A small pile of rubble blocks the way in the forest, so rather than climb over it...

>A small pile of rubble blocks the way in the forest, so rather than climb over it, the character kills four of the most powerful beings in existence.

Attached: basedmatthew.png (1274x716, 1.02M)

go dilate, you will never pass

I wonder what goes through a level designer's head when they make decisions like this. They have to recognize how silly it is at the time.

How has nobody in the development team thought about this fucking nonsense. Jesus christ.

>seek powerful souls

fuck you, they work hard


if they made the walls around the arch higher and covered it in a landslide instead of destroyed rubble it would be more believable

Probably that it's a game and unless you want the entire thing to take place in an enclosed dungeon, it's very hard to make any environment that wouldn't be easier to traverse than the killings.

Well why not just put a bigger rock there?

Please don't defend this stupidity.

Given that you have to pass through a magic seal that’s what should have been there in the first place. Instead of a path that’s blocked by small rocks requiring the player to take a side route through a magic seal the path itself should have been blocked by a magic seal


The entire game was scrapped halfway through and they hurried to get a game together for the release,explains oversights and textures being repeated everywhere with not many details
honestly if the game released like 2 years later without being forced on the ps3/xbox360 i believe it would be the best souls game

The game was super fucked because From badly wanted the PS3/360 base. The DaS2 tech demos with the more realistic lighting would have actually worked on current gen

What an ugly fucking game. Demons souls was the best looking souls game up until Bloodborne.

I literally died once to a demons souls boss and one shotted everything else.The game is piss easy and the bosses are trying their hardest not to hit you.Areas rely on gimmicks and tight corridors to get you killed,and once you die once you will never die to it again
The praise for it is unwarranted
Yes there were some cool areas,but 10 hours of not that interesting gameplay isnt enough to put it near the top of souls games

I like it how this shitpost completely ignores every single time where a tiny drop you could easily hop over in demons souls makes you unable to go back in dark souls 1
Hell it happens a lot in dark souls 3 too

Thankfully there isn't a castle in the game atop a mountain that's surrounded by a massive chasm and only accessible through a single bridge that could've been locked off.


The problem is that a big part of the game's plot is about an entrance you want to open but can't until you kill great beings. And right next to that door there is a fucking rubble.
That entrance is too fucking significant to be right next to a fucking rubble.

A tranny would defend the Shrine of Winter, not criticize it.

cringe,trannies are the ones orbiting e-celebs

are you telling me ds2 trannies can pass this little heap of rubble if they dilate?

he just said it looked good

>have to ring two bells so a retard giant can open the gate to sens fortress
>one is constantly ringing nearby yet you still have to ring it yourself
>the other is so far down that it would be impossible to hear it from sens fortress
>could also just easily pass through the holes on the gates
>This is ok though and completely good game design

>when you spend so much time on Yea Forums that you have kneejerk reactions to what you perceive is someone complaining about difficulty and immediately call them a tranny

this site is bad for your health

That' quite based desu.

You can past it without killing said great beings.
Shrine girl will mock you for doing so, call you weak and unprepared.

Even though it's like this because it was rushed to fuck, it's these stupid little moments in DaS2 that make me remember it more fondly then I do DaS3. I can recall more of DaS2 than DaS3 despite playing 3 last year and 2 on release.

It's on purpose to get you lost.

As if the people who made this game had a clear vision of anything.

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Attached: ds3 is shit 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>From badly wanted the PS3/360 base

You mean Bamco.

Here's this thread again haHAA

In this thread we use



All the retarded repeated textures in ds2 are a result of the lighting being completely cut from the game since the last gen hardware couldnt run it at all and they were forced to stitch together a game from leftover assets

What the fuck

Attached: 1505332056998.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Good thing it's a videogame and anyone with a brain didn't give a shit

Someone actually refute this.

Attached: blocks your path.png (1130x1080, 1.28M)

>no chugging
Yeah instead we got gems that could stack to unreal levels and make you able to tank any damage with ease

Nice argument, you absolute waste of fucking space.

What does


think an



It's impossible to refute. I want to refute it but I can't.

dark souls 2 is better than 3 but both are shit, this is fact.

Attached: 1554732787006.jpg (600x600, 80K)

Attached: What the fuck am I read.jpg (500x396, 54K)

>it's okay for a movie to have plotholes
>it's okay for a book to have grammatical errors
>It's okay for a poem to not rhyme

fuckinG BASED

Henryk's Set is the best looking set in Bloodborne, prove me wrong

>It's okay for a poem to not rhyme
Akchtually this one is true.

I'm pretty sure I agree

All of those things are true.

This makes no sense. It was probably more work to model the rubble than it was to put a wall there. The whole thing was just a careless oversight, probably because they had to stitch all of this shit together in like 3 months.

Attached: ds2_concepts.jpg (2466x1024, 785K)

Yeah, I'd probably agree with that. Yharnam Hunter and Knight set, specifically for female hunter, as close seconds.

Female Yharnam Hunter is shit though

If the poem doesn't rhyme than it's trash, it may be "okay" just like it's "okay" to paint a circle and call it art but that doesn't make it good and so should be criticized

Nah senpai, that asymmetrical coat is god tier.

but there's no crossed bandoleers like on the male version, the whole set makes her look wide

Don't forget that if you went for a roll with no stamina while someone was trying to backstab you then you would get pulled back into the backstab.

It was an amazing feature that punished players that didn't properly manage their stamina.


Attached: fashion.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

dark souls 3 has an equally ridiculous set up where you have to kill the lords of lothric to drop down a ladder yet no one complains about it

when people point out fault in dark souls 2 they're starting from the premise of "i hate this game" and trying to articulate why, this is why you often see 2 defenders shit on 3 so much because it has so many of the same problems yet recieves a fracton of the scrutiny

>you need a lockpick of 100

Attached: uv3Wa.jpg (640x512, 86K)

>>could also just easily pass through the holes on the gates
It's fucking embarrassing how hard you had to reach for this post. It's honestly sad.

Have sex.

You could twist an ankle climbing over that. Safety first.

That door isn't actually locked in game, somebody used the console to lock it and took a screencap of it to make it look like that Fallout game was shit

>a small wooden door blocks the path of a god slaying shinobi, so instead of breaking down the wooden door, the shinobi slaughters an entire castle, talks to a dumb shota then to an old pedophile so he can grab a magical key that opens the wooden gate

had the exact same fashion when i played, it's just too good

Those aren't the same problem at all.
You can easily drop down that ladder at any time, it's not related to the lords of cinder in any way, Emma just doesn't want you harming Lothric in hopes he'll change his mind.
The real cutoff point is Gotthard having to complete his quest line and die outside the archive doors.

>>one is constantly ringing nearby yet you still have to ring it yourself
given that the sound only plays and the bell itself doesn't move it's pretty easy to consider that the giant has to actually see the bell for it to know to lift the gate
>>could also just easily pass through the holes on the gates
lmao no

no it is the same problem because

a) most people aren't aware that you can summon dancer to drop the ladder
b) the problem isn't the fact that progression is gated but the absurd logical/physical connection between areas

in the case of 99% of dark souls 3 players, they went through the game killing 3 of the most powerful beings in existence to drop a small ladder in a church

>You're a tranny!
>No, YOU'RE a tranny!
Quality thread DaShitters

>admitting it's not actually a problem people just don't know what's happening
>insist it's still a problem
>N-no it's the same! progression being blocked is totally equal to dogshit rubble pile no matter the context!
When will Ds2lets learn

Attached: file.png (1074x479, 745K)

For the same reason you take an elevator up to a lava castle in the sky. It was an unfinished, rushed piece of shit.

This is your brain on Yea Forums


Good for you.

Every single part of this copypasta has been refuted but the autistic ds2 faggot will still keep posting this retarded shit and then samefags about how ''nobody ever refutes it''.
Dark Souls 2 fans have terminally shit taste and / or mental illnesses so it's not worth trying to argue with them.

Attached: 1557000143688.jpg (768x1024, 122K)

Remember when it was possible to browse Yea Forums without having to think about trannies 24/7? Those were good days.

I remember the specific fucking door.

He says, in the second DS2 hate thread made today by a single autistic man who makes these threads every day.

>if you have somehow acquired a total sum of one million souls across your journey, the stones simply aren't even there.
I unironically had no idea this area was even locked since I had already acquired more than enough souls from ranking up in the Sunlight covenant. That covenant raises your Souls like no tomorrow.

It was kind of anticlimactic to learn afterwards that it was apparently some kind of milestone within the game, and that I hadn't even realized it.

can you post the refutation?

He can't because it does not exist. The pasta has never been refuted despite being posted over 300 times.

Or collects a million souls, you don't actually have to beat them.

>single autistic man
Ah yes because only one person could ever think there's something terribly wrong with Dark Souls 2.

>People autistically infighting within a fan base
I don’t really get that. You like the same thing.


He isn't exactly trying to hide it, you know. It's been literal years.