jews in their place
>be 2012
>be 80+ years after war has ended
>world press changes official story on mass graves in poland from being germany's fault to the USSR's fault
>be mass media
>don't cover this ever
>hitler is still blamed
I wonder who the fuck owns mass media, why would they not cover such a big piece of news.
What's that supposed to prove, retard? The Jewish people have historically worked in the financial sector of society. That is what they were known for and that's where the negative stereotype of them all being greedy comes from. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the financiers were Jewish. Also, what does being Jewish have to do with any of that? You act like being Jewish is the only thing going on with these people. That there is literally nothing else motivating them, nothing else making them tick besides the fact they are Jewish. Why doesn't this happen with other religions? Why isn't there a Christian conspiracy theory that highlights all the people in positions of power who happen to be Catholic or Protestant?
You have literally only read what you've wanted to read. I've read all his speeches, listened to any surviving audios. Saying he glorified war and destruction is absolutely disingenuous.
He glorified standing up for yourself and not tolerating nonsense and being bullied around by countries lead by people who are mentally unsound. I have heard him numerous times talk about how awful war is and how it should absolutely be avoided whatever means possible. The actions and directions of his war orders would make him easily the most humane. You can tell he carefully considered how the world would perceive the war in a few hundred years past and was the only leader that did so.
At this point i'm convinced you're just a jew who is scared to accept reality.
Churchill wanted a war with soviets only in retrospect when it was in his American masters' interest
Found the kike.
>Russian propaganda
user, please remind what happened in 1991 before embarrassing yourself
Yeah, it was one of the best aspects of 2.
Up until then, it was just typical "Oh le evil secret organization."
But then they reveal that it was not like "Nazis were Templars" but that everyone was a templar, the allies, the commies, the nazis. It was fucking absurd, and it really cemented the Templars as its own secret organization.
it was churchills idea to attack the soviets, patton was on board but the american leadership was against it.
suddenly separate but equal doesn't seem so bad huh...
It's a good thing whoever made this image completely forgot about the christians poisoning the roman empire to its core with stealth propaganda and hiding in the cities catacombs like rats until they managed to find a puppet emperor to bend to their will.
Muslims may have been barbaric, but at least they were honest with the jihads.
Strange how the British and French only declared war on Germany for invading Poland when the Russians did the exact same thing to the other half of the country.
thats the casus belli
who started the world war is technically frogs and bongs
After the war yeah.
But Churchill made a pact with the Soviet Union and the US to all declare war on Nazi Germany. It worked
So, the real question is. Did Hitler invade the Soviet Union as a preemptive strike to finish an enemy off while it was weak or was Hitler aiding the Soviets?
>hitler hated war because he said he did
and yet
still a war criminal. Worse than being a pedophile imo.
>good guy
Oh dear
>What's that supposed to prove, retard?
What does it mean to you?
Also, no. Jews have been mostly nomadic for their history in Europe.
It wasn't up until the 1600's that they entered into the financial sector.
"War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it. "
Is just a quick quote from Mussolini, saying fascists didn't glorify war is disingenuous. Ignoring the nature of Living Space and how it should be attained is disingenuous.
It's a fucking tea kettle, user. If you put them side-by-side, then yes, there is a little resemblance. It's called a coincidence, good lord.
hitler wanted that premium farming land and was deluded into thinking he could defeat the soviets after their abysmal performance in finland, then he realized that a fanatical nation with a giant population and lack of respect for the individual human life isnt an easy opponent who's country is a wasteland with no infrastructure and a massive front.
You're attributing characteristics of the greeks to christians in general
Greeks co-opted christianity, usurped the empire and moved the capital east, hardly a coincidence
>WW2 was merely a cover for increased corporate control
Surprisingly redpilled for a Ubisoft game
>implying Templars didn’t want slavery to exist
Templar’s want peace and order by any means necessary. What better way of keeping peace and order by establishing slavery and a caste system?
As the saying goes peace for me not for thee.
Churchill would definitely be a Templar
>"goog guys"
Only if you have a plebs knowledge of history.
Early AC lore was actually interesting, later AC lore became generic 'bad people are bad' crap.
It was a single bomb that went offtarget on a foggy day and it wasn't fatal to anyone. Churchill used it as an excuse to bomb the shit out of Germany while Hitler repeated looked over and asked what the fuck he was doing, for 3 months, before eventually starting the blitzkrieg after a famous Reichstag speech.
He only made himself appear bloodthirsty when attempting to intimidate his enemies and ensure they knew he wasn't bluffing. Also to psych up the Germans,
shut up glow nigger
>hitler wanted that premium farming land
Oh my god.
Jesus, don't tell me you believe this.
Drop the Saturday morning cartoon bullshit.
The Soviet Union was making deals with the UK and was posing an active threat against Nazi Germany. For peat fucking sakes everyone knows this by now.
Henry Ford is bad because he’s woke on the JQ
Is he appearing to be bloodthirsty or is he not bluffing?
>Woke on the JQ
Napoleon wasn't really a good guy in unity tbf
They're not. Alexios is actually the first Templar.
It means nothing. It just means they happen to be Jewish. It's just as significant as if they have brown hair or if they're six feet tall.
People in power who share a similar trait is not an indication of a global conspiracy. Saying that these heads of state or CEOs are Jewish means jack shit because I can do the same thing with Protestants or Muslims or Catholics.
Why don't you show me proof of this global cabal of Jewish overlords? Show me some documents from their meetings, show me some some correspondence between them that proves they work together to suppress other religions. Certainly, if they've been in power for hundreds of years and pulled all the strings, something must have leaked.
>nothing was ever hitlers fault, he was just reacting to people threatening him
okay sure user
So was Hitler, its not like Hitler hadn't made threats towards the SU
It was Germany's cause to invade Poland that directly started the war. Obviously Poland's allies would retaliate
Shhhhhh, the guy is clearly right, his highschool history teacher told him those facts.
Yes? You talk as if Freemasonry is somehow Jewish.
>Mission: Kill Oda Nobunaga
Reminder Israel internet defense is a legitimate thing
it leaks all the time, it is simply passed off as nonsense and people like (You) fall for it hook line and sinker. They are sinister to the extent that they control all sources of major broadcast of information and preemptively make their wrongdoing both completely public and completely absurd-sounding so the average person actually knows everything they have done but believe none of it.
what a fucking manlet lmao
You keep excusing every threat or political action Hitler took but the moment a rival nation does it you raise it as a reason why attacking said nation was correct.
Using all of your reasons why "Hitler had the right to attack" you could justify some nations attacking Germany all the way into the mid-30s
I hate what they've done with the assassin/templar stuff since 1.
1 was all about you being led to believe there is a strict idea of good and bad in the world: that the assassins inherently good and the templars inherently bad. Then, you discover that both sides are just as greedy for power and control, just for different reasons.
Templars (rightfully) believe humans are retards who have to be controlled with an iron fist in order to maintain peace.
How about the fact that Israel exists as a illegitimate, warmongering, terrorist state with not only zero consequences for their actions but the wanton support of the entirety of its western puppets. The holocaust did not happen, user.
>japan never had their own set of gods
So the inordinate amount of Jews on top finance, politics and media is purely a "Cohencidence"?. How about the pro Israel lobbies weilding insane amounts of political clout in just about every western country? Senators with dual Israeli/American citizenships?
The reason why USSR invaded Poland because they knew that Poland was fucked and the war with Germany was inevitable. That was done because they wanted to increase the distance from the border to Moscow and thus buy some time for mobilization later.
Show you proof you say?
Well, okay.
>World Zionist Congress
>An organization that works with global leaders to promote Zionism.
>Increase of Holocaust movies after 1973 (For the US)
>What happened in 1973 in the US? Yom Kippur War.
>Politicians being bought off with Israeli money in the US.
That's just the US user. Would you like to see other countries?
user what are the most known and publicized pantheon of god around?
nobody, other than japs or total weebs, know about japanese mythology and gods. even hindu gods are better known than japanese ones.
Watch The Lobby
Napoleon would definitely be considered a historical baddie from a woke liberal point of view
Yeah, I'm thinking the Jews are based.
What are you talking about?
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact would argue otherwise.
Jewish immigrants to the US pushing for the US to support Israel is no different than the German immigrants to the US pushing for the US to not enter the war. Beyond that, any support Israel receives is no different than most what other US puppets in war zones received, in fact, in the 60s the support was almost non-existent, it was after they lost Iran that it became a sudden issue.
>Would you like to see other countries?
Where have you been?
I have a library of Freemason books if you're interested in an info dump.
>it leaks all the time!
>offers no sources
Fuck off, retard
bloo-bloo-bloo. Israel is constantly defending itself from terrorists who are routinely firing missiles into highly populated areas. Fuck off terrorist apologizer.
All public with records that are freely available to access. Show me in their records right now where it mentions staging WW2 and putting icky black and gay people in video games to cause white genocide.
You’re a fucking terrorist
Name a country, any country.
Your choice.
You are a terrorist anom
what does the yalta conference have to do with hitler invading the SU?
also, the molotovribbentrov was a load of bullshit and both sides knew that. Hitler actively dispised the Bolsheviks and had repeatedly mentioned invading the soviet union and constantly mentioned the inferiority of the slavs.
I love how half of these “war-crimes” are specific individuals not liking Jews.
So fucking insecure.
AC2 also said George Washingtub had the apple, obviously impying the creaton of 'murica and the revolution was its doing
then AC3 comes out Georgi is gud boy, except for killing those dirty indians, and he didn't have an apple at all
*cough*'cus the writer fucking forgot, or was new and nobody told him*cough*
so they corrected it with a lololodlc that was all a dream and he had an apple for 5 mins
You’re a terrorist subhuman
>at least they were honest!
I am actually heavily pro Persia for ME matters, and wished the public saw that the US / Israel and SA is backing a literal commie party in Persia. Though I also like to keep the facts straight.
>assassins: reddit
>templars: Yea Forums
You are a terrorist and a bad liar
As if Merkel's problem was accepting a tiny amount of refugees.
We just talked about Stalin going behind Hitler's back and making a deal with Churchill. So, by logic, he was preemptively the Soviet Union to eliminate them before they had time to build an army.
You can read more about it here
It's not that, it's a strawman of (real) Americucks defending their heroes by saying they weren't antisemitic.
There is no connotation that Jews are good. Have the USSR one to calm your burger mind.
>that one time during the conquest of Egypt where egyptian women took off their hijabs and started making out with french soldiers on the streets of Cairo naked
absolutely based lad
>hitler did nothing wrong
have sex
Oh, I've already had sex~
But if you're willing to offer up your asshole. Then I got a large cock for you ;).
Lindy pls
>nazi-boo is also a closet faggot
what a surprise
Into the oven with you.
I'm not even a Nazi.
I'm simply saying that WW2 is far more complicated than what you're told.
>t. *ngloid
I can’t believe we were tricked into thinking that just this one singular time war was a white/black matter and history isn’t written by the victor.
>painted the most of the French Revolutionaries as the evil
To be fair, the French Revolutionaries were pretty fucking evil.
>Hitler gives Britain a bloody nose in France
>Thinks britain will just back out
>Fucker actually thinks that GREAT BRITAIN that has longstanding intrests and alliances with the old countries will just say "well we tried"
>Actually astounded that britain doesnt just present its ass
>REEEEEEEEs for the rest of the war that they dindu nuffin'
Real intelligent post you made user
youre acting like there is some justification for hitler invading the SU, regardless if the soviets were in talks with the british before the invasion, hitler had not only invaded 3/4 of all of europe (including up to the SU border) at this point, he had been shit talking the SU for years, deriding them for their ethic quality and political system, essentially being entirely hostile to them while putting on a public face with the M-R pact (which he then broke with a surprise invasion). Let the SU and Britain talk all they want because when your super-power neighbour is revving their engines after years of shit talk, you better start finding some allies because its unlikely your neighbour is just gonna sit on their side of the fence. Hitler was the primary reason for WW2 and the primary reason Germany got stomped on thanks to his decisions
Swap Churchill with Alexander and your statement would be accurate
All Anglos need to be eliminated. Is it a surprise how similar the plight of Canada, Australia and the UK are?
So then why did those allies not care about the fact that the USSR invaded them too?
Isn’t this called propaganda?
150 iq post, not even kidding.
Hated the poor and everyone from Asia
>Elizabeth 1
>Beheaded her cousin Mary over fears that she would usurp the throne
Yeh ok.
>Good guy
Oh boy.
What the hell did Alexander the Great do wrong?
He fucking kicked ass.
Elizabeth 1st was based, get out faggot her sister was a catholic stooge looking to usurp the throne for Spain.
I like wikishartia doesn't even have an article on this larouchepub.com