Why is Final Fantasy VII often considered to be one of gaming's greatest achievements?
Why is Final Fantasy VII often considered to be one of gaming's greatest achievements?
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because a lot of people played it and it was the first story-heavy game that a lot of normies played
also to be fair to FFVII: it is a very good game
Because it’s one of the first games that makes turn based feel not shitty
It was the first jrpg for many people.jrpgs are very story driven and people get attached to the characters.
If you play FFVII now for the first time you'll be pretty much disappointed if you go with the expectation that it is the best jrpg ever,which is not.
>also to be fair to FFVII: it is a very good game
better than recent modern trash by Sqaure
Outside of being a great game in its own right it made a subgenre popular in the West
Barry in 3...
OP started with a Barry shitpost
I played it for the first time like 5 years ago and it was nowhere near my first JRPG, and I still love it.
FFVII does some things extremely well. Off the top of my head:
>extremely likable cast; probably the best JRPG party in terms of quality per capita
>tone that can swing from comedy to horror to drama and somehow it always feels organic
>interesting and compelling villains... except for Sephiroth ironically
>greatest achievements
No one does
>an great game, one of the all time greats
Sure. FF7 on its own does nothing that other PS1 JRPGs were doing and those games atleast had unique combat systems or mechanics
this is wrong
VII is insanely slow
>because a lot of people played it and it was the first story-heavy game that a lot of normies played
Mario RPG was my first, but this was my second, and it was one of the most hyped releases for christmas 1997
>Hold X
You goddamn fool.
Barry didn't make that I did.
Faster than 8-10.
Because it's a breakthrough title which contributed something positive to the medium.
It's like asking why people look fondly on Casablanca or something.
Why is Ocarina of Time often considered to be one of gaming's greatest achievements?
Starting the trend of movie games isn't a positive.
faster than 8 sure slower than 9 and 10
Historical context matters. There wasn't a thing like it in video games in 1997.
That's because the characters pretty much knew each other before the game even started unlike FFVI for example,the fact that they probably already had written a prequel script for the game during its inception helped
played it for the first time a few years ago and it became my favorite game of all time. it still holds up
Just finished FF VII for the first time ever. Which should I play next between VI, VIII or IX?
Because of muh nostalgia!
Did Ocarina of time invent lock-on strafing?
I feel like for a long time, everybody called it "z targeting" because thats what OOT called it
I have never played a FF game; the 7Remake will prob be my first (if/when it comes out on PC)
BotW is the only Zelda game I've played (I played a bit of Wind Waker)
Rufus Shinra is based.
It didn't start the trend of movie games you damned newfag. Look up FMV games.
I'd be really fast with her haha....
Everyone knows 9 is slow as fuck, and 10 went back to regular turn based.
So the order is descending: 7 > 8 > 9 > 10
I think VI sucks but everybody else thinks its good so you might as well play it to find out for yourself.
IX is pretty good but I'd hope you'd play the earlier FFs before that so you can get what it's paying homage to
Never played VIII
>people are able to contribute a lot of reasons as to why it is looked back on fondly
>but it's totally because of nostalgia
it was one of the first movie games
But it absolute did. Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were the pioneers of streamlining out gameplay in favor of cinematic spectacle. Final Fantasy VII, for example, has fourteen (14) hours of cutscenes.
man I loved all 3 of those jrpgs
Because it was everyone's first JRPG, you can tell that when they start talking about how magically it was to leave Midgar instead of recognizing the games immediate drop in quality afterwards
I literally just gave you an entire genre of games that did this prior.
Play VIII and IX next.
Then play VI
>Did Ocarina of time invent lock-on strafing?
yes, it's probably OoT's greatest contribution to gaming
None of which were as prolific as FF or MGS.
Because you need some damn good shilling campaign and general brainwashing to make so people believe or parrot that it was ever good to this day, admittedly not an easy thing to do in 1997 and one of the biggest examples of how people will swallow any kind of shit as long as it looks good enough and is shilled enough.
It was an entry level JRPG that successfully marketed itself to a western audience. It's not a hard game by any means, but that webm doesn't do it justice either, and you know it. Very cherry picked.
Technically Mega Man Legends created the lock-on and a number of ideas that Ocarina of Time refined a year later. But, MML didn't let you move while locked on and it was a real fucky system combined with tank controls. The sequel added lock-on strafing and analog control (with an annoying half-turn factor) but by then it was 2000 and the mechanic was standardized.
but that's wrong user-kun
Play V it's the best after VII.
it wasn't my first JRPG and I still thought it felt magical to leave Midgar.
I can't really explain it but Midgar felt so much larger than life that the concept that it was just another spot on the map was baffling
Scope and cinematics
WTF was up with all of the creepy jumpscares?
FFX confirmed for best FF
It made 3D video games work by refining what was already there and inventing what wasn't. Also Zelda was a pretty big deal on NES, SNES and GameBoy, as big and recognized IP as it is today.
A better question would be why is Mario 64 considered to have invented modern video games when it's nothing special even by 1998 standards.
this is dumb because they're obviously grinding enemies
In the amount of time it takes for Roxas to merge with Sora in KH2, you've already bombed two plants in FF7, gotten to know the life and times of Midgar even if the surface plates are way underutilized, meet the four main characters of the game with their personalities already well-established, had the stakes risen by the deaths of innocents and allies, and maybe (with some foreknowledge to help quicken things a bit) even escaped Midgar with a nebulously ambiguous antagonist that is surrounded in mystery on top of Shinra's shit.
And that's just what is essentially the game's prologue.
It and Mario 64 are literally the reason why 3D games exist the way they do today.
Zelda has never been that big of an IP. BotW is really the first game to break through into having mainstream success.
Wow, someone else who played beyond the beyond. I'm impressed.
>BotW is really the first game to break through into having mainstream success
Are we just going to pretend that TP didnt sell like 9 million copies?
FFXV sucks. Hold O. Fuck Tabata. KH3. Kingdom Hearts. Nomura. Devil May Cry. Sekiro. Bayonetta. now we wait
>borrowed it from my best friend
>mfw lost the disc ages ago but still have the jewel case + manual
Do you think they'll flesh out the towns more in the remake? Dirge was mediocre but I did like what they did with Kalm.
It was also on one of the best selling consoles of all time as a launch title. It's an anomaly, within the series. Majora's Mask and Wind Waker didn't even break three million and Ocarina of Time only sold around six million. Breath of the Wild has already outsold it, anyways.
FF7 had a lot of horror shit. from enemy designs, to the sunken submarine implied to be some sort of Shinra experiment transport, to the fact that the entire plot boils down to a sentient space alien trying to genocide all life in the world with the ability to shapeshift into people just to exploit their vulnerabilities
Benis prabata
>Oot isn't mainstream
>Zelda has never been that big of an IP. BotW is really the first game to break through into having mainstream success.
What the fuck am I reading? Zelda is the go to "nerd cred" game. It's incredibly entry level.
For me it's the sheer variety of content, the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the memorable characters, the wide range of emotion (some of the silliest and most serious moments in the franchise), the materia system, and the presentation.
ATB is far from my favorite type of combat (pure turn-based is better) but materia makes up for it.
there's only 1 reason people care about ff7
>3d graphics
>rpg with a story
>older people are bound to be nostalgic about stuff
>add that all together
>"FF7 is a good game"
Story is about some mercenary who gets paid to sabotage his older employers only to fight some long haired demi-god faggot who wants to destroy the planet because
>hurr durr I am clone, am not real peepl
dialogue is meh, Materia system is a shit
>b-b-but muh Aerys
good riddance
>b-b-but my big tiddies
8 is better.
>tfw you got 8 instead of 7
I remember when I played it the first time I just discovered there were Final Fantasy games besides X and really liked the Midgar part and then got really disappointed when I saw the world map. I think I dropped it before Aerith death
It's a mix of everything.
First of all, graphics. Everything except the characters in the field had good graphics. The backgrounds, the world map, the battle sprites. Sure the characters in the field are pretty bad, but in the context it works, its simple, and it gives more to the interpretation. They were low polygons, but they had tons of animations, so they still worked.
Second, music was flawless. Nothing more to say, music was top notch, a lot of memorable tracks, track that fitted with the setting, everything.
Third, the unique characters, It's not just a group of normal humans. Each had their own personality, and in general they were great.
Fourth, the story. It's pretty good how they dont show you the real villain at first, in the beginning all you can see its just an evil company, but then it becomes much more. And even so, the evil company still manage to have presence even at the end of the game.
ANd lastly, the gameplay. It's simple, had a lot of content (multiple materias), isnt hard to get into, and it isnt too hard neither too easy. More than one got stuck and demon wall, more than one got stuck at dyne, and others.
god i want to suck her cock so bad bros
Eight is too easy, even if you don't break the game.
>thinking about picking up 7 in switch
>see this thread
Guess I’ll get it
>Zelda has never been that big of an ip
Literally one of Nintendo’s most popular games for decades
ouch man. now samson will never be uncursed.
>materia system is shit
>meanwhile junctioning is better
I mean both have their merits but neither is better than the other
Short enough to not really see what the fuck you're looking at but just long enough to shit your pants.
>Materia system is a shit
Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's bad.
>Phoneposting wojakposter
You have to go back.
that moment was kino, specially with boss fight theme starting inmediately
Midgar might've been my favorite part of the game but I disagree that everything else wasn't good too.
Is this the new dark souls 2 webm?
>More than one got stuck and demon wall
And lost number, and carry armor, and materia keeper, and that two headed dragon in the northern crater
man I wish I knew poison was OP as a kid
>makes a retarded claim
>gets btfo
Cope faggot
Too bad the boss itself is a joke if you know the Pheonix Down trick.
The port is pretty mediocre but power to you for actually bothering to play an older game.
>Game gives you a world map
>Forces you through it in linear fashion
Don't even need a PD. Just toss an X-Potion his way, you find one in the dungeon.
>that webm
The attack the enemy is using is called 'Shotgun', but...what about it makes it a shotgun? The enemy can't run out of shotgun shells, nor does this attack have any of the properties of a shotgun, heck, it doesn't even take into account range. It functions exactly like a physical attack.
Contrast that with another turn-based RPG that was released in the same year as FF7, Fallout. In that game, shotguns actually function like you would expect. They use up ammo, have to be reloaded if they do run out of ammo, and they are most effective at close range and become very inaccurate at greater distances.
Besides distance, Fallout's combat also takes into account things like friendly fire and the level of illumination: fighting at night or in a cave makes you less accurate. And the combat actually takes place in the same area you explore in and utilizes your surroundings, whereas FF7 has invisible random encounters that basically teleport you to a separate dimension for the combat encounter.
Fallout has voice acting, whereas in FF7 characters don't even grunt when they take damage. It's dead silent. In Fallout armor changes your appearance, whereas it doesn't in FF7. In Fallout you bend down and loot the corpses of your enemies after combat, in FF7 they evaporate in thin air and you magically receive gold from them.
Having played both of these games for the first time only recently, I found Fallout immersive and engrossing in a way that FF7, despite its ostensibly higher production values, wasn't. And I only now realized why.
Which is why I don't understand the popular notion that FF7 revolutionized gaming. It played exactly like jrpgs before it.
X was my first FF too.
so while everybody else is talking about the VII bosses that kicked their newbie asses, this is the boss that taught me how to properly play JRPGs
>slower than 9
shitty bait
you can also just x potion him. either way, not that hard of a fight anyway.
yeah, IF you know the phoenix down trick.
Nobody tries that the first time
This thread is not going the way OP planned.
non-linearity is overrated screws with the pacing of the game, it's why WRPGs are such boring trash
Based and redpilled.
I actually prefer linearity almost every single time.
based retard poster
Go watch a movie then. Brainlets like you are the reason we get trash like Dark Souls 3.
>Why is Final Fantasy VII often considered to be one of gaming's greatest achievements?
Baby's first JRPG
Here's your Final Fantasy VII fan bro youtube.com
based retard
I disagree. I played it around 4-5 years ago for the first time and I honestly consider it to be a fucking amazing game. I'm even considering giving it another playthrough soon.
Really wish they would have ported Crisis Core and good Dissidia onto PS3
>It's either a straight line or muh epin sandbox
Fag. A good linear game will have multiple divergences without falling into the open world meme.
I've never played Dark Souls 3 but I wouldn't care about linearity in a Dark Souls game. The story is bad and I don't care about it, so I wouldn't care about whether the game keeps it in focus or not.
> have multiple divergences
Then it's not linear.
Sephiroth is not a clone and that is never stated or implied by anyone. Typical 8tard
>Sephiroth is not a clone
>non-linearity is overrated screws with the pacing of the game, it's why WRPGs are such boring trash
It's the opposite. In a wrpg it's the player that sets the pacing of the game by themselves, since they can decide where to go and when to do.
Having dozens of hours of cutscenes like you have in your typical jrpg does much more to screw up the pacing. One of my biggest pet peeves is how many non-interactieve segments and scripted segments there are, where you walk down a corridor, fight a few battles, then have a cutscene for half an hour, rinse and repeat. It feels awful.
Why was Zack best boy?
Basically it introduced JRPGs to the west. To really understand why we love it you should have been there back in 97. We actually got invested with these characters made basically of big pixel cubes. Squaresoft narrative was just THAT good back in the PS era. Every single game Square made was gold. Tactics, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Chrono Trigger and Cross, Musashi, Saga Frontier and off course FF was the best of the best.
Its what got a good majority of the West into JRPGs.
>>Sephiroth is not a clone
What is it then.
>followed by giving you complete freedom with the highwind and chocobos after appropriate world building
>TP sold 9 million only thanks to Wii's success, not impressive
So what's OOT's excuse for that 6 million? N64 sold like shit
>Fag. A good linear game will have multiple divergences without falling into the open world meme.
Okay, but FF7 doesn't have any meaningful divergences. IT's completely on rails.
In FF7 the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse pretty much the entire game world in a linear fashion.
too good for his world
There is the belief that from killing the Shinra president onward is a Sephiroth clone because the true Sephiroth is in his mako cube
that's why he always seems to drop pieces of Jenova
>Parasite Eve
>Chrono Cross
None of these were good, though.
Just imagine where we’d be if someone with some influence had told Sakaguchi to go fuck himself when he pitched Spirits Within.
>predictable but a road block
>kino ice/fire mix
>quake-all stomps
>each head casts bolt3 on death
>drops a dragon fang which does the same thing
>design so good it becomes a DOTA hero
Is schizo the most underrated FF7 boss?
He's the most overrated.
Memory Card was my favorite jrpg too, fellow human
Parasite Eve is a great game. 2 is decent, but the first is a lot of fun
>webm skips the dog and barrier parts of the fight
>all the children in the thread haven't played the game so don't even know what I'm talking about
>Never played 8
>Never played 7
Good old late 90s mutants. Every game had to have them.
It's one of those things that only gamers give the slightest fuck about, but the general public never cared about. It was outsold by a ton of 5th gen games. It wasn't even the highest selling PS1 game.
But for some reason it just appealed to gamers in a big way. It's kind of the ultimate "gamer game".
TP on the Wii sold thanks to the homebrew bug.
What a fucking CHAD
Wild Arms was far superior to FF7
I hardly remember that boss. Must not have been very hard.
because it had the highest marketing budget at the time, dumb kids
>Okay, but FF7 doesn't have any meaningful divergences.
Jenova can shapeshift, genius. It's Sephiroth manipulating bits of Jenova and molding an image of himself from them to torment Cloud.
There are no CLONES in the game whatsoever. The guys in black cloaks that walk to the reunion are regular people injected with Jenova cells. The word "clone" is a mistranslation.
>they can decide where to go and when to do
what's the point when everything you do is boring inconsequential fetchquesting horseshit?
A scripted narrative will always have more potential for an exciting scenario than the chose-your-own-adventure structure of wrpgs where everything is equally unimpressive
>Parasite Eve
>not good
who the fuck is barry and why does he live rent free in your heads? Every final fantasy threads you faggots talk about "barry".
because it has a donk for gonnto rhe side asque by tonlm
To be fair it's entirely in-character for Hojo and Sephiroth to use "clone" just to fuck with Cloud, Sephiroth specifically. I wish someone would mix that fan retranslation's cleaned up parts in with the style of the original, because that shit's way too dry on its own.
A combination of
Jump from 2D-3D
Massive marketing campaign that emphasized the FMVs
Being a genuinely solid game.
>what's the point when everything you do is boring inconsequential fetchquesting horseshit?
You tell me, jrpg fan.
In a post Dark Souls world, this game is outdated.
Unlike FF7, OoT actually permanently and irreversibly changed gaming forever. Your snarky post fails to understand the importance of Z-axis targeting.
based retard
Nier is neither an RPG nor developed by SE.
>A scripted narrative will always have more potential for an exciting scenario than the chose-your-own-adventure structure of wrpgs where everything is equally unimpressive
It was basically a partially-3D-but-only-at-times version of Final Fantasy 6. It wasn't THAT original.
How small is your head you need to charge rent you mental midget lmao
schizo was one of the boss i got stuck, dunno why
that attack after one of the heads die destroyed me
>Jump from 2D-3D
What jump? FF7 uses pre-rendered backgrounds. It plays exactly like previous FF's on the NES and SNES. It doesn't use 3D in any meaningful way outside of some mini-games.
both quests look like total trash but at least the one on the right is over quicker
On consoles maybe. Wing Commander had already mainstreamed that shit.
It was the first game in the final fantasy series to move from 2d sprites to fully rendered 3d models. Along with the cutscenes, the leap in quality from VI to VII was mindblowing.
Wtf, I hate jrps now!
No one played FMVs.
Now Myst and Wing Commander on the other hand...
>the leap in quality
>utilizes the interactivity that separates video games from other media to create interesting and memorable scenarios
and fails utterly at that
Yep. Looked pretty cool back then.
>Historical context matters. There wasn't a thing like it in video games in 1997.
Indeed. FF7 was incredibly archaic and outdated compared to other video games released in 1997:
Final Fantasy 7, Japan release date 1997
>low-quality midi music
>no voice acting whatsoever
>polygonal character models that are primitive and lacking in detail, even by the standards of the time
>invisible random encounters
>environments are static and small 2d backgrounds
>combat uses the same ATB system as previous games in the series
Grandia, Japan release date 1997
>a beautifully rich fully orchestral score
>characters are voiced during combat and key story moments
>detailed and expressive character sprites
>enemies are visible during exploration
>exploration takes place in sprawling 3D environments
>combat too utilizes a 3D battlefield, with an innovative turn-based combat system that takes into account factors like distance, range and timing of your attacks
if you have thing x and thing y shapeshifts to look/sound/act just like thing y then you could say the shapeshifter cloned thing x
of course I played 8 and the retarded amnesia plot device even if you play the whole game never equipping a gf
>On consoles maybe. Wing Commander had already mainstreamed that shit.
Wing Commander is not a movie game though. Cutscenes occur between missions and never interrupt gameplay. Also, the hours of gameplay still significantly outnumber the hours of cutscenes, unlike actual movie games.
>low-quality midi music
Stopped reading here.
Finished VII 4 times but whatever lets you sleep at night. The materia system in 7 is not complicated at all, though there is some small nuance that makes it interesting.
Because to this day it's still the most successful JRPG of all time that isn't Pokemon and Square Enix hasn't been able to replicate its success since then no matter how hard they try. Even when they spend 10 fucking years developing a game and create an entire anime series and theatrically released movie to promote it
>People STILL think Jenova was in control.
>people still think xhe wasn't
sephiroth's whole master plan is what jenova does to planets bro
>implying it wasn't
>the most successful JRPG of all time
You called?
To this day I still wonder how FF7 would've looked if it had FF8 quality visuals and character models.
That's a WRPG
Did anyone else think sephiroth was a good villian as a kid, but later realize he's boring.
FF7 created the literal template for video game cutscenes as we know them today and also created vidyas first unreliable narrator. Stop being a fucking faggot you nintentoddler
Remind me again which one's in Smash, Cloud or Sans?
Check mate, furry
For reference, this is what a character looks like from a game released within a year of FF7.
I disagree. I played it as a kid, liked it but didn’t understand it. Then I was one of the guys who decided 7 was overrated and 6 was the best, then I found an old used copy of 7 and replayed it.
I was blown away but how it held up. Now I think it’s the best and 6 is overrated (still good)
because the people who proclaim it an achievement either haven't played final fantasy 6 or are omitting it for being 2D
Like a mess.
it might not make sense to someone as young as you but when the graphics went from 2d to 3d it was a big deal to us back then, grandia is 2d FF7 is 3D
though I sincerely doubt there is anyone old enough to appreciate this so you'll probably compare it to whatever nonsense technology they have now, but from 2d to 3d imagine that, it was a big deal
It most certainly is not.
I find it fast, and I think the speed up option on the ports is just perfect. 9’s “fast option” for example is way too fast.
That's technical limitations of the PS1 though, not really anything wrong with the character models. Looks better than Popeye arms at least.
best looking mind, only 3 seconds apart
>FF7 created the literal template for video game cutscenes as we know them today
lolwut. FF7 uses CG cutscenes and has no voice acting. Cutscenes as we know them today are in-engine and fully voiced.
>also created vidyas first unreliable narrator.
Do you seriously think it was the first game to ever use such a basic storytelling trope
Is it so hard to understand that they essentially made polygonal versions of the overworld sprites and put the proper models in the combat scenes?
uh people who actually played the game couldn't get a zoom in feature
have you considered that you might be an idiot?
I know what you mean brother.
IX is slow as balls, and I mean the moment to moment gameplay.
I’d say try 6 and 5, then 9, then 8...
Sony spent a mountain of jewgolds upselling the FMV meme to normies of the era.
is she naked in her esper form? hot.
>Do you seriously think it was the first game to ever use such a basic storytelling trope
Name one (1) other game that did it before FF7.
FF newfag here. Can I get a rundown on who Barry and XV-kun are?
>it might not make sense to someone as young as you but when the graphics went from 2d to 3d it was a big deal to us back then, grandia is 2d FF7 is 3D
Wrong. FF7 is 2D with 3D models. Grandia is actually 3D with 2d sprites.
I liked it more when I replayed it a few years ago. Still like it after two play throughs on the switch, always noticing new things.
A lot of the other ges get boring on subsequent plays, I think that’s what dragged 6 don for me
Played 8 a handful of times and can confirm it's pretty easy once you get past the junction learning curve. I still go back and play it every now and then because breaking the game is fun for me and because the card game is p litty as the zoomers would say
Are you trying to imply that Unreal's character models look good?
Unreal's strong suit was in the environment, its characters looked pretty damn ugly.
Of coursh
>when you realize that Cloud only ever had trouble fighting normal people because he wasnt an actual Soldier, just a dude with a big sword
whatever you say, bub
Thing is that they mostly stuck with that due to not wanting to divulge too far from past experience and still being new to the hardware. As 8 and 9 proved, they could've had the combat models in the overworld from the get go, but opted not to; problem is that the overworld models are so clunky that time and time again I see newer people turned off from the game. I may be used to them but it's probably the biggest decision for why the game didn't "age gracefully", which isn't helped when even the CGI can't make up its mind between full-sized, high detail characters, and the popeye syndrome.
posting the overworld character only is kind of cheating
>FF7 created the literal template for video game cutscenes as we know them today and also created vidyas first unreliable narrator
This... literally has no basis in reality. You never played a game released before 1997, have you?
>Turning 00's kids off.
Where's the issue?
It was a definite step up from Quake 2
This is why FFV is superior.
When a character dies in V, it's because he gets continuously nuked by one of the most powerful beings on the planet, not just because he got stabbed by some sword.
And even after he dies the characters explicitly try to use healing/revives on him, but they don't work because he's fucked beyond repair due to the aforementioned magic nuking.
Also his death occurs during battle with the player controlling his actions, rather than during a cutscene, so the player is experiencing the event on a ludonarrative level.
A) It's a very solid JRPG that doesn't really do anything bad besides bits of the translation
B) It's also the first JRPG for a lot of PlayStation kids
C) It was hyped to hell and back, jumping over to the PlayStation and using the CD format to do (at the time) nice looking FMVs got it tons of press
Though it's kind of amazing how big the leap in quality of FF8's FMVs are to 7. FF8's opening still holds up.
>whatever you say, bub
Are you blind?
>Square Enix hasn't been able to replicate its success since then
Could be because Sakaguchi, Nojima and Uematsu don't work at SE anymore. One doesn't just find replacements for people of that caliber, and SE probably never will.
There are mods for FF7 that make the ovrworld models the same as the combat models, so this is a non-issue.
I'll never understand the shitflinging they had in ads back in the ps1 era
Do they still do that now or is it just left for the fan to do the flinging themselves and keep your own hands clean of it
Surely not the materia system, world,or characters.
But FFX has the best OST in the series.
It's an RPG made in the west so yes, it most certainly is. Unles you're a retard on the level of a "journalist" who thinks JRPG is a gameplay genre
>Are you trying to imply that Unreal's character models look good?
Are you retarded? That model, primitive as it is, has a billion times more detail than Cloud's model. E.g. you can count the individual fingers on her hand, whereas Cloud literally has square blocks for hands.
>brings in a trope that's existed for centuries
>somehow someone thinks that's newsworthy
Not to mention a 2 second look shows that if anything Portopia Serial Murder Case from 1983 was the first.
Womp womp
Except the animations weren't made with the larger models in mind, so the characters now look like giant anime Gumbis wiggling around. There IS an animation enhancement mod, but of course it's designed entirely for one of those fuckawful HD model sets.
It honestly peaked with Genesis vs SNES.
they seem to be nice now
>that doesn't really do anything bad
The combat is pretty bad.
Soken is doing a good job replacing Uematsu (he needs to start moving out of the man's shadow and focusing on originality more, though) and I'd put Shimomura on the same level as Uematsu.
>It's an RPG made in the west
It copies every single aspect and mechanics of jrpgs, so that's beside the point.
Big lel
Reminder VIIChildren
>This entire post
Not really, and JRPG isn't a gameplay genre, so your point is irrelevant. Undertale shares almost nothing in common with Ys, a JRPG, or Dark Souls, another JRPG.
It's more like free entertainment seeing someone vehemently defend a pile of shit.
how is it bad?
Imagine dickriding Uematsu this hard. He's one of the best but he's not some untouchable god.
Dark Souls is a WRPG.
Yes, amazing game. Reconstruction of classic JRPG era and at the same time being one of the best of the same era.
Incredible depth and ridiculous amount of content to explore. Even if linear at times, doesn't hand hold and even dares to hide things such as party members to the world, to the add sense of accomplishment and wonder. Game isn't afraid of letting the player to figure things out, sometimes players might feel stuck but we have to keep in mind that the game was made in a time when game developers could assume players had a lot of time in their hands. Characters are multilayered and deep. Combat interesting and just as deep as you wan't.
Story is unique and keeps your interest the entire time. It has some of the best scenes ever made in video game history carried out with some of the best music ever made.
Truly, somebody poured their heart and soul to this game and even today, after getting over the blocky characters (that still look amazing in combat though) that same spirit can be felt.
10/10, truly a master piece of gaming. Not for beginners though!
the differences are pretty minute, the only major difference i noticed was the FPS between the opening movies and the shadows.
Never said he was, but Soken and Mememomura are reddit tier at best. Hoashi and Mitsuda are where the true konzert is at.
FFVII was the first final fantasy game released in yurop
>better for a single scene obviously forming the basis for a contrived comparison based on factors the advocate deems important with no regard for the actual impact had
This is how you know ff7 is good OP. Because everyone tries to measure up with some aspect of their preferred game. Everyone tries to take a swing.
I could as easily say ff7 did this better because there's no immediate replacement character to trivialize the loss, and that the silent stabbing is better because it's more understated than a magical duel.
Nice buzzwords, retard. the second half of your post is correct though
just can't summon up much ire for FFIX
it's okay, wish I liked it as much as you do
>Dark Souls is a JRPG
Unless you're saying that the definition of a JRPG is that it has to be a RPG from Japan, than sure.
Otherwise no.
Nice job having intelligence and genre savvy on the level of journalists who spend all day writing blog posts about how much titties offend them, dipshit.
Well yes, that is the definition of a JRPG.
I liked it, but I thought it really needed a remake. Maybe it's because I played the inferior (or so I'm told) PC version. I can't say that the new re imagining is what it really needed though. I was mostly just hoping for the same thing but with new HD assets and some slight dungeon reworks. The old amputee looking models had charm.
Dark Souls is a WRPG.
this is utterly retarded, often a matter of opinion masquerading as fact, and misses the fact that characters just get KO'd in combat
Just contrarianism as usual
Nope, From Software is a Japanese company.
What do you call this atmosphere? It's not steampunk and not quite cyberpunk either.
Any other games like this?
holy shit no
Voice acting is cancer that ruined video games.
I used to think this mattered but when the games really got linear starting in X I realized how important even just the illusion of choice is
You guys always raise points that never actually mattered
It's cyberpunk. You don't need mad max rejects to make something cyberpunk (although FF7 does have some of those running around Midgar)
Say how it's bad without "durr turn-based bad because dunkey told me so"
why is it literally always the same guy posting about Grandia? I half expect to play Grandia and find out this was entirely a meme and it's mediocre but nobody played it so nobody on here knew that
>What do you call this atmosphere? It's not steampunk and not quite cyberpunk either.
It's a mix between cyberpunk and science fantasy (Magitek). There's nothing steampunkish about it.
Because it ripped off pic related
You mean that's YOUR definition of the JRPG genre.
A game of its time, still aged well I think to be considered a clicic
No, that's what the term literally means. You're probably thinking of console RPG or light RPG for the terms you're thinking of. Of course you don't know that because you're a lint-eating retard who puts any stock in the words of retarded soi-guzzling games journalists.
>high-detail is automatically better
yikes and zoomerpilled
>Characters can't move in battle
>Characters can't interact with the environment
>AoE abilities cannot be freely targeted
>No unique spell effects
Final Fantasy VII is good in spite of its shit gameplay.
This can't be a real opinion.
>I realized how important even just the illusion of choice is
yeah, this
just the illusion is fine, I hate the open world meme, but I also hate XIII's literal hallway with no backtracking
No it's not, except if you're underage and incapable of muting your screen.
That user is completely right infant.
Damn, who knew someone could get so mad over a semantics argument.
Came here to say this. Normies first RPG.
Only EN voice acting outside a few select exceptions
I never got what people's problem with the lego overworld models is. It's clearly an artistic decision since the battles take place in a fully 3D environment with realistically proportioned models, so it's not like it's a technical or incompetence issue. And given how awkward FF8's overworld looks, how terrible all those PC mods that replace the overworld models with the battle models look, and how trash ""detailed"" models from the time have aged, simple low-poly was the right way to go.
Magitek, or science fantasy
suck it nerd
>weebs actually believe this
cope westacuck
>FFXV's combat is absolute shi-
>Hating on Soken
Those are fighting words.
The user is a far-right infant? Weird take but okay.
I played it when it was first released.
I became obsessed with it I loved it so much.
Same with every JRPG I'd played since that point until I played FFX-2 which crushed me
>Characters can't move in battle
well duh, you try moving three characters at the same time in real time, it'd be a clusterfuck
In fact Shadow Madness tried this and it ended up being shit
>No unique spell effects
>turn based
It's time based. If you perform no actions, then the enemy can continually attack you. That's not taking turns.
yeah fuck x-2, i've literally never been more disappointed in a game than that shit
8 isn’t difficult, but boy do I love that game.
It actually has a pretty big detailed world with a lot of NPCs, more than a lot of RPGs now even. and it was one of the first in 3d. not really anything special now though
What anime's this
>R1 L1
>hold O
riveting gameplay
>action rpg webm where the enemy doesn't pose a threat
that's an action rpg alright
Just a shitty one.
>4 guys beating a defenseless Rhino with shit AI
If this is not bait, you must be an absolute and utter retard
How is this any different from FFVII?
what's that move called where the one dude does a leapfrog over the other dude and attacks?
Because FF7 doesn't pretend to be an action game.
Fucking ape face
Westacuck female design was always trash
link attack. they trigger automatically if you attack an enemy from behind
sakaguchi-san is bae
Which is one of the stupidest ideas i've ever seen in an action game, even for an ARPG. Hey, who wants to lose control of their character entirely and be invulnerable for a cinematic attack animation at complete random (manipulable by positioning and accessory)? Fucking no one, because stripping the player's control should be minimalized!
Was Spirits within really that bad?
I wouldn't go so far as to call it cancer, but voice acting is one of the least relevant things to make a good game or story. My mind can provide what I find to be appropriate voices and inflections as long as the script is good. Voice actors need to deliver lines well and have an "appropriate" voice, which is a tough balancing act given that voice acting in the west is sort of like where people who couldn't cut it doing live action acting go. It's a largely frivolous addition that does help if it works, but actively deters from the whole game if it falls flat.
>because stripping the player's control should be minimalized!
you never have control in FFXV
It was a movie. The characters are dumb and don't think rationally, the story isn't that great or enticing, and things just sort of "happen". But it wasn't offensively bad or bottom of the barrel. It just wasn't Final Fantasy.
Ahead of its time, for better or worse
This .webm is dumb anyway, considering it isn't a one-on-one battle in the first place, Rufus has his cat/dog thing Dark Nation buffing him, and the Cloud here is very over-leveled.
>The hassle of thinking and playing the game.
fucking yikes
How the fuck did this guy get to be lead on a flagship franchise like Final Fantasy?
And the combat still ended up being patrician as fuck.
Yes. There's some neat sci-fi aesthetic going on but the movie is so fucking boring that even if it wasn't called FF it wouldn't be very good.
There was a LOT of shit in FFVII. Minigames, graphics were like nothing most gamers had seen before, story with a scope unmatched by the majority of games at the time, and it still stands to this day as a decently fun game to play.
It's paced well, and unless you're looking hard to break the game, it's pretty balanced.
Now compare all of these things to the fact that it was released within PS1's launch window on top of the advent of 3D gaming and that us as gamers were still kinda used to games either being nab a high score, beat the other guy on the other side, or run from the left part of the screen to the right.
Overly flashy and retarded. Much like KH.
Even if i've debated Barry a hundred times (and always get cherrypickings in response), I can still admit that there is some vague semblance of control over what attacks you can do depending on the direction you hold, whether you're soft-locking or locked-on and other factors. But that doesn't change the fact that Tabata took Episode Duscae's already odd combat and just took all of the fun out of it altogether, and even if he didn't want to remember combos, he could've still kept it KH-lite and just made it button mashy without complexity.
As it stands it basically already is that but dumbed down to the umpteenth degree with even less player agency than most other games already.
haha i pressed the button and something awesome happened
that's gooooooood gameplay
doesn't it kind of satisfy? don't you like getting instant gratification with the simple touch of a button? this is peak action game design right here bros, you're all jsut delusional
I never understood the point of that machine.
If the controls were like Devil May Cry it would be fucking amazing. Never happen though because RPG crowd love stats over skill.
that's pretty much any good action game
>FFXV's combat is absolute shi-
Considering all of the original Inhabitants of Nibelheim became those cloaked strangers, I guess they were dispersing jenova's cells?
doesn't explain how tifa got out of there unscathed tho
I figured it was so the scientists wouldn't be creeped out by frozen alien lady monster. They could just work with elegant machine statue.
It pisses me off that he talks about instant gratification because FF XV barely even offers that. Everything is designed like a bullet sponge and you'll just nod off as you rotate around enemies while holding circle and waiting for blindside links to trigger
Her master got her out.
Tifa's teacher snatched her up before Shinra arrived.
absolute shit, yes
duscae would've been the perfect compromise between what he wanted on the old system from when nomura was around. all he had to do was build on it and refine it since it never had proper aerial combat and magic yet. but instead, he decided to completely change the combat system with around a year of development time left. what a fucking retard. compare this to what we got youtube.com
>look at me I hit the armiger and held down attackOH GOD THE CAMERA IS JAMMED IN ITS ASS
What are you talking about? FFXV has amazingly complex and challenging gameplay
>I wouldn't go so far as to call it cancer, but voice acting is one of the least relevant things to make a good game or story. My mind can provide what I find to be appropriate voices and inflections as long as the script is good.
Voice acting isn't just about story. Take for example Baldur's Gate, which came out around the same time as FF7. In Baldur's Gate, you can predict what spells the enemy will cast by listening to the words they are chanting. In Baldur's Gate party members that are low on health will cry out for help, they will let out a cheer when striking a critical hit. They have hundreds of unique voice-acted lines for different gameplay situations. Not only does this greatly enhance the audiovisual experience of playing the game, but it also helps a great deal to flesh out the party members and give them distinct voices.
All of this is completely absent in FF7, where characters don't even grunt when taking damage.
The lack of such a basic feature, while pouring billions in lavishly detailed corridors (FF7 had a 140 million dollar budget) is utterly idiotic.
>voice acting fags
ning example of shit
>7 slower than 9
What's it like being retarded?
Based and redpilled.
Regular turn based is faster than ATB though.
Anything is faster than ATB.
Considering how bad FFX could be in both English and Japanese I think we should be thankful FF7 doesn't have voice acting.
Too bad it’s still DnD trash
Even worse, it's AD&D
Marketing meant that people were conditioned to believe it was a masterpiece. It's the same reason why people think Marvel films are some of the film's greatest achievements.
Music and atmosphere.
Same reason why all older games are more memorable than newer ones. Game's today are painfully homogenized. The whole industry has been homogenized.
Is anyone in the right not "far right" or "alt right"?
It build-up the hype from how great FFVI was and a lot of people don't mention it but FFVII had a huge marketing campaign and it was once the first times where you could see an advert and billboards from a videogame.
Overall,it was also the introduction to JRPGs for a lot of people and it's a great game.Even if you don't like the game it's easy to see that Squaresoft was trying to deliver a great game and they kinda did it.
Then explain why Bloodborne, a modern game, has both better music and atmosphere than every Final Fantasy game?
evenin barry
Those few seconds of Aerith's theme that plays in the trailer evoked so many memories and feelings, truly was an amazing soundtrack.
>better music
comedy gold
Exception that proves the rule.
>literally brags about being a movie game
>Yea Forums loves it
>situational weapon usage that means you're not just going to be able to stick to one weapon for everything, and also would've made weapon weaknesses require you set up your combos accordingly or emphasize a certain attack style
>manual timed finishers
>manual proper dodges instead of being able to either just dodge roll spam or hold a phase button
>manual parry counters instead of strictly assigned to specific enemy attacks you just hold to stop, not to mention manual counter usage in general off of dodges and recoveries
>Armiger has more interesting ramifications and a direct drain on MP instead of its own separate bar
>Noctis performed techniques himself instead of forcing others to use them and then doing a warp strike afterwards
Christ Tabata basically dumbed it down to the lowest common denominator. And the only reason Barry defends this is because "fuck Nomura".
Damn, why are you guys so fanatical? FF7 doesn't have the most hardcore combat and freedom ever, but it's still an enjoyable and worthwhile game.
Movie games are ok when Japan does them. See: Metal Gear, Yakuza, every JRPG ever made, etc.
What site is that
are you 12?
It wasn't an overused trope back then.
Babbys first RPG
It's either Chrono Trigger or VII that was babbys first RPG and they love and praise it because it was their first real RPG they played.
>Everyone tries to take a swing.
Same thing with Half-Life 2.
A site with better taste than Yea Forums.
No seriously, what site is that?
>It introduced CGI, was revolutionary
>Great plot with great characters
>Doesn't handhold you
>Fantastic music
>One Winged Angel is the first vidya song to feature a chorus for a boss
>One Winged Angel is the first vidya song to feature a chorus for a boss
>Doesn't handhold you
This is how you know that this was babbys first RPG
Wow, such obvious bait yet you retards fell for it anyways.
>Great plot with great characters
But half the cast is super generic over the top character like "BIG STRONK BLACK GUY", "Edgy Vampire" or "Perverted old man". There's a reason why people barely ever talk about the characters in FF7 and the store is mediocre at best.
>only pretending
>"Perverted old man"
I'll ignore how amazingly off the mark you are about the other ones because I legitimately have no idea who the fuck this is supposed to be. It surely couldn't be Cid.
Sorry, user, but to mention its name would only lead to its decrease in quality.
I approve this list *siiiips*.
What kind of fucking idiot thinks that the game that everyone and their mother claims to be the greatest game of all time is fucking niche? Get over it dude, you're fucking stupid as shit. Also I'm not even that guy, so eat shit.
This makes the Chronotrigger- and FF7boys seethe.
I suppose compared to modern RPGs it doesn't handhold, so that's something. I also remember as a dipshit kid stacking all the coolest materia on my favorite characters, and then wondering why Cloud was so weak because I didn't bother taking to mind that all that -STR from materia was doing him no favors.
Some weak bait right there my friend.
he was obviously fucking baiting jesus what is wrong with you people
Are you saying that Silent Hill 2 isn't niche?
>merely an act!
Best enemy design in 7 coming through
nice meme bub
Whats the best version of VII?
I have the original PS1 copies and the PS4 version.
dude just read it again, like actually go read his initial statement, how can you not see how stupid youre being? or am i being trolled myself...
Not an argument.
PC version has added content and mods.
who in their fucking mind actually thinks zelda wasnt mainstream before botw, oot is the biggest game ever
City hunter
>made animations unreactable
>still added QTEs to telegraph the attack
good thing the game is piss easy or it would be nearly unplayable.
i cant remember a single track of bloodborne
>The key to understanding the debacle that are modern JRPGs is to realize that role-playing took ages to arrive in Japan, and was largely ignored even when it did. D&D; took almost a decade to be brought over, at which point the Japanese had already been playing western-made dungeon crawlers for several years.
>But the Japanese designers who set out to make their own CRPGs had no such understanding. They played Wizardry and other early dungeon-crawlers, and then sat down in smoke-filled izakayas and exclaimed, "So this is what a role-playing game is then!"
>And there was never a question of these games evolving to overcome their humble origins, as happened in the West. Western CRPGs have kept evolving because there has always existed consciousness of a direction towards which to evolve; JRPGs, meanwhile, have been going round in circles ever since their inception -- Fallout is worlds away from Akalabeth; not so Lost Odyssey from Final Fantasy.
>The only kind of evolution JRPGs have undergone is of a cosmetic nature: Final Fantasy was no Ultima, and its endless sequels had to be justifed in some way -- and so they were. CG or anime-style cutscenes and countless hours' worth of voice-acting and orchestral soundtracks were the justification, piled up, stacked and shoved inside cartridges, CD-ROMs, GD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs, and soon enough Blu-ray discs and who knows what else.
Can any JRPG fan prove this essay wrong?
PS1 version is best for authenticity. PS4 version is just a port of the modern PC version. Modern PC version can be downgraded into the original PC version and then modded. Switch version is the same as the PS4 version.
>oot is the biggest game ever
How? FF7 outsold it and it wasn't even the best selling game on PSX.
I think you meant 2
true but you get my point the dude was obviously baiting and it boggles my mind how 4 people actually took him serious like cmon
PC with that background upscaling mod I guess. Avoid any shit that "improves" the character models.
Change bad
Then good
Now bad
I like how the second commercial spoiled Aeriths death.
>grinding is mindless
stop the fucking presses
unhealthy amounts of SOUL
>I suppose compared to modern RPGs it doesn't handhold,
In what sense? Not only is the game completely linear, but the Materia system actively dumbs down customization, since you don't have to make any permanent character building choices, you can just swap otu Materia whenever you like.
pulled directly from the source
PS1 version on a CRT
Barring that, PC version with the 60FPS battles mod and some minor aesthetic stuff like getting rid of the :O faces, heard that there's a mod in the works that uses that AI upscaling thing for the backgrounds so that'll probably look better than the trash background "fixes" that are out there now.
I could start naming a bunch of jrpgs that go different routes or how crpgs are rooted in tradition as well but you're a reductionist faggot with a bone to pick so I wont bother.
I always thought leveling with Materia permanently affected character growth?
Didn't even need to read past the url to know it's shit
The game doesn't tell you where to go or what to do
If you want to enter that Ancient ruins, you need to find it
Quest markers are my biggest complaint about most RPGs now, quintessential handholding. You can put road signs and shit to tell people where they need to go, I don't need a fat marker on my minimap telling me where to navigate.
Is that webm supposed to be impressive?
fuck off back to redit
>who the fuck is barry
my user can't be this new
i think you are mistaken ffvi with VII
ffvi esper system has something like that
VII doesnt, VII materia just reduces your stats or increase others, it doesnt affect growth.
Your snarky post fails to understand the importance of Z-axis targeting.
Mega Man Legends came out 3 months earlier and had it.
Makes sense. It makes even the weak cast of XV more likeable than XIII's.
soken is actually really good, i agree with the rest of your post.
reminded me that Crimson Shroud never got a sequel.
I don´t want to. It depresses me.
>there are people actually think shit like this looks good
Don't even get me started on how awful every single one of those "replace the overworld model with the battle model" mods look.
Yeah but that doesn't count cause it's not as good!!!! Don't bother arguing with these faggots.
That is a catastrophe
Dumb Sataniaposter.
that shits looks terrible
Oh god. I was watching that one last night for some reason.
MML's was also clunky as fuck and didn't even let you move. Try again.
Why are shitposters so attracted to this forgotten FotM waifu?
>cinematic 5 fps
whoa... the master race...
Thanks for sharing your age, Timmy.
>it's fucking Gandalf
Gandalf gets me everytime
Because it was the best 3d movement in a game to date, and for a long time after
And much like Zelda, it was a new entry in a wildly popular series
Do the PS4 and Switch still have the problem with the vanilla PC version where instead of the 3D in battles running at 15fps and menus at 60 EVERYTHING runs at 15fps? It makes stuff like Tifa's limit break borderline unplayable.
Plus the mouths they added to the overworld models in the PC version for some reason but that's my own personal autistic pet peeve
I enjoyed it
Unironically kill yourself and spare us from your stupid opinions.
They're direct ports of the PC version, so yes.
Fuck, I was kind of hoping to pick up the Switch version for some comfy portable play. Guess I'll just stick to emulating the PS1 version on my Vita.
>The game doesn't tell you where to go or what to do
It doesn't need to because it's completely linear. Even the overworld is shaped like a corridor, there's only one way to go.
The story and gameplay is awesome, it's clearly one of the greatest jrpg of it's era but sadly, it's graphics have aged so poorly it made it almost unplayable when you don't have the nostalgia from having playing it on ps1 when you were a kid
The switch version is pretty good thanks to portability, and if you hack the console you can get some pc mods on it too which really sold it to me. Playing New Threat on the go is fucking great.
Chrono Trigger is better desu, played them both recently when I tried to go down a "greatest games of all time" list.
We're overly picky, but then the PC port wasn't a great one to begin with. I remember there's still obnoxious sound issues like how when you board the escape train post-bombing run, the loud outside train sound didn't stop when it should've and kept going until the scene cut. After you play the original so much, the fact that there's so many of these little issues that Square can't be assed to fix (and they didn't even fix the music being literal recorded MIDIs from the original PC release put into OGG format until years after the fact to boot) just wears down on wanting to bother unless you can mod that shit out.
>Transition from 2D sprite graphics to 3D renders
>Transition from Nintendo to Sony, including using multiple discs for a much longer game than previous titles
>increased prominence of internet gaming communities at this time allowed for people to talk about the game more often than before
>Westerners still confused about the numbering system
>Most player's first FF game
Otherwise it's just a basic JRPG with an unremarkable story.
Based and factspilled.
>Knights of the round
This is kino.
>thinking fast is hard
oh my fucking god. Did you guys see the flat cloud textures on neo bahamut?
Yeah, that guy is a hack retard who hates Japanese games and loves western moviegames.
>Knights of the round
Tfw im far superior in every way.
based as fuck, but you really can't call it the best collection when it's missing this
How is it not? It was the first game that was so heavily marketed and developed. The first one into the hundreds of millions. Then it was also the first really of its kind to have a big epic story with FMV's. It could have been any Final Fantasy game in theory yeah but the point is that VII was the first new one for the fifth generation to take full advantage of what at the time was the first truly competitive 3D gen. 3D games before that were few.
Whether zoomers like it or not FFVII was the first of its kind and this is why it gets so much praise.
>b-but muh FFVI and FFVIII
8 came after, 6 came before you whiny dipshits. 7 was right place at the right time.
Going to 3D was a mistake.
can we just take a minute to appreciate how awesome supernova was? so fucking over the top and nonsensical from a plot point of view, but still so fucking iconic. safer sephiroth's model was top notch too, fitting with his god complex. This shit had me so fucking amazed when I was a kid.
Also if Vincent was real he'd be posting fulltime on /r9k/
Final Fantasy 7 is significantly better than OOT. That’s why its getting a full budget remake and OOT got a shitty portable remake that killed the originals legacy.
OoT never got a remake.
it looked pretty fantastic on a crt back in the day, don't forget that part.
only this, preferably a sony trinitron with sound through the stock speakers, and an original non dual shock controller. also sit on the floor about 4 feet from the tv. get your mom to bring you snacks and juice too. also take turns doing the voices if you have a friend or sibling in the room, that's always fun.
This shit was lit af when you are like 10 check out that coat sway god damn and the fucking helicopter.
There was this other creature there named something like "Black Nation" which sounds like cuck porn but also badass.
Barry is to Final Fantasy threads, that one dude who is always posting in Metal Gear threads.
NPC take
>posting the PC model
Wait are ff7 fanboys actually using a zoomed in image as an argument of a game looking bad?
I wonder how many people here actually played the game on the ps1 with a CRT TV.
Played 8 when it came out. CRT isn't a magic wand that fixes everything.
For a lot of gamers, it was their first Final Fantasy game and their first RPG. Games tended to lean gameplay or story back then, so it was probably their first story driven game too.
It was good. Overhyped, but it was good.
>user realizes how embarrassingly fast he'd come to fucking a girl like this.
Strange I never had this issue.
Guys i think the ff7R leak is true, in terms on how atb and limits work
when cloud uses braver in the trailer, one bar of the atb its used
also, when cloud uses cross slash the limit bar is empty
The leak said that the limit system exists but its different. The first limit is a special attack, you use atb to use it, the second limit is used via limit bar. The trailer confirmed it
so that means two parts: aeris death is the end of the first one
In the remake it'll be like that? I hope not, previous Cloud is so much better
samefag. stop posting the same webms every time FFXV gets shit on.
so is barry another name for ff-kun or is it a different person?
Well, I was there, and I remember being completely blown away by the graphics / animations in battles. I saw my bro cast Bahamut ZERO and nearly shit my pants. They were mindblowing to see in 1996. Like the all the beautiful summons (shit like Supernova), even simple moves like Cloud's first limit break or a Shinra soldier just pitching a grenade were so stylishly animated. It was all so amazingly cinematic and you could control it all basically the same way as SNES / Genesis JRPGs.
Also the plot was very good for a game, and the setting is still pretty unique to this day. There is so much content in it too. And a lot of the music was excellent. It all comes together so nicely
Bloodborne has music? Either way, it has nowehere near the amount of impact as older titles. It's already become just "that playstation exclusive". No iconic soundtrack, characters, nothing.
I remember this fight being a lot harder than that. I had to cure / potion or I would die
the first part can be a bit rough when he still has his dog with him
Wasn't that when the first disc ended in the original? I swear it felt like 70% of the game was on the first disc
Yes, disc 1 ends with the death of aerith.
he's pretty with the right equipment
poison both, have cure and that's it.