I wish MMOs weren't dead

I wish MMOs weren't dead

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Single player rpgs are always better

They aren't dead, they just transformed into mobile P2W gacha to grab money.

is guild wars 2 worth a fuck?

I agree but still a MMORPG has it's nigga charm

Now your only hope is Exploring VR chat programs deep enough to find yourself a dungeons and dragons party. Most are not using the fantasy setting though and going for more of a shadowrun feel.

I blame Asia

What ever happened with that City of Heroes shit that just happened lately?

if guild wars 2 was worth a fuck people would play it and talk about it

I wish human females were real bros

Servers are live

Only if you own the expansions.I wouldn't recommend the vanilla alone unless you simply wish to try it.As a complete package it's a great MMO with no vertical progression that respects the player's time.For some that means no content or no goal.

Discussion on GW2 is dead on Yea Forums because of a furry autistic

I wish some of these "mmos" were just offline single player rpgs

But we're in the era of the best MMO, FF14

This. Mobages are the modern day MMO.

You can still play OSRS, GW2, ESO, or FFXIV you know

OSRS works for my casual ass

Ff14 is just wow with less ugly graphics

It doesn't help that everyone who dislikes it bases their opinion of what the game was like in 2013.
Yeah, the launch sucked and if you don't like it, fair enough, but most of the reasons people here hated it have been addressed by the devs and the game has changed a lot for the better.

Haha good one

Based and fantasypilled.

Same. Anything you're looking forward to? I'm hoping Pantheon turns out well, but that's about it. I'm sure I'll play some Classic WoW in the interim since Pantheon seems years away from release.

a shame

You only get one shot to impress in this industry. Only the exceptionally lucky get a second chance.

I just can't justify paying for a sub anymore.All I do is wait for the next expansion,play it and be done with it.There's really not much to do but I'd login just to chat for a bit or do a daily queue.

I like wow but the last MMO to REALLY grab me was Wildstar

I'm just fucking tired of Fantasy Medevil shit, give me Modern Day shit like Secret World or more nonshit sci-fi settings

>Yeah, the launch sucked and if you don't like it, fair enough, but most of the reasons people here hated it have been addressed by the devs and the game has changed a lot for the better.
Fuck you and fuck your "we'll launch a broken piece of shit and fix it later" attitude. It's thanks to cunts like you that we're still getting shit like anthem.

I really liked the game and wish it would've done better. The combat system was a pretty big deterrent for most retards though and parts of the art style probably turned a lot of people away so I guess it was a bit doomed from the start.

Will any other MMO ever have such a great housing system?
I wish we got a good capeshit mmo

Dofus is still alive

I've yet to see an MMO with better housing than SWG players built their own fucking cities in that game

Tried it and hit lvl 50 as paladin, did raids, hard dungeon and got the best gear available within less than a week. Played for a total month and i got Blue mage on 45, tried Archer, Pugilist, Lancer but couldn't get myself to grind them and all other crafting/gathering jobs on 35+ except fishing.
The story is really uninspiring and leaves a lot to be desired. Also the fucking backtracking every time.
FF14 is just old and it shows.

Just want Mabinogi 2 bros...

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>Single player rpgs are always better

I wanted to start playing an mmo but nobody wanted to join me, I guess I'll try RuneScape since it seems like it is the only mmo that will let me solo the content.

There's a difference between the way this launched and shit like No Man's Sky or Fallout 76

But XIV is alive and well, OP. It's just in the pre-expac lull at the moment, but the Twitch Prime deal still going on top of a generous free-trial means you can get a pretty sweet game for free.

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Sounds like every /vg/ thread pretty much. I don't get why mods don't clamp down on that shit.

Speaking of DCUO, how is it? Still alive?

I wish there existed a single actually good MMO.

But I meant games I'm already playing or ones that I played that are now dead, not a game that's literally an offline mmo. Which I also already played.

XIV isn't an MMORPG, it's a single player RPG with optional multiplayer and players running around you.

Population is dwindling and each new "episode" of content is adding less and less

If you deliberately ignore the mandatory-multiplayer endgame elements and really everything outside of the MSQ, sure.

gw2 was a fine competent product at launch. The only gamebreaking bugs were things like players being able to skyrim horse up walls, hills and inclines and reach places they shouldn't have. Which is a pretty big deal.

I don't know much about the game's post launch problems. For me it was really fun but I ran out of stuff to do. I was really into dungeons and fractals but the devs were adding story content and that did not interest me at all. So I left for 5 years.

Instanced stuff and more instanced stuff and everyone is playing through the same story where they are the chosen one, but mostly they're using LFG in town, etc etc.
That's not an MMO anymore.

>Instanced stuff and more instanced stuff
Eh, most things that take place in the open-world you can barge in on even if it's not related to you because of how mob spawns work. Go help out some sprouts with their job-quests when some Garleans spawn in after they examine a spot
>and everyone is playing through the same story where they are the chosen one,
Straight up XIV probably handles the whole "chosen one" thing the best out of any MMO I've played that's tried it, per the lore you can have other PCs with you against primals by claiming they have the Echo too, other PCs can be exclusive jobs like White Mage because of the lid being blown open on lots of lost information, anybody that's not you in a party is another adventurer even if you're the chosen one.

"I don't like it" doesn't mean it's not an MMORPG my man

If you'd ever experienced real MMOs you'd know what I'm talking about.
When a simple gank over the most efficient grind spot turns into a massive battle with hundreds of people, trying to outmaneuver each other.
Or bosses being open instead of instances, making all those other fuckers that want the drops the real challenge instead of the pve.
etc etc

What MMOs does Yea Forums still play that aren't Final Faggotry, Gay Wars 2, Oldfag Scrolls Online, or World of Cuckcraft?

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Nothing really captures Elwynn Forest feels for me. Most of WoW vanilla zones actually.

If there is a God, one of his primary functions would be to prevent a good MMOs from coming into existence and consuming entire continents. That's a quote.

WoW and many other MMOs would make great single player games if they had a storymode.

They offer a completely different experience so whether or not they are "better" is irrelevant.

City of Heroes
Star Wars Galaxies Private servers

Running around in an empty MMO is just sad, brings too many memories.

I wish MMO's weren't bad. Every single one of these cocksuckers that I have played are just metagamer bait where these hoople-heads just run around from objective to objective, playing the exact same way while trying to gather the best numbers so they can get better numbers in the fucking dungeons and raids.

I realize that the combat and gameplay has to bed gimped shit because there is just no way to get something with good combat when your server needs to host a thousand plus people, but is there a way to improve it? Maybe do something like Baldur's Gate where you base the combat on tabletop D&D rules?

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I played Wildstar, but that was mostly for the ERP. Not unhappy it shut down since all the players that interested me fucked off except for one FUCKING PRICKTEASE COCKSUCKER.

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That's why I said "mmos" because I'm mostly referring to instanced-based games where the combat is a step above tab-target and is really the only reason why I'm playing them.

Mmorpg genre died when star wars old republic floops. No reason to try to create something big as mmorpg when you can throw some card game/battle royale or moba shit to gain more money with less risk

Star Wars: The Old Republic

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As a salty GW1fag, convince me the game is something greater than the fuckawful shadow of a greatness that it was during launch.

XIV isn't Everquest or early WoW and I wasn't going in expecting for it to be.

The game has mounts and content that requires a properly built team of dps, support, and healing rather than everyone just going dps because there's no other viable options.

>final faggotry
It's stupid but I'm surprised I haven't heard that one before.

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>Tried it and hit lvl 50 as paladin, did raids, hard dungeon and got the best gear available within
>lvl 50

You're about 20 levels short of hitting "best gear available".

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I guess it'd apply if what he meant was he hit lv. 50 as a paladin back in ARR but given most Yea Forums players in general are Stormblood newbies I doubt it