What's the best resident evil game?

What's the best resident evil game?

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REmake, no question

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People who eat like sloppy pigs should be fucking executed.

someone please photo shop a dick in the first panel.

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I’m still cautious after how they fucked up Claire though

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Imagine being paid to eat food on camera, this is how simple life could be for you if you were born attractive.

a tie between the REmake, RE2 (98) and RE3.



I wish that sandwich was my dick

>I know
*bites sandwich*
>its quite disgusting
*smacks lips*
*licks fingers*

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>fucked up Claire

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RE2make. Claire is the best part.

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Dumb roastie

New mod!

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The ones with Jill in them.
Outbreak is fine too.

Imagine being so bad at acting you somehow manage to make the act of eating seem unnatural and forced

>b-but it's fetish stuff it's supposed to be exaggerated!
Well it looks retarded.

>take tiniest bite possible
>exaggerate it as much as you can

Watching nip girls play them on youtube is the best resident evil game.

Here is what i think

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4 or RE2make

This is disgusting, put some clothes on and bring Ada.

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Weird thing is, Julia's parents were NOT attractive people.

Remake 2 >= RE4
Remake 2 from the horror side, RE4 from the action side

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this bitch is going to be super salty when she's not hired to be Jill's face model in Remake3 lol

>no Outbreak
Shit list

To be fair to her, EVERYONE considers her canon. Tell me this fucking thing isn't Voth. Look at those eyebrows.

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Remake for survival horror.
4 for action.

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the outbreaks

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>4 that high
>RE2make that low

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Everything after A is pure bait

Don’t speak for fagit.

>one of the best games ever made is set high
>yet another shitty modern reboot is ranked low

go back to retardera, zoom zoom.

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Switch RE4 and Code Veronica.

>im not bait
>posts even worse bait

and that's a good thing!

These posts are Refag.
He will mention these things, usually in separate posts samefagging:
>millennial devs
>bad graphics, usually including SSR & dithering. Posts the same low setting image
>some mirrors without reflections
>bullet sponges
>zombies being stupid
>dodging zombies is too easy (using the original RE2 basketball court as an example)
>zombie lore
This man is likely schizophrenic. Make sure to report him.

Fuck no

I guess 00s kids would literally kill themselves if taken back to the 1990s or early 00s. Ah, one can only wish...

nice copypasta.

Fuck yes

I was born in 1990, if your first experince of RE2 wasn't the demo disc that ended in the STARS office then get the fuck out my face

Take your meds.

my favorites are 7 4 and 2R, I love them all though lol

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Christ, you have shit taste.

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Are these games any fun to play on your own? I got outbreak 1 from a charity shop super cheap and havnt tried it. Is the quality in the game in replaying in co-op for better runs? Is it like L4D where theres a handful of stages designed for replays?

yeah look at this pic. She's too old to be Jill's face model. shame. I just hope she takes it well and doesn't bitch all day on social media, that'd be super cringy and embarassing to see.

4. Saying this as a purist who started playing it in 96. Second is REmake. Third is original RE2.

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me, personally, I had tons of fun playing it solo as a kid
most of the replay value is put into unlocking unlockable characters/costumes and 100%ing all the events in a scenario, many of which are random or real weird like a random chance of a bottle dropping and dying to the tanker explosion in the first level respectively

like any game, it's infinitely better in co-op

it's a common opinion, we're not all snowflake contrarians like u

hot a what

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I get you, i take it there is no split-screen?
Might play it through once for a blast and forget it. Not like im ever going to get the online working.

oh fuuuuuck

I'm gonna be a dad tonight... no way I'm pulling out!

No, it fucking isn't.

online's actually really easy to get working now
all you need is a plugin, a memory card download, and a patched japanese iso, just about all of which are available at OBSRV
and no, no splitscreen. unfortunately no local co-op either.

lmao seething

It's always one of you faggots.

I just played 1-3 for the first time over the weekend and I'm not quite sure why 2 is considered the best. If anything, it was the worst of the three. Still great tho.

REmake was very good but it dragged towards the end and the whole caves section in the woods should've been cut at least. 2 had a great idea and good characters but Claire A felt like a completely empty route for most of the run while Leon B is what saved it. The routes should've been interwoven and there should've been like twice as many areas. Meanwhile 3 had hardly any problems, characters were great, insanely good atmosphere, great areas and good puzzles. The only thing I didn't like was the ending, Dead Factory felt like an entrance to the actually cool final area.

you're ok, user
I like the cut of your giblets

What more could have been done near the end in the Dead Factory?

Thanks user.

not him but I wouldn't have minded it opening into an actual lab, just like the last 2

I dunno, I guess it should've been more grandiose. I knew it was the final place but it didn't feel like it at all.

Becky is my favorite resident evil

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prove it

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This. Forever and ever.

Fuck you both. I want a naked Leon. He’s the prettiest out of them all in REmake. Claire is a dyke.

Go back meme somewhere else.

>I was born in 1990
meaning you don't know JACK SHIT about vidya, kiddo.

t.1987 master race.

Shouldn't you be doing your homework ?

>censor on foot
Janny spotted


Or code veronica

Claire is the best.

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>posts shit

No, I posted someone wonderful.

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Looks like shit to me.

Unironic incels

Looks sweet, kind and adorable to me.

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but theyre so hot

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Did yo wish Claire a happy mothers day?

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Claire is a great mother.

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>my favorite game is resident evil 4

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Just started Code Veronica and holy fuck what a downgrade in every imaginable way. The animations are ass, the backgrounds and areas look like ass, the dialogue is laughably bad.

>Are these games any fun to play on your own?
No, not really.
Fortunately, the RESURRECTION project was finished ages ago.

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Why can't you fags just go watch porn?

>Resident Evil Code: Veronica · Release date
Feb 03, 2000

Color me shocked

The animations are good

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