Are you going to purchase Yea Forums's video game?
Are you going to purchase Yea Forums's video game?
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still no confirmation that you can see her boobs in first person view, so no
What's up with the pointy knees and elbows? Witcher 3 had better female models.
>alcohol xD
Grow up.
just wondering haha imagine if you look down after running and your boobs and feet are all sweaty haha I mean wouldn't that be something right haha
I hope the sex scenes are in first person, i'm gonna be female
I tip my fedora to you good sir
>shirt is glued to her breasts
I like how her shirt sticks to her titties.
You can tip your brain damage in a few years too.
Do I have to play the other Cyberpunk 2076 games to understand the story?
yes but im gonna play a dude and bang chrome cyber sluts
What's the adult beverage of your choice?
it's the future bro.
I will wait for reports on how full of SJW trash it is before deciding.
That's what happens when you get cum on your clothes.
is that sombra from overwatch?
have sex
Gonna make me a big bara cyborg and pound every twink in Night City with my pneumatic penis.
That looks pretty bad honestly. Like barbie cgi movie
odd edit
Nigga it's a dystopian society, it's literally filled with it because that's the point.
Fizzy or flat? Bottled or from the tap?
are people still mad at this scene?
>that haha
Kek, this will never get old
Yeah, eventually.
Probably not at launch.
Can i rp as a pure maiden?
Mmm mmm mmm, Latina feet.
You must be fun at parties.
It's work in progress bro.
Cyberpunk is SJW wankery. What the fuck are you expecting?
Pretty much my plan too
People were ever mad at it?
What for? Looked cool to me.
Can you poop in this game?
>What for?
They kept saying your character would be forced into having heterosexual sex scenes and they were afraid that it would make them a cuck
Yes, all 2075 of them
I can't wait for the breast augs and mods desu I wunna create 10 foot Christina Hendricks and crush enemies under my giant cans while nursing young males with my mummy milkers.
Cyber pusy confirmed
It's mandatory every 24 hours until you install a remodeled shithole tech that atomizes your shit and turns it into ammo.
By the time this game comes out it will be set in the past LMAO!
The game is gonna be a technical disaster the likes of Mafia 3
I can't wait
How devs still don't have rudimentary cloth physics down when there's literally middlewear that's baked into everything I'll never know
But I'd rather play a male and self-insert. The waifuable npc's better be good.
Seems meh from what I've seen so best to wait until I can get the base game + DLC on sale.
Won't this game have more than w genders lol?
Wish I could be a straight up terminator liquid metal robot instead of some fleshie
>used goods
>Wish I could be a straight up terminator liquid metal robot instead of some fleshie
ideally you'd be able to become this with enough upgrades. it'd be really dumb to not take advantage of this theme
>cyberpunk in the sun
>trannies confirmed
>genderfluid bullshit sjw
>Yea Forums's video game
Kind of sad, but true consider most of Yea Forums are a bunch of discord trannies/traps these days.
What would a dystopian cyberpunk world be without degeneracy?
Point still stands, though
I'd imagine the engine wasn't really finished for the gameplay demo since they rewrote most of their engine for this game. Usually stuff like physics get implemented fairly late on plus polish passes and whatnot.
I guess that depends on whether they pretend it's progress or acknowledge it's degeneracy.
Did you not play their other games? It's gonna deus ex lite copy paste
>>cyberpunk in the sun
Agreed it was stupid to showcase the game in such a un cyberpunk way if it doesn't have optional filters I'll just load up reshade
>>trannies confirmed
Where's my oppai loli futa furries? This game isn't inclusive enough
>>genderfluid bullshit sjw
Yep hate this too it's just dumb and erodes the community
>>Yea Forums's video game
This board lost its soul over a decade ago it's the same mindless tween 20 somethings but with even worse taste
>Kind of sad, but true consider most of Yea Forums are a bunch of discord trannies/traps these days.
I refuse to go on that app the mods just ruin it
How hard is it to load up a temp profile in fucking reshade then? I got doom16 ogl looking more cyber Punk than deus ex and this shit combined
Depending on what we see leading up to the release, likely yes.
Zoomers out, cyberpunk doesn't have to be filled with niggers and leftists.
Nothing can top Mafia 3.
footfags deserve to be hung
>i-it's not finished yet!
>muh polish
You still haven't been burned enough times to realize this is literally never the case?
this, fallout 4 can be modded to be a better cyberpunk game than this gta V clone
Already did.
A fictional video game like it's supposed to be? I hate irl shit that bleeds into everything and ruins my immersion it pisses me off more than current era politics and drag shotas
The only thing they are pretending to do is make a decent game.
I know this will be absolutely over rated down graded junk
I hope it skips gen 8 fuck having to target base ps4 xbox one and mobile tier switch just kidding Nintendo has no games
And garbage pcs
We are gonna see so many threads here moaning about system requirements next year or so when some fuck whit on a 15 year old i5 4 core incel and gtx 4650ti can't run it
At least we know how bad they can get and yet I feel we still haven't seen the worst.
Andromeda and everything else ea shits out is just as bad and ubisoft are catching align with epic as my most hated devpubs
It's literally got "punk" in the name, you stupid motherfucker.
>Yea Forums
No linux build. Fuck CDPR and their anti-Linux shitting
Why no modding? It's gonna be the biggest game of early 2020s and will just get cracked and modded to hell and back
So nothing then? Next media we see will be even more downgraded due to (optimisation) or whatever bullshit excuses they used for witcher 3 running on toasters
GOTG, ya im buying it.
v has come to
Punk is rebeling against the status quo, and what is the status quo in sunny California in the current year?
It will end up on Google stadia and streamer shit so who cares
>having Linux as your main os for gaming
/g/o away
Punk doesn't mean they have to ruin it with what's popular among modern day normies
God that game sucked.
Where the fuck is gta 6? Rdr2 flopped online and normies are finally moving on from gtao
I love Yea Forums!
>not having Linux as your main OS
Genuinely feel bad for you user
It literally wasn't. That demo was recorded over a year ago and we still have no release date in sight. This wasn't something like "PRE-ALPHA FOOTAGE" with the game releasing two months after that like EA could pull off, it was and still probably is unfinished.
Both companion characters you’ve seen so far are people of color, and one is a woman :^)
Can we stop getting this shitty half shave hair cut already? It's the female JUST.
>that image
I find left kinda attractive and right really unrealistic.
But Android is my main os
Well a fork of it color os
It's comfy
I only use Windows for gaming and shit
Linux gaming is a joke on pc
>punk is confirming to traditional standards of beauty and maximum normalfaggotry
I almost feel bad for you. I hope you're not disappointed too much when you realize your faggotry.
>muh TORtanic obsession
Grow up.
Keep coping.
>Linux gaming is a joke on pc
I've used Linux as my main OS for like 8 years now. Honest to God, before even Proton, the only game I've ever wanted to play but couldn't is Overwatch, and that's because of their wack DRM. With Proton, though? There's really no excuse for someone not to be using Linux anymore. Even something jank-ported like Dark Souls (including with dsfix) works perfectly
And if you believe it, I've got a bridge to sell you.
So I was kinda hype for this game when the teaser came out and forgot to follow anything about it. Does it still look interesting or is it just another AAA title that could have been good?
I want to see this guys in game
Left is shopped, she doesn't look like that
can you pirate on Linux?
>wanting to play Overwatch
Woah is it 2015-2017 again? How can a Linux tard fag have such bad taste you must be really disparate
Also what's the point of nix if windows is integrating Linux kernel into the the core of the os? I haven't mucked around with proton Tbqh
I find native windows gaming painful enough
Cyberpunk is a totally degenerate world
You can dilate in few hours there
>release next month
Fuckin sweet, lookin forward to it.
There hasn't been many games I've cared about lately, but this looks nice. Hopefully they let me play as a neon cat girl thug though.
We literally don't know until it releases same wity every other game ever made
That said it has potential but will likely crumple under its own weight
Fillltered rain water stored in a concrete tank
>asking Yea Forums to think for you
>tfw you can finally pick Attack Helicopter
>It literally wasn't. That demo was recorded over a year ago and we still have no release date in sight.
>This wasn't something like "PRE-ALPHA FOOTAGE" with the game releasing two months after that like EA could pull off, it was and still probably is unfinished.
I'M sorry but if the game doesn't look decent early on then it won't be any good.
This has potential but I don't like the way it's heading
How come this single screenshot has more soul in it that most modern AAA games combined?
>not being a sexy transformer cyber plane
Bladefags spun the fuck out
>wakes up
>with eyeliner
pokemon creatures
>it's the year 2000+any number
>people still don't use electric toothbrushes
i don't get it
Me on the white
Taxi driving was the worst job ever
So you think they've been sitting thumbs up their asses for the past year or what? Clothing physics isn't exactly impossible to implement, hell Witcher 3 had it and it looked pretty decent there.
That's cyber self applied nano liner to you fleshboi
This where is my laser tooth cleaners?
I don't mind the lofi 80s high tech stuff tbqh
I wouldn't know I literally loaded it up twice to benchmark my pcs and deleted it I just hated the game play and combat
Yep, although you probably couldn't use Proton to do it. You could use a different wine-frontend like PlayOnLinux though if the lower-level stuff is scary
>Woah is it 2015-2017 again?
It was back in like 2015 I wanted to do it, and only because I had a lot of friends constantly pushing me. I shat on it too even then user; it's just the only game I couldn't get working :^)
>windows is integrating Linux kernel into the the core of the os?
Doesn't work how you think it does, but even if it did, why would you want to keep yourself locked in that box? There's really no reason to stay latched on, with gaming not being an issue anymore.
With every update of Windows, I hear nothing but laughably bad things (forced restarts, restarts causing HDDs to blank out, etc)
eat less move more tubby
>cyberpunk setting
>japanese moonrunes on every surface
It's not like I mind but where did this originate from?
Why aren't they making Witcher 4?
>bruised knees
what are her pronouns?
cheer up muhammad
only 3 weeks left of your kidney stone growing therapy
Jaina Jaiself Jaizer
>fasting is unhealthy
Yep, it’s a mutt
Yes, and I'm going to play as the dude because there's a difference between wanting to fuck the girl and wanting to be her.
The character obviously gets in lots of shoot-outs and she deosn't wear any knee-pads, so that's they're bruised.
Rent free
>ruins my immersion
Shouldn't the world be believable in order for you to be immersed? That means they should have every kind of possible detail a dystopian cybernetic future will have, should they not?
no point playing this game if your PC can't run it ultra settings with 60+ fps
>Yea Forums
Admittedly I'm not too well versed on the lore but from what I've gathered Japan has a big influence in the Cyberpunk world. A Japanese man owns one of the largest megacorporations. Also Night City has a couple of eastern styled city disctricts so there's that too.
That's quite the EXPLOSIVE personality you've got there.
Because you’re a cdpr drone
He's not wrong, you can absolutely be healthy without resorting to literally starving yourself for weeks.
Lol have you never had an imagination? It's easy to get immersed in minecraft for fuck sakes
Rased & Bedpilled
only if I can mod her
Cyberpunk comes from the 80s. The time were new, faster and smaller technolgy came from Japan, Japanes citys grew and western countries like US and Germany feared that the Japanes will controll everything ecnomicly.
Neuromancer begins in Japan for example
they're not starving themselves
they don't drink or eat while the sun is up and then hold feasts during the night
Cyberpunk fiction started being a thing sometime in the 80s. Back then everyone thought that Japan would rule the world by 2000 because of their huge economic boom. Cyberpunk was always set in the future, so obviously people imagined that japanese moonrunes would be the most common language in the world in the 21st century. Fast forward a few decades and it turns out that the Japs didn't do much after all. The cyberpunk aesthetic has remained the same after all those years though, hence the moonrune spam.
>forced to fuck white guy
better be able to change that
I hope you can play as a based happy Sikh
I hate those haircuts where women shave off the side of their head. What's the fucking point? It's retarded.
Daddy issues
Funny thing is Tokyo now looks more advanced than Night City which is US city in 2077.
It feels like every game nowadays features women with this haircut. All the devs want their character to be unique looking, so they give them that haircut and they actually end up looking like every other female character.
Nah. Demo reveal was very disappointing and most of the things that I wanted out of this game got squashed. So I'll pirate it, play through it once to get the gist of it and to avoid spoilers. Maybe get a second playthrough out of it if it's not tedious, then uninstall.
However if they release Japanese dub like they did for The Witcher 3 and if it ends up being popular in Japan and Korea and they in turn end up producing some decent cosmetic mods as well as better ReShades and weather mods then I'll consider buying it with all the DLCs for half the price down the line.
>create a hot thot
>she's a player character so I can't even interact with/romance her
I like it.
it's hip to be square
He looked like a sandnigger creatura. Like the rest of the characters in this game.
Daddy issues explains why they get it in real life, and basedboi devs wanting their characters to be unique and special explains why they all do the same kind of shit, but I can't help myself from shouting into the aether WHY over and over again every time I see it.
>Game looks dissapointing
>But I'll play it all the way through anyway and maybe do a second.
>ywn have cute asian girlfriend
Why even live?
Because it's a fairly standard punk haircut. Because, you know, CyberPUNK?
Dumb weeb
Welcome to Yea Forums.
I just want a game that would make me feel like I'm in futuristic city, Cyberpunk 2077 just doesn't do that for me. Cars are crappy and even worse than modern ones instead there should be flying cars or whatever, Night City looks worse than modern day asian city there are not automated monorails that you can drive one. What kind of shitty city of future is that? Is that how Slavs see future cities? Well I guess for them it is since they have shitty cities.
Because its cyberpunk, not future eutopia city
Its supposed to be the dark and grimey futuristic world, not the clean and shiney jetsons.
RPGs are meant to be a time sink that'll last for years.
The reason why I'll skim through it is just to avoid spoilers in case it ends up being worthwhile to replay and really get into later down the line. Because of their decisions that I do not appreciate they won't get my day one full price support, plain and simple.
I did the same thing to Fallout 4 and Mass Effect Andromeda. If the game ended up being good I'd buy it at a later date with all the DLCs, which are the best parts of Bioware games lately. However the game was mediocre to bad and EA cut support and never delivered on the DLCs. Fallout 4 was also trash in both the narrative, core game and DLC departments. So I avoided the bullet by pirating both.
U need to see a doctor.
Less shilling more models fixing kurwaboy.
You've at least 200 IQ
Fuck yes.
Easy prey.
This is the best thing since skyrim
Yup, already have the money ready for it.
What is Fallout?
What if she falls against the window and it isn't properly secures and it breaks off the wall and she falls off the building?
Doesn't she realize that's dangerous?
They're not supposed to "feast" during the night. You're allowed to have light meals after sunset, that's about it. You can only feast when the whole thing is over. I know that some muslims will eat like there's no tommorow after sunset but that's not supposed to be the case.;
>he wasn't able to tell that fo4 and mea were garbage from the trailers/gameplay/reviews
you maybe didn't waste money, but you wasted something more important, your time
Good riddance.
She doesn't look like that in game, but in that trailer she looks like that. It's bizarre.
>Yea Forums is angry about having MORE character customization options
I don't get it. Like, how can you actually be angry at having more options? Its not like someone is forcing you to create a character like that.
We're yet to see the full character creator. Might be something shitty like Cowadoody and Anthem where you just have a bunch of ugly presets.
>not just modding the models to suit your tastes
lazy piece of shit
>not just creating your own game
Millennial I swear to god.
What's the point when you don't even get to see your character 99% of the time.
I get they're going for "muh immersion", but I don't think a Deus Ex like conversation system would detract much from the experience.
I'm more than happy to mod the game if it does indeed have modding tools.
>What's the point
Why does it make you angry if it literally doesn't make a difference to you?
It doesn't make me angry, I would just prefer being able to see my character more. And it makes me wonder why they even bother with a seemingly fairly elaborate character creation system.
Yeah it sucks but it'll have photo mode so we'll be able to look at our character at any moment. Maybe we even get 3rd person mods seeing how the animations and models are most likely rendered despite being in 1st person.
If that's possible, any animations there might be will probably be shit. I'm still convinced they went with fp only because they know that tp animations aren't their strong suit to begin with so they might as well save the development time needed for all those animations.
>I'm still convinced they went with fp only because they know that tp animations aren't their strong suit to begin with so they might as well save the development time needed for all those animations.
Yep that's definitely the reason despite the "immersion" spiel. Also the fact that you'll be in tight corridors a lot and designing that type of level to accommodate 3rd person would be taxing.
But I heard this game will maybe have multiplayer elements. If that's the case then there's a possibility that they'll at least have serviceable 3rd person animations. Not saying it'll be the most optimal way of playing all the time but switching from time to time just to roam around or shoot low level mooks might be nice. For example Halo 5 has 3rd person mods on the PC and they look pretty alright since it's a MP game with fleshed out animations.
>buying games
Hell yes, my favorite aesthetic of all time is 80s scifi and this is the first AAA Cyberpunk game with that look. Frankly I cannot be more excited for this game and I will even pre load it which isnt something ive ever done but did consider for DOOM. I love the feeling of spending $60 on a really good game, last couple I proudly bought at full price and didnt regret
>Xcom 2
>X4 Foundations
Who else here /actuallyhasafuckingjob/
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the reddit club's two blocks down.
I need friends, maybe I should make a fucking account.
>I'm still convinced they went with fp only because they know that tp animations aren't their strong suit to begin
Why would that be the reason when they've done nothing but TPP games in their existence and Witcher 3 had good TPP animations?
1st person really does help with immersion in a lot of ways. Or at least that type play style.
With 1st person, when I interact with things, it feels like interacting with then, in 3p game i just run my character face first into things and spam x, which always feels awkward.
I think if you're developing an interesting cyberpunk world, you'd want people to be able to look at things and interact with them in first person, especially the every day things like looking at posters or the fun little objects around the city. in 1p it really feels like you're looking at them, in 3p you're just being force fed everything on the screen at once and it detracts from some of that.
>Witcher 3 had good TPP animations
Post yfw the game releases this year and is actually quite alright
From the primordial ooze of neuromancer, you retard. It was written back when the whole JAPAN STRONG tech boom was making everyone shit their bricks because the nips were wrecking everyone with high tech wizardry.
And then their economy shit itself and everyone went back to their coke
>Witcher 3 had good TPP animations
I like tw3, but Geralt's animations are just "okay". Shit often gets quite jankey as well. Look at something like MGS or Uncharted for great tp animations.
I don't mind they're going fp only though.
Yes. I liked most of the Witcher 3, and I really loved both the DLCs which are honestly better than the main game.
I really hope it won't have crazy performance issues though. I could see a dense city with a ton of good quality NPC models fucking chugging at points
>press B to skip
don't you have articles to write for oneangrygamer
>creator of Cyberpunk is black
>don't want blacks in a Cyberpunk game
Good luck
It's going to be alright. Same way most best selling AAA games are alright. That's not really a good thing.
No, most AAA games are dogshit. An AAA game being alright would be a massive step-up from the current state.
>wouldn't that be gross haha
Prune Juice.
>However if they release Japanese dub like they did for The Witcher 3 and if it ends up being popular in Japan and Korea
kek what the fuck
>t.former Muslim who still fasts because I'm used to it.
Sure Ahmed, totally not because your family would stop seeing you if you did that
>unironic haha posters exist in real life
This is terrifying.
The game is going to vaporware or a mess.
I really dislike the voice actress for female V. Honestly I kinda dislike every voice actor in this game so far and the writing is really cringe inducing. Japanese dub would make it much more tolerable. It'd bring back Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Bubblegum Crisis memories. Japanese dub also salvaged Skyrim for me on repeat playthroughs.
>Japanese dub would make it much more tolerable
Classic Yea Forums
I wholeheartedly agree
Only if I can opt out of sex and deny advances on me. I love shutting women down, whores hate it when a good looking man denies them.
The first "haha" was unironic my dude. We meme about it to deal with the hauntings.
how can they be so fucking based
Why are you playing the witcher 3 in japanese user?
WTF I was gonna post the exact same pic with the exact same text just now.
Damn those feet look great. Best modeled feet I seen to date
>milk an already dry series some more
Too long, bony, discolored and gritty desu.
CDPR are footfags. TW3 also had oddly detailed feet.
I've hear stories of old polish devs who started working at CDPR when they were making the witcher 1 who, by the end of the witcher 3, couldn't stand the witcher saga as they had been working on it their whole career. It went so bad that they went to create thronebreaker as some kind of relief project for devs who burned-out during TW3 it probably also had to do with CDPR being, it seems, a terrible workplace
switching to an other franchise was the best thing to do at this point, even though I'd like to see Geraldo making a return at some point in the future
Dubfags are the fucking worst.
>straight edge
unironically closet tranny
I wonder if they change based on your characters height or weight. Now that would be pretty revolutionary.
oh deary me.
excited to Make XJ9 and go on all sorts of robot adventures.
Full body conversion confirmed unattainable for the player
TW3 starts with Geralt's soles in your fucking face
you tellin me I can't go full chrome??? what kkind of bullshit is that???
I need to see evidence that I can change that fucking horrible haircut first. Fuck side-shaves to hell.
Nah, you can go full chrome. It was confirmed.
well in the showing they did behind closed doors plenty of Journos and such said they started with a Character Creator screen
So it is written.
Witcher has a character creator too but you can't change Geralt's looks at all, only skills.
the game looks to have a VERY heavy focus on you Style and Reputation, so new clothes, accessories and hair seem like a given. Just from the fact you can be Male or Female is a good sign you can make V however you want Him/Her.
You can find said gameplay demo on Youtube, you know.
>Witcher has a character creator too
No it doesnt what the fuck