ITT: times you acted like the joker in games
ITT: times you acted like the joker in games
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it's funny because only criminal lunatics hate nazis
why does he look like inspector gadget
How long have you tried to make this joke stick here?
Cringe and bluepilled.
itt: times you acted like a redditor on Yea Forums
This is SJWism
>tfw you try to join the SS but the fuhrer friendzones you
Joker is evidently cringe and bluepilled.
Anyone remember that comic panel where all the super vilains show up to pay respects at 9/11?
And Dr. Doom fuckin' cries.
I cry everytime.
Like, MAYBE I can get Magneto being there, but the rest of them? Good gravy.
i mean what did you expect OP, hes an AMERICAN lunatic, you really think joker would give a shit about germany
jesus christ this can't be real.
those villians are probably responsable for even MORE deaths than 9/11,the virtue-signaling is amazing, this is just as bad as that fucking SJW arc in Crossed Badlands.
how fucking stupid are comic book writers holy shit
Kingpin is the only one that makes sense since despite being a mobster he probably cares about his city. Magneto couldn't give two shits about humans dying and I have no idea why fucking Doom would care.
Are they crying over 9/11 ?
Maybe they are against the concept of religion and terrorism? But yeah, these people tear down buildings for fun.
>fucking SJW arc in Crossed Badlands
Excuse me what, what the hell is SJW shit doing in crossed
everything past the Silver age has been retarded.
im kinda happy that manga is kept in this perpetual state of golden age where Shonenshit and Seinen reign supreme without having to shoehorn politics.
westacuck comics are embarrassing
Conceivably some mutants died in 9/11, so Magneto might care about that. Does Magneto give a shit about Jewish humans?
i literally have no words to describe what happens in that arc, but i can tell you it is 100% one of the most retarded/worse arcs in the entire run of Badlands, and Badlands had a shitload of trash.
also there are 0 crossed on that Arc,like, literally none.
this' got to be ironic right? did they suddenly lose all selfawareness or someshit?
do your research. in the early 90s during a crossover between X-force and spider-man, the WTC was established as being a place for mutant relations.
Magneto would mourn the deaths of his brethren since the WTC was a mutant safe space in universe.
youre right about kingpin though. glad Yea Forums isnt always retarded,
Dr. Doom doesn't kill people for no reason. Doom simply wants to rule the world with a an iron fist becasue he sees himself as a savior.
crossed turned into an sjw allegory. I always hated the series but I thought it tried to hard to be edgy but then they threw in virtue signaling and it got really retarded.
sO mUcH fOr ThE tOlErAnT lEfT
At the very least, Manga series usually have an end. Comic characters you love just get their corpses dragged across time and space until the characters on the pages have no resemblance to the characters you once loved.
Fedora tip to you too mlady
I swear, Americans are the most pathetic humans of shits in the world. A couple of hundred people die in a terrorist attack and it is the WORST thing in the world. Meanwhile, millions in Europe were literally gasses, shot, murdered and executed to death. In Russia millions of people starved in frozen wastes of Siberia. In China, in order to progress their country millions died as working-slaves. And not to mention Japan, with 2 bombs nuking innocent people by America.
I fucking hate America so much. Your country will fail in time. Hopefully, when I am an old man at 80 or so. And when it does, cause it will. I will die with a big fat grin on my self. America is dead.
lol epic twitter meme!
Is this what would’ve happened to pikachu when he was threatened with a stapler
God I'm so fucking happy to be an American. Yes keep pouring the resentment lesser being.
>implying 9/11 had no reason to happen
hello there goym.
It's because we don't find that concept acceptable, trash
It's OK, user. We know you really meant to say Islam, and everyone would agree with you.
is she nailing him with a fuckin stapler?
I'm not sure it's possible to die with that...
Keep eating our shit third worlder.
chick needs to get raped baka
at the moment when it happened it seemed mindless.
its not like osama and his group jumped on tv that same day and said they did it, that happened a while later.
It was more like 3,000. And it was shocking precisely because that kind of violence is extremely foreign to us unless we're perpetrating it on ourselves, in which case, it's a mental health issue.
dialate more tranny
>In Russia millions of people starved in frozen wastes of Siberia. In China, in order to progress their country millions died as working-slaves.
>Implying somebody cares about this in Europe.
I'm sorry user, now Communism = Good.
This is an example of a post made by either someone who is underaged, or someone who is desperately trying to fit in.
she was also raped multiple times for what appears to be months and was only fed crackers and smokes.
she's saved by a gay couple.
Magneto would probably see the terrorists' hatred towards another race as hitting too close to the Holocaust.
Kingpin loves New York.
Doom...he's probably just mad someone did it before he could.
she was, see >at the moment when it happened it seemed mindless.
just like Doom destroying the Multiverse.
America will be remembered as a country that failed. A country that was raped by bourgeois capitalists. Real countries like Russia and China will inherent the world. Why? Because you Americans only understand one things. Individualism. You have no concept of progress, ambition or excellence. All you care about are yourselves to the detriment of yourself, which is the ironic part. And yet, you are proud of it. Hilarious.
bit much for a comic book
You just know that faggot got bullied on Twitter.
but twitter is tranny central
Fuck off.
Eh, buddhishm has done some terrible shit too but yeah I meant islam.
>Real countries like Russia
not american but yikes, imagine being a commie and being proud of that.
>America will be remembered as a country that failed. [...] Real countries like Russia and China
If this isn't bait you're a dumb motherfucker
for once, boco is pretty based.
cant believe the anons in this thread posted less intelligent posts than Boco.
Make me you pasty bug eyed fedora totin retard
it's never shown though.
My favorite part is that juggernaut had collapsed the WTC previously
I have no memes or a face to describe my outmost disgust
good thing I don't read these garbage
>noo someone called me a talentless social justice warrior on the internet reeee! i'm going to write a shitty comic about it! me strong womyn!
more like
>times you acted like the gamer in jokes
yknow, like, someone tells a joke, and you start shitting your pants and crying because gamers are all sensitive little crybabies
imagine if a woman told the joke
incel suicide rate 100%
There was actually a comic where Magneto and Red Skull fucking TEAM UP.
Anyone with a basic understanding of comics should know how fucking retarded that is.
yes, yes very sad. 9/11 make me cry
Buddy. If you think this country isn't taking everybody else down with it when it collapses, you're in for a rough surprise.
that sounds fucking awful. keep things a fantasy. no one wants to see dr doom cry for fuck sake.
yeah theres no denying that, he indirectly caused the incursions despite trying to stop it. no one said doom is good.
hes still human, of course once in awhile hes gonna feel sad or angry over things you wouldnt expect.
do you want your villains to be mindless edgelords? i thought people hated bland villains.
although to be fair i feel like Red Skull clapped on 9/11 if that makes you happy Yea Forums, the man literally hates america
Of course 9/11 is worse then all that, who cares about a bunch of subhumans killing and raping eachother in 3rd world countries like Europe.
Is this Crossed?
As much as I would love to echo this sentiment; I feel the need to correct it. Joker only feels this way because he is a chaotic evil and red skull is a lawful evil and if there is anything chaotic evils hate, it's petty moral justifications (no matter where they fall on the spectrum).
can we even tell who's jewing who anymore?
this was during acts of vengeance.
when he realized that red skull was the same red skull from WWII, he proceeded to bury him alive and torture his mind.
Jesus christ people read this? My asshole cringed so hard its up to my elbows
>do you want your villains to be mindless edgelords?
Doom was the DEFINITION of mindless edglord, what the fuck are you on about? stop trying to defend this shit.
white jihad now, fellow kek
I was talking more about the writer who wrote this tripe.
FUCK I love it. FEED me you poorfag asspain. roll around covered in shit screaming AMERICANS AMERICANS like a good little piggy because it's all you can do while we keep exploiting you for more wealth
>Magneto would probably see the terrorists' hatred towards another race as hitting too close to the Holocaust.
Or to himself
I hate the comics and capeshit industry so god damn much.
yup, the second last arc in Badlands.
don't read Badlands nor +100, both are trash.
reminder that the only people mad about japan getting nuked arent Japanese. Get fucked faggot. Japan had it coming. I guess you would of preferred an invasion of japan which would of cost more lives or china or russia installing faggy communism instead. I can't wait for the libs to win and you all end up in the fucking gulags.
I'm pretty sure that was a different one.
There was one where they team up, just because "wouldn't it be cool".
" know... for the robbing"
"A little prison time will be good for me and Crusher"
Jesus Christ I can't even imagine how fucking stupid the person writing this must be
Joke’s on you I pirate all media
It's like third worlders are literally retarded. Every fucking nation in the world cares more about the wrongs that happened to their own people than whatever happens anywhere else.
I shouldn't even give you a (You) you cocksucking shitpile
>Doom was the DEFINITION of mindless edglord
...this is bait right?
If he's going through another one of his "not a bad guy" phases, sure.
Comics, especially capeshit, have always been cringy trash. Literally the only western comics i've managed to read without having to quit from excessive cringe are transmetropolitan and the filth.
Its a shame the west never had anything like gekiga and instead were just like LOL DRUGS AND SEX WITH SUPERHEROES.
parts of this are, well, not good per se, but an interesting angle to take the conversation, then the rest is just trash, or incomprehensible.
What is this "using fiminist as a four letter word" shit? What's with the meme-tier stereotyping of a sexist, when you can find much more nuanced, and therefore, more convincing strawmen to attack?
Well yeah but Doom's annual death toll is probably greater than 9/11. Plus, even if he did care and didn't just see it as an opportunity, how do you cry over dead bodies when you've personally fried people with lightning a thousand times?
I don't know how to break this to you but to tell you that Russia is a capitalist country and so is China.
you know the US intentionally got the japan to attack them
it was planned from the start and then they nuked two cities of innocent civilians
>buddhishm has done some terrible shit too
Yeah, but that's all in the past. They eventually mellowed out like most other religions and are peaceful now.
What matters is who's still stirring up shit nowadays.
So I'm not they only one who feels this way?
I honestly can't tell which memes belong to who anymore.
Didn't this comic bomb pretty hard?
This post stinks of butthurt.
I literally have to come to america this summer to act as a bodyguard because your country is so unsafe.
>b-b-b-but the countryside
the only difference is its a white heroin addict and not a black crackhead trying to murder you for loose change
There are other comics that did rape in a much worse way user, that's nothing new
the east is weird too.
did you know Mimi from digimon helped rescue people on 9/11?
a nice gesture, but a strange one.
>I was working with a nazi
WTF was Joker involved in the american space program
>that's for saying feminist like a 4 letter word
Who the fuck talks like this
oh god please dont remind me of this. why did he love writing shit like this
comics are selling like hot trash since these retarded f*male writers and s o o ylent dumbasses got jobs as writers/artists at Marvel/DC
lol keep seething Mahmut
>Absorbing man
Any of you faggots who call me a weeb and shit on Japanese stuff should never fucking speak again
read the last panel and youll probably get why
oh hey, a hero from the original series trying to save people, that's not at all a retarded comparison!
This shit is hilariously bad. I can't imagine the beta virgin who feels threatened by this.
How do you manage to remain obese while addicted to heroin, jethro?
>I literally have to come to america this summer to act as a bodyguard because your country is so unsafe
>the country is already full of ex military, retired "private contractors", retired law enforcement, and everything else under the sun with a gun and they need some literal who from another country
not even trying lmao
Buddhism is a scam but I can't think of any large scale political harm its done. Confucianism, Islam, and meter maids are the enemies of humanity, tho
Doom is basically the God Emperor of Mankind.
He cares about humanity as a species but not as individuals unless they are supremely competent
You uh got any more of this?
Not so much threatened, but wouldn't it piss you the fuck off if you paid money for this concept only to get girl power garbage out of it?
I looked it up. It's asinine
>The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English-language words written with four letters which are considered profane,
Imagine being this stupid. Imagine ignoring every crime statistic available and overriding it with anecdotal experiences, and truly believing that you are right. Imagine being a non-American and trying to tell Americans about their own country.
It's like poetry
The point is kind of valid, but is ruined by >stupid
nobody bought it and it was cancelled so i don't think there was a single beta virgin threatened.
Somebody post Iceman """coming out"""
I eat actual food and live the good life instead of fasting for some retarded moon god and beheading infidels after they invite me to their country ahaha
Based and Godpilled.
People who enjoy capeshit deserve it, to be desu.
>hurr durr she has sex problem but rape fixed it so all is good
What was he thinking?
>executed to death.
Is there a way to execute someone without Killing them? Is that some kind of European thing?
user, imagine paying money for that comic and getting several pages of virtue signalling instead of anything of actual substance.
>our STUPID gender constructs
i bet you the tranny that wrote this was seething uncontrollably and probably took a week off to dilate.
...was i saying it was bad?
all i said was it is strange. there is no denying that this is just as strange as it is for Yea Forums that the villains cried on 9/11 for some reason.
the most chad way to address 9/11 is to pull a drakengard and make an ending like ending E
That's because you live in the west. In Asia Buddhist terrorism is just as bad as Islamic.
>Could have been totally valid because the race could be asexual or some shit
>Instead cry about "muh gender constructs"
why the fuck would Thor, God of Thunder and prince(ss) of Asgard talk about "feminism" to some random thug?
Saving this pasta, thanks.
Can't imagine actually paying for capeshit, sorry.
Literally the most dangerous country that isn't an african warzone lol.
No, I get what she was trying to say, that's just such an ass-backwards way of saying it.
A parasite can only live as long as its' host
>the most chad way to address 9/11 is to pull a drakengard and make an ending like ending E
based, my bad for the misunderstanding.
didn't dr doom become a good guy
like he's iron man now or something
also not video games
>"Look, all I know is that science says there are two genders. Not three, not one, but two; unless you consider science to be a "construct" too."
This is the best comic strip posted so far.
George Bush is a greater villain and he's real, unlike capeshit """heroes"'"
lol Britain is more violent than the USA
So you're saying you're an obese heroin addict? lmao
maybe if you had some religion in your life you'd be less degenerate
>Can't imagine actually paying for capeshit, sorry
Concept could literally apply to any media but I guess you think you're being snappy by saying you wouldn't pay for something because being poor is something that's lionized here.
Yeah. The problem with all of these kinds of books and how they push this stuff is that they assume the reader is too stupid to into context. It comes off less snarky and more intelligent if she brought up that they couldn't be certain since he wasn't the same as them. That would contextualize the message they are trying to shove in your face in that panel.
>Not only 1 tower
This isn't balanced
>Comics, especially capeshit, have always been cringy trash. Literally the only western comics i've managed to read without having to quit from excessive cringe are transmetropolitan and the filth.
How do you get through Japanese content?
that Arc was the most based thing in Badlands.
Indie games saved the video game industry (wouldnt even play games anymore if werent for them)
Indie comics must save the comic industry
good thing i don't live there, then
also, no, london's crime rate surpassing new york's doesn't make it more violent, it means your country is so messed up its used as a barometer for violence
So you admit to being a wifebeating, child-raping muslim zealot? lol
No wonder you infest western countries, you are like a parasite that feeds on liberal handouts lol
Just like my doujins.
how the fuck do people actually enjoy comics what the fuck
Hey you forgot my post for some reason user.
don't leave me out
Not ironic, but actually self-aware.
I'm not sure why people always lose their shit over this page, I think some just want an excuse to take a swipe at Americans over the smallest shit.
JMS and JRJR outright admitted it wasn't made to make sense or a statement, it was a pat on the back piece for themselves and readers in between their animal totem people eating vampires story.
Most didn't even like it, but they just turned the pages and carried on, others seem to be stuck here for some reason.
This is just the usual power fantasy within the usual power fantasy.
>good thing i don't live there, then
In what third world country do you live in then lol
>lmao imma hit u anyway
Aren't these faggots always bitching about police brutality.
Rich people didn't get rich by wasting their money. Considering you actually are poor, the concept of frugality is probably lost on you. Go watch the Avengers, buy $10 popcorn and don't forget to buy the latest Marvel comic.
>they reused the same drawing of docock
Comics are a dead Medium, all hail Manga.
>just as bad
Fuck outta here, mudslime.
Those kinds of comics have fucked up sexual themes user
>So you're saying you're less than human
>One American life is worth more than the millions of any other country.
You forget the whole USA #1 mentality.
They're all brainwashed. You can't blame them.
By reading good shit.
Hey buddy I read this post millions of times here from people who think they're getting rich by saving 120$ a month on video games.
You're not moving up an income bracket by not buying a 5$ comic.
You're not fooling anyone.
You're not brave or rich.
you dumb nigger, expecting anything on Yea Forums to actually show a good part of a medium was your first mistake. Plenty of individual runs are really good. Plenty of events are good, and very little of it is both bad, AND still around. Fem-Thor was cancelled because it wasn't good, and therefore, wasn't read. If the comic is good, or fun, then it stays. Same thing with videogames
Hating Nazis because you're an American is based
Hating "Nazis" because they are anything to the right of Bernie is cringe
>there are people out there that unironically consume capeshit
Jesus, after looking at shit like this, why?
but manga are japanese comics
I want Captain Marvel femdom.
I thought buddhists were detached from this world
>third world country
lol i said i don't live in the uk, keep up chump
based kike lover
>Dude I beat people to death and even raped a crippled woman, but at least I'm not a racist.
I wish you the best, man.
That cuts deep user.
>Getting triggered by jokes
Just engage with the content. It won’t hurt.
lol i ignored you because the idea of hiring an american is completely fucking insane when the whole reason is to protect ourselves from americans
Imagine being a comic fanatic, having read every strip created, just for pink haired thots to ruin their hobby with SJW shit.
God bless anime.
get cucked britbongs
You did not answer my question yet, Ahmed
Can't go on about that imaginary portfolio now?
Gee golly that sucks
oh fuck me wot?
This cant be real
>hating Nazi's means you automatically don't hate Jews
You're just like the kind of people who call me a Muslim for saying I hate Israel. Kill yourself.
In case you are wondering, she is wielding EXCALIBUR, I'm not making this up
You can hate both kikes and nazis user. Commies and mudslimes too.
>kike lover
strong words from netanyahu's personal cocksleeve
all you right wing morons are the fucking same
You obviously don't live in a first world country so what third world country do you live in
It's so good it was referenced in Marvel Heroes when they made Doom playable
I still miss it
Here is, presumably, the original Captain Britain. I don't know exactly what that book is from the (you)'d post, but it might be an all girl team-up book. Look's like shit though, mostly because establishing character strength with
>muh stronger than anyone else before
is always a cringe-alert
Looks like I stirred the conservacuck hornet nest
Finally a realistic depiction of modern day England.
>God bless anime.
>he doesn't know
im so sorry user...
Trump is a kike puppet, nice try.
Joke's on you nigger, I'm an anarchist.
>lazy cpt america reskin
honestly the other one is better
Rich people don't lose all their money and become poor because they bought 5$ comic poorfag
So you're not coming here this summer and protecting yourself from americans now? Must be a translation error, right? haha
Here let me make this hole a little faster for you.
Whoever started the trend of “literally the same character as before but now they’re a woman or a minority” needs to fucking die
>durr Thor and Loki are girls now just cuz lol
I split my time between the netherlands and luxembourg, if you must know.
I'm completely ok with characters being overpowered as shit because of Excalibur, and even being a woman. I just don't have any confidence she's written in an endearing way. You could make an interesting story with a muslim immigrant that becomes that swords new owner, but American comic writers are just woefully inadequate.
Never once mentioned my portfolio or my income, all I said was that I couldn't imagine paying money for something like capeshit. Again, I wish you the best in life.
>this whole thread
supersons was the only comic I read but it was axed for some reason