Final Fantasy 4 to 8 are all you need, believe me

Final Fantasy 4 to 8 are all you need, believe me.

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5 is the best FF.

What's the definitive version of 4?

4 to 7*

3 and 9 are awesome fuck you.

If we can count fft since it came out between 7 and 8 then I’m fine with that. Even though 8 sucks.

For me it's 1 to 5.

3 is obsolete with 5
9 is too gay and furry

You can skip 5, 7, 8, and add 9.

Everything about is also so lacking compared to the others. It drops the ball after the first disc. I don't understand the sudden raging boner Yea Forums has for it.

>3 (DS remake) to 9, with 8 being a hard 'maybe' depending on your tastes
Yeah, that seems more like it.

>not Butz

3 remake is even worse


8 is fucking shit kill yourself you worthless subhuman turd

>Gay love

Well, I got nothing to add.

7, 10, and 15R are all you need if youre not a faggot nerd

1-6 are outdated
8 9 and 12 are only loved by contrarians
The tutorial for 13 is too long to justify playing it

8 is utter dogshit. 9 is top 5 easily. Eat a bag of dicks, you massive faggot.

DS hands down. Every other version is either too easy or too old. The only reason to play psp is for the post-game content which breaks the game you've already beaten

FF6 looks like a step down from 5. In 5 there are more hidden things that encourages actually exploring every area, 6 tried to be like a stage play where most of the game is a series of scripted setpeices.

It finally happened, today OP was not a faggot.

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I'm curious as to what you consider hidden in 5

Fucking turbo keks


9 is just a little bit gay and furry.

That's the truth.

it's true though

Play the game

1 is the best
don't meme arrow at me

15 Royal.

miss me with that gay shit

I have. I'm waiting for your response so I can correct you.

FF5 max comfy

Nice meme, pal. Also you forgot 1 and 9.

>1 off on both sides
You almost had good taste OP. But you left out 3 and 9, so you're a faggot

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I apologize. I meant from the perspective of a heterosexual adult man. It's evident that fags and children disagree. I'll be more clear next time!

For me its X and Tactics, the best FF games

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So you apparently missed a feature of the game

does he mean persona or something? I don't get it.

But 8 sucks.

I still like overlevelling in 1 and fucking about on the overworld more than in the others.
I think the simplicity of the system is what lets it work, the others have too many expectations.

Again, nothing exceptionally hidden in 5, by simply going through every area of a dungeon you find everything pretty easily. Pretty bog standard for that era of rpg. Perhaps your first final fantasy was 13? I can understand why you'd be impressed.

>not playing the only version with cheesy voice acting
>not playing the only version with new game + content

What's everyone's beef with 8?

Everyone has a beef with it being shit.

It's about Squall and his retarded love interest instead of based Laguna.

FFIX is legitimately a good memorable RPG. It really is a shame when people play contrarian.

I hope FFXVI has non-human party members. been too long.

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Smelly faggot who likes boys feet detected

V and IX are my favorites. You also need Tactics though, and I and II are perfectly serviceable games. In fact I may actually prefer Final Fantasy I over Final Fantasy IV, even though IV is a good game and I is a little bit too basic


>excludes 9

>shiity plot
>level scaling
>draw/junction system
>rinoa is the worst girl in the entire series
theres plenty more.

4 somehow feels even more basic than 1

>9 is gay and furry
>t. likes ff8
What a joke
Fucking zoomers think anything with animal people in it is furry
Didnt used to be that way before 2010

Shit mechanics
Shit characters
Shit story

It's trash.

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>literal on rails hallway simulator
>even close to tactics
I dont understand your taste but ok
I think X is an ok entry, its saved by the combat, but its pretty far from being a good FF game
Do you also like 13?

Maybe it has something to do with the party setup and how often it changes and how many times you have kinda boring characters like Yang and Edward and Cid that are just "there". Plus the class change in I is really cool and I wish more RPGs did something with that concept. Not a full-on job system, but sidequests that let you develop your characters into more powerful forms.

>What's everyone's beef with 8?

shit characters
2nd worst romance of the series
a plot that goes dumb, even by FF standards
level scaling
drawing to get spells (that you don't use because using spells lowers stats)

Squall was great for two discs then became a retard to the point that it breaks the story.
And the music is overrated.

Ok, I believe you!

FF4 is the most generic and linear JRPG of the series


8 is garbage, exchange it for 9. 10 and 12 are pretty ok too

>1-6 outdated
Haven't they been remastered like 40 fucking times?

>playing in english instead of moonrunes

Its also the only time ATB was good before X-2


5 had the best job system, but 6 was the best FF overall

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6 is outdated because FF7 did it better
5 is outdated because Bravely Default did it better
3 is just an inferior version of 5

Lifeless world, boring dungeons since there is no treasure to collect and thus nothing interesting to do in them aside from sprint to the finish, shit level scaling, shit leveling systems, shit characters (aside from Laguna and co.), soundtrack is on lower end of the FF soundtrack spectrum, abysmal story, several plot threads are left unresolved like the NORG plot thread, and this is all just what I can remember off the top of my head.

>doesn't even count

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>FF 1-7
>Not Chibi

awful taste

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Fixing FF8

>Junctioning 1 of a spell is the same as junctioning 100 of a spell
>remove scaling
>translate properly

There, I did it!

you're nuts

My favorite FF is FF1. So yeah, fuck you.

Actually, I, II and IV are the only ones that get constant remasters.
V and VI only got two more re-releases (and one of those is the mobile port that screws up the artstyle) and III pretty much needed a full-scale remake which got a few near-straight

>9 below 8

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>sprites are chibi
dumbest comment I've seen all day. also
are you retarded?

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I'll actually agree with this. If anything, I just think 4 & 5 should not be missed. I fucking love these titles.

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Any games like Dawn of Souls FF1? Honestly my favorite entry in the series

>gay and furry
And how is that a bad thing?

>four job fiesta starts in a month

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>dumbest comment I've seen all day.
Technically, speaking, they are though. Heck, the Japanese games had box/character art meant to be evocative of the sprites that were clearly Chibi as well.
>are you retarded?
The overworld models are chibi. VIII would be the one to totally move away from the Chibi artstyle, but it still lingered in VII.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_V_Box_JAP.jpg (425x235, 20K)

People still do that, huh? I may have to join in this year.

what is 4 job fiesta

Depends on what you mean by that.
III and V bring back the Job system, but focus more on switching jobs rather than sticking with the same ones (though FFV does have the "Four Job Fiesta" challenge). 4 Heroes of Light and the Bravely Series follow those games.
If you mean "pick 4 heroes and stick with them", then I dunno, Dragon Quest may have some games like it.

none of this fixes the god awful story
>we were all friends as kids, but we forgot lol
>monsters can "fall" from the moon to earth, without burning up in reentry, dying in space, or being crushed by the fall and hitting the ground
>everything ultimacia
just thinking about it is making me nauseous

Type-0 was my favorite, am I weird?

It is a challenge play of FF5. You are randomly assigned 1 job from each crystal, and can use only the abilities from those 4 classes. Normally Berserker and Mime are excluded but you can opt into those if you dare.

user, i think the weaponized autism has finally got you, if you think the snes sprites are chibi

I dont understand why someone would complain about 4-6
but out of 1-3 only 2 is really still worth playing and the stat growth system is dumb

Have you ever played final fantasy 6 you autistic retard it hold up just as well and in some ways better than final fantasy 7

no I dont believe you

>what is 4 job fiesta

basically FF5 but you only get access to 4 jobs and at the end each character has to be one of the 4 jobs.

There are a couple different rule sets, but basically you are randomly given 4 different jobs that you have to stick with for the the entire playthrough

Amnesia is somewhat of a tired trope, agreed.
The monsters falling was clearly a magical event, involving many monsters that have time magic
I'm just gay for time travel, so this doesn't bother me. It is pretty bad though. You do chase her around from disk 1 though, so I don't see it as too offensive. Also the whole thing about Rinoa being Ultimecia is neat.

3D, only fags disagree.
>Better game balance.
>Better writing.

Eh, we'll have to agree to disagree then.
I will at least point out that FFIV PSP specifically redid the sprites to make them less super-deformed.

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V is the game you bring to the bunker if the sun is falling out of orbit though

>no X

XII is powerfully underrated

XII isn't underrated, people that dislike it are just real loudmouths about it

Poor romance, odd setting(I like it though), draw'ing, scaling

i'm playing ff1 restored right now because i wanted to play an older 1

It holds your hand without having any worthwhile mechanics and a simpler story.

>blonde Tina
actually that looks pretty good

>4 somehow feels even more basic than 1
At least 1 gives you the interesting choice of which characters you're gonna bring.

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Yeah, more or less.

The game has some strong points, despite being rushed as fuck

Final fantasy 8 romance shit. Final fantasy 7 was a long narrative of cloud realizing he’s a beta. 9 was the only high fantasy setting and unironically the best.

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Man of taste

7=9>4=5>6>10>>>>>>the rest>>>>>hot wet trash > 8 >>>>> 13

>Skipping out on the leveling system of 2

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it was in a bit of development hell though. It was going to have a much larger scope when it was a mobile game.

Why do Japs hate VI so much? Is it really the female protagonist?

Lightning was super popular on Japanese character polls

It's rated just fine, considering there's both plenty of people who say it's fucking garbage and those who say it's amazing.

FFIX has the worst artstyle and party

Japs don’t like it when the world ends “just because”


Best are 7 8 9 10 11

Bad End you can't prevent is the exact opposite of what FF JP fans like.

incorrect on both counts

FF could be totally erased from history and video games would be the same. It's nothing but a long running series of overrated tripe.

It gave goth kids who didn’t like goth a platform

>Guaranteed replies

FF15 bromance is one of this franchise's greatest highlights

People that rip on 15 have never gone in a brotherhood bonding journey cross country

Same with most japanese games other than mario.

11 from 2005 of couse and maybe ff6 too

Why is Gilgamesh such a chad bro

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they have good taste. VI is bland, retardedly written shit

The last half of IX drops the ball pretty hard. Character arcs are completely forgotten about or rushed. The story line becomes absurd with the alternate world of furries and Kuja's motivation making zero fucking sense. The overall set pieces become bland and "who cares". Nothing ever tops the obliteration of Cleyra by Odin and half of Lindblum being swallowed by Atomos.

So, how does it work until you get 4 jobs. Let's say you roll black mage. can everyone be a black mage til you get more jobs?

>Kuja's motivation making zero fucking sense.

Is it worth playing the original XII still or is Zodiac Age objectively better?

Zero feeling of character progression as armour and unique character skills don't exist. Trying to find obscure items to craft weapons is a pain in the ass without a guide. The junctioning system is absolutely broken; all you ever do is grind a few spells and slap them on attack and health. The entirely of the way the plot progresses is either by characters withholding information for no reason, or characters being whining little bitches

You can mod a short onto Vaan, it's infinitely better

The original and zodiac age are both fine. There are some QOL improvements in zodiac age such as speeding up grinding and the challenge dungeons. The only difference in the base game is that zodiac age limits your license board, if you care about that sort of thing.

You can also bring back the original license grid


The license grid is garbage, possibly the worst system in the series(including II).
Zodiac system gives XII an interesting system that has both customization and uniqueness to the chararacters, which in theory should be awesome, but I haven't played it so maybe it is just kinda eh. It must be better than original XII at least.

> Leaving out IX
> Absolutely disgusting

you forgot 12 and 16

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the zodiac system simply gives you a limited job board with only espers and mist charges being the "uniqueness" of it.

why does the 13 trilogy have the ps4 logo?

Fuck you

No point playing 2 when SaGa exists, it's a historical curiosity at this point.
Wish people didn't shitpost about it that much but the FF fanbase isn't exactly sharp either way.


You forgot 9

>Zodiac makes the ability system different for every job
Good to know, thanks. That doesn't seem like such a huge difference for me to go buy Zodiac since I've owned the original so long, but I can at least compare my experience with my friend who'll be playing Zodiac at the same time

Yes it gives you classes by limiting the license board.
Pick Knight and you'll get great swords, add the right esper to that character and he'll get some white magic turning him into basically a paladin.
>with only espers and mist charges being the "uniqueness" of it.
No that's the customization.
The uniquness is the different classes you'll give to different characters.
Like FF9 has more uniqueness than FF8 in that respect because of the characters "limited" classes, with FF8 there's just customization other than than the limit breaks.

ff7 fanboys seethe because it's the superior game.

I just starting playing 4, it's very interesting so far, I just wish that the cool people would stop leaving my party.
Also I do not like 8 at all and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

>People that rip on 15 have never gone in a brotherhood bonding journey cross country

What if I disliked everything about 15 except for the bromance?

1 - Actually still okay, gameplay is fine, story consists of solving local problems which works well in the D&D style of game that it is, not very intricate but fun enough. Suffers from bad dungeons and imbalanced encounters though. Huge difficulty spikes.
2 - Terrible game but big improvement on plot, set the standard for later games to follow. Gameplay and everything related to it is just terrible.
3 - Introduced Job system, poorly. Imbalanced gameplay, bad dungeons. Generally just a tedious game. Story is not interesting, big step backwards from 2.
4 - Drops job system, has a dark plot more in line with 2 except now with GOOD gameplay. Characters are interesting and have fixed jobs, each feels unique.
5 - Job system is back! Good characters, gameplay, dungeons, balance, music and story. First Final Fantasy to pull everything together.
6 - Jobs gone again. Everything else is improved on however.
7 - Cinematic. Good characters, story and gameplay. Characters have no distinguishing traits, anyone can do anything depending on materia. Jobs are forgotten.
Tactics - Job system more than ever. Incredible story and loads of interesting characters.
8 - Bad in almost every way, student premise is dropped after 2 missions. Type-0 does it better. Characters have no distinguishing traits, plot is a mess.
9 - Return to jobs similar to 4, fixed to characters with no swapping. Strong first half, weak second half.
10 - Very linear, characters have focused roles until hours of grinding. Great gameplay. Good overall.
12 - Plot is an absolute mess. Plays like a bad MMO.
13 - Less said the better.
15 - Fun roadtrip simulator, won't have any idea what's going on if you haven't watched the movie, anime and read the novel.

>8 has bad characters
>7 has great characters
Do people actually find one dimensional over the top characters good?

I guess they just like it when characters matter in the story and develop over it.

Onlt good post ITT

Probably PSP or DS/PC if you want 3D.

Reminder that FFXIV actually has the best story and characters of any FF game(up to HW). But most people will sadly not experience this bacuse it's "locked" behind a MMO

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DS. Augments are fun, Difficulty is refreshing the first time through.

Nah, it's good but far from best.

>Do people actually find one dimensional over the top characters good?
Not generally, which is why people generally don't like ff8, but like ff7

Does that faggot Alphinaud ever get btfo? I hate characters like that so much.

How are they one dimensional and over the top? The only one that is one dimensional would be Barret and he's mostly just comedic relief

He's currently comatose.

That god for that. Fuck that character. What about his cute sister?

People expected FFVII 2 and didn't get it.

What is the best version of 5?

he's based and redpilled

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My favorite of the modern FF games, but doesnt not top the older ones. Final Steps of Faith was really memorable.

But if I must meet my end, then all shall burn upon my pyre!

snes fan translation on emulator
his interactions with Tifa and Lightning are hilarious

GBA version with music patch

PSP version, but the DS/Mobile/Steam 3D version is worth a playthrough after beating the original.

It's a harder version of the game with some bosses remixed and changed, and decent voice acting.

GBA emulated with shader applied to make the colors look like they would on an original GBA and sound patch

She's going to turn into a primal next expansion, be a boss fight and die.

There’s no reason to play the DS version when the PC port exists.


Pity. What about sexy cat woman?

For me it's Lightning Trilogy and patched XV
Just the best games, Lightning is so awesome and Noctis is so cool with his teleporting powers and sword powers, like an anime in a real AAA game which is not something you see. This is why I like Lightning trilogy as well because it's so anime in AAA game graphics which is awesome for me so It's fun, although I don't like Lightning trilogy combat, XV is better because much more in-depth and cooler powers because Noctis has them and can do all the cool stuff and such.

Possessed by Matoya.

To ay that XII plays like a bad MMO and then call XV a fun roadtrip simulator makes it really hard to take you seriously user.

Simple archetypes can be good


FF8 should have been 100% about Laguna and his bros

Based and redpilled, user. Although, I do fuck with some XIV because of all of the fanservice.

4 to 7*

15 with all the DLC included, minus Ardyn's DLC basically.

It's just 30-some odd patches worth of fixing the base game and adding shit is all.

I absolutely hate the "Final Dungeon" meme in most of these games.
The difficultly spike in almost every final dungeon is a pain in the ass, 4 in particular I remember being quite bad.

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>Excluding 9 and 12

So many plebs.

>adding bloat dungeon to waste your time
Naeh that sucks stay away from that version.
You only play that if you're an addict and you have serious problem, adding an extra dungeon that is disconnected to the rest of the game because you are desperate for a longer "fix" of your game doesn't make it better.

FF is pretty much the Simpsons of videogames

But that's the case. 15 has different problems but it nails the atmosphere.
12 very much plays like an MMO, on what do you disagree with there? The plot is a jumbled up mess, Vaan just seems thrown in out of nowhere. The music, characters and writing is great but everything else is not.

>15 - Fun roadtrip simulator, won't have any idea what's going on if you haven't watched the movie, anime and read the novel.

and bought the DLCs, even the Multiplayer one

IX is pretty much perfect. It has no glaring flaws other than that terrible card game, and it has no overwhelming strengths either. It's like wallpaper. You don't notice it, you don't talk about it. But if it wasn't there, the place would suck. So it gets forgetten even though it was probably the pinnacle of the FF7/8/9/10 era. Also the last game developed and published by Squaresoft.

Yeah, 4 is definitely guilty of that. There's a power spike when going to the moon, then another one in the giant of babil, then the final dungeon. Also, the final part of the final dungeon has a new tier of enemies that all get the boss theme.

Aren't the PC ports just ports of the mobile versions? If so, no fucking thank you.

>9 is too gay and furry
9 was a return to Final Fantasy roots in character design after 7 and (especially) 8 made everything way too human.

XII plays like every other Final Fantasy game, only with the removal of the dedicated battle screen and the characters being allowed to move around. Freeze the characters in place on a grid every time a battle happens, and it's no different than any ATB-based game that came before it.

9 Is great until halfway through disc 2 when the pacing takes a nosedive and half the cast is forgotten about.

Fucking 9fags are insufferable

>Aren't the PC ports just ports of the mobile versions?
Correct, Atrocious mobile UI, dumb changes from the DS and all.

Betas are just jealous of the Alpha male known as Squall so they lash out.

Attached: Squall.jpg (684x552, 118K)

I don't think we're going to get anywhere if you're that reductive about it.

Depends on the ruleset.
By default, once you get to the Wind Crystal, you switch everyone to the job you roll (4 Black Mages). Once you get to Water, you have to have at least one of your party as that new class, and so on (3 BMs and a Mystic Knight, 2/2/ and 1/3 are also acceptable. You can freely mix and match the jobs as needed, and using other job masteries is permitted IIRC.
With other rulesets, you can further enforce this by forcing specific characters to a crystal, no free switching once locked in, expanding the job pool to crystals beyond the ones available so you have to Freelance longer, and/or donating to the charity so that you can get fucked over with multiple Berserkers.

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>It has no glaring flaws other than that terrible card game
Very long combat animations makes the battles slower than they need to be, and also gimps the speed stat since the atb bars for everyone fills up during a ton of different animations

Is it being reductive? There are no other gameplay differences, the gambit system is an automation assist, it doesn't change how the basic flow of combat goes

This is nonsense. He didn't "take matters into his own hands" or even "decide" to do anything. Those were the orders explained by General Caraway. If the sniper misses, he is to do a head on assault.

Once I did a #Natural run I think it was called, so Butz was locked into the Wind Crystal Job, Faris Fire Crystal job, etc.

>XII plays like every other Final Fantasy game

I don't think any FF game has you program your party members' AI and then they can do whatever you programmed them to do

Nah, 9 is at least a complete game, unlike 8.

What fucking roots are you talking about here?
> All human cast dealing with mature plotlines
>While not as mature, very whimsical. Again, all human cast
>Mature plotlines. Only characters that are furshit are Gau and Yeti. Even then, theyre mostly for comic relief
>My goofy band of bandits with a monkey boy as a leader and now black mages are actually just robots
Shit opinion. Get your head out of your ass

Well they needed that system because controlling all party members at once in the MMO-style system would be insane, you're better sticking to one and programming the others, or programming everyone.

So why is that guy trying to shill those crappy versions? If you only have a PC you'd be better off emulating the original versions.

Why did they have to make Bartz such a goofball

still time for

By the way, said monkey boy is actually an alien sent to Earth as a child to destroy it - but conveniently forgot about that mission.

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You may want to keep up with your Dragonball. Goku's past has been retconned.

>Why did they have to make Bartz such a goofball

I just programmed all 3 of them because that is what I thought I had to do. I never thought to manually control the person I controlled and ignore the gambit system

except the Super Broly movie retconned that. Now it's Goku was sent to earth because Bardock had a bad feeling about all the Sayians being gathered to one place and was going to pick Goku back up if it turned out the bad feeling was all for nothing.

And whatever you program them to do is whatever you would do yourself in any other game, same base gameplay. If Ask yourself, if Final Fantasy VII had a gambit system would THAT be an MMO? Because that's what your argument seems to be.

It doesnt change the fact that they ripped the main characters plot from what Dragon Ball used to be.


1-5 more medieval fantasy
6-8 more scifi
9 more medieval fantasy

1, 3, 4, 5 features classical final fantasy jobs
2, 6, 7, 8 doesn't
9 does

1, 3, 4, 5 features the elemental crystals/orbs
6, 7, 8 doesn't
9 does

If final fantasy 7 had you only control Cloud while the rest followed you around fighting mobs wandering on the map, I'd accuse it of having typical MMO combat too. But it doesn't have that, it has a very clear turn-based battle system.

>Because that's what your argument seems to be.
I was making an argument?

christ, im glad i stopped watching dragon ball with GT.
I loved it up until the Frieza saga. Cell Saga had some kino episodes like the one where Goku & Piccolo are forced to take driving lessons by Chichi, but it felt entirely pointless.
I liked GTs ending well enough and in my headcanon it ends there.

Retconned. Now he got sent to Earth to be saved from being killed from his planets destruction.

DBZ peaked with the Ginyu fight.

Youre grasping at straws. Freya is a dragoon. 9 draws from the entire series and then shits it all up by making goofy.

this no fun allowed approach to writing isn't good user

based and tokusentaipilled

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Fucking 8fags are insufferable.

Hey I'm a retarded and gay newfag when it comes to FF. I've never played a SINGLE one. What ports do I ""buy"" and which games do I emulate?

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>it has a very clear turn-based battle system.
It has an ATB system. Which is the same system XII has. And also you can control everybody in XII, it's not restricted to a main character, you're thinking of XIII there.
The problem with that is that at some point you have to remember that MMORPG combat is still a spinoff of RPG combat, so similarities will exist. To me, I can't call XII an MMO considering that the game is ATB-centric and not cooldown-centric. Having combat dictated entirely by ability cooldowns is what I would say makes a typical MMO, plus some other stuff about the way MMO classes acquire abilities and they affect playstyle but that's going too deep into it.

>why Squall is a gary stu

Avoid buying anything before 7, just emulate them. The ports and remakes of those are generally pretty bad. 7 and up go ahead and buy for your platform of choice.

FF5 is the only one beside IX that i did not play, should i go for it? Which version?

I liked the original DB more than Z. DBZ first half was great but the fights and everything dragged out WAY too much in the latter half.
And the Bu saga was just total shit with mostly shit characters.

Avoid the iOS/Steam version unless they somehow have mods to fix the garbage graphics, which I doubt.
GBA version has an extra bonus dungeon at the endgame, but the sound quality isn't so good, although there are patches to alleviate that.

Yeah I can see that. The final fight in DB (against Piccolo) was 10/10. So bloody and dramatic.

XIII-2 is good


FF1+FF2: GBA or PSP remakes
FF3: DS remake
FF4: DS remake or PSP remake
FF7: Any modern port
FF8: lol
FF9; PC/PS4/Switch
FF10: PC/PS4/Switch
FF12: PC/PS4/Switch
FF13: lol
FF15: Royal Edition

I'd say DB has a higher floor but that the Saiyan Saga and Freeza Saga are better than every arc in the original DB

I don't even really like FF6 but this is just sad. FF6 doesn't have a definitive version, every single version of 6 has something fucked up about it. In the case of the GBA version, the music.

>What ports do I ""buy"" and which games do I emulate?

avoid the iOS ports of 5 and 6. They look so fucking bad it's not even funny. The steam versions of 5 and 6 are also the shitty iOS ports

as for best versions.
PSP is commonly accepted for 1-4
GBA with sound restoration for 5-6
7-9 PS1 version
10/10-2 - HD remaster collection on modern systems
12 - Zodiac Age on modern systems
13 Trilogy - PS3
15 - PS4 Royal Edition (because it has nearly all the DLC Square was nickel and diming it's customers with for story)


Bravely default is unironically better

GBA has a better translation and more content tho.

There's a patch for that

that's what I mean, there's no "perfect" version of VI.

vagrant story, tactics, and type-0 are better than any of the numbered ones

Yeah I saw that when I was looking to ""buy"" V and VI. What where they thinking?

Attached: what the fuck.png (960x640, 177K)


I'm starting to think Octopath Traveler is better than both for one single reason: the game doesn't punish you for sticking around in a class even after you've mastered all of the moves.

>The final boss is A FUCKING TREE


>9 is too gay and furry

I've never played VS or T0 but I like quite a few of the numbered FFs over Tactics. The problem with Tactics are the characters. They're boring and I didn't care about any of them, and the game doesn't really try to make you care. Obviously some people like the lore and politics but that's not for me, I want a character-driven story, and that's not FFT

Oh yes

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this is the dumbest criticism ever. So what if he used to be a tree? He's an evil warlock who wants to throw all existence into nothingness, it's not like a forest fire is going to beat him.

I like octopath but besides olberic and cyrus all the characters kinda suck and it's weird how they dont really interact with each other besides those little skits and personally I thick characters are super important to a jrpg and bravely default blows octopath traveler out on that front

The problem with DB and DBZ is that they are so different. DB is more grounded and focused mostly on adventures, exploring the world, meeting new people and facing against different enemies while they mix in training segments and Tenkaichi.

Meanwhile in DBZ the whole adventure aspect is gone and the focus is now mostly dealing with world ending threats with the fights and powerups being in the focus. It is a lot more hype over it overall.

I think of FFV, BD, and OT as similar in a "fun gameplay, not so interesting story/characters" group.

For the record I can't stand Olberic, I think he's boring as fuck. There are some characters I like other than Cyrus though, Ophelia comes to mind.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we're going to be talking about these three games, I don't really play any of them for the characters or story. I don't know what it is about a job system but it seems to be anethma to a story for some reason.

my counterpoint would be that most Dragonball arcs are just as similar to each other as the DBZ arcs to each other. The tournament arcs are mostly the same, the RR Army Arc and the Lord Piccolo arcs are mostly the same, etc.

Peak Dragonball to me is the Red Ribbon Army Arc, and then the final tournament arc. I can't rank either of those above either of the two big DBZ arcs.

X and X-2 have fugly character models in the HD remaster though.

Yeah but what if I like physical

true but I think it's worth the price in order to experience all the new content

The mere fact that Ability Extract is a thing early on negates the models for me.

the fuck is "Ability Extract"

The final boss is a twisted amalgamation of demons craving for oblivion that HAPPENED to be a tree at some point in its life. Get it righf, 5's story was simple.

>mfw goku 1v1000s the entire army
Man those were some fucking incredible episodes.

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8 is fucking dogshite.
9 is top FF.

That's in the International version of the game. So wouldn't getting the PS2 version be better.

DS version is soooo fucking slow. They made literally everything take longer. You could be done with a battle in the GBA by the time you even get the first action in the DS.

FF9 in unironically soulless while FF8 is filled with soul

XIV has some really cool stuff in it I hope they keep drawing lore inspiration from the other games.

What? Fuck no. I don't want to grind more or stall on the Sphere Grid until I get Ability Spheres. The HD versions are way better in that regard, plus the backgrounds are beautiful.

Is the game actually good or is it good because you can be a cute healer gf.

But it's exactly the same but without the abortion of a remastered soundtrack and character models.

Wow, I hate FF8 now. I mean, a character having a way of speaking that conveys his ambivalence and overall personality? That is trash.

Well it's hard to write a character when they could be anything

>play ff9 as first ff
>fucking love it
>play ff7 after since it gets so much praise
>gay trash, drop it halfway
>play ff8
>somehow even gayer
>play ff6
>enjoy it
>give ff10 and 12 a spin
>some of the most cringe shit I've ever witnessed

>look up the Wikipedia pages for the games looking for an explanation
>turns out only 6 and 9 were made by the guy who created the series

at least you hate FF12, even if the rest of your taste is bad

More like 4 to 7+tactics.

>Hating on EXDEATH
Maximum pleb.

incredibly shit taste

I decided to check out the Wikipedia page for Final Fantasy since that other user brought it up

just in case you ever needed more proof never to respect game "journalists"

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-12 at 7.32.36 PM.png (783x384, 94K)


Attached: soy.jpg (243x406, 48K)

user is weird and scary

You're the reason Vaan was added

The story is great but can be tedious at time. It's pretty much a theme park MMORPG that's quite focused on the story. It also has really good boss fights. The art direction and music is top notch

Sadly the game will never be able to top HW I think.

No. I need 1, 6, 7, and 8.

it was bad for many reasons, including Vaan.

I don't understand, however, how you coould look at what this dude is wearing and believe that the game is anything but dumb anime bullshit

Attached: FFXII_Basch_Render.png (983x1560, 1.07M)

XIV is pure fanservice. I like it even with all of the issues it has.

>it wasn't
FF12 is as gay animu weeb shit as ff7 dipshit.

I unironically enjoy all the FF games for different reasons, except for 8 which I think is fucking shit. Have kinda played the MMOs but they aren't my thing

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I've played them all. If you don't play IX you miss out. If you have to skip one, skip Final Fantasy II (Japanese numbering).

They're brainlets who can't understand...

...Squall's character, because they can't relate to the way he thinks
...The junctioning system, because the tutorial explanation intimidated and confused them.
...How a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds can't remember each other, because they have no idea how their own mind works and are unable to follow basic foreshadowing and plot details about the game world.
...Why everything was drastically different than the last game, because they expected FF7-2.

But 1,2 and 3 are all great as well

Yeah I can't relate with a retard that is given a position of leadership over a bunch of young people who look up to him as a leader and example to be inspired by only to say "fuck it" to all of that and spend the entire rest of the story obsessing over some 6/10 generic cunt and having his character revert to that of an annoying horny teenager when Selphie's prime breeding pussy is RIGHT THERE.

Replaying the Steam port of FFIV right now, and holy shit it's slow. No wonder I never finished this version. Does it get better when I have more party members, or should I just say screw it and play the SNES version instead?

Reminder that even with the sound restoration patch the GBA version of VI still has worse audio quality and SNES and anyone that recommends it over the original should be put down.

FF 1-10 are all kino for different reasons you cannot refute this

>Which version?
snes version

The localization team were fucking lazy:

>the grind of 2
I like the core idea of the system, but fuck, with smoother modern or at least snes tier combat maybe it could've worked but not on the nes

I think FFII is easily the worst game in the series, but I do respect what they tried to do at the time. I have a much better opinion of it than soulless cack like FFXIII.

I didn't enjoy FFIV, but I enjoyed several games that came out after VIII.

>decide to get into final fantasy proper
>find out that most of the games, classics included, aren't full jobtism and BD was really only emulating a particular type of FF game

Attached: 1528951785483.png (33x30, 507)

I want..
I want Rydia to step on me!

Attached: sadboy.png (225x225, 8K)

> No IX
> No Tactics

You have terrible taste.

>Elder God tier
Noctis, Ramza
>Great Tier
Squall, Alphinaud/Alisaie
>Good Tier
Cecil, Terra, Cloud, Zidane
>Meh tier
Tidus, Yuna, Bartz, Serah
>Low tier
Vaan, Lightning, Firion, Ace
>Doesn't count because non-existent personality tier
Warrior of Light (I and III)

I don't know who is XI pseudo-main character/NPC since I never played it

It's a broken, nonsensical mess that can still be pretty fun due to freedom of customization. Fuck Rinoa.

Same desu.

The original version of FF3 is a great game.

I really wish I played that version before the remake, I still had some problems with it but I enjoyed that version more.

>2, 6, 7, 8 doesn't

Firion - Warrior
Maria - Ranger/Archer
Guy - Berserker
Leon - Dark Knight
Minwu - White Mage
Josef - Monk
Gordon - Warrior/Lancer
Leila - Thief
Ricard - Dragoon
Scott - Red Mage

Terra - Mage
Locke - Thief
Edgar - Mechanist/Lancer
Sabin - Monk
Cyan - Knight
Gau - Berserker
Celes - Mystic Knight
Setzer - Gambler
Shadow - Ninja
Relm - Pictomancer/Beast Master
Strago - Blue Mage
Mog - Lancer
Umaro - Berserker
Gogo - Mimic

Cloud - Warrior
Barret - Gunner
Tifa - Monk
Aerith - White Mage
Red XIII - Beast
Yuffie - Thief
Cait Sith - Gambler
Vincent - Gunner/Berserker
Cid - Lancer
Sephiroth - Warrior

Squall - Warrior
Quistis -Blue Mage
Zell - Monk
Seifer - Warrior
Selfie - Gambler/Autist
Rinoa - Beast Master/Mage
Laguna - Gunner
Kiros - Ninja
Ward - Lancer

but FF1 is my favorite

I played the Japanese version translated, in my mini SNES as my first time experience with FFIV. It was a great game. Now I'm going to play FFV for the first time in my GBA.


t. zoomer

Fan translated Super Famicom.

8 is pretty good

But 8 is good

Junction is easy to learn
Draw can be bypass with refining items

Balamb garden theme is overrated ok

Evil forest is kino

I heard bach was supposed to be the mc of 12

12 had a troubled development. Every FF since FFX has had a troubled development.

Also people don't bring up enough how Vaan and Penelo are homeless versions of Vyse and Aika from Skies of Arcadia.

>skipping 9
You and I are now enemies.

Every FF since 7 had development problems.

Yasumi Matsuno is a fucking hack

switch ix and x

5 > 7 > 6 > 4 > 8 > X > 1 > 3 > 2 > LOADING
>battle music starts playing
>enemy attack animation starts
>enemy animation continues
>enemy lands hit
>trance activates
>ally atb full
>ally attack animation starts
>trance character atb is full
>select most powerful move int he game
>ally lands hit
>trance gone

I think I legit timed it once, from the beginning of battle theme till when I could select "Attack" was about 21 seconds.for certain battles. I thought that was fucking insane.


Final Fantasy 4 to me is what I think of when you say "Final Fantasy".
That game is the complete package.


Attached: 160px-Ff5_exdeath.jpg (688x1000, 163K)

what game is this image from? 4? 5? what console?

5, GBA version


no one need FF4,5,6 and 8
so your thread is useless

The 2d games are more playable nowadays than 7, that shit is ugly as fuck, despite being my favorite.

IX does have a good party and overall lore. Lots of detail and well-written NPCs.

Unfortunately it's gameplay is tedious, half the abilities are useless, and most of the sidequests and minigames are absolute bullshit when it comes to time investment and when to time actually doing the quest/minigame for really poor rewards.

I love IX, but let's not pretend it's better than it really is.

The problem I had with 9 is that really only the first continent gets anything going for it. the rest are just completely empty while you run from dungeon to dungeon.



4 to 10 you mean.

7 is actually the only good one. There's nothing special about any of the others, especially 9.

wtf fpbp


>awful story (barely has any)
>characters are dumb and unlikable, especially all your party members
>art style is lame and uninspired, unoriginal
9 is trash

>art style is lame and uninspired

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