What's so good about this game, games (?), do you have to play all 3?
Do they work well on emulator?
What's so good about this game, games (?), do you have to play all 3?
Do they work well on emulator?
Other urls found in this thread:
>atmospheric (rain and steam effects on your visor)
>personal opinion, but I feel like all three of the Primes have the best music in any game - if you were to ask me for an example of a good song, I'd have to give you tons of links
>interconnected world full of shortcuts and puzzles
>a story which is intriguing without being intrusive due to the scanning system
>if I dare use the word, the games are comfy as shit
I could go on and on. I love these games. I've heard the emulators run well.
You don't have to play all three. They're mostly separate stories, except all of them relate to planets that have been hit by meteors which all share a common origin.
They are stylish.
Prime 1 is basically about taking Super into first-person 3D format. Prime 2 is taking everything which made Prime 1 UNLIKE Super - and capitalizing upon it to the point where it is barely even a Metroid game (setting-wise, at least). It is also by far the most distinctive, divising and challenging game out of three. 3 is an aferthought and an interactive movie of sort. Playing it after 2 is fairly pointless.
Prime 3 is great, but it's a lot more linear and story-focused. When you're free to just explore, however, it's just as good as the others.
Prime 1: Almost 10/10 game with a bit of unfortunate backtracking, but totally forgivable imo
Prime 2: never played
Prime 3: Linear and combat-focused, cool if you like motion controls I guess?
they're all extremely good, they work great on emulator. i'd recommend playing them with mouse and keyboard
Playing it on Dolphin is a must by this point for the sweet 1080p and above resolutions
Backtracking through places you've already explored with more equipment to find new secrets is the core of Metroid.
prime 1 does it way too much though. prime 2 reigns it in a lot but still has a ridiculous amount of endgame fetch-quest bullshit that you have to slog through. prime 3 almost gets it right
Every Prime ends with a treasure hunt through the entire world. 1 had the Artifacts, 2 had the Keys, and 3 had the Fuel.
it gets better with each game though
p1 had 12 fucking keys you had to find
p2 only has 9
and if i recall correctly, p3 only requires you to have 5 fuel cells but there are a total of 9? i dont remember
Played through the Trilogy recently on the Wii. They are pretty OK games. Anyone thinking they come close to Super is out of their fucking mind.
Overrated schlock. 1 and 2 are backtrack fiestas, poorly designed. 3 is wagglan casualized shit thanks to Wii. 2D Metroid is infinitely superior to these Halo wannabes. Even the shittiest Metroid (Samus Returns) is a godsend compared to the trilogy as a whole.
they're all better than super
The Artifact hunt in 1 isn't that big of a deal if you go to the Temple early in the game and just keep the hunt in the back of your mind the whole game and just collect them as you play - by the time you're actually ready to move into the Crater, you should have MOST of them, assuming you've been exploring.
Epitome of 3D level design plus a fuck ton of atmosphere and variation in gameplay
>never played
OP, so basically the 1st one is the best?
Why are people suddenly defending Super? It's been shit on Yea Forums since I can remember
prime 2 is the best one
>It's been shit on Yea Forums since I can remember
Since when you double nigger?
Super Metroid isn't even in the top 10 best SNES games
The first one is the most like Super Metroid, so a lot of people think it's the best. It has the most interconnected map and you have to consider the entire map when exploring and looking for stuff. It's a godlike game.
Prime 2 is like the first game, but more condensed. Rather than spreading everything out across the entire world, the solutions and items needed to progress are all found within the zones (usually). Prime 2 is also a lot more difficult and has more of a horror atmosphere.
Prime 3 is great, but is much more linear and has a lot more story. If you can only play one of them, play the first one, and then move on to the others. They're some of the best games ever made.
>What's so good about this game, games (?), do you have to play all 3?
everything, there's a reason why the gamefaqs best game of all time poll had all 3 in the top 10
OK cool, where do I download?
I thought Nintendo took down all these sites, am I downloading dolphin porn?
1 is a 10/10 game. Backtracking is a staple of the franchise. If you dont like it, than you shouldn't play metroid ever. Period.
2 takes a stale concept and somehow makes it even more stale. The 2 world paradigm shift bullshit has been around forever and was done better in LTTP and even OoT. Why they thought it would be a good idea to bring it to Metroid Prime, I have no clue. Somehow the graphics are worse in this one and the overall world (outside of sky fortress or whatever the fuck) is boring as hell compared to the first game.
Further, it's hard to place the MP games in the actual canon of the series. MP1 fits somewhat, but MP2 just seems out of place.
Original is best by a mile. Don't listen to MP2 fags. They're worse than MM>OoT fags.
Prime1 is the only one that matches, and in some respect surpasses, Super.
MM is better than OoT though
If you like being depressed and hassled than sure. You go ahead and think that edge-lord.
this guy's a nigger
1 is an 8/10 at best, it translates the super metroid style of exploration and progression perfectly to 3d, but it still has a lot of issues with excessive backtracking and fetchquests, plus it's just a little too easy
2 takes everything that 1 did well and does it even better, while cutting out a lot of the backtracking by giving us a more interconnected world; it is more difficult, but that's a plus in my eyes. easy 10/10
3 is okay, 7/10
>playing any zelda game makes you an edgelord
it's not my fault OoT has fuck all outside the dungeons
prime 2 is more interconnected than 1, every area leads to every other one multiple times
I'm referring to how you don't need to move between them as often. Once you get to Torvus, for instance, you can pretty much do everything in Torvus without having to go to another zone to get a power-up, with some exceptions. Everything to clear a zone is found somewhere in that zone.
Except for the part where it has probably the best music and overall world.
First one is great, second one is crap. Third is a wagglan game, so you can't really emulate it.
If you look at it on a base mechanical level, it isn't very interesting. But the level and world design are both very engrossing, making it a very enjoyable adventure game.
also those extra elevators don't open up until the end of the game, or until they're already useless
also the dark world undoes all the advantage of those extra elevators
Nobody gives a fuck about the literal (and I do mean LITERAL) autistics on gamefags.
>nobody gives a fuck about the largest aggregate poll on video game rankings
>bandwagon fallacy
Got a link for the trilogy?
Lemme tell you how much I stinkin love metroid.
That level design, dont get me started
That atmosphere, really just does things for me
And that character and enemy design really just butter me up, it inspires me so much, I love it so damn much.
At this segment I'm just going to have an unfiltered typing of word vomit of how much metroid means to me:
Really cool monsters, looking like theyre part of the environment like anatomy spot on and interesting missions I love the intergalactic stinkin worlds its so cool i really want to work on one someday just inspires me like dangit I want it I wish I just wouldn't put things off so much, I'm taking classes ,trying to get there I want to create something similar so bad, I love e verything about it.
Thank you
Thanks pal
tfw that was the first metroid pic I saved on my deviant art account. Only now do I realize how fucked up the arm cannon is
If you’re running the trilogy rom it can be a bit of a pain in the ass to set up mouse controls but it’s nothing a non-retard can’t manage.
OK I just started, is the right stick not used for anything? I'm using a PS3 controller.
It's used for weapon selection later on.
It's used for switching beams in the GameCube versions of Prime 1 and 2.
So right now it doesn't do anything.
Pure kino. All three are great for their own reasons. They don’t really need to be played in order if you don’t want to.
If you're a fan of super Metroid they're fun to play to see how they tried translating it into 3D.
A lot of people will tell you to play the motion controls version but I vastly prefer the normal gamecube releases. I feel like the way the world and game was designed works with the controls and the free aiming shit makes everything seem off to me while playing.
Last night's Metroid thread with Prime series music posts made me want to replay the trilogy so motherfucking hard. But I'm going to wait a little longer. If no MP Trilogy HD at E3 then it's time to replay.
I wish they'd hurry up and invent usb controllers.
This. 1 is 3D Super Metroid and 2 is the best game in the series even though it’s kind of janky, has the best world, level as enemy design in the entire franchise. 3 is a shlocky westernized corn fest but is still fun. No game that has Skytown could ever be bad.
Anyone got a mega link for the ISOs?
Unfortunately not for the trilogy version, the only version I have is incomplete. First 2 games run but corruption doesn’t boot. It’s a hard rom to find I think. GC roms for the first two are easy, try Vimm’s Vault
Dang Corruption is the only one I haven’t played
I think the stand-alone corruption rom is still floating around, so you could just have the GC roms and still play 3. But I haven’t known of a viable trilogy rom since Nintendo purged all the major sites
Just checked Vimm’s and it has both the corruption and trilogy roms but I don’t know if they’re any good.
Hmm I don't really like the controls.
Can I get some cute and/or aesthetic Metroid art in here?
>doesn’t like tank controls
mostly the aiming. LT + RT + left stick, instead of just pointing. Is there no way to switch targets?
And I keep falling off things because of the massive gun model + low FoV, I can hardly see the floor, plus you cant look down easily.
I thought there was a FOV hack at least for MP1
they do work well on emulation though with 3 you will have to put a bit of time into syncing up wiimotes and setting up a lightbar
and the stuttering is annoying, even though i have this ubershading stuff turned on.
primehack is a thing now
That blackout sequence in phendrana drifts freaked me out so much when I was young.
Can’t remember is that in the Pirates Lab with the Metroid?
The prime games were a bit of an acquired taste for me, didn't like it at first but after stepping away I got random urges to go back and play it (then ended up loving it).
The feeling of being in a weird alien environment isn't really matched by any other FPS, it's not bound by standardized game mechanics.
Yep, where you find the Thermal Visor
Honestly, the atmosphere. Metroid Prime as a series is a strong argument for the appeal of crafting worlds with strong aesthetic details. If we're gonna be real here the mechanics of it are sound but a bit on the mediocre side, while the level design and progression is good but not on par with a 2D Metroid. The art, music, ambience, enemy design, lore, all that shit though? Top fucking class. TOPPEST OF THE FUCKING CLASS. It's just a set of really comfy sci-fi adventures when you get down to it. And while I do think 1 and 2 stand on their own, I'd play those before 3 as they really accent the stakes of that game, you see what happens to individual planets in those games and you properly understand why what's going down in 3 could be some REALLY bad shit.
Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time.
metroid was one of my first games and there never seemed to be that many. The fact that the 2d game I played got a 3d release on the game cube was beyond hype.
imagine people who grew up on 2d zelda being around the right age to see OoT on 64. Same thing.
Setting up Dolphin's Latest Dev Release and the individual games now.
Are there any particular Settings I should be selecting in the Config for these games that work better?
I have a 6600K and a RTX2060
Are you playing the Gamecube games, or the Wii Trilogy?
Gamecube games. Didn't see a collection for the Trilogy - which may be a problem since I want to use Keyboard/Mouse
Well I'm in the same boat, downloaded the gamecube games, but want to play with KB+M.
I think we need the Wii trilogy as it's easier to emulate the Wiimote cursor as a mouse cursor.
hopefully someone will spoonfeed.
I just found the Trilogy Here
Found old Reddit threads that detail it I'll let you know
and KB+M shite?
Have yet to test, as I'm still downloading the Wii version of the game. Someone has a screencap of their settings to emulate a Wii Mote
I recently played Prime 1 for the first time, and it was great. Really fantastic.
I just loved exploring the world, reading the scans, getting upgrades, etc. I got every single upgrade, even the missiles.
The tank controls were fun, too, especially after I got used to them. The world design was beautiful, the enemies were great, and so much more.
Really, a fantastic game. I'm looking forward to playing Prime 2.
Is also an option if that rom isn't good for whatever reason
>play Prime 1 as a kid
>get bored an hour in
>play Prime 1 last year
>it becomes my favorite game of all time
I just set it up. The rom worked but didn’t test 2 or 3.
Use OpenGL and use the Ubersampling to remove stuttering. I have to play with the mouse settings because my mouse is an inch away from the Wii cursor but may be a DPI setting. Playing MP1 at 60fps. Gonna bump the res shortly but had to give my wifes daughter a bath
It's an FPS on a Nintendo console so obviously it's the best FPS ever made.
Not like those other FPS. They're dog shit, and for plebs.
This one is good though.
Have sex
bend over
ah, perfect...
>responding to blatant shitposting
Which of the Primes has your best OST?