So, what was his deal?

So, what was his deal?
What was he consuming?

Attached: Oceiros_DS3_Artbook.jpg (1357x1027, 127K)

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he was consumed by madness you pepega

deez nuts

go back

t. Pepega

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Tbh I sort of get why they cut out the baby. Bit of a shift from the rest of the game to suddenly introduce infants getting crushed.

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>ywn have a loving dragon daddy

Attached: no wan kill.png (400x440, 208K)

DS3 and Bloodborne concept art is gorgeous

Yeah, but isn't caring for a baby really hard? I mean a baby needs care 24/7? Did he have milk tits or what?
And where did he throw out the diapers?
What was his tax policy as a king?

Attached: fragezeichen.jpg (377x561, 59K)

>The Consumed King
>"What was he consuming?"

Best boss in the Souls series (no, Bloodborne and Sekiro aren't Souls games or even related). The music is incredible and chilling, and the baby crying freaks me out.


*gronk slam*

sneeeeeiiiggg :DDDD

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you are actually supposed to see ocelot in his hands, its one of the things they decided to cut for some reason

Attached: ocelot.jpg (590x332, 112K)

It was supposed to be there, but censorship did its work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Regulations. You shouldn't be putting scenes of children dying or the ability to kill infant NPCs.

Man, just imagine turning yourself into a dragon like that. How would it even feel?

Wait so was his dialogue changed after they realized they had to cut Ocelot out? Is there any indication what his dialogue was before the change?

Painful. He's lucky he didn't turn into one of those freaks in the dungeon, but he's not much better. Who were the knight and dragon he had hidden behind the door? Was Oceiros interrogating them to find Archdragon peak?

He fucked Gwynevere and had 3 kids.

before or after he turned into a dragon

Before but i wouldnt be surprised if he some of the weird shit he did contributed to her absence. Lothric is a sickly little shit who can barely move and Lorian is a literal giant. And thats not getting into Ocelotte.

in the datamined build with ocelot, he doesn't have any voice lines. It doesn't change much though, as in game it's still like he's clutching something and he still slams it into the ground, they've just mad it so either the baby is invisible or was never really there to begin with.

He's one of the first bosses made for the game, his original name was "Angel Dragon" before they changed the plot to make it more palatable for DS1tards

edgelords seething

>alien baby that's part dragon
>gets smashed by insane father
>this is grosser then anything in the entirety of BB

Considering it's during a fucking BOSS FIGHT I doubt most people would even be getting the best view of the bab smash. Seeing the baby at the start only to realize that he completely destroyed it in a fit of rage, is way better then him cradling NOTHING and smashing NOTHING.