Post your favorite video game and I'll tell you why it's shit.
Post your favorite video game and I'll tell you why it's shit
your favorite game
Heroes 3 of Might and Magic
I already know it's ugly as hell, so you can't say that one.
Chrono Trigger
Microsoft Chess
Necro is broken
Literally every thread on Yea Forums: The thread.
Actress name?
Atrocious camera, horrible "humor", terrible controls, and it's ugly. Truly a Yea Forums core game with its only redeeming factors being customizable combos and enemy design.
Never played it so it's garbage.
Even the monkey can tell she is sexy
>Atrocious camera
There's no camera control and the camera is always pointed in front of you. This statement is false.
>horrible "humor"
Subjective. This game's funny as fuck.
>terrible controls
Straight up wrong. This game is incredibly intuitive if you're not a shitter
>it's ugly
That's fair.
Pretty bad. I'll let you try my second favorite to see if you can pull it together.
Going to need a source on this video.
Dated. The combat is absolute shit and has been improved a million times over since. Dungeon design shows how little Nintendo understood about creating a compelling 3D game at that point in time.
Too easy, too linear, too basic. Lacks depth. Time travel is a weak gimmick. Babies first JRPG, if you can even call it that.
just go to Detroit with a white girl
same, asking for a friend
Link: An Experiment In Terror
Elizabeth Shue
F-Zero GX
Thank you.
I'm kinda cheating but fuck it
Witcher 3
Thanks cuntwax. She has tons of nude scenes damn, time to fap.
Baldur's Gate 2
the first game is the only good one in this collection
bloated and uninteresting. the story isn't strong enough to carry the poor gameplay. ciri is unironically more enjoyable to play as than Gerald
beatmania iidx
too fast
You know she gonna fuck that monkey
Legend of Legaia
not fast enough
Fortnite or spiderman 2018
i already know that the endgame key hunt kinda sucks, so don't bother mentioning that
Stardew Valley
You can dish a lot of criticism on this game, such as the menus, but I dare anyone say it is shit
too epic
>OP ignored this post
Heh, gets them every time
hardmode no copping out be mentioning its age
Dawn of War 2
Be gentle
>the first game is the only good one
Dumb rose tinted glass wearing nostalgia fag
The first game arguably aged the worst
Shit taste
Fuck, I miss this gem, clocked like 900hrs
Big Boss is unbearably retarded and is way too much like Solid Snake when he should have looked like Liquid and sounded like Solidus
Crawling around is usually not fun and the camera is not good enough to run around
Jungle is not nearly as cool as urban environments
The radio team turns out to be the Patriots
The Boss is retarded and an overrated character with shit writing
why dont they releases private servers man?
Street Fighter 4
Why would Snake be retarded? He always followed the best path, it's just that there were way too many superhumans after him
>ciri is unironically more enjoyable to play as than Gerald
t. double-digit IQ
>radio team turns out to be patroits
Thats shit made up by 4. Dont count.
There was some shitty security update or something like a year or two after it has died. Not gonna lie, I was furious when i found out it's not coming back
They all aged quite well famalam. The parkour mechanics are still a blast to play even today.
I can think of dozens of old titles that aged much, much worst than the Sands trilogy.
Learn English, esl
cave stoy
the only problem with cave story is what nicalis did to it
Monkey looks like an old Japanese man.
I'm honestly surprised you horny Goslings aren't talking about the pretty naked lady and are actually attempting to stay on topic instead.
one frame links
proximity normals
crouch tech
>Never played it
So you're underage?
God, she's so fucking attractive.
Katamari demacy. you cannot tell me this game is bad, it is a melting pot of everything that makes a game good. not nessacarily my fav but argueably the best I've played
So this is how we get AIDS
Metal Gear Solid 4
be better without the bangs no woman looks better with bangs
Fuck you, no-taste nigger.
This post is a certified homosexual.
spotted the casual
Wow what a cool and edgy contrarian opinion. I bet you don't engage in toxic behaviour on Yea Forums just because you're scared someone will call you a faggot if you don't.
I think your favourite game is fine.
Decapre has some really strong counterplay.
Spabrog made a video series on how to beat El Fuerte.
And Elena is allowed to be OP cause every character has the right at 1 (one) overpowred brown girl with bare feet.
user, gets it
they make them look bitchy and annoying and in most cases old
Your face is bitchy and annoying, prancing lala homo man.
persona 3
But it's cute.
show me ojne just one woman who doesnt look like a fucking bitch when she has bangs?
no its not