Melee or magic?

melee or magic?

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Depends on the game

any Dragon Age would have to be magic because the melee is retardedly bad

melee since 8/10 times games is garbo

>Battle ... Mage

Attached: for fucks sake.jpg (306x306, 20K)

I don't know what's cooler. Using your mind and learning to create literal miracles or swinging a metal stick around.

depends on the game
i prefer magic, but if it's something like dark souls i'll go melee because magic just makes it easy and boring

¿Por qué no los dos?


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Not enough games have legit fun magic. I like magic to be chaotic and fucking weird, something you can experiment with to get different effects you have to be clever enough to use in an offensive capacity. Sadly, most games turn magic into a form of elemental archery and thats fucking gay. If the magic system is shitty, I have more fun using fuckhueg hammers to overwhelm defenses. Haha fuk yer shield kind of play style.

>manipulative magic/status effects
>every tough enemy is immune to it

Dark souls 2 had the best magic in the series unironically.
Ultimate apocalypse mod in skyrim is amazing too.
Morrowind and oblivion allows you to craft spells, but most of the time the fun il less about makin it do particular things and insteam min/maxing his propeties to do what you want to do for your build.

>using cowardly magic in any game instead of honorable, traditional physical skills

Wouldn't be surprised if you play as filthy elves as well

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Classic tactics should be obsolete into an high fantasy setting anyway, if you want to be a a tradition meele class it should be inevitable for you to have enchanted equipment or alchemy skills so that you have an edge aganist mages and other arcane enemies.

>posts a picture of a crusader
>he isn't a minmaxed battlecleric that can bust heads with the best of them while keeping his allies' HP topped up all while he spreads the will of his god
you continue to disgrace me


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magic 8/10 times since melee is usually implemented like shit or has hurdles magic doesn't with shit like accuracy

Take Still Spell. Get into melee range. Grapple opponent. Cast Meteor Swarm on yourself. Tank it. Give no fucks.

If it's a wrpg, magic, because none of them can make a melee combat worth of a shit.

Wood elf Archer. It's not as honorable as melee but more so than magic, still requires physical skills & reflexes

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>Not utilizing both

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Can i use crossbow?

(basicly the closest thing to a sniper rifle in medieval times , as far as i know)

Holy shit this

based conjurerbro

>swinging a metal stick around
>not being the very definition of skill and grace

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You made your metal stick gay so now it's cool? I think not.

based battlemage chad

obviously melee

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how big is the stick and can you tear big monster limbs asunder?

martial prowess and brute strength over cowardly cantrips and parlor tricks, any day of the week.

Plus that choice of fullplate/halfplate/chainmail over fruity bedazzled bathrobes, although I like pointy mage/witch hats.

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>no melee magic

>mordhau executioners sword customized
That will be 10k gold credits

battle axe

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As much as I hate meleetards I'm sure casters and warriors can all agree that faggot battlemages (any variety) are giga cringe and that no they should all fuck off.

Melee AND magic while also using bows and summoning minions.

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More wine, your grace?

Melee always wins baby

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This is an incredibly based post.

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And he makes for a nice sword.

Stealth Archer.

Wtf, that is awesome


>all this class mixing

Disgusting degeneracy

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melee magic


>*tanks u with my heavy armor*
>*kites u with my long range magic*
what now, melee-only peasant

Yeah each character has one or more itemized weapon with a unique model for both their melee and ranged options. Most of their strongest weapons have unique models. Joker's ultimate gun and knife look like overly edgy toys. Here's a thread with some of the others.

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Thanks user, i will use itemize more in the future

Magic is the patrician choice, it haves power beyond melee plebs hitting with big stick

>class mixing is disgusting
>posts a hybrid

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melee = swinging around a metal stick
magic = swinging around a wooden stick

which is why GUNS are the best

Peasant master race. Who wants to be some gay ass knight marching off to death just to secure an extra acre of land, or a virgin wizard locked in the king's tower all day?

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>2-handed weapon (pref. axe)

come at me

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guns = not even being allowed to swing around your metal stick

Both. Specialization is for insects. The real human is a renaissance man.

Magic for most jrpgs melee for wrpgs

>yes I lose at every range, how did you know?

How do manage your qs bullet supply?

literally nothing you can do will change the fact that magic >> swords
the end of every warriors journey is respeccing into a spellcasting warrior class

I like to focus on gun, survival and repair

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>this thread

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>make jack of all trades
>rage quit half way through because i deal no damage

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>Why yes, I make sure to put 1 point in every stat upon level up. How did you know?

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Magic melee
>tfw monk

>Abilities that you wish you had in real life.

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based and tomepilled

Whatever the game is meant to be beaten with.
For example, Dark Souls is created with melee in mind and left magic for shitters who want an easy mode.

Melee with buff and healing spells

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>asshole slaps my gf's ass
>shield bash him
>deal two automatic critical hits and proc corpathus

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Reactor core chan

the only acceptable magic is "divine" blessing from a higher being. So a cleric knight crushing skulls and giving buffs via the will of God is fine.

Anything that degenerates into ranged attacking is crossing the line into corwardly pussyhood.

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>ctr+f rogue
>0 results


>Implying paladins aren't cleric/warrior hybrids.

Dual Shielding.

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This guy.
He knows.

>the end of every warriors journey is respeccing into a spellcasting warrior class
Fuck that.

guys i've got a great idea for a tv show what if we had an all star cast of genuinely great actors and then kill them off constantly for shock value and replace them with worse actors from shows like hollyoaks and eastenders

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Melee magic

>Playing games with "Classes"
Disgusting. Melee Tremere masterrace.

>posts cleric/knight mix


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Do you guys ever summon demons just to have someone to talk to?

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the idea that theres magic, monsters, and other crazy shit but this one badass can just stomp through with a sword or whatever




> Nothing scream more than being a pain in the ass by making your opponent fight against multiple bosses at the same time

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lmao wtf is going on here

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*fix the economy




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Why do clerics get portrayed more like battle mages with divine magic rather than pure casters like a wizard, just with divine magic.

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yer too fat for yer armor

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Melee, all the way. Sorcery is for limp wristed groids.

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because every spell they cast is "yo god can you do somethin kthx"
They probably can't keep doing this all the time because they'd piss the deity off by constantly asking them to do shit for them

>all thess melee niggers claiming wizards are cowards
Whose more cowardly, the man who wheres heavy armor and dumps points into health, or the wizard who dies in a single hit but still chooses to fight?


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>all melee uses heavy armor
And here I was, thinking you nerds had high INT

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You're right, wizards are just plain dumb when you put it like that.


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clerics, warrior clerics have often gone through great hardship. They've proven themselves via sheer determination & faith to be worthy of being a divine beings influence in the world.

They were not born special, their abilities are a testament to their willpower and believe in their God. The believe they fighting for whats right and the termination to see it through even at their own demise. It's a constant struggle, as soon as their belief falters, so does their god given abilities.

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this is amazing, I cant imagine how long this took to draw



>Implying you can't boost your body with magic


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>having to boost your body in the first place


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Well, I have fun using lightning bolts to overwhelm defenses. Bring on the elemental archery, I say, though I don't mind there being more indirect stuff for people who like to use magic that way.

natural gains > magical gains

>tfw just want to be a posh noble duelist but the rapier in mordhau is overpowered as shit so everyone hates you

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I have yet to play a single game where pure magic is any fun much less better than melee.

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He sure went full DBZ on Nighthold

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Fuck mages, fuck elves and fuck goblins or beastmen races. I hate them.

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>D&D concepts

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>I have yet to play a single game where pure magic is any fun much less better than melee.
t. didn't play a single rpg

i played many