What do you think of Barret's new design, Yea Forums? Or any of the other characters, for that matter. Personally...

What do you think of Barret's new design, Yea Forums? Or any of the other characters, for that matter. Personally, I think his beard needs to be bigger. Don't know how I feel about the glasses either.

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Other urls found in this thread:


he cool
cloud cool
aeris cute

Can someone please photoshop to fix his manjaw and mannose?

men are supposed to have soft rounded non pronounced chins and less elongated, cute noses.
The bridge of his noses is too long and flat, and his jaw is too defined.

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I said it before, but the sunglasses are a huge mistake. Barrett is not 'cool', he's goofy, brash and animated. He's not the type of guy to hide his expressions and emotions behind cool shades. The only time in the game when he closes up a bit is during Corel Prison.

I think you're reading a bit too deep into him wearing shades, user. But I agree, I hope he keeps his passionate demeanor. Do you think he'll still cuss?

He's a lot cooler in the original JP, the localization really punched up his swearing and goofy statements.

But it's probably typical JP writing where the sunglasses will come off after he has some significant character arc moment. Whether it is when the sector collapses, his confrontation with Dyne, saving Corel, it's going to happen at some point in the game as a visual identifier that he has evolved as a character.

Reminds me of Weasley Snipes in Blade

Wish Cloud wasn't Nomura-Cloud, but I'll cope.

I like it, just not the glasses. It takes away some of his personality you got from his eyes.


his design and his voice are just one big giant racist trope. just like sazh in 13 and blacks in tv and film for decades, barrett will be relegated to comic relief. really disgusting people will lap this up desu

Didn't the writers get mad when they heard about how the localization handled Barret?

Call me an SJW but I'm disappointed they didn't give him kinky hair. His hair and beard just look so weirdly smooth.

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My point is he's turning into Rude in the remake. He really just needs to take off the shades as soon as possible.

it looks good, it just feels a little weird seeing with proper proportion.
i do like the change to the gun arm though.
that's how it was in the original though, after the first part, he was pretty comedic

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meh... i don't hate it. It's pretty much a decent design that's good enough compared to his original ff7 design.

Oh and fuck any sjw trying to create fake outrage by saying it's racist.

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What should Barrett's english voice be like, anyway? He's a coal miner from a mountain town.

niggah looks stylish as fuck, i like his new design


japs are racist af

>cast black man as Barrett
>cast white man as Barrett

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Pretty good, better than the shitty AC cornrow look by a mile.

Why in the hell did they give him the shades?

I think Beau Billingslea was his voice from the first trailer he spoke in. If they don't keep him as Barret's VA for the final product I'll be fucking disappointed. This latest trailer made him sound like a generic black guy so I don't have much hope.

dumb retarded white supremacist

Never found a source on that myself, but I could see that being the case. FFVII was huge in the west, but we got a very different perception of Barret than the original script intended. He's an emotional dude that admits he was more focused on revenge against Shinra than any noble fight to save the planet, but he was never meant to be Mr. T shouting and swearing. He's a pretty nuanced character, which is doubly interesting since he's one of the first major black characters in a JRPG, but we got something a little less layered.

some people think he sounds too black now apparently, so you might end up with beau anyway.

whites supremacy had to make barret the dumb
buckdancing coon "yo yo yo woow damn mtha fucka "

he was always a booker T caricature, from day fucking one. Only difference is that he has audio this time.

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They deniggered barret

I wouldn't say Barrett's character was lost in the translation, though.

>yo yo yo motha fucka is been seen sephiroth cloud cloud where is you tifa dont be doing that"

thats how the white supremacits and gooks portray him

>japs are white supremacists!!!!!!
Honorary Aryans indeed

I thought he was a nigger now he just looks like Masahiro Chono

even if they did make him a bit louder, i'd still say you could see the depth in his character, he's a good man.

He doesn't swear though. The FF7 localizers made him a potty mouth. Cid was the one who curses like a sailor.


i heard about a retranslation a while back.
was thinking about replaying the game, should i try with the patch?

Maybe I'm overreacting then. Every time I hear people talk about Barret, it's just the Midgar portion where he's a loud, thuggish black dude. He adopts a child and raises it as his own, the character doesn't get nearly enough credit as one of the better ones in the game.

Anyone have that green text about Barrett's insatiable love for Jihad?

basically this. The glasses look cool, but I'm not sure they're what Barrett would wear.

Are there any better images for Smash Cloud that show him off more like the image on the right?

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i will say that the script needed a bit more work, in general there are some lines that can be a bit confusing on first glance.
i actually didn't get a few things until my second playthrough.

wait did they officially make the 1st class uniform black?

I'd need a better angle but it doesn't look like his beard is as big as it used to be, he originally had this triangle shape going on between his wide beard and narrow hair top.

If you watch the "Let's Mosey" translation series on YT, the guy says in JP Barret is more like "Solid Snake" cool while in the West he ended up being "Mr. T"

Should have casted Phil Lamarr to voice him like Fat Larry

I find that hard to believe with his chest thumping animations

Nah but it is a little darker.

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Have you tried playing the Beacause translation? He sounds kinda plain, just a little less irate than the official translation and doesn't swear. He just seems more a more focused terrorist group leader than an angry black man.

The first reactor bombing is such a tiny portion of the game, basically a small tutorial. They barely show anything of the remake with this; God knows how much of the game's completed. They couldn't even show Tifa while her name is on screen.

This version was objectively better. Let's watch Yea Forums try to deny that

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I heard the creator's a retard that translates stuff literally instead of localizing it and some texts end up either being worse or looking like some badly translated anime subs. That and at first he made changes like Zack = Zax, Moogle = Moguri or Phoenix Down = Phoenix Tail; and it wasn't until people complained that he added the option to toggle those. Still, the whole thing didn't give me confidence, and the "Let's Mosey" series shows at the end of the day, overall, the OG translation wasn't THAT bad as a whole.

He doesn't look black anymore.

I mean, it was a teaser specifically made to fuck with us until E3. Straight out teasing Tifa in the HUD, 4 years since the announcement, bunch of rumours and supposed ""leaks"" about the game having a huge pressence on Square's conference... guess we just gotta wait and see

>"Solid Snake" cool
Given DFFOO has Barret described by Tifa as a hot head with a heart of gold, complete with very brash voice lines, I don't feel inclined to believe that.

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it's pretty worrying.
i'm pretty set on the idea of the first part ending around leaving midgar, but showing so little makes it seem like it will possibly be broken up even more.
here's hoping they are just screwing around and the E3 shows much more

I feel as though he needs to be holding a Monster energy drink. Preferably throughout the entire game like Julian from Trailer Park Boys does with liquor.

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so far I have no complaints. it looks great. all of the characters.

Left is much better and heroic looking.

>translates stuff literally instead of localizing it
Isn't that kind of the point? To be as close to the Japanese script as possible?

>Pretending to care about FF7's portrayal of Barret just to be mad at it.
These same people were splooshing at the vag for literally decades over Cloud and Sephiroth, now they suddenly fucking care about Barret's portrayal?

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And then you look at his design in Advent Children which is set a whille later.

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They turned him into Masahiro Chono. Even the Japs are joking about it.

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I want him to pin me down with his single arab-black race-mixed hand and pound my asshole into a raw depository for his materia.

I'm going to be incredibly disappointed if they make the dynamic between Cloud and Sephiroth the AC one. I can sort of buy that after this nobody fucking owns Sephiroth, he may be a little obsessed, but at no time before he gets Omnislashed at the end of the game should he care about Cloud as anything more than a puppet to lazily toy with.

Stick to the primary source. Don't cite some shitty spin off game.

lmao barret is a nigger

Not really. Localization is translating text but then adapting that text during the process so that it is targeted to the specific audience and culture it needs to. This doesn't mean "change this character's personality and make him talk in ebonics". It means "if there's a very Japanese word that would make no sense in english, change it".
Easy example, translation would be translating a joke literally word for word even if it ends up not making sense. Localization would be finding a similar joke that would be understandable in english and fit the situation.
That's why I used the "bad anime subs" example. Have you ever read a weird subbed sentence in an anime and thought "I kinda get what the conversation is going for in Japanese, but spoken out loud this phrase would make no sense as no one actually talks like this"? Something along those lines.

I didn't ask what localizing means, I meant the point of Beacause was to translate the original script as accurately as possible with altering anything to cultural equivalents.

You -could- make an entire episode out of the midgar portion but that would require a hell of a lot of added content. Originally it's what,4-7 hours? How much fluff and changes would you have to throw at it to push that up to 20-25? I'm not particularly a fan of this in any way, splitting the game up only to serve us 20 hour segments doesn't sound fun.

Where things get really weird is post midgar, how are you going to handle the world map progression across multiple episodes? What about sidequests, leveling, backtracking, and so on?

*without altering

It might be like the witcher games where you can explore portions of the world map instead of the whole overworld

Then again Midgard is like, the only good part of the game desu, so I'd be pretty fine with that.

But at the end of the day. FORGET about Barrets design you bunch of Homos. What do you think of what looks to be Tifas design in the game?

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The sunglasses are a weird choice. I wonder if it's to avoid any issues with Mr T suing over likeness, seeing as he was basically a parody of him.

>the point of Beacause was to translate the original script as accurately as possible with altering anything to cultural equivalents.
And I said it failed to translate it as "accurately as possible" and that there's a bunch of actual professional translators online taking the piss on the guy because, while he may have worked on it for like 5 years, he did not provide an accurate translation of the game.

i'm not really a fan of breaking it up in general, but it could be seen as beneficial.
there's no way they are anywhere near done, so splitting it up could mean they could actually work on these sections properly and try to fit everything in.
i'm not going to hold my breath though.
also i can only imagine what they want to do with pricing,

You could add a lot of worldbuilding and character development to Midgar, so I wouldn't be too asspained if they stretched that segment out a bit. Flesh out Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie more so I get to know them more before they tank a sector plate to the face, Wall Market could be expanded, things like that. But if it's a trilogy of episodes, it should probably end no sooner than after Kalm and the Chocobo farm.

i don't even have to post about this being fake at this point.
it's already been overposted

Barrett looks good, but I would lose the glasses and I hope they change that, though I doubt it.
Aerith looks absolutely phenomenal. great design.
Cloud looks great as well, though I wish his eyes were more similar to his previous design for the remake I think all the other things (body, hair and so on) looks much better


I mean, it already sounds like a Final Fantasy battle song after the intro?

>hey remember that stylized, cartoony art direction we went for in that game we made in 1997 that matched the half-serious, half-lighthearted tone of the story and world?
>let's do it over again except this time let's not kill ourselves and go for psuedorealism instead

To add to the other user, the Beacause guy "translated" stuff out of personal preference instead of sticking to what made sense, as often happens when a single person has liberty over an entire project. So he changed stuff like "Neo Bahamut" to "Bahamut Kai"; "Heaven's Cloud" to "Murakumo" or "Conformer to Fugutaiten". None of these names make any sense in english, he straight up did not translate them at all, it's the equivalent of calling Berserk's Guts "Gattsu".

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>cartoony art direction
Did we play the same game

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I don't see how Cloud's cosplay hair and anime sword don't fit a half-serious half-lighthearted tone. Unless you think that, what, comedy films are all serious since they're shot with real life people?

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Translator elitism is always an issue. And can you even call "Bahamut Kai" a translation, he's just taking a Japanese word and not bothering to find an English equivalent. Very not good.

man i really want to hope almost all of this will make it in.
but devs really like cutting corners nowadays

maybe there's a scene where the sunglasses break
imagine dyne throwing the first shot into barret sunglasses, breaking them and starting the fight

>imagine dyne throwing the first shot into barret sunglasses, breaking them and starting the fight
this is tacky. barret simply removing them would be 10x cooler.

With the camera zoomed in and thus everything being pixelated as hell it's easy to forget how gorgeous the prerendered backgrounds are

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Well it's been 4 years, by the time it releases you're looking at a near 5 year dev cycle, that's more than enough time to make a full 60 hour FF7R. I'm worried they fell into the trap of wanting to make it episodic before they started and are forcing it to be as such.

there are many ways he could possibly lose them.
my bet is he'll toss them right before the plate falls

Midgar is the set piece area of the game, they won't skimp out on that. They may do that for other areas, Wutai in particular is amazing and I will be sad if it gets corners cut, but I will freely admit there is a good shot it will compared to Midgar.

its gotta be barret focused scene though

maybe when the pillar fell and he looks for his team?

Maybe he'll whip them off multiple times per scene in an overly-dramatic way.

What's even the difference besides the voice and the sunglasses not being transparent?

No wonder SE gets away with the trash it does with an army of braindead apologists backing up their uninspired efforts.

You faggots act like this game is being made in a vacuum. As though there isn't a preceding track record that shows how much of a shadow of its former self this company is. You think how the characters and world look onscreen doesn't affect the tone of the game and how it plays to audiences?

It's a remake for Christ's sake. The very definition of "we're out of ideas." You're either a brainlet or not paying attention if you take in all that's been revealed so far and think it's pointing towards quality. To say nothing of faithfulness to what made the original great.

shut up kotaku and die already. Kill all your coworkers. They secretly make fun of you when you're not around. You know who they are.

He should look like Mr. T.

Fuck off. Tropes and stereotypes wouldnt exist if they werent partially true

>localization good
>purity bad
Fuck you pal, localization ruins characters

I imagine they have some plot significance. You don't just add that to an existing major character without a reason. I think it'll be after the plate falls, as pretty easy mode symbolism that his facade of being cool terrorist leader guy is over, and the seriousness of his mission laid clear before him without any shades to protect his vision.

seethe harder my man :)

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I hope they put in a bit where if you still have the dress equipped when Barret rejoins, he'll lower the glasses to get a look at Cloud.

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He's more handsome than I remember.

Please calm down.

waifu-fags' opinions don't matter. kys.

That's just the lighting of the cutscenes he was shown in. I doubt they've changed his skin color.

Don't put words in my mouth, nostalgia-kun.

What part of "This doesn't mean "change this character's personality and make him talk in ebonics". It means "if there's a very Japanese word that would make no sense in english, change it"" you don't understand you fucking retard

There is literally no difference and you only say this because you're an abysmal anime dub loving cum burping faggot because MUH JET!

There are plenty of Japanese idioms that just do not translate well directly, it's fucking brainlet level to think everything should be translated as literally as possible.

>all these non-rebuttals

I already know I'm right, I don't need you faggots implicitly telling me so.

You do realize you're in an image board where you can upload pictures right? Your brain can at least understand that, am I wrong?

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Real faggots want manly men

Why would I rebuke things that I don't believe?

Imagine fisting Barret!!

Oh, so it's bait then

I like all the designs so far.
I have confidence that the others will be good.
Super excited to see Cait Sith.

It's because he's not even a soul brotha in the remake. The chumps over at Square Enix made him into a white turkey with a tan.

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My theory is that it's just for the Avalanche missions. He'll probably lose them after they escape Midgar.

dude blows up reactors and buildings, he needs a way to make it easier to see


Can't wait to awkwardly romance him on the ferris wheel

I don't think the sunglasses will be on him permanently. I think he'll lose them after the attack on Sector 7 or later on at Corel

Based Nig Nukem

>have to wait till the end of the game to know that cait sith its the cat who talks and not the big yeti thing

Everything is going to be okay. You just need to calm yourself.

Hopefully his limit break is still awesome - will be cool to see how they do it given the more serious looking art style.

I'm not even mad. I'm just lacing my very pointed criticisms of a remake of a supposedly-beloved game with pejorative language and calling in to question the entire effort from a creative point of view that seeks to highlight the incongruous elements this far revealed.

>"hey FFVII fans, I know you hated having to imagine the voices of your favorite characters in your minds in the original game. And even though we know it's very hard for reality to match expectation, check out this half-baked voice-over effort we'll be including with the Remake!

Pretty fucking bad, man.

>Would you like fries with that?

In dirge of cerberus, it was the cat

The tone was set long before with that PS3 tech demo. You should have seen it coming.

>Cyberconnect2 shit

I know. My doubts have been a long time coming now.

Matt Jones voicing him?

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>Hating on sazh
>Literally the only human character in the entirety of XIII
>Literally just a dad who wants to see his son and so overcome with grief that his son became a crystal, essentially dead, that he tries to an hero.
>Literally a solid responsible father figure to the entire cast except lightning who he's more of a brother to.

I really hope people like you choke to death on your own spit.

Did they actually remove Jet?

According to an unverified Beau twitter account, yes.

Yeah lol

He's an idealized African American with good hair. He's still black until he takes the shades off and shows the Asian eyes imo.

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I really hope the crew doesn't get killed off so early this time.

The fuck are you on about? The original is dark as fuck and the remake clearly captured that aspect perfectly.

Fine by me, the mother fucker is 75 years old. And if they're going for an episodic format, they're going to need younger talent for the the long run.

Holy shit nostalgiafaggots are the worst, dumbest niggers on the board. Literally everything in the trailer looks amazing, and you still find something to nitpick about. They nailed it, deal with it.

What’s wrong with Sazh? He was one of the few likeable characters

>born 1944
holy shit. Jet is a boomer.

From AC he transformed from mr t into r kelly.

Should lose the sunglasses but otherwise it's okay.

You either didn't play the game or didn't read my post.

Whatever you say, lemming.

the same thoughts as 3 years ago.

The problem here is that parts of the game look dark and grungy while others look bright and colourful.

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Fucking awful. All of it.

Is this what you faggots wanted? Some trash you won’t even remember in five years, so you can start bitching for a remake of a game you supposedly love but dump on all the time? I fucking hate all of you.

have sex

>i'm not bitching you're bitching
lol stay mad


Man...I really wish there was a way they could incorporate this aspect of the game without fucking things up. The "@!#$(*" style of swearing in FFVII was some of the funniest shit.

I guess if they're gonna do voice actors then there really is no way to pull it off properly.


I wanted him to be bigger and blacker, and I'm a full blown racist.

I forgot how old he is, he deserves a rest to be honest. Guys voice acted since the early 90s.

I like the sunglasses.

There's a render of Barrett that some CG fan artist did of the character a few years back that basically updates his model while maintaining the stylized look of the original.

I like the way that one artist who drew that comic of Cloud getting shot in the face because he's too weak to pick up his sword drew Barrett. I feel like he nailed his likeness pretty well.


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Fuck that, he'll never dethrone Coach.

Please God let it happen when he uses his limit breaks

Here it is.

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You could add also story progression as in the more you progress through the story TIFA's skirt will get shorter and breast get bigger.

the only thing im mad about is that square didnt get the superman VA to play sephiroth again

I like them but I preferred the previous Remake designs

Oh lord, please let cid still shriek at me to sit down and drink my goddamn tea

I played it and read your post and you're a braindead nostalgiafag who probably wants the remake to even have the same level of graphics, just a literal copy of it in every way.
They clearly improved upon everything, and you're whining about literally nothing.

>Shera, darling, should we not bring some tea for our guests?
>Please, before we talk, sit down and have some tea
He's going to be a nice and very well refined man and you will like it.

We don't need the image of Marlene being pissed

Shut up and eat your hamburgers, Apolo

you better prepare for all of the articles about that relationship.
i can already hear the screeching.

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They can share the bounty

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user, teach me how to be a refined man of taste who consumes shiny, regurgitated cashgrabs like yourself.

Don't do this to me, user

Pretty good for a nigger.

Old = Mr T
New = Blade

The new Barret needs more mass and more grit. He looks too clean shaven to be the leader of a leader of a ragtag group of slum dwellers

>relegated to comic relief
Confirmed didn't play the game but what else is new

Good Lord
This is delicious

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No, you explain what the fuck are you even crying about you nigger?
>literally every character looks amazing while looking like the originals
>environments look amazing while being the exact same ones from the original
>monsters look amazing while being the exact same ones from the original
>voice acting is top tier
>combat looks interesting so far but we only saw a few seconds, this is the only thing, literally the ONLY thing that could possibly suck because Square Enix does not have a good track record on combat systems
Every single thing that you cried about is 100% loyal to the original while having god tier graphics and voices. You don't have a valid criticism.

You're just a contrarian bitch that has nothing else going on in your life than whining about something just for the sake of whining.

Nah, he just looks like a more generic, uninspired version of himself.

I guarantee you they won't deliver on under-arm hair though.

Pit fags should burn

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Yeah man it looks awesome. Day 1 buy for me for sure. Btw, how epic was Endgame? Best movie ever.

Do you think we will get to see Barrett's Wife and Children in the remake? It wouldn't be necessary but It would be interesting to see. Do you think Marlene will play a bigger role?

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Aeris needs Korean jaw surgery.

They'll get shot off by Dyne, screencap this for 10 years from now when it's out.

It's just hair. Don't be afraid.

They've nailed the gritty areas, but i'm still waiting to see if they'll do justice to the ranch and other lighthearted areas

Think you could handle his "Big Shot" user?

Literally no argument. I don't watch capeshit and your ad hom just proved I am right since you couldn't come up with an actual answer.
I don't see why not, clearly they are staying loyal to the original, just making it look way better. Only thing I am concerned about is the combat, since its SE there's at least a 50% chance it will be braindead and you can complete the whole game by spamming a single button.

what the fuck is that hand?

He doesn't even look black enough. It surprises me how Cloud and Aeris are getting all the attention and a lot of hate from Yea Forumsirgins yet Barret is getting none of it even though he's more wrong looking than those two.

in-game accurate appendages

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Ah yes, good ole Joseph "Stumpy" Lockheart as they called him in Nibelheim

And that’s a good thing

My initial arguments preempt your pleb-tier fawning over the AWESOME voice- acting, AWESOME visuals and explosions so I'm not going to repeat myself even though you seem like the type that usually needs to revisit concepts a few times before he gets it. You're the low-hanging fruit that SE is scooping up with this title and I hope you enjoy it. Nothing more to say.

thinking about it now, i can't wait to see what some of the other ladies in the game look like

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what bigger role could she possibly play? what even happened to her in the original game? i don't remember if barret took her along outside of midgar. did she just stay there?

She ends up in Kalm by endgame. That's her opening the window and seeing Meteor looming over Midgar.


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and scarlet

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fucking palmer man.


Marlene is usually used as a bargaining chip to force Barrett to do things. When Cait Sith is outed as a spy Reeve forces the group to allow him to stay in the group since Shinra knows where Marlene is.

Remake should have tried to go for a cartoon/fantasy look like Smash or Dissidia instead of realism.

goddamn i loved all of their designs

God damn can't wait for that Palmer reveal this summer.

Scarlett was the weapons specialist. Heidegger did Security. Hojo was science man. What did Reeve and Palmer do again?

Reeve was Urban Development. Palmer was head of the Space Program

Oh right. Yeah Reeve was the only one to lose his shit after the plate fell. To kill 5 AVALANCHE members and their merc

almost forgot elena.
but she was barely in AC

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>You'll have to be more specific baby, the good Lord crippled me with color blindness like the asshole he is.

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>palmer was the head of the space program
geez no wonder everything went terribly

Barret looks rad, Aeris looks perfect, Cloud looks fucking retarded.

imagine being a humanitarian surrounded by inhuman assholes

nah you need to get laid

You armchair moralists sound like you've never dealt with terrorists and the asymmetric warfare they bring with them. If you lived in Midgar, I bet you'd be doing the same pearl-clutching from the comfort of your homes, dependably powered by the Shinra Electric Co. Disgusting.


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Literally false. You never had any argument. You just nitpicked about non-existing issues. Everything about what they have shown is 100% loyal to the original and in an improved appearance. You are just a whiny bitch, that is all you are and apparently will ever be.

Fuck no. Realism suits FF7 the best considering it has the darkest story of them all

Clouds eyes are too Dark, they're supposed to be a radiant light blue, and he still looks like a fucking downer compared to his original stoic and headstrong version. What the fuck is Nomuras problem? Stupid emo faggot.

>the fuck you lookin at?

fuck off rufus

he was good
aeris is good
cloud looks too bishe.

Explain further
I don't recall anything on the level of 90% of humanity dying in FF2

>What do you think of Barret's new design, Yea Forums?
He actually looks like my dad, wich is cool.
>A black guy who knows his father
Nah, my parents are racemixed. Even in my country actual black kids don't get to know their fathers.

Aerith is absolutely stunning, pic related. We have to admit that nobody can match Square Enix's skills in terms of designing female characters.
That said, my biggest fear in the momment is Tifa. They aren't showing her because they downgraded her boobs and don't want fans to have time to complaim before launch... right?
Please tell me I'm wrong.

Attached: ff-1.png (640x356, 232K)

I'm sure her boobs will be fine, but honestly I'm surprised that's all people are worried about.

Stereotypes exist because they are true. They are an exaggeration of a thruth, but a thruth nonetheless.
That's why stereotypes are appealing in the first place. The only people who think stereotypes are a bad thing on their own are obnoxious retards with dumb political goals that are not rooted in reality at all.

Do you think he will keep his theme?

>I'm surprised that's all people are worried about.
You're posting in a sex-obsessed shithole full of weebs, user.

Don't see why not it's a remix of corel's theme.

>I guess if they're gonna do voice actors then there really is no way to pull it off properly.
I don't know. I feel like actually bleeping Barret's voiced dialog would be pretty fucking hilarious.

This is very weird for me to say that but, he looks... Too white ? His nose is so weird, it doesn't look like Barret's to me.

>We have to admit that nobody can match Square Enix's skills in terms of designing female characters.
I won't admit that. Aerith's like the first realistic 3D female character they actually got right since.... Aranea? And before that.... fucking Yuna, Lulu, and Rikku?!

plastic bugpeople aesthetics are the worst

it's the fucking shades.

I really don't mind how Barret looks but I should be able to look at a picture of him from the chest up like in OP's pic and be able to say "that's Barret" and I don't think I could do that without the benefit of having already watched the trailer.

There are some nice ones in xiv, but I'm sure they might as well not exist to most people.
Other than that though, I agree, they haven't done so well on that front for a while

>but honestly I'm surprised that's all people are worried about.
In first place this is not all people are worried about. In second place, people care about it because there is a trope of faggots who hate beaultiful women in vydia, which is gay as fuck and thus pisses the hell out of anyone with balls.
Also, Square has a precedent of pandering to these people. After all, that's the reason they removed Luna's entire background from FFXV, for fearing SJW reaction.
If they are willing to remove the background of a key character, why wouldn't they downgrade boobs if this has the potential of generating the same kind of backlash they feared before?

jessie looks good too

> Aerith's like the first realistic 3D female character they actually got right since.... Aranea?
What are you talking about? Their "realistic" female characters have beem stunning since FFVIII. Unless you have shit taste of course.

I can't wait to see her hair become an aliased fucking mess if XIII & XV is a sign of their choices of alpha-coverage.

Attached: FFXV-Ardyn-face.jpg (1158x615, 74K)

>If you like big boobs and you do not agree with liberal gay agendas, it means you are a sex-obsessed weeb

>Also, Square has a precedent of pandering to these people. After all, that's the reason they removed Luna's entire background from FFXV, for fearing SJW reaction.

They are using another engine now, and this is no big deal anyway. The hair in FFXV looks better than in most games despite the "aliased fucking mess"

It seems you wasn't here the time an user leaked FFXV's content.

>After all, that's the reason they removed Luna's entire background from FFXV, for fearing SJW reaction.
this sounds like nonsense that didn't actually happen


To be fair, I'm sure many of us who've played the game and like Tifa would hate if they changed her character, but there's a higher probability they'll change her appearance rather than her personality or anything. On top of that, in upcoming trailers, being able to see the changes in what she looks like will be easy. Seeing changes in her character however? Not so much. So appearance is definitely the best and easiest thing to complain about right now.

Barret looks good but I fucking hate Cloud's design. Really this game should have had more of a semi-3D anime look using Valkyria Chronicles' Canvas engine. Photo-realistic characters with crazy spikey hair annoy the fuck out of me.

The hair is by far the grimiest part of XV's presentation. General AA coverage is good enough, but then the hair ignores it all. XIII also used a different engine and used the same technique, although it wasn't as problematic due to less layers of hair quads to filter through.

the only thing disgusting is the fact your mother didnt swallow you faggot

I really hope he loses the glasses at some point. Maybe when the reactor explodes.

He will explain that it's part of a disguise, and Tifa will tell him to quit acting retarded and take them off

>FF7R will launch on PS5, but look like a PS4 game despite weighing in at 100gb for part-1

Regardless, I disagree with you. The hair in these games look better than in most games.


See this you ignorant faggots.

All I ask is that they keep the sailor suits as they are.
The game had it's funny little moments, and it needs to revel in them when they can
Also needs him stealing the suit so he can show Marlene later

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Attached: D6T1KwfWkAEV2E3.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

All that stuff is part of the charm of 7. And looking at the video so far, I don't think it's lost the feel of 7. I am looking forward to playing the parade scene.

you got a time stamp for that, bro? 40 minutes seems a bit much.

can't say I'm a huge fan of the sunglasses, but overall looks great.

Literally watch the first ten minutes. It summarizes everything and shows the evidence of their claims.
If you want more in depth info, watch the rest.

>just like sazh in 13
and yet he was still the only good character in that game

Attached: D6UOzjeWsAIByXT.jpg (1329x960, 126K)

Which wasn't that hard given every character was doing their best to be the wrost.

>Realism suits FF7 the best
>when the original game was deliberately made with an anime aesthetic to match the hardware limitations of the PS1

I swear to Christ you dumb faggots honestly need to fuck off and stop ruining FFVII, the original game was nothing like your mopey emo compilation/Advent Children garbage, it was actually a very humerous game with shit tons of quirky comedy segments and character designed that look god damn fucking retarded in a realistic style.

I hate every single one of you retarded underage faggots that very obviously never played the original game.

Attached: 1554472546957.webm (406x262, 2.12M)

I hope they still throw a grenade at you if you stuff up.

Man I love Aeris's redesign!

Attached: D6SA47sUUAA5Zg7.jpg orig.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

These two didn't went aling really well and I think it's part of the reason Kitase and Nomura never went full realism with FF

Well, it is still cartoonish but instead of "shounen" Nomura went full "seinen" this time.

>I wish I was at home playing with materia.
>The enemies are too strong
>My HP is low
>I'm hungry

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake - Teaser Trailer _ PS4 0-33 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

how does aeris afford antigravity wrist bangles on a prostitute's earnings?

It'th Aerith.

nah son its aeris

Why does he need sunglasses at night?

I really want them to get rid of the shades.

Other than that, I really like his design. They nailed the voice, too. He sounds exactly how I imagined.

They completely butchered the english translation because they believed the story to be too complex/mature for western audiences at the time, it was the 90s. This why there are so many disconnects between FF7, Advent Children and Crisis Core. There was no cloning going on or any of that nonsense. And most people actually missed the fact that the person you are chasing and taunting you throughout the game is actually Jenova. The only time you actually see Sephiroth other than the flash back during Kalm is at the Northern Crater and at the very end of the game before you put him down. Also, this is the reason every time you engage "Sephiroth" you fight a different piece of Jenova. Of course this wasn't explained till later in the story, and it was supposed to be a big plot twist and reveal. We just never got the twist in the west.

Basically, what was actually going on in the story was that Hojo wanted to to test his Reunion Theory. Jenova is a creature like Lavos, she travels to planets and consumes their energy(mako) then moves on. She is a complex being capable reorganizing her DNA and shapeshifting. The Ancients stopped her, greatly injuring her, but not before she created a large wound aka crater on the planets surface, where it bleeds Mako.

One thing Hojo noticed was that all the "parts" of Jenova try to regather at origin to become complete again and restore her to her original form. He experimented on a few people by injecting them with her cells, but they all became mentally ill. The Cthulu like influence that she inacts on people drive them insane. (Remember all of the black hooded people who just say UGAWAAA, were examples of a failed experiment). So he did something different. He injected a TON of potent cells into the unborn Sephiroth and it took hold. This allowed him to create a safe way to augment the soldier with Jenova Cells. So to get funding to test his Reunion Theory, he sold it to Shinra under the guise of a "Super Soldier", hence "Soldier" was born. His new "safe" method of creating Soldiers would be placed into the most physically and mentally fit soldiers to make them super human. His success allowed him to test everything unchecked. Jenova consumes Mako to become stronger, so Jenova cells injected into the soldiers allows them to process Mako. The process Mako gives them super human powers like carrying giant swords with skinny arms. (And also why all the failed experiments instinctively travel to the Northern Crater, proving Hojo's Reunion Theory.)

I didn't know that was Jenova pretending to be Sephiroth until I read it online a few years ago, as a kid I never got that impression. Shit was not conveyed very well.

>the person you are chasing and taunting you throughout the game is actually Jenova.
Well, physically, yes. The Sephiroth you repeatedly encounter is Jenova. But I think it's important to state that the consciousness driving it isn't Jenova; Sephiroth is at the wheel. A lot of people seem to think Jenova is an intelligent entity using Sephiroth like a puppet, but the devs have stated it was always meant to be Sephiroth controlling Jenova, and Jenova is more of an instinct-driven monster than a sapient alien.

kill yourself