How did you react the first time you beat this dood?


i started pissing and shitting everywhere.
my dad beat me for that

I've never finished a 2d mario game

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Literally beat him on my first try. didn't even know he was the final boss and was wondering what happened when the ax disappeared because I thought it would be a new power up that would be used in the final battle

disappointed about how easy it was

>t. weeb

The only mario games i finished were 64 and sunshine

Can't remember, I was 5.

you just made me realize i've never beaten super mario bros.

These, before realizing it was THE WRONG CASTLE

It was around 88 and I felt like a boss. Then I discovered that if I could keep the fire flower, he was a breeze.

Is this the only instance of Bowser throwing hammers? Moreover why hammers? Why does it have to be hammers, like the Hammer Bros.? Do they construct castles for Bowser? Or is it some esoteric Japanese culture reference thing about ancient villager peasants using rocks tied to sticks as projectiles?

He’s using Mario’s arsenal against him. Fireballs, hammers (Donkey King), and of course, your jump

It's tough to say, it was 1987 when it happened. And that was a long time ago. I probably ran out of the room and told my dad.

Happened when I was 6 and my older brother watching me who said that the fight was gonna be hard.

I was mushroomed up so I just ran through Bowser.

Then when I saw Peachs Sprite and her text for the first I couldnt believe my eyes because I thought there were more worlds. I bounced around for 5 minutes and couldnt believe I finally finished SMB1.

Meanwhile my brother was laughing his ass off because I cheesed the final boss in such an anticlimatic way

*drops controller*

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ran at him, lost my mushroom and continued to the axe. That's the gist of my first time fighting him.

The real obstacle in 8-4 is the Hammer Brother in front of the giant lava pit right before Bowser. That thing killed me more often than Bowser himself did back then.

Perhaps the two best desu.

Who is this cute girl

Have sex.

Once I killed him on world 1-4, I reset the console to play again because I thought I had to. I did that for like a year.

this is how i remember most fights against king koopa going