If you where in a situation where you get paid to play the same game over and over again...

If you where in a situation where you get paid to play the same game over and over again. Even if it’s your favorite game. Because none of your viewers care about anything else and would lose money if you played anything else. Would be happy with it or want to kill yourself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>being forced to play video games

agony level 100

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boomers on suicide watch

>oh no I have to play a video game all day and make millions from it

I’d fucking kill myself if I was forced to play Ocarina of time every day to make a living.

If I was making as much as that fag I'd just do it for 3 years and fucking retire. Sounds way better than wage slaving for 60 years

I’d play fucking bubsy 3D all day if it meant I get to be a multi-millionaire in my 20’s, it cant be much worse than other desk jobs where you do shitty work all day and make dick

with 500k per month just play it for a few years and retire

I fucking hate how ungrateful so many of these e-celeb fags are.
>I get to get paid playing video games!

>oh noooo my job is playing a video game in the comfort of my own home
Yeah, I'd be totally fine with that. Most jobs either are or become repetitive and boring. Streaming is work at home with no dress code, no annoying coworkers (chat isn't the same thing), no boss, and no real responsibility where you'll get into shit for making a mistake with your work (having a few shit games or w/e).

If I had a personality and wasn't afraid of people, I'd say sign me the fuck up.

>americans and their "free market"

many thanks, you ruined the world

>forced to play dark souls every day

mods add a lot of replayability and also i'm pretty good at the pve which is the only thing i like about it, done a lot of challenge runs

so i think i'd be okay with it, i'd just treat it as an actual job. "i'm doing this to make a living, not because it's fun"

How can getting hit by a train take 17 minutes (assuming post hit) to die, yet be so low on agony?

>lots of Asian and Eurofag streamers too
Seething African.

dude, for 500K per month I would fuck OP's mom every day, hard and raw.

I think duration is not the time it takes you to die, but rather set up everything that's needed for your preferred suicide method.

That's a lot to pay for OP's mom

Depends on the salary. If I got paid what I got from my usual job, then nope, I wouldn’t want to ruin vidya for myself and generate a hole in my CV - being an eceleb wouldn’t exactly count as useful career experience in my field, and I doubt that I could be a streamer forever.

But with that kind of ridiculous pay? Sure. I certainly wouldn’t be able to enjoy the game anymore after a month, but who cares it you’re getting CEO tier pay for a job with no real responsibilities? Wouldn’t be hard to endure it until retiring with fat stacks of cash, I’d be laughing all the way to the bank.

i'd assume maybe because you'd pass out from shock, or because of the adrenaline rush. if the train doesn't kill you instantly, SOME limbs are coming off no matter what.

either you'd be in so much pain and be so unable to take in what's going on that you'd pass out from shock, or the adrenaline rush would be so great that you wouldn't feel it as much.

Loss of consciousness i assume

yes, playing your favorite game every day for half a million per month is worse than a 9-5 in McDonalds.

I would play that game for x hours a day and then off stream I would play other vidya or do other things I enjoy

>setting fire to self
>not 100

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I guess the time mean on average how long people wait. Example being how long people wait on the train tracks for a train to come. And the one minute on the shotgun is how long people have the barrel on their head hesitant on shooting themself. How they managed to get this is beyond me.

Ya gotta wait for the train

For 500k a month just play it for 8 hours when most of my audience is awake like a normal job then play what I actually want to play during the off hours assuming I still have time to play after I'm done with all the hookers and cocaine I'm blowing my cash on.

like said, if you compare it to an average white collar job it's quite the same, but with way better payment. Telling yourdelf these guys are miserable because they are "forced" to play a shitty game on and on is nothing but a coping mechanism of them getting lucky and being the few .% that can make a living off streaming

>cutting wrists
>57 mins to set up
>less than 2 mins to set up

yeah, no. that's not what that is, user.

>seppuku lethality 50%

If you made $500,000 every month, you'd only need to play for a few months and then you could sit on your ass for the rest of your life, so who the fuck WOULDN'T do that? You couldn't play your favorite game 40 hours a week for, let's say, 26 weeks? That's 1040 hours. That's fucking nothing. I had 14,000 hours in FFXI over a 5-year period and 4000 of that was in the first year. 1000 was in the Summer of 2004 alone. Uh, yeah, does someone want to pay for me that? Let me know.

Coincidentally, Ninja also played FFXI and has played it on stream. I saw him on social media begging SE to make a remake.

oops i mean cutting wrists is 105 mins, i was looking at setting fire to self which is why i typed 57


Korean is streamers make a shit load compared to American ones, especially if they play Starcraft

>51.5% lethality
This must be incorrect

seppuku means cutting open your stomach
samurai would usually have an assistant to cut their head off afterwards

>carbon monoxide 18 agony
I thought the dangers were that it had no smell or taste and you body couldn't tell it wasn't getting oxygen so you just slowly doze off?

People have shit aim

Wow, listening to Drowning Pool is more painful than getting hit by a car.

All you'd have to do is save up enough money to life comfortably for the rest of your life, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Of course that's easier said than done for a lot of the morons who luck their way into these situations.

this picture is literally baby boomer's version of
>this 27 yo dude is making 500 grands every month by doing almost nothing and sitting on his ass all day and basically you are fucking stupid

>play game for a year
>take in the millions
>invest after getting a nice sized home and a car
>never work another day in my life and live off of said investments
i dont see the issue

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>commits sudoku
>misses your stomach hits kidney and survives

I'd be legit happy.

Play like a 5 hour session a day or something, spend the rest of it doing literally anything else.I'd probably take a few hours out of the day and stream some other lesser known games too, to show my fanbase some cool games that went unnoticed. Use my influence to get them to revive some old series if I can.

Reminder to all streamers to their respective government tax revenue agencies for auditing

Are you fucking kidding me? I would do it for like half a year and sit on it, never working again. I hate streamers so much, especially career ones. "Bawww I have to do the same thing all day every day :((((((" guess what so do people with fucking jobs. So do people who do hard labor and might make 500k over a period of years.
I spend 40-60 hours a week breaking my body and making more than twice minimum wage where I live (Indiana) and 500k would take me 9-10 years to rack up. I'm the richest person I know and I still have jack fucking shit.

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Really makes you wonder what 100 would be because I can't imagine something more painful than being set on fire

Surviving being set on fire.

This. You don't even need to do it very long to be able to live off a comfortable sum as long as it's properly invested. I guess all these people want to be able to live like they're making 500k a year forever

If I got reliably 500,000€ each month I'd play the game for about a year and then retire on that money. I'd be a multi millionaire by then. Why would I ever want more?

I would WANT to kill myself but then thinking of the money would keep me going. Money is happiness because money means endlessly buying Reiner stuff and that is happiness. I mean I already endlessly buy Reiner stuff but you get the point.

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The hit would knock you the fuck out but actual total organ failure and death would probably take longer.

But you're unconscious so it's not like you'll feel anything.

I'd rather hate something that I already hated than turn something I love into something that I hate. I might still do it for the money though.

Yeah not exactly. You get sick as fuck before it kills you.

>play same game for few years
>become millionaire
>stop streaming
>live comfy live

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I wouldn't mind getting paid to play Doom mods all day tbqh

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neurotoxins mostly that literally activate your pain receptors

platypus venom/bullet ants

Do the japs actually do this anymore?

Anyone who says no is a god damned retard. Doing this shit for even a year and you would be set for life. And if its actually your favorite game you might not even be tired of it by then.

I wouldn't give a fuck in my head i would be having a constant orgasm over financial immortality

I want to think that he will eventually get tired of doing this same "character" for his audience.
If he was smart, he'd just walk away with the money now.

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I most likely won't even make $500,000 in my entire life. I only $19,000 a year, and apparently I read that most people will never even make $1,000,000 in their entire working life unless you life in some big city where you make $30 an hour but are still basically borderline poverty.

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>play fortnite for 2 years
>survive off the bare minimum (cheap 1 room apartment, cheap college student food)
>put that shit into investments
>retire as a millionaire
It’s gamer time

She has the most fuckable face I've ever seen.

She doesn't make more than just my dad.

t. loser neet living with just his dog, playing games all day with bills paid for by parents

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>youtube video complains about monetizing with videos
>373k viewers

this is really the worst timeline

Honestly that must be what hell is like. It reminds me of a Twilight Zone where a gambler goes to heaven and its a casino where every time he wins. But because he wins every time its not fun anymore, but hes stuck there for eternity. I don't think there is a single game I would want to play forever.

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The lucky 50% solve it

Something where all possible pain receptors are firing at full signal at once. So maybe on fire while bones are being crushed or something.

depending on where you live and how much you spend a month you can not have to work for the rest of your life if you made $500,000 for a couple months, or even two months, when others around you are only making $400 a week

My mom makes more than that

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At that point it sounds like you have a job and as far as work goes I can't imagine it's the worst thing you can do. I mean, it's easy and it probably beats working in sales, service or other retard work that's typically available to gamers. Granted I don't like the idea of an audience but I assume the people who end up in these situations do.

You don't have to play forever, just a few months. I would do it if I were actually interesting but I don't even know how to fake acting like a streamer. I just play games and don't have any exciting opinions or reactions about them.

I'm guessing people who try don't realize you're suppose to make a cutting motion once you've impaled yourself. There are records of samurai making 5+ cuts to end their suffering quicker, for those who don't have an assistant to behead them.

no way thats real

500k a month
you could do that for 1 year and be able to retire

Those bounties are dynamic so it could possibly be if the screenshot was taken by a popular streamer. Not like any chump with 50 viewers would get such a deal.


Wonder how ugly she is without makeup

Being submerged in potent acid
Rolling around in a pit of razors and salt
Getting kicked in the nuts while suffering from testicular torsion


Why not? It's just advertising.

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wtf i work that much breaking my body (at least it isnt a warehouse like amazon walmart UPS gamestop, etc) at a warehouse in Kentucky working those hours too but I make $8 an hour before it becomes $12 an hour after the 40th hour. the worst part iabout warehouse jobs is no AC in the summer and no heating in the winter, do you work a warehouse job too? Minunum wage where I live is $7.25, and it became that number the summer I graduated high school like 10 years ago, and things are only increasing in value while workers like me sitll get same pay. Also I couldn't even find a job until I was 24 for some reason so I only had this job for like a little over 4 years at this point

you need like 15k+ viewers to get that amount of money for the bounties

Then I would make sure they all loved me, I would be the best entertainer in the world for those 1-3 years or whatever you have in mind. Then at the end I would tell them how you're gonna start your new channel. No videogames at all. Ships in bottles, nature photography, aquarium building, maybe pick up a sport just to show all those pathetic losers who were worshiping me that I don't care about their shitty little obsession.

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>your average six figure earner donates $600 to e-girls on twitch each month

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maybe they have to wait 17 minutes for the train to pass before they can pronounce you dead?

>tfw fags on Yea Forums that despise e-celebs are considering becoming one to make money

Please be bait/jest and not an unironically retarded frogposter (pardon the redundancy).


Are you really that poor? Do you not know about tax write offs?

Didn't this person get a ton of backlash for both assuming most 25 year olds make $100k and having unrealistic monthly costs?

>$500,000 every month
>would ya hate that anons??

this is a retarded question. This didn't need a thread.

The moral weight of my actions would be payment for the money.

An actual seppuku is assisted suicide. The person commiting it wont die from opening his own belly, but from getting his head cut/shot by an assistant. That list obviously has excluded the assistant part

if 90%+ of subjects die from a something how can their agony ratings possibly be accurate? they can only be gotten from outstanding people who failed to die from those methods and undoubtedly suffered exponentially more agony than they would have if the methods had been successful


holy fuck

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It's not about them and their jobs so much as it's about not wanting the cult-of-personality cancer that surrounds them to make its way here in addition to whatever dumb drama and shit goes on with them. If you watch X streamer, fine. Who gives a shit. Just don't bring it here and talk about, "OMG did you guise see what X did on stream today. [twitchemoteshit]"

Yeah I see Twitch streamers doing ok but they have to play the same game every day for 6-8 hours, I mean for some it's a well paying job but it cant be healthy mentally wise.

>platypus venom

What in the fuck, I had no idea this existed.

If I had my exact job for 50 years straight and kept my bills to the very minimum and never had to go to the ER or anything major I'd only have 600k in the bank.

I don't enjoy videogames anyway, so might as well get 500k a month for it

the thirsty orbiters who caused this to happen need to gassed

I'd play it until I could fucking retire, and then I would.

>being forced to play Pokemon constantly.
yea sure. there's plenty of romhacks/challenges I can do.

>500k a month
Do it for a year tops then do whatever the fuck you want

500k a month for rekting kids on a kids game? Who th fuck wouldnt accept this offer? You just have to put up a fake smile and act like you care about your fans and you will be able to make more in a month than wagies make in their whole life. You could retire in a few years by doing this.

Uh, YES? With that money i could give my children a chance at life, maybe even myself when my spark's gone, i could always invest with my cash.

Probably. 100k is enough to live in relative extravagance, ESPECIALLY if you're single. If you have a family, it's enough to raise and support them in comfort, but not excessive extravagance.

Yeah she makes what my parents make in a year. Good for her, but I hope shes in school and not just a beauty model. Thanks for paying for this, what legal picture isn't easy to find on the internet?

So this is why two of the streamers I follow are playing this out of nowhere.

Tf2 is one of my favorite game but I can’t play it more than a week without feeling burnt out. I think some of you guys are underestimating how burned out you would feel playing 1 game for a month straight even if you make bank off of it.

>Carbon monoxide

Fucking bullshit. I got really bad carbon monoxide poisoning on accident a year ago and that was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Holy fuck.

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>Australian animal
>Not venomous
Come on now.

Is he right?

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meanwhile i did it the correct way you are taught growing up
>focus on your studies
>dont play too many games
>go to college and get a good STEM degree
And i cant find a fucking job

>that was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Holy fuck.
that doesnt mean shit
it just means you've never experienced any real pain

Fuck no. This is stupid boomer logic. Like sure you can do some backbreaking work. But the pay is most likely shit compared to someone who has some cake office job.

Males have a claw because their legs that releases venom. Then and echidnas are a fucking abomination.

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you could mix these up to min max.

carbon monoxide + OD prescription + OD illegal

bonus points for parking on the railway

I would tell them to eat the poopoo peepee.
I play what I like. Fucking assniggers can't play my cannoli xylophone.
Gonna go to the drugstore and buy a half bucket of chicken strips.
Then my mama gonna sing me a song for the banana king. Eat my ass. Shit! Fuck you Scott Pilgrim. You Canadian piece of dickcheese on toast. Marshmallows.

Higher lethality generally trends towards shorter duration until death because those methods primarily damage parts of the body that are most essential. Being hit by a train is high on lethality but the potential damage done is more variable than from a gun, fall or cyanide. This combined with the accessibility to any idiot makes it more likely to fuck up for a less than immediate death. People can survive initially being hit by the train, losing limbs but not suffering fatal internal injuries. There's also the fact that the part of the track where trains travel fastest and suicide attempts are usually made is the least observed sections between stations so help is slower/less likely to arrive if initial survival does occur, keeping the lethality high but drawing time to death up.

Boomer parents lied, or didn't adapt their knowledge to the changing times. They don't realize that connections are now far more important than education. Most jobs that claim to require education actually don't. Obviously this doesn't apply to Medical and high end Engineering, but most jobs you can talk your way into by knowing the right people and showing that you're not an idiot.

>500,000 a month

How many rich kids are there out there watching this stuff and donating?

isnt this some famous celebrity from a tv show?
trying to tell people about hard work?

I'm thinking a combination or slitting my wrists and drowning would be good, just sitting at the edge of the canal and opening up my veins, losing consciousness and just sliding in, god I want to so bad.

On the same boat. I used have a good job but my parents forced me to go back to school for finance. Now I make less and am in student debt.

how is drowning a 79? a few seconds of panic sure, but then you just blackout.

>government guarantees loans for state-subsidized universities
>government guarantees visas for companies who pay off politicians to do the work you studied for years to be capable of
>the people they're importing have a few weeks of technical training
>it's impossible to default on student loans

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It's not so much about being right or wrong. He doesn't believe those things because he learned it over time, it's just part of his biological makeup. He'll say otherwise, but he's wrong, and not only does he not realize it, he's incapable of realizing it. That being said, it'd be better to think that way than most other ways. There's a reason he's a white guy in America.

Yeah, and there's a reason for that. Anyone could do that backbreaking work; not anyone can do that cake office job.

>Budget breakdown of a 25-year-old who makes $1,800 a month and is excellent with money
>rent $1000
>car insurance & phone $150
>student loans $340
>groceries $100
>health insurance $50
>gas $80
H-home of the free.

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This is true, I managed to talk my way into college for a course I'm nowhere near qualified for on paper.

Figured. But what makes this even better is part of the reason i got my degree is because my father said he could get me a job in the industry and he knew alot of people (and to be fair he does). Well now ive been graduated for 5 months and he has been fucking worthless.

If we aren't allowed to have projared threads, why the fuck is this shit allowed?

If you don't have a brain and your parents actively hate you, sure.
The world doesn't owe you anything but also you don't owe anyone anything.

>play game for a year
>fuck off and do whatever you want for the rest of your life after that


If you're not doing The Awesome, don't even fucking bother.

>tie noose out of cheese wire
>super glue hands to head
>jump off of high place
>whoever finds your body will think you pulled your head off with your bare hands

OG hard-core sudoku has you make a horizontal cut, vertical cut then stab yourself in the throat. But then maybe 5 people ever managed it so they toned it down

>Pick a game with replay value or mods to keep things fresh for yourself
>Nothing specifically says you have to stream 8 hours a day
>Just make each moment count to bring in as many donations as you can
>Do this for a few months
>Be set for life

I'd do it

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Because it’s not an e celeb thread retard. It’s about making money off video game

You have to get a mouse to eat the cheese wire or they'll know you decapitated yourself.

The kind of kids that would jerk off to the fake pair of tits to a Spanish Whore called Esmerelda Spagolioli. Pay a lot of beans to watch her flick the bean to all the money she gets pretending to play games and wear hats.
Go the Brazil and iron a Monky's Coconut I say. Wigwam with the Pikachu up the reginalds alley, cos the flim flam diddly dam's got the paper jam. And the fucking popo's got the nose in the smelly Cheerios.
Vodka brain. Going insane. Down the country's lane. Make a paper plane.

Nigga I'd quit after a year and go make games.

Part of the reason I can't go through with it is the guilt of having some poor person find my body, why would I want to traumatise people even more?

note that he lives with like 3 or 4 others, imagine living alone or having to support a family and having to pay $4000 rent plus more groceries and plus more health insurance
shit i cant even support myself but i can see that is one reason why i cant get laid in my late 20s anymore

Make $1.5 million dollars
Invest in a savings account at 2%
Buy $150,000 home

No, I'll do it for a while making damn sure I work on better projects on the side. If "playing the entire fucking day" is the requirement, then fuck no.

most of them arent rich
they are wage slaves who spend all their money donating to twitch celebs for 2 seconds of attention
>omg he mentioned my name!


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you don't think your bloated, ghoulish looking corpse will wash up somewhere for some rando to find?

Popular streamers/youtubers are essentially actors that couldn't make it. They play a role on stream and have to pretend that is them whenever a fan is around too. I get they make money but it being forced to pander to that shithole of "gamers" and the hellhole "gamer culture" is an empty existence. Just look at stuff like AGDQ or kotaku. Anything that was fun is now beat to death and every person that is constant in the scene is now soulless and just a shell of person since they can't be their own person anymore. Their entire existence is hung up on pleasing the fans and doing everything they say.

If I was making that much money, I'd be willing to play it for a couple years and then retire. I'd be fucking set for a long time.

Easy access to the quickest and least painful method of suicide? Sign me the fuck up.

>feminist run country
>has the highest suicide rate in the world
who could have seen this coming

>being this big of a brainlet
Fucking do it for 40 hours a week. Choose the hours you stream and what days off you will have during the week. Literally treat it like a normal job all while making an easy 6 million in a year. Furthermore you could retire whenever the fuck you felt like it.

All these pieces of shit making money from video games...70% of their money should go straight to the devs. The devs can just go straight to them and take their wallet and they'd be in every sense of morally right to do so.

I literally just said I don't want to do it for that reason.

Jump off a ferry, you'll never be found

It's not playing the game that's hard, but keeping up your persona. He doesn't get paid to sit there listening to music on his headphones, saying nothing. You have to react to the gameplay and engage with your viewers for 6 hours a day.

where's the helium tank with 2 agony and 99% lethality

Hey Phil Fish, how you been?

Looks like the best way to go is shotgun to the head.
>Just spread them brains about the place like a big cloud of confetti.
>Scoop them up, fry em in a pan and make meatball spaghetti.
>Take a date to the restaurant near the Serengeti.
>When it's done, don't end the fun, scatter the remains from lakeside jetty.
I think it's pretty.

>play for a year or two
>have enough money to comfortably retire and play whatever the fuck i want whether people watch or not
sounds pretty great

Sure. This would be a lot easier if it was an MMO where content cycles at least kept things fresh and there was lots to achieve.

Most people don't watch them for the gameplay, they watch them for their charisma. Go compare how many viewers speedrunners and competitive players get to variety streamers or people who are self-admittedly garbage at games.

how do you become a successful youtuber/twich streamer?

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Youd be surprised how many people survive a shotgun blast to the head

Get some camping gear, hike for a few days to the most remote area you can find and shoot yourself. Nobody will find you before the animals have picked you apart.

throw yourself into a woodchipper facing a river. the fish will take care of the rest.

Or don't, and just post about wanting to self-terminate on messageboards.

I would die, I can't stick with a game for over a couple weeks no matter how much I like it.
I had thought about getting into streaming because of how much I love vidya and play it every damn day, but I really like playing the games I want to play and some of them are boring as fuck to watch


>tfw so autistic i couldnt talk my way out of a wet paper bag let alone into a decent job

seriously though, don't kill yourself. Shit ALWAYS gets better eventually. 99% of people who have a failed suicide are thankful as fuck they didn't die.

Either wreck shop in a popular game, like demolish top tier players, or build friendships with established streamers.

By having a high charm stat

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Body in a woodchipper

By being a Fungi.

AGDQ is literally a front to launder money for some phony charity now.

If you just go look it up you'll see they pull in millions, don't actually send it outside the US and 60% of the money goes into the pockets of the owners...some anons dug up their tax reports.

a course cannot be anywhere near the same thing, the only thing you're putting in danger is your wallet and your gpa

Its not just these people though. E-Celebs in general make a shit load of money for fucking nothing. That bitch Tana Mongeau or whatever the fuck makes millions literally for being a dumb thot on Youtube.

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imagine being rich and spending your time streaming fortnite on twitch

if they're using games, then the devs are right to receive royalty cut.

>but free advertisement
good, let publishers do their job and actually market their game themselves.

>but indie devs can't afford
let them rot

For 500k a month i would play a game for a month 8-10 hours a day. But playing the same repetitive game and trying to keep your viewers happy at the same time, might fuck with you in the long term.
Also, if you want to be the next Ninja, find a a competitve f2p game that is playable, win a lot, post it on social and then enrich yourself from the millions of views of children.
Because that's how you get big in entertainment, by exploiting children.

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so, basically everything you need to survive in society

Its actually very easy.

First you need to appear likeable to strangers...oh...

I never said developers shouldn't be allowed to do that. At the moment, they absolutely can. They don't because they know it'd only end badly for them.

People like watching people do a thing they think is entertaining at a high level gee it's like sports and jeopardy or deal or no deal except for the young generation

Yeah I knew that. It's still a great window in the emptiness of e-celebrity. You can just feel the eventual breakdowns or suicides in the next twenty years.

I assume that knowing that you are for sure going to die adds to the agony.

Yeah sure I'd just look at that as my job. That's hookers and coke money man I don't care if I end up hating video games as a result I can find new hobbies.

Wonder no more
If anything I guess this should be inspiration for any roastie toasties out there, just some make up, a wig and meme faces are all you need I wish I was born into easy mode sometimes

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yeah but the different is if you talk your way into job you're not qualified to have you affect other people

No way fag, I prefer my actual job and it's potential net worth way more than 6 millions in the long run

I-Internet isn't really that cheap in burgerland is it?

I watch pewdiepie's editor Brad now and then, he gets so many dumb people in his chat, he has good deals with sponsors etc. but it's hard not to feels sorry for him sometimes when every second person in chat is there trying to get information on pdp, you can see the exasperation on his face.

Nigger, I'd suck dick for that kind of money. Shit man, 500k a month. Just continue living frugally for a year or two and then you drop the game and have a seizable fortune at your disposal

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Does she even show anything or are people really paying for non nude pictures? Then again I don't even understand people paying for porn.

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jesus christ
imagine being a woman
you can be butt ugly and still make 100k per month from thirsty betas

Fucking jesus

What is going to cause mass breakdowns or suicides in the next 20 years amongst e celebs? Surely not because you think the medium will fall out (i doubt it does) leaving all of them broke... I mean you do realize most of the big ones make enough money that it could be considered generational money.

id play fortnite every day if I made 500k a month off of it. also he makes way more now. he literally bought a mansion and remodeled it now.

National average is like $50 a month

She has nudes, but I don’t know how you get them from her. I just find the posted every once in a while. They’re like photoshoot quality.

How the fuck does shotung to the head take 1.72 minutes?

Being eaten alive

How the fuck you survive that?

And what potential net worth is that retard? You will be lucky to approach that amount in your lifetime. Meanwhile keep telling yourself on a mongolian cross knitting forum that you actually prefer spending the same amount of time per week (if you are lucky) to make a fraction in a year what that Ninja guy makes in a month.

If your aim really sucks, maybe

She instant messages them if you're a super high tier paypig, but at that point you'd be better off hiring mid-tier escorts twice a week

Some Mexican cartels do torture methods like slowly pulling your skin off while keeping you alive with drugs that are pumped into your veins.

Fuck no. I spend $52 a month for a fucking 3 Mbps connection. Sad thing is i dont think i will ever get any better options in my area

Fuck you, Echidnas are cute. CUTE

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>writing smut commissions for a living
>set my own hours
>hone my craft
>well could dry up at any time and
I would have no income
I'd take being a streamer over this shit.

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My area only has 1 internet provider that I pay 100 for 20-30 mbs. And it goes out once a week

real answer: Cluster Headaches
described as the worst pain a human can feel

What the actual fuck is wrong with Mexicans?

Sounds like any other job, but easier and pays well. It would suck hating my favorite game though.

it's about suicide methods
not torture methods

have you seen the shit they did in the middle ages

>this thing gets paid 150k a month

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would do it, but stop after earning 10m

We really need a final solution to the beta question.

A. Be a god at a competitive game
B. Play games with relatively high viewer count compared to their streamer count
C. Stream every day, consistently, at the same times
D. Watch your own stream up to the IP limit, which is like 2 or 3, and shill your faggot friends into doing the same so you don't sit at 0 viewers and people are more likely to click

Fuck you user, I write smut and make ZERO dollars.

>129 minutes for O.D. prescription drugs
>8 agony rate
I feel like it must hurt more than that if it goes on that long.

i could retire after a month of doing that
hell, 2 weeks would cover my most basic expenses for the rest of my life

I'd much rather play a shit video game for a few hours each day instead of working at a fucking waffle house, that's for sure.

The Europeans should have slaughtered all the Aztecs when they arrived in America but instead they decided to fuck their women.

Probably depends on what you're taking, but I'd say you're just slowly fading out, especially with painkillers/ soporifics

>using the shitty retarded redditor basketweaving forum "joke"

can u stop with the ironic retardedness there is no place on earth better than Yea Forums, its the america of the internet achmed, go back to sucking off goats

>I get paid for writing dirty stuff
Who the hell even pays for shit like this? And where can i make some buck with it?

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thing is he got really lucky and switched to fortnite before it got big and was actually good at it. He started with halo while his GF (currently his wife) supported him. now he lives in some mansion.

It's probably just like having a kinda bad stomach ache / head ache for a couple of hours before you die, painful, but tolerable.

They did slaughter the aztecs. What you see in mexico is the neighboring bumpkins who were jealous of aztec success and the supreme gentlemen spawned from the bumpkins getting cucked en masse.

Standard midlife crisis. Looking back at their life and seeing all they are known for is acting silly for youtube or twitch. I mean at least they had an interesting go and they weren't some midlevel management at a job they hate. But having your life revolve around a character or video game can't be healthy. I mean look at actors of the past. Most of them spiraled out of control the moment they lost the interest of the mob.

probably furries

dios mio...

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Not having a working immune system slaughtered the Aztecs

Are you new to the internet?

Shit your paying twice the amount for 10x the speed. I wish I could get that. I recently called the nearest cable provider to see if they expanded into my area. Of course they havent and it seems like they have zero intention on doing so. And my current ISP still doesnt offer any faster speeds, and considering its been 3 years since i got this shit tier internet I kind of highly doubt they plan on offering faster services.

When did Linus Tech Tips get into playing Fortnite?

if it makes you feel better those methods are usually saved for the worst of the worst in rival gangs, they wouldn't waste drugs and time on some literal who

>If you are a man
Either be charismatic or very good in the game (for example being a tourneyfag), this is also implaying the game is popular

>If you are a women
Literally just be cute, Otaku or have big tits

Protip: He's not making money because he's playing games. He's making money because he's trying to get you to become everyone's e-friend. To become e-friend you need to subscribe to his channel and donate $20 a day.

I really do hate makeup

that's the problem with these faggots, they can't just take their millions and disappear, they always want more, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them randomly fucking died cause all they do is sit in their chair 12 hours a day playing games and eating fast food cause they can't fit cooking into their life

Seething that hard you fucking fag? Nothing is special about posting on an anonymous message board fucking idiot. Good job addressing none of the actual points in my post as well faggot.

Wrong, this is how she looks

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it's better than literally any other circlejerking hugbox piece of shit like you crawled out of dingus.

Aight, cool. So long as everyone gets dicked over equally.

with makeup

So still just average with makeup on?

If you’re a cute girl (male) you can pull off having betas pay you money, all you have to do is dress the part and practice on the voice (it takes like a 2 weeks I’ve done it)

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>Thinking even for a second that's without make up
Oh dear, oh my.
Here's a bonus image just for you.

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Of course it's always furries.
I wouldn't pay someone to write me a story.

where the FUCK are her braces?

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You can't say nigger or faggot on stream.

This is an absolutely retarded question. If you can keep it up for a year you can retire. Then after 1 year of hard work you can do whatever you want the rest of your life, which probably includes streaming whatever games you like, getting paid less but still more than enough to live on. Why is this even a question? II guess most of you don't have jobs and can't fathom this.

I fucking doubt it. Sure you see celebs spiral out of control like this. But honestly they probably do work harder than these ecelebs. Actors for example at the very least might end up spending months at a filming location. Meanwhile most e celebs are just doing the shit they normally would do in their daily lives while occasionally posting a retarded video online to keep raking in their millions

>they always want more
I can see this being an issue for them. Not being able to adjust if the medium fell out. But i doubt that happens. I mean they could lose alot of popularity as they get older ig. Anyways what you described isnt that much different than what most people who work in an office environment do. And I gurantee these youtubers and even streamers get way more downtime than that.

>I wouldn't do it!
>therefore NO ONE IS DOING IT


this is the world we live in

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Yeah I'd like a #20, and a #17 on the side please

No, this is not a serious answer

>muh sekrit club
Lmao. What the fuck are you even going on about now? How the hell did you move the goalposts this far?


There's a fire emblem/x-com joke here somewhere

you and most people on this board are quite mentally ill, you think im the same user u were arguing with? What the fuck made you think that? use ur brain

Who the fuck would ever play the same game over and over for years on end? Sounds like career suicide to me!

Why do you believe anything is posted here

Thats not even the same girl user. Someone already pointed out how absurd it is that this bitch makes millions here

Even if they taxed 50$ it's still enough to retire and if you give up on whatever money game you have and switch to games you like, your core base will probably stay netting you 200k a month which is still a lot. That said, I would go with fortnite as long as possible till the money dries out. As a developer I already work on repetitive shit straight for 10 hours a day so this wouldn't matter at all. People who say no or think this is hard should Kill Themselves. 1-2 years hard work and you never work again in your life, how the fuck can anyone say no?

If you're going to kill yourself via train just lie down with your neck on one of the rails and hide yourself with a makeshift ghillie suit. Seems like a pretty safe way to make sure you die.

Oh so now you are just jumping to the defense of some other user in the middle of an "argument". I dont know whats worse desu... also

>reeee dont bash on muh favorite place
>also everyone here is mentally ill
You really are all over the place

You missed a big point though. Being known for nothing more than that. Hell even actors change what movies they take on around 40 because they start to look back on life and realize they are going to be remembered for what they put out. Hell I'm only 30 and I've already done major U-turns in my life because of self reflection. I would assume for any celeb self reflection is hard with waves of fans that want the same content from you and no real emotional growth and yes-men all around you not giving you real solid life advice.

>makes literally $1 mill In 2 months playing vidya from his room
actually fuck off anyone would do that for that money you sperglord

For $500,000 I'd love it. 6 months of that and you're financially stable enough to to play whatever you want.

Well if the dipshit was smart he'd invest it and get out from under the need to be propped up by his dumbass viewers, but since hes likely as stupid as he looks I doubt hes doing that.

I refuse to believe there are that many legit retards that can't imagine their own story and have access to money thus creating demand for such work.
Also, i wasn't implying that no one's doing it.
The question was:
>Are you new?
Implying that i must know where to find this stuff and why people do that.
Hence my reply.


This. Im pretty sue Shroud, Ninja, etc. could completely tell their fanbase to fuck off and say "Im gonna play the games I wanna play" and still make bank by streaming casually with all the money they have saved up.

most people have absolutely 0 imagination

>1-2 years of hardwork
Its not even hard work

>with makeup

Funny thing is Shroud and Ninja clearly ENJOY playing what they play. Its why they are so good at the games. Alot of times with these streamers alot of their fans beg them to play whatever the viewers favorite game is.

>be charismatic or consistently good at the game for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
You do that and see how long it takes before you want to blow your brains out

Imagination is just thinking with even less effort than actual thinking.
How can people be even bad at it?

>Shroud and Ninja clearly ENJOY
It's like saying actors actually care about the social justice shit they peddle. They're professional liars, their entire job is to make you think they're your friend, why would you think you can trust them?

And how is this at all fucking different than a normal job in which you wont make in a lifetime what these people make in a year?

Because its what they were doing before they really blew up? Ninja was playing Fortnite before he exploded making this much money. I mean why else would they have gotten so good at shooters if they didnt like them?

So why isn't everyone here streaming and making big cash?

the part where nobody ever watches you and you waste your time completely and want to kill yourself, streaming is about pure luck, either you just so happen to be in the right place at the right time or get hosted by someone huge, or you never get anywhere and ruin your life for nothing.

Even a low paying job can be fulfilling if it is where your heart is at. I love teaching, it isn't going to line my pockets with money, but the joy I get from seeing people connect the dots and grow is unmatched and I honestly couldn't put a price on that. I get that some of these streamers do enjoy what they do, but a majority of them are clearly just playing a part.

Because becoming a major streamer is actually hard. Requires a bit of skill at the game and alot of luck

I'm trying

We are sorry to announce that this train has been delayed by seventeen minutes.
If you see something that doesn't look right, speak to a member of staff. We'll sort it. See it, say it, sorted.

Every camara distorst reality

Minecraft, it’s pretty obvious

Can I become a popular streamer by being jaded and opinionated?

isnt she british? i bet she sounds like a fucking slag when she's off camera

Too old to relate to zoomers.

i dunno, i see some well balanced people who make repetitive content
there's that guy Northernlion who's made thousands of youtube episodes of fucking The Binding of Isaac and he's wittier and more well spoken than I'll ever be, I think I'd be an unbalanced mess if I were in his position though

yes, quite a few streamers are fucking blunt assholes, downside is the chat is just pepe spam

Sure. But we are talking about the streamers bringing in millions of dollars every year

Because not everyone fits the requirements.
You have to be a narcisisstic sociopath to make it in anything related to entertainment, nowadays.
If you're on Yea Forums, you're already on the road to suicide, so that's not gonna work.

maybe like 1% of streamers actually make enough money to quit their jobs

>implying narcissism isn't the result of your ego overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy

Ugh... can't bloody believe this.. *taps foot*

Your point being?

It means that anyone here could become one given the right circumstances.

Do you even read what you write and compare it to the things you're responding to?

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I don't think it's the playing the same game over and over that'd be the problem, it'd be the fucking weird relationship with your fans that I would be uncomfortable with. I don't want to be people's friend simulator.

heh how much money do you think she would make if she didn't wear makeup. I wonder if the "all natural" look would attract the wrong kind of crowd.

the fuck are you talking about

Wasn't that the guy who beat his preggo wife on stream?

>$500,000 every month
Nigga I would be set for life with $3M dollars. Play the game for six months and drop it.

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High level deal or no deal?


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>already got my cozy flat
>get not much, but enough cash to afford a nice whore or nice expensive gadgetry/console every so often
>working at home whenever I want, basically doing nothing most of the time
>no anxiety since work doesn't include much of interaction with human beans, no crunches, almost zero responsibility
>tfw hit the level of comfort where only possibility of getting really sick can trigger me about my low wage
Who else feel complete here? Being poor honestly isn't bad, inner peace is much more important boys.

you're not poor if you live in a first world country, in a third world country you'd probably be forced to work backbreaking labour for a similar wage
however many people are baited into wanting to live a consumeristic lifestyle, so good job keeping your desires in check

That fat fuck greek watches clips from reddit and youtube videos and playing fucking .io games and still have like 12k average viewers.

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Ive had one

I actually wasnt able to process what was happening because the pain was so intense.

I literally felt the eyeball in my socket about ti burst out but it just wouldnt

I live with my parents and make 1k a week, could be better, but my expenses come out to about 200 bucks a month so relatively I feel pretty wealthy.

Maybe if it was PSO or Timesplitters. The fun was endless with these games. The problem with this is that he will have no time to play the games he actually want to play since most of his viewers are under aged kids who want to watch Fortnite all day eveyday.

Doesn't the title tell you how he does it: by playing Fortnite?

If I made half a million a month for doing it, I'd do it for a year and then quit to buy property and rent it out to people.

it's a job, treat it like one
clock in and clock out

I'd do it happily two years, slowly go back to whatever new shit interest me during a year, then cut it and never livestream again, I'm rich, why bother anymore

it's okay to be comfy but you don't have to settle for it if nothing is stopping you

all of you are children and know nothing. NOTHING. meet" Hisashi Ouchi, the Victim of Beyond Fatal Radiation Kept Alive for 83 Days Against His Will" this guy rotted from the inside out after he BOILED fromt he inside out and DIED and was RESURRECTED 3 TIMES all on blissful agony. you think thats tough? well were not done yet
>On November 27, Ouchi’s heart failed for 70 minutes, but the doctors managed to keep him alive with blood transfusions, fluids, and various drugs to keep his blood pressure and pulse stable. Finally, on December 21, his heart failed and the doctors did not resuscitate saying that his family wanted him to have a peaceful death."

game over.

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And women complain that they have it so hard.

Being forced to do something you don't want to do for money is kind of how all jobs work, kddo.

get the shotgun, get the shells, go to a lone place, load it, pump it, aim it, blast it
I guess it's stats in US if the average time to get a shotgun is 1.7 mins

>Video game journalism


as someone that wanted to kill themselves for their entire life, this user is right. unless you are suffering a serious chronic condition or something

>Hisashi Ouchi
what the fuck were the doctors thinking

>Shit ALWAYS gets better eventually
That is completely wrong