Is it right for a company to control what you do outside of their games?
Is it right for a company to control what you do outside of their games?
But it wasnt Blizzard
It was Valiant now fuck off shitter
This is a league enforcing standards of conduct on its players, same as with any other sport. Fuck off, kid.
>what is a contract
you have toi be over 12 to post here
No, but your post and your image contradict each other. They're pros and signed a contract.
yes if you sign a contract with them
Section IV - Meme Enforcement
You agree to refrain from posting any memes, including but not limited to, Pepe, Wojack, Honk Clown, and NPC.
Violation of these terms shall be met with a fine up to $1000.00 USD and/or 90 day suspension from future events.
name one real sport that fines its players for tweeting about pepe the frog
That applies to just about every public figure in the world. It's what happens when your words and actions represent an organization.
Corporatism isn't necessarily capitalistic.
Name one sportsman who has tweeted about pepe the frog
>overwatch pro
If you drink the cuck juice, don't be surprised when you get cucked.
Why are the users of this board so retarded they cannot distinguish a culture around a game from the game itself?
An agreement between two parties
Now what are civil liberties?
The fact that a contract restricts players to that extent is the thing worth discussing.
Get a load of this boot licker
Everyone in this thread
>hurrr what is a contract
No shit retards, OP isn't claiming that there isn't a contract that gives them this power, he asking if you think they're justified in asking to have this power
It's not the gubberment so it's ok
If you don't like it just don't sign it lmao
If you signed the contract, then yes they're justified. What are you, retarded? Do you think you can get out of a contract just because you didn't read the fine print?
MAGA is basically Pepe, yet Brady is able to keep a MAGA hat in his locker
>*nfl player savagely beats his gf/wife/idk in an elevator*
>*crickets chirping*
That's pretty standard though. The teams are paying their salaries to begin with, and the players are expected to not act in any way that could damage their team's brand.
>Now what are civil liberties?
Something that's irrelevant in the face of corporate rights
>frogfag BTFO
like nigga just read the terms
It is if you are a dumb frogposter.
Ironically this applies only in western countries
In Russia and China corporations are forced to abide by the countries laws
That's capitalism, baby!
>western gaming
*sip* just like highschool
Couldn't he protest a violation of free speech, wtf?
so you cant name one, huh
Football players are given special privileges and can often avoid trouble in a situation where someone else would have been punished. That doesn't always happen though and Football players have been issued fines or other penalties for their actions off the field.
Of course they are because they will be left to deal with the PR fallout.
He has every right to refuse paying. The league has every right to ban him from their events, too.
based chinks
Sure. He could protest it, and not pay the fine. He'd also get kicked off the team and banned from events.
Because freedom of speech doesn't protect you from your employer firing you if you cause a PR disaster or break the terms of the contract. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that people here have never worked a proper job in their life.
>having to sign a contract to play a video game
>A cartoon frog and an alt-right hate symbol
>The "OK" hand sign is a white supremacist gang sign
>Using either will result in you getting fired and ostracized
When did shit get so bad?
Of course if you sign it they're justified. OP is asking if you think its a reasonable request to ask for that kind of control
Based goy.
>something is being criticized
>instead of making a counter argument, you go and explain what's being criticized (even tho that's already established)
Why are you like this? Why do memesters like you unironically exist?
You do realize that just because you dislike/criticize something, that doesn't automatically mean you don't understand it? You do realize that you can dislike/criticize something even if you understand it?
You're criticizing contracts in general. What's the endgame exactly?
He fucked up by playing Overwatch this far in the first place. Should try to screw Blizz somehow. That being said its amazing how the mere image of Pepe makes fucktards seethe endlessly
He disputed the fine and didn't have to pay it in the end, although the LA Valiant would have still been justified if they had instead chosen not to drop it.
This really isn't anything unusual in the sporting world, every league issues fines for personal conduct, including social media posts.
Apparently its the OK sign, but upside down that makes it illegal or whatever. Just like nazi's using the manji but crooked.
Although japan uses it and doesnt care. Shit, its in bleach on ichigos sword!
That’s because Goodell is Brady’s bitch. Brady gets whatever he wants. Thank fuck the asshole already probably has CTE and brain damage
desu pepe is pretty cute.
I thought gay people hated getting bones broken?
who in the world is paying you a full living salary WITHOUT you having to sign a contract? so what if his job happens to be playing a video game, what does that have to do with anything
Expressing opinions? Discussions about the topic?
Idk, what is the endgame of talking about anything?
The NZRU and probably the ICC would fine it's players.
Not really. No one said they had to sign it.
Does the contract state that he cannot do actions that could taint the public image of their employer?
Then it's fine as long as they can't ban you (the consumer) because you believe in the spaghetti monster and they don't.
Also, fuck professional gayming.
The problem is that this doesn't play out in real life. Most of the "hate speech" companies are shutting people done for is simply someone that got tired of taking shit and fought back. I work at a company that worships trans people and any self victimized culture. They are allowed to treat people like shit but I've gotten "verbal warnings" for simply saying I support a different party than they do. That is what people are complaining about with this type of thing. An different point of view isn't hate speech, and letting the mobs uninformed knee-jerk reaction ruin mostly normal peoples live is only going to cause more division and create the hatred progressives are pretending to fight. Normal people don't let people get silenced or bullied just because they don't agree. Too bad most internet, celeb, sports, ect personalities aren't living in a normal world and only want to create a divide so they can pretend to be better than someone else.
Whatever it is you're talking about, it doesn't fall into free speech violation claims, which is the point. Anyway if you think you're being wronged in your workplace file a lawsuit.
I'm sure that actually happened user and you're not just some bitter retard that said something stupid and got wrote up about it.
But please, file a grievance suit against your workplace. Give me something to laugh about.
I was responding to what the implication of the comic. That anything you say that doesn't mesh with what people want to hear should get you pushed out of society. Real hate speech or hatred is already pushed to the outskirts of society and looked down on by 99% of the everyone. And looking for it in normal people then hiding behind "b-b-b-but I didn't do anything to you legally" is a horrible thing to do to something that more than likely isn't someone that did anything bad.
And if you really think one person can win a suit against a corporation you have no idea how serious the amount of money and power most large businesses have.
I ain't no spring chicken. I have listened to people admit stuff like this to management but are protected by corporate offices so they can't get fired unless they steal money or physically assault someone.
>That anything you say that doesn't mesh with what people want to hear should get you pushed out of society.
Well, you can't force other people to put up with you. Still, unless you landed with some grade-A drama queens most people will tolerate a moron as long as you don't get too out of hand.
>And if you really think one person can win a suit against a corporation you have no idea how serious the amount of money and power most large businesses have.
Do you not have any work experience at all or something? Suing your employer (and winning) is not that uncommon, most lawsuits of this level are too low risk for a company to bother deploying the big guns.
>Showing you the door
>By forcing you to pay 1000 dollars
Thanks idiot.
Anyone who thinks these shitty comics are worth anything should be shot. At least other political comics aren't pretending to try and be smart.
Nothing wrong. Humans are just meatbags. Live to work and spend money. Happines of corporations is what realy matter.
Do the "Facts don't care about your feelings" people not see the irony of using >tfw no gf frog as their mascot?
>Too bad most internet, celeb, sports, ect personalities aren't living in a normal world and only want to create a divide so they can pretend to be better than someone else.
Love that irony.
Brady is like the highest performing quarterback in the nfl's history and is worth basically whatever inconvenience he could possibly cause. When you are worth tens of millions, if not 100m plus, you too can do what you want user
Yes if you have a contract that says so
I'm lowest rung in an international franchise. I don't talk religion, politics, life, or really anything at work now unless I've known people for months because of past casual conversations I've had with people that said I was their friend. However I've watched people berate customers and cowokers, storm out, and not get punished at all even though higher ups where called and the people in question would say its because they are gay or trans or a minority(This is irrelevant in most if not all these cases). Then its all pushed under the rug. My time at the company is essentially done and I'm moving onto better things. But its been a real eye opener as social justice has gotten more traction in the daily news cycle.
I didn't say I was better because I am not famous. The disassociation from the common man is a choice. There are tons of celebs that didn't disassociate but you don't hear about it because generally they tend to not be newsworthy because we all need our distractions from the day to day. I never said I don't enough movies or tv shows or video games. However the people involved in those things shouldn't be the people to influence your life choices.
Ironically companies have done worse for the American system than the government despite the government being absolute garbage
That's fucked right?
Imagine being so much worse than a warmongering state
>get fined $1000 by company for a post on twitter
>CEO of a company openly attacks journalists, shittalks everyone else on his twitter and throws out ultimatums and demands without consequences
>this is ok in Yea Forumss book
It's not like Brady is tweeting about politics either, he just owns a political hat that is rarely seen
>post things associated with far right/facism/neo-nazis
>get surprised when you get punished for it
hey we arent nazis we're just asking questions. Like "did Hitler really do anything wrong?"
>hey we arent nazis
evidence says otherwise, nazi.
>make contract with “dont promote hate speech” or whatever
>guy posts image
>frame it as hate speech
>thanks for the 1000$ buddy
nothing to do with speech limitation, they just save every penny possible since no one watches ow esports
I'm not nazi.
I just hate commies and wonder how exactly is it a coincidence that soviet's best figures are represented as the good guys (and Napoleon hatred was driven by Stalinism, Bonaparte was socialism's best protrait) while Ford the man that founded our very own american society is bad?
If they're paying you to play their shit, then yes.
if commies are bad, why is it every commie or commie influenced society is nationalistic while the democratic liberal west is cucked?
there was a guy in china that shat on traditional martial arts and they closed all his social accounts.
in the west if you say kebab (food) sucks they take you for a bigoted racist and send the police for hate speech
ford was antisemite
>Jüdisches Museum Berlin
No one forced you to sign the contract. you agreed to those terms
>in the west if you say kebab (food) sucks they take you for a bigoted racist and send the police for hate speech
That's my point, it wasn't this way before we were invaded by commies.
McCarthy did literally nothing wrong, what's happening today just proves that his paranoid tyranny was right all along.
if you get paid by the company according to a contractual agreement that says so, fuck yes
>trump getting elected against 95% odds is literally a shoah
>there was a guy in china that shat on traditional martial arts and they closed all his social accounts.
By the way, this doesn't make sense, China's communist party supports this kind of talk, they ban anything that relates them to the Qings, martial arts were banned for a long time and the Beijing opera you see in Beijing today isn't the original performance.
He deserved it for playing e-sports overwatch
Pepe the frog is used by extremists 99% of the time so i kinda agree with blizzard here.
And before someone replies, fuck your freedom of speech cunt.
You are so fucking stupid holy shit.
>Overwatch Thread
Sage in all fields
Because image
Holy shit, I hate Pepe, but fucking tweeting about a dumb meme shouldn’t ruin your career.
I wish Yea Forums would fine you all for posting the facebook frog.
It didn't though he only got fined.
it was tai chi
btw, simply because people were eating rice during qing dinasty doesnt mean they banned rice
the new stock of lefties arent commies
stfu commie
$1000 is not a fair punishment for posting about dumb meme frog that should have died years ago, personally, I would have just said he had shit taste.
What would be a fair punishment and how did you determine it?
No, it isn't right, for two reasons:
1) Why would I take a league that cares more about your political views/personal expression than they do about your ability to play the game?
2) It is wrong to use institutional power to control people's political views/personal expression.
>It's good that powerful multinational corporations remove dissident voices from the public sphere.
>oh and the right are fascists
If you post Pepe or use the OK, thumbs up or other white power signs, you deserve whatever retribution and social ostracization you get.
So does this mean that we can start a company and refuse to hire / do business with leftists?
For example, if your Facebook has a history of pro-LGBT propaganda, you're fired. Go to the bread lines. Go directly to the bread lines. Do not pass Go. Do not collect unemployment.
Just to be clear, I'm sure plenty of people would back this sort of policy.
Being tolerant doesn't mean being tolerant of intolerance.
You're trying to pretend that posting something on twitter =/= saying something IRL publically.
If you're posting nazi imagery, hate speech or racist shit on twitter and you get fined for it you deserve it.
Stupid frog meme is associated with hate speech, whether you like it or not. If you don't want to have problems, don't post that shit.
>fuck big corp I hate them and wish they would go bankrupt, btw they're my sole means of communication
>oh and I love big corp actually, please daddy trump fuck my ass harder
what was the tweet about? screencap, link? fill me in with the facts
>tfw no gf
LOL /pol/ppets BTFO out again
>everyone but you is the same person
also pepe is normieshit, and they don't give a fuck about the SPLC or whatever the fuck calling cartoon frogs and okay hand signs "racist" orwhatever
Pepe is super normalfag shit now. It's all over Twitch if you look at any stream. The biggest youtuber in my country uses Pepe emotes in his Twitch channel. You'd have to be a special kind of retard to associate it to politics at this point.
Must be tough not having a girlfriend
>So does this mean that we can start a company and refuse to hire / do business with leftists?
Of fucking course, are you being serious right now?
>corporate rights
Arian Foster
wanna see something truly glorious?
You might be able to depending on just how you did it, but you'd probably be in constant litigation and be out of business in a flash
>pull shit like this
>lose 70 BILLION in ad revenue
get woke
>Conservatives slowly getting pushed out of society.
Now we just wait for the old people to start dropping and we'll never have to see another red spot on the US electoral map again.
its white people, not old people that you want to get rid of if you don't want there to be any "red" left on the electoral map
People get more conservative as they get older. Not less
And enjoy living in a third world shithole after that
It's actually liberals who aren't making many kids. All the blue votes comes from blacks and latinos that want to help their families cross the border. All the dumb ass retarded white liberals will be bred out, and all the progress they've made will corrode as new policies are made to suit the mexicans.
If you sign the contact which states so, then sure. There are plenty of professions which get shit for things they do on their spare time-- teachers, police, etc.
Conservatives deserve to be censored.
>sargon is alt-right
>sargon is /pol/
you're an idort
Just like how repeating elections when you don't like the result makes it twice as democratic.
>muh contract
I'd love to see the line in that contract where it says, "may not publish images of a green frog on the internet"
No he didn;'t you fucked in the head leftist
Not censoring an idea =/= endorsing an idea or even tolerating it. Slap it down in court. Give no credence to the actual tenets. Don't hide it. Don't be afraid to debate it. Laugh at it. But don't hide it. It isn't the boogeyman.
Censuring someone for their political beliefs is not cool
I agree. Islamic extremists are conservatives, and shouldn’t be tolerated.
Conservatives deserve to be censored, regardless of religion.
reminder that even the most radical revolutionary is a conservative one day after taking power
Only in your crazy trannie fantasies
Absolutely not, and I hope any company that does it gets fucked eventually. Anyone that tries to control what you do off their platform, not just limited to games, deserves to go up in flames
>nothing bad has ever happened from pushing more and more people to the fringes
fuck off reddit
I love this meme
>that pic
Meanwhile, in the world of boxing