What are your thoughts on Ys IX so far?
Does anyone know why the game looks so empty in these videos? Isn't it supposed to be releasing this year? It looks very WIP. There's literally nothing there but an open-world city, but I don't understand japanese so maybe it's just some kind of showcase of the area with no NPC's in?
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
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>why does years old alpha footage of an engine test and showcase look empty
I liked VIII a lot
I hope IX comes to PC
Good god man it looks like it's still in alpha or something. Adol also looks kind of shitty. I was better when he wore armor.
Might be because they're experimenting with level verticality. Also how many times will Dogi get a redesign?
Im sure it will, just hope they wont give it to nisa again
I love ys. Can't wait to play this one too
I have no thoughts. This won't come out for a very long time so I'd rather think about other games.
Anyways if this is a falcom thread, should I play ys vi or xanadu next next?
If flash guard is still in, Im out.
adding clutter to environments is typically the last thing you do, because you don't want to keep re-doing it every time the geometry gets fucked with
clutter being all the detailed shit that looks nice but has little gameplay significance
They will. If they fucking gave those useless cunts Trails they'll give them Ys again and it's part of why I wont be buying any Falcom games again.
I'm pretty hyped for Ys IX and Galleria
there's no one else.
i hope u not teh gay
I almost had to think of Adol as another character. Maybe he's "Jake Christin". He's not my Adol Christin.
Is there anyone that can even hope to defeat Adol with『Way of the King: Crimson Line』?
ark is good. if you liked 7 or oath you should like it.
Suppose Adol has to go undercover and use a fake name. What name would he use?
Rean haha
Dark Fukt.
>New engine
It still looks like it came straight out of 2005. Why can't these guys get basic textures and lighting right?
They know people will buy their shit regardless.
Who cares what it looks like if its fun
The fact that it's yet another party based game points in all directions that it's stillv gonna be in. It's really a shame, they almost finally got it right with 8 but they insist on this stupid "tales of" tier garbage
I see Ys has entered its FF7 period
Looks like garbage, like everything that nu-Falcom has shat out in recent times.
Same. If they don't respect their customers, they don't deserve our money.
what's wrong with flash guard?
I only used flash move and played on nightmare without any trouble
Compared to something like say DMC5 with unnecessary amount of visual clutter that just gets in the way of the gameplay or something like Nier Automata which just goes full retard with the bloom and visual filters as to hide the poor textures, I genuinely believe Lacrimosa of Dana has a more pleasing cohesive art direction that's isn't an eyesore.
Just the opinion of a 30 years old Boomer though.
Too easy to abuse.
You're an idiot.
Their games these days just sort of blend into all the other generic Japanese games out there now.
Like straight up if you told me this was a game that wasn't Ys I'd believe it.
>Loda the Blue
33 year old boomer here thinking you're an idiot.
All these nu-Ys games after 7 are the complete opposite of why people fell in love with Ys in the first place. Stupid long, flashy extra attacks, being nearly invincible once you get a single flash guard, constantly switching characters because of weaknesses, and 8 basically had social links with the favor stuff, with each entry Ys becomes even more of a shitty generic jrpg. If you started Ys with 7 or something after it as your first game that's fine, they aren't bad games, but they aren't the type of Ys that made me fall in love with the series.
Our time is over user. We aren't the target audience anymore.
I really want this to be good, but something tells me the directors ambition is surpassing his ability and budget.
If they removed the invincibility after flash guard would anyone have an issue? It's the same shit as earth magic in my opinion.
It's like that in 7, but the problem with it in that game is that if you use it for attacks that linger around for a while you have to spam it to stay safe for the whole attack, and sometimes you get hit but still guard, not like a failed one were you receive a crit but just regular damage. It's just a shitty system they should get rid of
Thinking jumping flows better as a dodge mechanic than flash guarding is some arms grade autism.
Rolling is kind of busted though, I will agree to that.
i started with 7, played 8, then played the rest of them. outside of 1,2 and origins (and even those games) come off as extremely generic. I still like them, but I appreciate how they are trying to evolve the games and employ more world and character building like they did in 8.
The worst part of 8 is how stupid easy the bosses are and how they give you way too much leeway with items and flashguard,etc. They should fix that in 9, that was a fairly universal complaint, i hope they took it to heart. I liked building up the base and doing the side stuff like the team fights. i liked the styles and switching characters, I think it's fair, I just hope they go back to the more skill based aspects of the first games.
8 was a move in the right direction overall. The gameplay was actually kinda good.
My thoughts so far? Its gonna be another pointless adventure where dogi and adol buttfuck each other and all the girls are left hanging. This series belong on /lgbt/.
They don't even use such a basic tech as bump mapping AND use a shit ton of bloom you're complaining about, on top of having shit optimization. There's absolutely nothing special about art direction either, it's mediocre at best. Compare this to xenoblade's gaur plain or Nier's first location, even fucking Atelier looked better, and probably didn't even have half the polygons used to make this vomit. Getting on the way of gameplay my ass it's not a fucking quake 3 where you turn off textures just to see the opponent 1% better.
I have only ever played the first two games agaes ago, can anyone explain to me how the story works in these games? Isn't Adol in all of them as well as some of the other characters? How does that work, is it always a sequel and they just never age or are most of the games alternatives?
Bumper cars was peak Ys. I've been playing through Dawn of Ys and it's fun as fuck. Probably has one of the best ost in the series.
There are a few references and recurring characters but the main plot for each game is standalone. Except for I, II and Origin. Yes the characters age.
Holy fuck, it's that bad?
Speak for yourself shitlord, I started with 1 and think 8 is the best game to date.
T-They're a small studio!
Ys has caught up with Tales of Xillia in terms of visuals. Which was PS3 level. But Ys has always been good for its gameplay.
Depends. 8 inferno had a very fat bosses and fights turned into very long rythmgame which is a special kind of fun. I wouldn't want invincibility to be removed without lowering hp of bosses, and if you do both it will be a whole different experience.
>They don't even use such a basic tech as bump mapping
Holy shit. That actually explains a lot. They should just license a decent engine and be done with it. No more basic mipmapping or Z-axis antics, just a decent base for a game.
I bought Ys 8, 4 times: 2x on Vita JP import (lost one), 1x on PS4 JP ver, 1x on PC version.
But I still see no cute loli in any of these promotional shots, so no buy for me.
What do we think of Adol's new design. Do we like him?
>american adol
A bit too edgy for me
Looks edgy as fuck.
>"This series belong on /lgbt/."
>t. buttblasted Fagt or girl cucked by adventure
You mean on /out/, where true adventures aside from those concerning sexuality and then maybe including so may be had, and then some.
he supposed to have been 'infected' with some monster disease, thus the edgy new look.
at least that's what i've read.
Wait if that's Adol then what's with ?
Some disguise?
Yes. He's on the run from Romn.
Red-haired dude is actually not supposed to be Adol or at least not confirmed yet to be, they literally just call him a "red-haired swordsman" in the previews.